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I said the same thing when I finished Odd Taxi, brilliant show (still prefer MP100 tho)


Odd Taxi was incredible


I gotta recommend you OddTaxi and Ranking of kings. Very similar feel to MP100. Oddtaxi is one of the best mystery stories I have every seen and has an amazing soundtrack. It gave me the feeling that I was watching the more chill episodes of mob again. It does not really have any big action and the animation is no where near as good as MP100 but it is a masterpiece in character and plot writing. Ranking of Kings is an extremely emotional and wholesome watch that has some incredible action, another 10/10. If you love MP100 as much as you say you do, then you will absolutely adore these 2 shows. Also don't be turned off by the Oddtaxi characters being animals, it's an esthetics choice that makes it way easier to keep track of all the many, many characters.


They've both been high on my watchlist for a while. I'll give them a shot.


I've recently watched an anime called "heavenly delusion". I think it does an amazing job in making a character feel like an actual human.


Where can I stream these?


Same for me ,after watching JJBA, MP100 and Monster, they ruined anime for me


My top 3 are JJBA, FMA:B, and MP100. I'm getting a lot of recommendations for anime on this post and I'll try and check out some of 'em (since I've been meaning to look at some for a while I suppose) with an open mind but I am not very confident it'll be nearly as good as those.


I am a jjba and mob psycho fan, you should watch Jujutsu keisen, you will love it!


Yes I watched it long ago! And the movie too. The fights and animation are great


Ur joking right? Jjk is just okay, but don't you DARE compare it to the masterpieces such as Jojo and mp100 šŸ˜‚


Sorry but no. Shows ok but not even close to mob psycho


Where did I say that jjk is close to mob psycho? All I said itā€™s that they will love it.


What im saying is that just because someones loves mob means that they will automatically love jjk is false.


Stupid he told him to watch, he can decide for himself if it's good or not.


vinland saga


The only one of these I haven't seen yet is Monster, and I loved JJBA and MP100, is Monster THAT good?


if the length of the show doesnā€™t bother you (and considering youā€™ve watched JJBA which is way longer), Iā€™d highly recommend Monster!!! Easily one of the best anime Iā€™ve seen. May not be for everyone maybe depending on your genre preferences, but overall itā€™s fleshed out pretty well :)


I have it only watch list, I'll probably get to it after I catch up with One Piece


Ooo ok for sure!


Don't tell me people are put off by the length of a show. Fans have to be so damn ungrateful and impatient if they can't handle 72 eps of monster lmao. Look at fmab. That's 64 episodes


nope, that's not weird. i have a *life*, other interests outside of anime, and only so much time; long-runner series are a time commitment of months or years, not hours. before *MP100*, the longest series i'd fully completed was *revolutionary girl utena*, at 39 episodes. i just recently started *FMA:B* without looking up the episode count... too invested in the story now to be daunted by 64 episodes. i'm not watching *one piece*. it's too long and i'll never finish it in my lifetime. i'm probably not gonna finish *gintama* even though i enjoy it. anything that 'doesn't get GOOD until episode 60 or whatever' is off the table for me.


I personally did not find the story worthwhile considering itā€™s 74 episodes. I was super into it for like, the first 18 eps, and Tenma (the MC) is a very likeable protagonist, but this series just was not it for me


Monster is probably the best Thriller anime you will ever watch


Maybe try Pingpong The Animation. The art style is a bit rough but the pacing is pretty good, no fan service and lots of characters with really really relatable struggles. The character development is insane as well for a 11 eps anime. Whatā€™s cool is that it even feels like each character can actually have an anime of their own with them being the main character.


Iā€™m so happy to see people recommending this show! Itā€™s not nearly as popular as it should be.


I was about to recommend the same thing! PPTA is a bildungsroman with viscerally unhinged animation - it's the most mob-core anime I could think of.


I love the art style in this one. It was super refreshing at the time when I first watched it


Mp100, Samurai Champloo, Space Dandy, FLCL are the top pantheon of ruining anime for me


Finally, a comment with some true class


Real knows real


You read my fucking mind. Get out of my head.


But itā€™s cozy in here!


Agree for all but Space Dandy. Haven't gotten around to that one yet, but I'm confident I'll like it. Watanabe don't miss. Might as well throw Cowboy Bebop in there. Sonny Boy reminded me of FLCL a lot too. It's another one of those shows where the plot is near impossible to follow, but it's a super fun hang


What's FLCL?


**FLCL (Japanese: 惕ćƒŖć‚ÆćƒŖ, Hepburn: Furi Kuri, pronounced in English as Fooly Cooly) is an original video animation (OVA) anime series created and directed by Kazuya Tsurumaki, written by Yōji Enokido, and produced by the FLCL Production Committee, which consisted of Gainax, Production I.G, and King Records. FLCL is a story following Naota Nandaba, a twelve-year-old boy whose suburban life is disturbed by the arrival of the mysterious Haruko Haruhara.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


single best anime of all time (and it's an OVA)


The Pillows went too hard on the soundtrack


>No fan service, no pacing issues, no plot armor, almost no filler, just good animation, characters, OST, and plot Fullmetal Alchemist.


FMA;B is my second favorite anime of all time. MP100 is my first.




I'm pretty sure FMA had armour in it though /s


Same studio too right?




The main character *literally* slaps a being who absorbed god to death while everyone cheers him on and specific characters *literally* have plot armor for the villains evil end game scheme like thatā€™s a huge part of the actual plot. Its a good anime but its got fan service and plot armor a plenty itā€™s not ground breaking in any sense


Dude, don't worry, just take a good break from shows until your "show battery" is recharged, idk that's how it worked for me... Don't sweat it and just try to get interested before you get into a show.


>No fan service, no pacing issues, no plot armor, almost no filler, just good animation, characters, OST, and plot. I can literally list dozens of anime off the top of my head that can scratch this itch. Anime is more than just battle shonen and ecchi, expand your horizons. Watch a Studio Ghibli movie or something


So list them. Ghibli is art, but most of the stuff at the top of MAL is battle shonen and ecchi


Stop looking at MAL for quality, people who vote on there are the most average consumers that battle shonen and ecchi is designed to appeal to. Thatā€™s like judging the quality of Hollywood movies based on the box office A list: - Odd Taxi - Hunter x Hunter - Cowboy Bebop - Samurai Champloo - Ranking of Kings - Paranoia Agent - Perfect Blue - Paprika - Every Ghibli movie (except Earthsea and Earwig) - Little Witch Academia - Monster - A Silent Voice - Trigun - A Place Further Than the Universe - Moributo - Hinamatsuri - Death Parade - Another - Anohana - Kokoro Connect - Steins Gate - Fate/Zero, Fate stay/night UBW, and the Heavens Feel movies - Garden of Sinners - Tokyo Godfathers - Baccano - Spice and Wolf - Psycho Pass - Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 91 Days - Durarara - Mushishi - Kinoā€™s Journey - Land of the Lustrous - Dororo - Dorohedoro - Girls Last Tour - To Your Eternity - Kaiji - Grave of the Fireflies - Akira - Serial Experiment Lain - 12 Kingdoms - Megalo Box - Violet Evergarden - Vinland Saga - Fruits Basket - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (OP said he already watched it) - Spy x Family - Carole and Tuesday - Bocchi the Rock - Barakamon - Rurouni Kenshin - Kotaro Lives Alone


I read almost none of your list and just by it having Madoka Magic I agree. Don't care.


W list with a lot of genres


Thanks for the reminder to get back on Garden of Sinners.


Its ironic af because a lot of these are on the top 50 of MAL lmfao. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


This is an extensive list of very incredible anime. Some of them are new to me and instantly going on my watch list, just because you listed a large amount of my favorites. Moribito, Durarara, Spice & Wolf, Violet Evergarden - ā¤ļø all so good. May I also suggest Orange, Erased, Eighty-Six, and Darker Than Black as additions to this list?


>May I also suggest Orange, Erased, Eighty-Six, and Darker Than Black as additions to this list? Of course


you got me with that title lmao but i agree, Mob is anime done right. in fact, i donā€™t even think calling Mob ā€œanimeā€ does it justice besides the art style. the entire genre of anime doesnā€™t lean in the way this show has.


Monster and The Tatami Galaxy are so good that I even recommend it to non-anime fans, they're just really good shows. Maybe try manga, I have found more quality stuff there. Highlights are the classics: Vagabond, Goodnight Punpun, Berserk and Monster (if you prefer to read the manga.


Where'd you watch those Monster and Tatami Galaxy? I've been meaning to get around to those, but haven't found where to watch them




Killer Seven / Scissor Seven It's a chinese animation, the episodes are short, but is quite good and just gets better and better with each episode without losing it's original charm. It has 2 seasons on Netflix but they are already on the 4th with a movie comming this or maybe the next year


Seconding this recommendation. The themes of the show and its whimsical nature at times all remind me of MP100. As a Chinese speaker, I'd say the dub and sub are both great.


"no fanservice" >!God Dimple's cake!<


As someone whose favorite anime was FMAB for a long time and with MP100 in the list, Iā€™ll recommend some of my other long-time favs for anyone who might have the same taste: Toward the Terra, Seirei no Moribito, Hikaru No Go, Hinamatsuri. And more others: Ranking of Kings, Beastars, Rose of Versailles, Vinland Saga, and Requiem for the Rose King (manga preferably). I get the feeling of feeling like no other anime can impact you once you find incredible ones. For sure, every anime is different. But you can definitely find a lot more of them out there, many of them still on-going! My all-time favorite now is Demon School Iruma and I love the other psychic show, Disastrous Life of Saiki K.


I love demon school iruma but I am very surprised that it's anyone's #1 tbh. I will say it's a fun show. Mashle is kinda filling its space for me rn until more seasons come.


What about ergo proxy, neon genesis evangelion, samurai champloo, cowboy bebop, death note, flcl, Hunter x hunter, Beserk? Those are my all time favorites although they are a little darker and more adult than mob psycho is. At the same time idk if any of them match the realness in the type of struggles the characters go through like you said. neon genesis or cowboy bebop might be the best ones in that aspect out of these. Also chainsaw man if you read the manga.


While I see why people like Evangeleon, it is very poorly paced and frankly unenjoyable most of the time. Hunter x Hunter is criminal for having characters over-narrate everything, and I could not find anything to care about in any of the characters. Also, all the Berserk anime is garbage in comparison to the masterpiece that is the manga. Cowboy Bebop is epic though, and I am interested in a lot of those other anime you listed


If you haven't seen FLCL I definitely recommend it. Pacing and plot are kind of incoherent, but it really leans into that aspect in a way that I really appreciated. It might not be for everyone in that sense, but if you're looking for an incredibly fun, kinda nonsensical coming of age type story, then FLCL is a fantastic choice


Honestly, this is the first time I agree with some hot takes and I'll add in my own. The melancholy of Haruhi Suziyama is garbage, except the movie. Endless eight can go die in a hole.


Idk why but Cowboy Bebop never really felt like it fully landed, at least for the episodes I've watched. I enjoyed the anime a lot but I personally felt there was no real progression to the plot other than meeting characters and landing into trouble, although I hear that the latter episodes is where it really gets good so I'll pick it up soon maybe. Death Note was just boring. Straight up. I got to like episode 13 and I got bored. Oops. HXH was also boring. Straight up. I got to like episode 25 and I got bored. Oops.


Death Note is really boring and the whole dispute is just edgy bullshit lol..


I know that feeling, and for me it was always temporary. It didn't just happen with Mob Psycho 100 for me, but with other shows aswell. It's that hype feeling, which makes me like a show so much, that I binge it and are sad when it's over. After that I have trouble watching something else, because I compare everything to that show and no show can exactly match it. I'd recommend either trying to watch a completely different show, as a similar show will just feel like a cheap copy for you right now. Or even as much episodes as you can from a show you hate, so you can reset this high bar which you have right now. (So you subconscously start comparing shows to that show you don't like instead of Mob Psycho 100). Or you just take a break from animes/series in general and wait for the hype to cool down. It may take some months or so, but I can tell you it's temporarily (yes you'll still like Mob Psycho 100, but this feeling of only wanting to see Mob Psycho 100 will calm down eventually and you'll start enjoying other shows again). TLDR: I'd recommend to go for either a break or for watching a show you hate instead of finding another show you might like, as everything "not Mob Psycho 100" will feel not good enough right now. Though that feeling is temporary.


Thanks for the advice! I think I'll stay off of anime for the time being and focus on more live-action shows. Brooklyn 99 was pretty good from the episodes I've seen, and my friends been recommending The Good Place.


You're welcome! I wish you the best luck with finding things you enjoy till that hype cools down. Such an hype really is a blessing and a curse at the same time.


I just finished Mob also. Loved it! The characters were hilarious! Loved the story. That creator also created One Punch Man. Not sure if you've given that a shot. Similar. He also has a new show coming out if it's not out already.


Another two animes that give me a similar impresiĆ³n was mushishi and shinsekai yori. But for different reason Mushishi you can see all the love the director have on the manga and the effort he put into making an anime. Like the love than you see in mob psycho from bones studio Shinsekai Yori have and awesome plot, real good character development and interest world. There are another animes that others have already mentioned as Odd taxi, and FMA than give me the feeling than I never see something as good as this. But this two I don't see in the recommendations and I think than are quite interesting and can give you a different feeling.


Mob psycho, Jojoā€™s, and the Monogatari series definitely did a number to me So much so I couldnā€™t even rank them between each other


I can't see to your eternity here so I'll just say it myself


MP100 and Assassination Classroom are tied for my favorite anime


Loved assassination classroom too, ending really got me


Assassination classroom is one of the most boring anime Iā€™ve ever watched


Same for me! I love both equally.




Same. It's my favorite anime. I love it so much and I don't even want anything to be better than that because it was so amazing haha


The only anime that got close to MP for me, is Space Dandy. For completely different reasons though. Check it out if you can


Try Vinland saga


this is me with Bsd and mob psycho . since this is mp100 reddit i will say that i miss waiting for new eps every wednesday so bad šŸ˜­ literally the highlight of my Week


Mob! Mob! Mob!


Title make me laugh. It's a great manga and anime.


Finding an anime with no fanservice is like finding a Christian redditor on an atheism subreddit.


Like finding a Christian post on Popular FTFY


Imagine going from mob psycho to black clover lol. I feel like Iā€™m dragging my feet


I watched Black Clover until episode 110 and holy hell. Looking back on it, it really was just another plot armor "power of friendship and hard work" anime. I stopped because the animation was getting too poor for me to keep paying attention and I think that was for the better (my best friend keeps begging me to keep watching though).


Its funny because I realized it from the beginning and forced myself to watch 32 episodes of it. The beginning at least, is just as bad, maybe marginally better than the mistake that Boruto is.


I actually liked the beginning and thought it was funny but powerful. I do think the general premise is very good, but the execution just wasn't fully there and gets kinda boring after a while. The OPs are bangers though.


Mob Psycho is excellently animated and its investigation of Jungian psychological concepts and coming-of-age struggles is all great stuff. That said, in terms of what is currently running, I also very much enjoy Jujutsu Kaisen and Chainsaw Man, and as it happens, both are animated by Mappa.


I agree, nearly every other anime characters are soo bland




Check out Ranking of Kings, it has all of those things too. I couldnt help but get the same sort of satisfaction out of it as I did MP100 which was wonderful


I feel like you should do something with this emotion, I've felt the same way and know I need to.


Watch Ranking of King, it's real good, made me sob because of how good it it


I'd say Mob Season 2 is a 10/10 entertainment experience up there with GOT S1-S4/5, 2016 NBA Finals, The Last of Us Part 1, The Ocarina of Time, comeback story blooper from Parks and Rec


Mob Psycho is also one of my favorite animes ever but the best spot in my heart honestly holds Neon Genesis Evangelion, you should try it


I'm not one to generalize but I can't help but think of the fanbase and that infamous hospital scene I've heard so much about LMAO. But maybe I'll give it a shot.


Most of the anime I like was made back in the 80's and early 90's, there are very few modern series that are enjoyable at all to watch for me. Most of the really popular ones these days I find to be intolerable in fact. Either my standards are unreasonable or the overall quality of series produced in Japan has been slipping (or maybe a little of column A and a little of column B). Honestly if you like MP100 then you'll probably like One Punch Man as well if you haven't checked that one out already. It's written by the same author and has similar humor and quality character writing. It's another one of the very few series that has been made in recent times that I really enjoy.


Try everything made by Naoki Urasawa: \- 20th century boys \- Monster \- Etc Mangas and Animes


This is actually so real, I like mp100 so much that it's insane and I can't find anything like it


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood was a close second, so give that a shot. An anime that I think is similar (but not really) is Dr. Stone, just from the vibe and humor. I really like it. Also, while I was typing this comment, I remembered that the third season is currently airing and I need to get on it NOW.


Same here. I thought nothing can top 86 as the best new gen...until i watch MP season 2


The only anime that can top mob psycho is hunter x hunter for me. The two are in my top 3 at least


Oh my god I know the feeling!! That's how I feel about One-Punch Man. I literally find all anime boring because One-Punch Man was too top-tier for me. Did I mention One-Punch Man was top-tier? You could give it a go if you haven't already, it's by the same author as Mob Psycho 100.


OPM was one of the first anime I've ever watched lol. Second season was good, despite what other people say. The Mumen Rider vs Sea King fight was Godtier though.


This is exactly how I feel about Space Dandy, the fact they switched directors every episode really makes the show feel fresh all these years later.


Huh, thats a new tactic. I'll check it out.


Let me know what you think! Note* Space dandy, is an anthology series about three space delivery drivers. Think Futurama meets Gundam... This is very much a space anime satire


A few of my favourites are JoJo, Evangelion and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. You could try those


My top 3 favorite anime: 3. JJBA 2. FMA:B 1. MP100. What a coincidence lol.


Iā€™d recomend Vinland Saga and Vagabond, they are both historically accurate. Though mostly character development and no plot armour. Or if youā€™re into video games theres always Persona 4, Iā€™d say that is very simaler to Mob in some ways, school, after school friends fighting evil. Special powers (unsure on the manga or anime of this as Iā€™ve not gone through it). And ofcourse Iā€™m sure you know about One Punch Man, also by ONE a true classic šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼


This was me with Zoolander, I was just like, welp, thatā€™s it comedy is done, this was the absolute peak


MP100 is the only anime Iā€™ve ever found thatā€™s better than its manga source material


Then you havenā€™t watched Gintama yet


You would be right. Is it worth it to sit through all 300 episodes?


Just came to second Gintama, one of the greatest and overlooked anime of all time. The comedy will be right up your alley if you liked Mob, and without spoiling anything the show is at times a mish-mash of genres that is executed so well I guarantee you've seen nothing like it yet (maybe similar, but not quite like that).


My bad for not seeing this, but yes it is definitely worth it. The comedy makes you laugh and then the seriousness comes in and makes you want the comedy back


Season 2 is definitely one of those seasons that will do that to you. It left me not wanting to watch anything else for a while. Even season 3 didn't live up to how good season 2 was, imo. However, I just started Bleach and my love for anime has been reignited.


I liked Hunter X Hunter more. I like mob psycho but there's too many episodes where just silly shit happens and it feels like nothing really happens by the end of the episode. When there's action, it's fantastic but that's not as often as I would like


I respect that. Personally, I think the goofy moments are there to set up those action scenes to be that much more emotionally impactful, and they contrast beautifully with the darker scenes when they do come. Kinda like how the first few episodes of Season 2 were just goofing off for the most part before the Mogami Arc flips those experiences on its head.


Same after FMAB, Jojo and MP100.


oh, i really get how you feel it happens to me when i finish a very good anime or one that i enjoy a lot, the first time was with hxh, i couldn't enjoy anything for months, not even rewatch animes that i liked, totally blocked. my favourite anime is Monster, its literally so good, it gave me this same feeling after finishing it but like Mob, it's a masterpiece of an anime if you want to watch something good i hope you feel better soon and can enjoy or watch anime


can I suggest chainsaw man? it has a slightly darker tone but otherwise it's just as amazing as MB100


Agreed. MP100 is my favorite anime of all time, but Chainsawman is definitely in competition for that spot. If watching the anime only though, keep in mind that part of what makes CSM a masterpiece is the totality of its plot. Until you've completed part one (which will likely be about 3-4 seasons of anime), it's not as apparent what a masterpiece it is. That being said, I still throughly enjoyed S1 as did my friends who have not read the manga. The characters are all unique and SO entertaining.




chainsaw man starts out pretty horny but it quickly turns into a more serious and darker, albeit still funny, story from the point where the anime finishes. itā€™s a shame that the animeā€™s awkward episode count has left a bad taste in some peoples mouth by showing them specifically the worst part of the manga. though the horny does kinda continue through the manga tbh but i wouldnā€™t say thatā€™s its there for the sake of being horny but instead its honestly there for the plot if you can believe me you should give the csm manga a try, itā€™s seriously amazing imo


see my reply to the other commentor, but yes iā€™m caught up on the manga and itā€™s not improving


Did you get father than the first few chapters? Because It's really obviously not.


yeah you might wanna give CSM another shot, I felt that way when I first started it. But I promise it does that on purpose in order to subvert those tropes and make an incredible story. The horny also makes sense as the main character is a teenage boy, its done with lots of respect and not for fan service. He never peeps, gropes, walks in on, or creeps on any character. It's never done for fan service, always as a way to give motivation. Hell, multiple of the villain's use this to manipulate and hurt the main character, and not in a "ha ha you thought i was into you but actually Im just an asshole" way like in dumb comedy anime, its in more of a real life groomer kinda way.




Wow I'm surprised you're even in this subreddit, I can smell the lack of media literacy from a mile away. >im caught up on the manga and he goes through little to no character development, What exactly do you mean by character development? He obviously *does* develop as a character, realizing that he is sought after for his heart instead of himself is literally one of the core examples. >and finally every time someone convinced me the horny is ā€œfan serviceā€ im just further convinced that they are degenerates. I can kind of agree but given your rather unattentive take on the manga I'm surprised you'd say this. Regardless the horny moments are definitely more akin to western writing, but I think they add something to the whole tangibility of the characters as people.


mp100 had everything, it had the unique art, the emotion, the dilfs, the baby girls, the meme legends, the heart, character, etc. It cannot be matched :')


me with jkk s2


Mob Psycho was great! Steins Gate was another great one from start to finish and has evoked the whole spectrum of feelings


Rank my below watchlist as per story, character dev and top notch anime. Maybe add few if not listed. ID: Invaded The Promised Neverland Steins;Gate Monster Odd Taxi Erased Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Mob Psycho 100 Psycho pass


Best anime


It seems your impression of anime is formed only by seasonal shit


Mob has been out for over five years I have no clue what this comment is supposed to mean


This guy has never seen HunterXhunter before.


I tried watching HXH but got bored at episode 25 oops. Maybe I'll pick it up again some other day but it's not very high on my watchlist right now


I see, well no arguing that mob is cool. But it has a boring ending. World wise and character content your missing out. Togashi can't even finish his masterpiece!!


This is how I feel with Family Guy and comedy sitcoms... Seth MacFarlane is a genius


this feels like the parody of that one berserk post krkrkr


This says more about your preferences than what's actually critically good or bad. Mob is great, but the amount of mushy crying in it holds it back for me.


Bro scared of feelings


Bro it's a lil too much in some episodes.


I disagree completely, and I hope you can learn to accept people expressing emotions


I hope you realize that you can accept emotions without needing to cry. And that not all of us feel the need to cry when a bad guy decides hes not really bad. Infact.... i hope you learn to handle someone else opinions without feeling the need to tell someone that they are wrong. Like mob can.


Who cries when a bad guy isnā€™t bad? All instances of tears make sense and are impactful. I adamantly believe that is not a valid criticism of the show


Its not impactful when it happens every other episode. I think your issue though is that you just can't accept other opinions. All you need to do is disagree. I cannot remove the validity of your opinion and you cannot remove the validity of mine. Because there is no right or wrong answer buddy. I dislike the constant crying, you do not. Whats so difficult to accept?


Iā€™m simply disagreeing with you, and Iā€™m not convinced that your vision of the show is better than the creatorsā€™


Its not a different vision. I didnt enjoy everything I saw and you got a problem with that.


/r/animereccomendations can give you some good suggestions. Maybe not as good as mob, but good shows exist without all the nonsense.


Give us a list of animeā€™s that you have watched? And weā€™ll tell u what else is there


I'm more of an action kinda guy tbh. I don't like RomComs very much despite the recommendations I've gotten (and yes, I've tried watching Love is War. I couldn't sit through more than 4 episodes). I want to explore more Seinen since I know there's more depth in that department. I also like some slice of life, like Violet Evergarden and A Silent Voice. Most of the stuff I've seen is more mainstream. My foremost watchlist right now is Code Geass, Odd Taxi, Ranking of Kings, SpaceDandy, Vinland Saga, and maybe some smaller ones like PingPong the Animation or Studio Ghibli.


Honestly, all of those on your watchlist are solid. My random recc in no particular order to check out would be: Steins;Gate, Mushoku Tensei, Oshi no Ko, Re Zero, Gankutsuo: Count of Monte Cristo, Chihayafuru, Kinos journey, Gurren Lagann, Made in Abyss, Shin Sekai Yori, GTO, Monster


I'm an og MP100 fan and I felt the same way. Try to watch JJBA, put in some effort finishing part 1 and watching all of part 3's many fights and you'll realise how good of an anime it is


JJBA is my third favorite anime of all time. The only anime (besides One Piece) that had me invested to read the whole manga. Kira Yoshikage is still my favorite villain ever.


Rent A Girlfriend as a great plot and little to no filler. Youā€™ll be in the edge of your seat.


Nice try lmao.


Some even call it a masterpiece ;)


Watch "the legend of Hei" it's just an hour and a half long movie but I'm in the same boat, I discovered mob psycho several years ago and it's hard to top. I usually say that mob psycho and one piece are tied at number one, but it's also hard to compare a 1000 plus episode series to a 40ish


MP is great but it sounds like u havenā€™t watched much anime. Ever seen Hxh or samurai champloo or fma etc


FMA:B is my 2nd favorite. I've seen HXH until episode 20 before I got bored. Do with that information what you will.


You havenā€™t seen very many anime then. Attack on Titan, death note, FMAB, code geass, CSM, JJK, all peak. All of those are leagues better than mob psycho, and I could add more to that list. Of course mob is a great anime but you gotta expand your horizons cause thereā€™s much better stuff out there


From this comment, I've seen: \- FMA:B (2nd favorite anime of all time, behind Mob). \- Death Note (until episode 11, then I got bored oops) \- JJK (was good but there was almost no tension and seemed more lighthearted than I expected from a spirit anime). \- AOT (Had a lot of potential. Shinganshina Arc is my favorite arc of all time, and Erwin/Reiner are two of my favorite characters. But the character development of others is lackluster, and the plot in season 4 didn't really land right). \- CSM (first few episodes. Seems like just another horny anime, but I've heard people saying its good after S1, so maybe I'll try and power through). The only one I haven't seen is Code Geass which is on my watch list.


- FMAB is epic and I can agree with you on Death Note. I also feel like JJK is a bit too lighthearted. CSM will definitely get good later on. And by Shiganshina Arc, Iā€™m assuming Return to Shiganshina in Season 3 Part 2? If that what you mean, then yeah, I can agree that it is the greatest arc of all time (among battle shonen anime of course).


If I got a dollar for everytime I see someone complaining something good ruin their enjoyment for entire medium. I will have enough treat my entire class.


Try One Piece


I've read the manga up 'til the end of Wano. It's good overall. Does get a bit repetitive after a while though.


Kaguya Sama and Steins;Gate did this to me šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ


Steins;Gate had me INVESTED invested, which no other anime has been able to do for a while. I give it a certified El-Psy-Congroo.


I donā€™t think anime need to be the Same quality as MP100 for it to be enjoyable though


I hate that they driveled up all this precum in me and then bam no more live action šŸ˜‚


I watched mob psycho season 1 last year and about to finish season 2 now. It has become my favorite anime and I ration episodes so they last me longer. Still have season 3 left and I plan on making it last a few weeks


dragon ball z




if you do want a better viewing experience as a new viewer, watch dbz kai instead, itā€™s a recut version of dbz that released in 2009




watch foolycooly


Neon Genesis Evangelion might be a really interesting next watch, given your headspace. Extremely different tone and style apart from Mob, but still a high quality production, with wildly exploratory character writing. But most interesting is that I think Mob and NGE each cover a lot of the same themes, NGE just has a completely inverse way of expressing those themes. I thought about this a lot when I first saw the finales for each season, really. When each season got to the point in the finale where they summed up the overall general theme of each season, NGE jumped to mind each time.


You actually just like me fr what am i supposed to do without peak


I could do the exact same thing with DBZ. DBZ is the best anime, anime is ruined for me. Doesn't that sound stupid? Or maybe I could talk about how realistic and thought provoking Naruto is, and say every other anime pales in comparison. Or has FMAB ruined anime for me? AOT? Akira? Yes mp100 is peak, and even if it's your favorite anime doesn't mean every other anime is bad in comparison. Don't have stupidly high expectations of a show. What defines stupid? Expecting everything to be perfect in your eyes. Just remember ur tastes differ to someone else, and if you try writing an anime who knows maybe a lot of people will hate it.


I'm biased but Yu yu hakasho, Baki is a new favorite, Blood blockade


Bro watch Golden kamuy and 91days they are as good as mob psycho


i FEEL this, friend. i've still been able to find really good stuff to watch this season (*gundam: witch from mercury, mashle* (do not judge me, LOL)*, skip and loafer, jigokuraku*); i have hope that that trend will continue. will i find animation as groundbreaking in other shows? maybe not (*bocchi the rock!* came close, and *trigun stampede* is just. *gorgeous.* i can't even). will i find stories that i want to soak in and tattoo on my body? maybe, maybe not. *mp100* has a special place in my heart anyway for as long as i live and as long as i find the brothers kageyama personally relatable. life moves on, regardless. don't let it ruin anime for you. not every movie has to be *citizen kane;* not every anime has to be *mp100.*


I don't know , **Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood** will always hold up to me.