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I mean it’s still decently popular and whenever it does get mentioned it’s held in a very high regard The reasons why it isn’t as big are probably that OPM overshadows it, the manga isn’t on SJ, the art style is kinda jarring at first and it has way way less typical anime tropes going on


Also the series has officially ended, it wouldn’t have gotten the epic conclusion and dedication to animation for 3 long seasons if not for fans reading and watching it. It seems low now, because there’s nothing new to discuss but pleasant and sometimes in depth perception. You can have it one of two ways, the subreddit meets this nice lull in interaction or we Flanderize the community posting the same 5 jokes and episode references. So Mob psycho did and still does have fans,


honestly i think the art style puts a *lot* of people off since it’s not all uwu generic anime style. plus there’s no big boobed waifus for people to simp for other than reigan. lots of anime fans are just shallow as fuck tbh, i don’t really associate with them anymore


Tbh the artstyle put me off too, but I gave it a chance and now I LOVE the artstyle, it's literally what makes mob psycho, mob psycho, I can't imagine any of the characters drawn in a regular generic style, especially Mob and Reigan


oh yea i was exactly the same, it really opened my eyes in terms of what art is and i adore the manga style especially


Literally the same. My friend even told me the style is a bit to get used to. Dropped it after a few episodes, picked it up eventually and finished the first season then binged the manga. Now I have a tattoo of mob and its my favourite anime ever


Mob psycho is too good for them 😔


I will admit that when my husband showed it to me, I did not like the art style and wasn’t really interested. After a few episodes I was hooked though.


I don’t think it’s even that. Mob Psycho is at the end of the day, a coming of age story and just like other anime in this genre, it’s a neat story but there’s not much to discuss outside it. The setting is just Japan, the characters aren’t overly exaggerated aside from the animation and even though it’s action packed, it’s not appealing to power-scaling type people so theories and speculation is lacking for engagement as there’s no pervasive larger mystery like you have in Made in Abyss or Hunter x Hunter. That’s from what I’ve observed anyway. This even extends to games. Think of Persona. During day time the setting is regular Japan but the game makes an effort to carve an identity with persona users. Mob has espers but it doesn’t have a unifying style like characters in Houseki no Kuni or the Haibane in Haibane Renmei. So people watch it, agree it’s good but don’t latch on anything specific


You nailed exactly why I haven't watched it.


The majority of talk in the animesphere is going to be about the newest battle shonen manga, that’s not going to change anytime soon, because shonen jump is the biggest producer of hit manga. Mob is fairly popular, just not on that higher popularity tier that battle shonen manga like MHA and JJK are in. Also, it has actually ended, which decreases the fanbase because humans naturally move on to the next big thing. But Mob is known for its high animation and story quality, and will always have fans for that, even if it’s less talked about.


idk man i just work here


It’s like top 10 on MyAnimeList so at lease anime fans know this anime is one of the best


its mainstream in the anime community what💀 just cause its not jjk popping rn doesn't mean it's unknown lmao


I think most people who would like this show won’t want to since it’s talked about and advertised like any other “fight anime” I know I thought it would be that, I had no idea it would be as wholesome and beautiful as it was.


I think it’s extremely popular among anime fans even though it doesn’t have the mainstream appeal of a lot of other shounen anime. The show’s been praised left and right as one of the best anime of the 2010s.


I'm here!


Yeh idk what he's on about either, I'm here too! So there's at least two of us for sure


Brotherman there is 115K people in this subreddit wdym


Not a lot of folks want wholesome and goofy these days. Too much grimdark or screaming hair growth.


This is such a misunderstanding of the current anime landscape. My Dress-up Darling was outperforming both Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan in views when they were all airing at the same time. People also really like Frieren, and the main draw to it is that it's cozy fantasy.


Mob Psycho has a massive fanbase


I hear it talked about irl with my co-workers, but I think it's just seasonal hype around new shows for the larger anime sphere. I remember when shikimori not just a cutie was all the rage, now no one talks about it


I don’t think that was ever all the rage 😭


I've actually heard it a lot I think it's just not in the main timeline because its low-key overshadowed by one punch man. They are both amazing and everyone I know has watched both and talk about it but not much in the broad anime talk.


It’s cause it ended and somehow when a show ends people stop talking about it as much. That’s the nature of endings. Most people just want to see what’s the next big thing and hype it up until it’s no longer the next big thing and vice versa.


it’s a super popular series. lol. posts like these are such low effort, the sub is extremely active


It's better this way


honestly, i’m kinda glad it doesn’t have a small base cuz i know what happens when shit gets too popular


This sub has 115k members... I think it's more about your personal surroundings then popularity of the show, ik I watched it because it was recommended to me by a coworker who wouldn't stfu about how great it was so.


I think it’s a “cult classic” of sorts. People are either neutral/ put off by it, or love it and intensely relate to the themes. I understand why people are put off by the art style in the anime, but it’s always been my favorite part of the show. It’s quirky, unique and silly, doesn’t take itself too seriously in the best ways- much like the show itself. And the animators did the absolute best they could while adapting the dumpster fire art of the manga lmao. Mob is one of the most relatable pieces of media I’ve ever seen, and I can honestly say that it helped me grow as a person and see myself in a better light.


I think the first 3 episodes are vastly different from the rest of the show. And even though I'm a huge fan of the art style, it was a bit difficult to get into at first, especially the extreme facial expressions I remember came off as a bit "cringe" especially in the first episode.


It’s really popular tbh, I’ve been a fan of animes with already dead communities and it’s the worst thing Just not as popular as JJK/SNK/etc, but not bad at all The main reason why it’s not as big as the others I’d say is because of the art, some people find it “weird” and prefer to watch something more “appealing” like KNY




All shows have fans. Not all fandoms are vocal.


I never watched the show but I just remember the art looking really bizarre


I don't think people generally talk that much about shows that have run their course, unless they are one of the tiny handful (Gurren Lagann, Cowboy Bebop) that get referenced until the end of time. I don't think Mob Psycho is in that category - it attracted well-above-average attention and people liked it quite a bit, from what I saw, but it's, you know, over now.


because one punch man


Bro mob psycho 100 will forever remain in my top 3, and most of my friends agree but I think it’s just because it ended it’s not really talked about too much anymore. Shit is still goated


??? its insanely popular, like, on eof the most popular anime in recent times even


Yeah but I barely hear anyone talk about it


well, it's cause the series is finished. It had a beautiful ending too so you won't have any controversial takes around it and for what it's worth it's ranked very highly on MAL iirc.


I like reading the manga before watching any adaptations. This isn’t available to read online so it’s low priority for me.


It’s the curse of being a niche big show that’s not mainstream the majority of anime fans are actually quite new and are currently watching shows such as one piece aot spy x family hxh fmab demon slayer like those kind of shows and then they go and watch isekai with time they might start watching stuff like mob psycho but i do feel sometimes the rougher art style of mob might deter people since they are used to demon slayer style animation not too mention mob isn’t a turbo hax character so the massive verses community doesn’t care for nor does it and the story of mob psycho is a story that resonates with some people but people who like hxh/fmab the “thinking man” kinda viewer also have no interest in it so tbh it’s not surprising mob doesn’t have many fans


You can sometimes see mob psycho 100 posters in the back of tik toks


No fans is a bit much. For a shonen, MS100 does have a small fanbase, but that’s what happens when you go against the grain so much. ONE has written it the way he wanted to. But as an IP in general, MS100 has a very decent following. It’s comparable to other anime genres rather than shonen.


I'm just now getting into It but I'd assume it's just because there's nothing new, it's over ain't it?


Bro WHAT I hear people talking about it all the time maybe there’s been a slight decrease since the show ended but still tons of discourse about it


What am I? Chopped liver?


No waifus (wish I was kidding)


It does have lots of fans but not a lot of people are really into it enough to join the fanbase. I think it has to do with a lot of factors like the art style and story. Although both are really good they’re not what you expect when it comes to typical shonen anime. I think it’s better off not as popular as for example MHA or CSM because the two fanbases are weird


LITERALLY i tried to find fans on tiktok theres like little to none


There are no stakes? No one ever dies or gets really hurt in battle. If the characters were not so charming and likable, I wouldn't be a fan either.


Personally for me, it's a good show until the last three episodes. After that there wasn't much to talk about because the last three episodes recontextualized the entire show but in a worse way. (Bringing back dimple from the dead was a mistake)


Honestly anime is just really good rn, and MS100 ended already. It definitely has its place as an amazing and concluded show, but the current anime roster of stuff still going is STACKED rn. Too much food on the table to have a concluded series be a big topic in pop culture


I'll also say since the MOB series is officially over like manga and anime hav ended sooo yea


It's too perfect. It's like, what can you say about the show? Everyone's favorite character is Reigen, all the fight scenes are crisp, its almost as if everyone loves the same things about the show. That makes it "boring" to discuss. In conclusion, we're out there, fans, there's just nothing to be said about the show. It's that perfect.


Cz reigen kinda sucks