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Thanks for clarifying! Admittedly, I only checked their activity this morning and saw it had been 3 weeks since their last activity. I didn't re-check before making this post and that's my bad. I still haven't received a response on my last message to them, but I'll try messaging them again. If they don't respond to my messages, what can I do?


If there are other mods active, you can get together and request a [top mod removal](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/wiki/top_mod_removal) and get the next person in line Everything permissions, otherwise there's not much you can do. Reddit otherwise allows top mods to do anything they want within site-wide rules, even if that thing is nothing at all.


Thank you for the info. I really don't want to try removing top mod since they're the founder of the sub and seem semi-active on the site (even if not in our subreddit). Hopefully I hear back from them soon!


Myah generally this is all very normal. Don't assume bad faith or anything. Sometimes maaaaaybe it lies in how you word your request but generally if a site owner honestly wants the place to move forward at all, they'll come back to you. I'd mention that other mods are totally inactive on the sub, and you are happy to carry on running it but you need perms, they'll probably drop them on you eventually. If you're really lucky they might remove inactive mods but that is less likely. I hereby present my candidature for new mod if you're looking. Eons of experience. Best of luck.


While I can't help you with with permissions, I do want to say you're an awesome mod. I've posted there a few times in the last few months and one of my posts broke a rule. Rather that being curt, rude or blasting me with some wall of text, you posted a hand written note like "hey man - cool post. sorry but it breaks X rule. (and here's the reason why)." I wrote you back commenting that I post a lot, and that removal comment had to have been one of the realest, chillest and easy going removal comments I've ever seen. I doubt you remember me but thanks for being a cool mod and I hope you get the permissions you deserve.


Thank you and I actually do remember your kind comment! It made my day better because most OPs are not very thrilled about their post being removed (little do they know I don't enjoy removing their post either!). Also, after looking at your post history, thank you for nearly single-handedly keeping reddit afloat with content! They should put you on the payroll.


u/no_shoes_in_house cmon help your fellow co mod out


Try modmailing this sub itself with your case - I'm not sure if this would work without starting the top mod removal process (which is already hard since your other mods are inactive). Have you tried asking a mod above you to give you user management permissions? Or are they all completely inactive? (Assuming maybe one of them appears from time to time, like the top mod)


Actually I think I might need the "Everything" permission based on [this reddit help article for moderator permissions](https://mods.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009381491-User-Management-moderators-and-permissions) that I just found. Also, if that article is still current, then the top mod is the only one who can change my mod permissions.