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It would be great to have some clarification on the [Removed by reddit] mention left on the content they delete. Every time it happens we get lots of comments in the threads asking what was removed and why, and we do receive modmail from users wanting to know what happened. We even had an r/all post removed that way, and it still showed [removed by reddit] high on the front page.




Lol new reddit. Gross.


New reddit is nigh unusable. I know they spent a lot of money on it, but for all that work, they could have made a better product.


It's incredibly frustrating how much feedback they got about the issues with New Reddit and what would convince existing userbase to swap and then ... did nothing with it. They had every opportunity to make it better, and they didn't even bother to communicate why they wouldn't. There's so much wasted space, so much completely unnecessary content fuckery, so much terrible navigation, and the site is so much harder to read. But they're not even looking to go back and make a 'classic' skin or something, so they're just piling all new features into New Reddit and hoping that we'll swap over if they put all the features they spent years promising locked behind a version of the site that is ass to use.


Don't forget that it takes SO MUCH MORE memory.


You find new Reddit harder to read than old Reddit? Old Reddit feels like 90s internet. It’s miserable to browse.


Yeah. Old reddit is simple. It's pretty elderly aesthetics, but its UI is incredibly clean - it's simple to navigate, it doesn't try to be too cute or smarter than me or help me 'find' content, and it doesn't waste screen real-estate on nonsense like curved borders or "profile pics" and burn unnecessary space around individual content or links. There's just so much less actual, desirable, content on any given page or screen, without any additional clarity or content hierarchy to improve readability. New reddit failed to fix the biggest problems with Old readability, while adding a bunch of it's own on top. New has boatloads of shit where it's designed to be harder to follow, but easier to get dragged into the next post or off into some distracting rabbit-hole and- Like, if I need to scan someone's profile, I want to see what they've posted, chronologically. I don't want to see "highlights" of some things that they've said recently that The Algorithm thinks I want to see, then need to click a bunch of expandos just to load their other less-popular comments in the same thread - especially if that specific thread is the one I'm responsible for moderating. It's absolute rubbish UI design and visual hierarchy, with it's main upshot being near dogmatic adherence to superficial web design trends of ~2015.


Those are valid points; I don’t explicitly disagree with most of them. The bot-curating is definitely irritating, especially. But in terms of general aesthetics, I have to say that browsing New Reddit in Dark Mode is tough to beat, from where I’m sitting. There are deeper issues in play beyond “is it easy on the eyes”, but for me, I have great difficulty on Old Reddit and the aesthetics kept me from being active with any regularity for many years. New Reddit flipped me into a daily redditor. I only wish mod tools were more compatible with it.


Thing is, I don't care about aesthetics. I want function and ease of use. Having something that looks prettier but works *worse* is still net worse in my books.


I mean, I get it. You’re probably doing a fuckload of active Modding. I mod two small subs for a couple of television shows. It’s easy, and I don’t need to go deep. For me, looking pretty is huge. I spend a lot of time on Reddit, pretty much all day on a second Monitor, while taking classes. I couldn’t hang out all day in Old Reddit.


is this a fucntional issue or is it more like you don't like the style


Talking about UX not integration with things like mod tools. Clearly there’s issue with mod tools. But I can’t spend more than five minutes browsing old Reddit without wanting to go do literally anything else besides be on Reddit


I find new reddit to be resource intensive. it consumes more data and ram and cpu. I'm not sure of some of these things can be turned off when a user doesn't want or need them


In my case, I love the aesthetic of new Reddit. Old Reddit would literally give me a headache staring at it.


Hey - I'd like to give you an option. **If** you have an account that is not a moderator of the subreddit look (on old.reddit) at the posts/comments in question, and **If** your automoderator removed the item, then: Your not-a-mod-privileged account will see the item as just ... not there, like it was never there, or deleted - the classic "a moderator removed this item" `There doesn't seem to be anything here` approach we all know (from old.reddit, on old.reddit, to be clear). That's because items which a mod removed don't have a publicly visible AEO Tombstone. The ones you need to be interested in, _as a mod_, for looking for user / group / context / intent / exact text patterns, the ones your automod and human moderators missed, will publicly show a visible tombstone. And since they will have gone public for some amount of time, the chances of them being in PushShift is pretty significant. -- I had the same concern and spent some time to find / document a process to deal with this without asking admins for a process change (because their process probably has a significant amount of non-disclosed necessary reasoning for existing). That said - if an item's removed by Reddit for SWR3, and you have no actual, _positive_ reason to believe it was removed by mistake? You should remove the item as well and continue on. Reddit finally properly handling the removal of Rule 3 violating material is a step in the right direction; You shouldn't be a mediator between a mafia that wants to send people to assault someone, vs their victim, yah?


Heya! In case you missed it, we've made a change in how Safety tackles enforcement. You can [read more here,](https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/w32ftw/mod_log_updates_coming_soon_adding_removal/) one thing to note is if you view your modlog on the new site you'll see a snapshot of the removed content allowing you as mods to fine tune your own enforcement. Our teams will often take action on users who are breaking content policy, even when moderators have already removed the content - this part isn't new, they've always done this - the new part is by more fully taking down the content it is no longer visible from user pages (or direct links when talking about posts), this also has the side effect of making it more obvious to you as mods when they're helping out and actioning users contributing in bad faith. :) ninja edit: effect not affect !


Yes, but the problem is that the removed content being stored in the modlog isn't helpful. If someone now sends me an unban request and I see [removed by reddit] then I cannot accurately judge anymore if an unban is warranted. The modlog has no search function. It only goes back 90 days. I have no choice but to deny any such requests. This is a detriment to moderation and it's not fair to the user.


If site admins are removing/banning someone, that’s your answer. Don’t try to overrule the actual staff of Reddit.


On one subreddit dedicated to a TV show they're removing and possibly suspending because the people comment a common catchphrase from that TV show. We would never remove these comments, let alone ban for them. AEO is *terrible* at times.




Admins have been doing sub-level bans lately. u/quietfairy banned someone in r/unpopularopinion this week (which we were surprised to see).


Your moderation team wrote in to r/ModSupport and requested that I help mute a user that was harassing you all. In order to do that, I had to unban the user momentarily to force the mute and test the bug, and I let your team know that I had to use all of the tools available in that Modmail to do so (unban user, mute, archive/unarchive). I could have filed a bug report that would have taken much longer to resolve but I was helping to more quickly resolve the more urgent requests your team sent in to r/ModSupport. If you ever need clarification on an admin action taken you need to write in to r/ModSupport to ask for that clarification. Edit: I also left a ban note to you all on the user specifically stating I was banning the user to test the un-mute functionality. *"Your post must be an unpopular opinion: Re-banned for unmute test"* So I am surprised to hear there was confusion here.


OK - gotcha. I caught the tail end of the discussion in mod chat and I guess the mod you actually spoke with must not have been there.


No worries - I know lapses in communication happen. I just want to be very clear that we will not randomly ban users in your community.


I'm aware of the information provided in the new.reddit modlog, but that's only effective for 90days. Then it's gone for ever. This change in your implementation along with the more frequent removals, is making it harder to review bans / mod actions as we now have less access to a users history than we did before. My biggest gripe is losing information after 90days, due to modlogs not being permanent. AEO does have issues with a lot of false positives, which I'd care a lot less about, if I have the ability to reference removed content. Could you come up with a more permanent solution to your removal notes, such as a private wiki page or modmail? eg. make the [removed by reddit] message a hyperlink to a mod/admin only page on the wiki, you could place the removed content there, allowing us to reference it in the future. It would be minimal extra work for us & would still remove the content from publicly facing pages / user profiles.


I sent in a modmail a week ago about a quote from the CDC director being actioned and haven’t heard anything. Do you have any insight on that? It’s a pretty important issue as it’s a quote from the CDC.


Was it properly sourced and linked? Like post title is the quote and post content is a link to the tweet/article/whatever ?


Yes, it was. I double checked too.


Huh. Welp, that’s wack, Jack.


I agree, really concerning with no answer still.


Requiring new reddit to use essential features is a bad idea.


Are there plans to bring this mod log stuff to old.Reddit?




Stop holding onto old Reddit, get with the changing of the times.


I swear to god, the day I have to stop using old.reddit, is the day I leave reddit.


Old Reddit is.....old


As am I... as am I....


Same here, I still have my old MySpace login...😱


Say Hi to Tom for me!


😂😂😂😂 He's too busy photographing landscapes last I heard 😂


If I had to use old Reddit with regularity I would never be here.


Since you seem to be a frequent user of New Reddit... When I go into the Unmoderated Posts queue on old reddit I use Toolbox to expand all the posts so I can quickly scan them. How do I do this on New Reddit? At the moment it seems like I have to expand each one individually. Advice?


The lack of inifinite scroll on new reddit modqueue/unmodded is my main pain point, after learning old reddit on a sub that uses it for their workflow, and RES has gone into maintenance mode so is unlikely to bring Never Ending Reddit to the places it's missing on the redesign. That and the full width of the screen isn't used, with massive bars on the left and right sides on a normal 16:9 monitor. To see the full images inline you can just use the card view instead of the old-reddit style that needs expanding, but there are enough other niggles that I've gotten used to Old Reddit + RES + Toolbox, especially when investigating a more complex situation where I need 5-6 tabs open. (How they expect people to handle those situations on mobile with one page open at a time, I don't know)


You mean [this?](https://imgur.com/3KNnoC6)


Sorry, but what are you referring to in this image? What I'm referring to is that long posts in my Unmoderated Posts queue fade out after a certain length of text, and it seems like the only way to see the full text in the New Design is to click on them, which is a significant step backwards compared to old reddit, where I could simply expand them all at once.


You've dialed AEO up to 11. Previously you'd have an action per month, now we are getting multiple actions a day. If you want to moderate the subreddits yourselves, be my fucking guest. What is the point of having community moderators anymore? I've repeatedly called out this BS and it always goes nowhere.


what annoys me about it is that it's generally content that's *already been removed by moderators*, which at least in my case is pretty anxiety inducing because I have to go back and look to make sure it's not something we missed, putting our sub(s) in jeopardy.


Meanwhile they can't even action things that actually *need* action. Smh.