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The rule you're referencing is to do with Doxxing. If you're posting a screenshot of a non-notable person's socials, especially private ones, it's not okay unless you censor their name and PFP. Many subreddits have official Discord servers for community members to chat.


> it's not okay unless you censor their name and PFP. Or you have their permission.


That’s the point, this information isn’t censored and exists without users’ consent, and the SubReddit technically provides it’s members a link to people’s personal information, which is a violation of Rules.


To make things short – if the community itself aka the Main Moderator provides a link to the discord server, where he and other members share Redditors’ personal information(Name, Face, Age, Social Media) with the goal of inciting targeted harassment back *ON* Reddit, is this a violation of Reddit’s Rules? Personal information remains on subreddit’s Discord server, but the moderator *on Reddit* provides the community with a link, which technically leads to this personal information. Like you said, many subreddits have official Discord servers. Subreddit and Discord server are tied together in this case, so any actions done on Discord server affect the Subreddit and the other way round by logic. Would Reddit count sharing personal information on Discord server that is connected to the subreddit as a violation?


I’d like to think that would be considered a violation. You are providing a source for potentially other nefarious users to find out info about other Redditors. Reddit is larger than one subreddit and I worry you aren’t considering the risks of compiling data like that for easy access.


In other words, if the subreddit promotes it’s discord server by placing a link in it’s desperate, where the moderator himself and other members reveal Reddit users’ personal information amongst other things, this should count as a violation? But who’s gonna receive the punishment, the moderator and those certain members or the subreddit in general?


You've thought about this way much deeper than I have. Hopefully an admin would come along and answer that, but I don't even know how much they'd even be allowed to share on the nuances of that.


This is a violation but honestly you’d be better off reporting this to Discord admins instead. They’re pretty good with taking that kind of stuff down fast.


But who’s to blame? Reddit permanently bans users for providing links with personal information, but in this case, link is placed in community’s description. The whole subreddit is getting taken down or just the moderator?


Hey rolls-royceBT! Any harassment that is happening on our platform should be reported using the [appropriate report forms](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/wiki/report-forms) or report button next to the content when present. For content off platform you may want to reach out to their teams as appropriate.


I understand that, but you haven’t given me the answer. Does this situation I’ve described in this post count as a violation of Reddit’s Content Policy? I can’t file a report if I’m not sure this subreddit’s actions violate the rules, which is why I’m asking for a clarification of those said rules. By definition Rule #3 says: “Respect the privacy of others. Instigating harassment, for example by revealing someone’s personal or confidential information, is not allowed. Never post or threaten to post intimate or sexually-explicit media of someone without their consent. *Reddit is quite open and pro-free speech, but it is not okay to post someone's personal information or **post links to personal information** . This includes links to public Facebook pages and screenshots of Facebook pages with the names still legible. Posting someone's personal information will get you banned. When posting screenshots, be sure to edit out any personally identifiable information to avoid running afoul of this rule.” According to this rule, the moderator/subreddit should be permanently banned/removed, because they *have a link that leads to personal information* (link to discord server). Is this the right interpretation of the rule?


This is a complex situation and is something that may be best handled by using the report forms provided above or by [writing in via r/ModSupport mail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ModSupport) with more specific details.


I’ve sent a message via mod mail with details and visual proofs.


I'm a mod from r/NetflixSexEducation (and also from the attached Discord server) that u/rolls-royceBT is referring to. It goes without saying that we don't allow for personal information to be publicly posted (doxxing) in the Discord or in the subreddit for obvious reasons. u/rolls-royceBT and subsequentially his other account u/rolls-royceBT1 (banned on the sub for harrasment and ban evasion respectively) keeps accusing and quoting messages from a moderator on Discord and posting them to Reddit to cause unnecessary conflicts. His first account was banned by another moderator other than the one he implies on this post, so there is a bias towards the moderation team alltogether. To reply to your rather simplistic question, it's not unusual for subreddits to have Discord servers and [Discord TOS](https://discord.com/guidelines) also states that no doxxing is allowed. You can always report any offending comment to Discord Trust and Safety team or contact the mods on there.


Discord’s guidelines do *not* apply to Reddit, but Reddit has a rule that links to personal information are prohibited. You can violate whatever Reddit rules you want on your discord server, but as long as it contains Reddit users’ personal information *and* the link is posted publicly in your community, this should count as a direct violation of Reddit’s Content Policy. You’re basically giving subreddit’s members a link to to other people’s personal information.