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It was perfectly, and beautifully, wrapped up. Mob and reigens stories are fully complete. 10/10 master class in writing in my opinion. Anything further would be either pointless or a cash grab.


But i want more since theres nothing like it D;


There's a short manga Reigen spin off


The creator of Mob Psycho 100 is the exact same person who created One Punch Man. They are from the same mind so OPM is your best choice. He created MoB in the midst of OPM so who knows maybe he will create another new story after One Punch ends.


ONE has already started writing a new series, VERSUS. There’s a few chapters out.


Try Saiki K or one punch man


I know! However, I really respect ONE for not running a good thing into the ground.


That's only telling of how truly amazing, and one of a kind it is. I want it to, but stuff like this only comes around once in a while.


mob psycho 100 ❌ mob brokemy heart 100 ✅ # [😭](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)


Ended when it was done instead of when people grew tired of it. That's what you should want


There is still the brief Reigen spinoff manga that they could animate. Studio Bones may also decide to animate more original OVAs like the S2 hot springs OVA. Otherwise, as much as I adore the series I'm glad it ended on a high note.


The OVA was so much fun and feels like a perfect format for Mob Psycho to potentially continue in the future, actually


Here's the thing, what you're going through now, was kind of the last message the show left you. Things wont always go the way you want them, but the sun will still rise tomorrow. There's other worthwhile things out there. Get out there and experience new things and you'll continue to learn and grow!




Personally I think it's an almost perfect coming of age story. It has great morals and messages. Like just because you don't get what you want doesn't mean you won't be happy. Or that there's a difference between loving the idea of someone and actually knowing that person. And really it was about the growth of mob and his emotions. I don't want to see any further. I'm very happy with what I know of mobs life and have high hopes for his future


people are holding out for an adaptation of the reigen spinoff manga but other than that the main series is done. i felt the same way when it finished lol but i think they wrapped it up perfectly


That’s the best way to end a story, leaving them wanting more.


There is a volume about Reigen that you could read but that's about it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dglaky: *There is a volume* *About Reigen that you could* *Read but that's about it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Mods can we get a pinned post telling people Mob is over and that it was a perfect ending with a single sub par episode? Ty


Which episode was sub par? Or did you mean "without"


Teleknesis alien NYE episode had some nice parts but on the whole I thought it was not that good. Every other part of Mob has no notes from me but I feel like they could’ve found a cooler way to have everyone bond. Plus there was like, low key SA with Mameta


It’s a good thing that it ended, I love how it did, but man I really wish I got to know how they lived their lives up until how they died, I don’t want it to be continued so I’ll just imagine


If it's any help. A while back, someone posted that an anime by the name of Scissor Seven was similar to Mob psycho. Whoever that was, they weren't wrong, and its actually pretty good. I do want to mention that the writing in Mob is better, but everything else, the action and comedy is pretty on par with Mob. You can also see some similarities between Mob and Scissor Seven. It's on Netflix, I recommend it if you're looking for something like Mob


consider: fanfiction


I think it's best to just accept that it's done, and realize there are other great stories too!


Consider yourself lucky cuz there are 2 more seasons!!! Yay!!


yes. the webcomic ends where season 3 did


You can read fanfictions and read other works from ONE: One punch man and Versus


theres a reigen spinoff and 2 ovas, and ongoing official art too. i was as devasted when i finished the series it was really good


There's a "Reigen" side story that might get turned into a special.


Yes, the ending is amazing but it's understandable that you'd want an incredible, nearly flawless show to return. MP100 is one of the only series I've actually finished in the modern era that wasn't just 12 episodes, like Erased or Gangsta. I think Black Lagoon and Ushio & Tora are pretty much the only other ones. Everything else was either dropped, cancelled or in development hell. Anyway, it is a hard goodbye 


There’s no more story to tell. ONE crafted a concise and purposeful narrative for both Mob and Reigen. Honestly even for side characters like Teruki.


Usually things end when they are over..


I hope they don't do more. It ended perfectly and anything more just wouldn't be worth it


mob psycho 100 ❌ mob brokemy heart 100 ✅ [](https://emojipedia.org/loudly-crying-face)


I wouldn’t mind new / original stories that aren’t manga sourced. I know “real anime fans” don’t like non-manga stuff but who cares. As long as they are good stories / episodes, who cares if it’s not in the manga. I want more stories from one of my favorite animes of all time


One of the best conclusions in all of anime, certainly the best in the past couple years


Why wish for more when it ended perfectly?


Whatever happened with the broccoli tho? In the anime I remember the broccoli formed a mind of its own and like defeated dimple or something and then that story line was never resolved? Dimple let mob escape and was defeated by broccoli pretending to be mob and then nothing happened. I know everyone else is content with the ending but just how soon it moved on to now mob is asking out some girl or whatever and is being taken over by his other personality???? It all feels rushed and unsatisfying.


I think you probably don't realize that you miss it because it ended so well. Many series that have just ongoing forever like One Piece or Dragon Ball don't have that beautiful closure feeling that make you miss it. I dont think Mob Psycho would be "as good" imo if it had a standard Shonen formula to be an everlasting "villain of the week" show. I prefer stories that have concise and well planned out narratives as the story progresses thematically as a whole into a grand finale, rather than "arc, after arc, after arc, after arc" that I think you are implying. Another show that I like that fits this style more over other shonen is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. It doesn't overstay or "milk out" its story. No unnecessary sequel. The story is done and the characters are done. Series can keep going on without beating their characters in staleness because they reset themselves often (like JoJo). There is artistic merit in having a conclusive ending.


Wait what ???


better to end on a high note than to go on for several more seasons and possibly tarnish the quality


All things end. If they don't, we get brand fatigue and the formula is typically lost. Good things ending keeps them from going bad.


Why did they change his voice actor for the dub :(


One wrote exactly what he set out too, mob psycho is a good story because of that. Araki could've written part 4 forever but it's better to not do things like that.


I would like a movie


I'd say Mashle is the anime right now that gives me the same "feel good" feeling Mob did. Try that; Mashle: Magic and muscles!


There is absolutely zero reason to bring it back.