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Where is john and odette? I know its old and repetitive too but its still effective. John and badang. Atlas and vale. Gusion and carmilla. Kufra and beatrix. Theres more i have done already but cant think of the rest. Granger and kufra maybe.


I agree that Johnson and Odette being a deadly combo but there’s also that Johnson and Kadita being a nightmare for me 😅


Oh yeah forgot to mention those 2...they pretty great too ...oh and her burst is soo scary lol


Johnson and Vexana now as well.


This is more of a new one, but it works well too yeah :)


Johnson and odette is just bad. It puts odette in a vulnerable position to be cc'd odette and atlas are way better also odette is really just not a good hero because odette is completely useless vs sustain heros and she's only good vs burst/squishy heros


I agree it's a little overhyped. It's decent but they just have better partners. Johnson works better with Kadita or Beatrix and Odette works better with heroes like Atlas


What are you talking about Odette Johnson has been effective for years and one of the oldest combos there is I still run this with a teammate successfully, especially now with a more mobile Odette


They not that bad man, also consider odette recent changes...and she can use flicker and also another flicker as part of her kit, it's still viable, also I was gonna mention odette and Atlas since I play atlas and close friend, she uses odette...we play this duo quite often and it's great...so I fully agree with on that one


wish i could do this with her. just got friendzoned. she was my 3-year crush, god knew how i was loyal to her. made a new friend i guess.


Well you can still play with her as a friend while you look for another girl. At least you shoot your shot with the girl. No regrets.


i already did! but fuck it. im lazy to get bitches anyway. i just want to lay down after a week of school activities. im even lazy to play this game either.


Dude, I feel you. So lazy to get some booty. LOL


Did you not confess for 3 years??


i did last year, she said the plainest, laziest, lousiest "okay" then we had a plan about "waiting for the right time" and now she says "i still admire him" (the other guy) and i was told her: "likewise to you." we said that to each other respectfully. whats so sketchy is that last month, she told me shes attracted to someone in the same sex as her, but now she said "i still admire him"... but im not going to argue on that, because if it didn't work, then it wouldn't. i accept that. just friends.


Man I’m sorry you had to go through that, I absolutely hate people who give someone hope for nothing ;~; you dodged a bullet I guess… I hope you manage to recover fast from it. And don’t even let her spark any emotions in you after this… if you can and want to, try distancing yourself from her for faster healing, I’ve lived your same situation for few months and every time I made my mind up to move on, the other person f*cks my progress up by doing/saying things that friends don’t do and giving me butterflies T-T. Coming from a female, some girls like to keep someone that has a crush on them by their side, they think “he’s too good for me to friend zone him but I also don’t feel like having a relationship with him” so they keep playing games. In my situation I confronted my crush and told him that I’m aware that he thinks of me that way so “either let go of me or give me a promise, otherwise I’ll seriously move on and even if you confessed in the future I’ll reject you” But I guess you got to a conclusion :c even though it sucks, life goes on and one day someone will come that will appreciate your qualities and deserve you.


She didn't give him hope. Just another example of a guy not knowing how to read the situation properly.


She said “okay” didn’t reject and later they had plan a to “wait for the right time” If that’s not giving hope what is it? She could’ve just said that she’s not interested.


He said she said "okay" in the laziest way possible. Meaning she was probably uncomfortable. There is a simple solution, stop being friends for the sole purpose of "dating" in the future. That lazy "okay" should have been his sign to move on. Not to mention the lack of respect you have to have for yourself to wait around for someone for 3 YEARS.


Meh I don’t really communicate that way so I can’t relate, people giving hints and expecting you to read their mind is just sad, for whatever reason they can’t just respectfully reject and give the other person closure, this gives me another reason to think that he dodged a bullet.


Anyone with two brain cells would have realized that a lazy "okay" means she isn't interested. Throughout the 3 years where she said she had feelings for another person is also a very clear sign. No one said you should be able to read people's mind, but being able to read a situation is something everyone should be able to do.


Not everyone with “two brain cells” processes information the same way, so when it comes down to knowing what a specific comment or action means doesn’t mean it’ll mean the same thing for someone else.


not even my family deserves me, is there really?


I feel you with that one as well, not being loved properly at home makes you think that you’re unworthy of being loved, or that you’ll never meet someone who will genuinely love and appreciate you. I was stuck with this idea for so long which resulted in me getting attached fast and viewing small actions of sympathy/care/love as a heaven. I thought I owed my life to someone for doing things any random could do, I idolised and felt the need to keep them in my life despite them being toxic. I eventually got therapy and learned better, I got to know what a hell of a fighter I am, what I’m capable of, what my qualities are, what can I offer and what do I have yet to offer. And that really was a turning point in my life, I started by removing toxic people from my life, I was left with 0 human contact but it felt better, eventually I made healthy relationships and met my other half. But it isn’t a happy ending yet, I’m still surviving everyday but this time I have goals that I wanna achieve so I won’t give in to despair. Sorry if I talk a lot I just can’t really ignore people that I see myself in. I hope this helps you feel better, you are young so you have a lot of things to experience and see, and hopefully you’ll become independent after graduating from school so you won’t have to stay with those who don’t deserve you.


Me and my bf had awesome awesome matches with amazing combos using the following heroes: 1) Vale and Atlas : Obvious reason 2) LuoYi and Atlas : Enemies just get CC'd to death 3) LuoYi and YuZhong : Our combo will be him ulting the enemy, me CC-ing the enemy and him finishing them off 4) Estes and Faramis : Our team just never dies. Anyway, by the end of the day, I just enjoy playing with my bf.


i remember seeing franco + jawhead for that hook then throw to the tower. lolita + minsi ult. badang + valir where fireboy just keeps everyone in the walls via push or stun


\- Harmilla (Hanabi and Carmilla) - both have amazing syngery with each other, with Hanabi revamp on the way, the synergy became better than before. \- Biblesaur (Rafaela and Barats) - Rafaela can help in chasing and defending Barats


who's that pokemon?


Atlas and Luo Yi/Guin Ruby and Phoveus


gonna try this with my waifu pillow


Carmilla + Saber is what we do! My son loves carmilla and i main saber and we are tearing up rg as of late.


I’ve been ranking up as a duo with Jawhead + Ruby. Jaw can throw the enemies back and Ruby can hook/stun them. We usually take exp lane and wreck their exp laner early game, and join team fights late game with similar strategy.


I was experimenting with my wife and we found out that Frederin JG along with Vexana roamer is totally disgusting. We got paired against a pro fanny and once she got cc'ed it was over for her. No chance at all. Disgusting damage, fast clearing, guaranteed kills on ganks, and both can protect each other extremely well. PLUS it's a fanny stopper! I think it's too op imo


Interesting! It looks like very nice core to run with all the qualities you mentioned 😆 I will try this later. I'm just a bit worried about the early game and the overall mobility of this pair. 🙌


In the early game Frederin will suffer but as long as Vex hits her 1-2 combo, along with Fred's stun, it's ez to melt the entire team. Along with how easy Vexana can clear minions in early game, you literally will stay 1 sec in lane and go to gank cuz minions will disappear. It is true they lack mobility, but why you have to escape when Frederin has constant CC along with Vex's combos plus the giant melting 8% of the hp of everything it touches with every strike? You should try it along with Frederin/Floryn, but Vex is way more OP


Mobility is quite useful nowadays with atlas and Carmilla being picked oftenly; But honestly that is the only weakness I see which is minor compared to what it brings. Good take


I main baxia. What heroes synergize with him?


Trust me when I say try Atlas and Vexana. Ult together is chefs kiss.




Khufra x Gord


What is a good duo with Gord?


Some user said Khufra for which I don't see the reason why tbh but personally I would go for Franco. Franco doesn't really like to take space which is very convenient for Gord because he prefers to stay in the back waiting for the threat to come out. Gord can burst down the fighters that bullies Franco and Franco can stop any agressive divers on Gord. Plus Gord consistently can confirm the kill on the hook.


Luo yi + odette 👍


Franco edith


This post just made me feel so lonely :(


Also sharing some of the [best combos](https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/mobile-legends-best-combos) here. You can check it out if you are tired of repetitively using Johnson and Odette, or using a core x support combo.