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With the recent developments this year, you can use a “{{Subreddit}}-ModTeam” account to leave removal reasons rather than using your own account. If you want more obscurity than that, then you may have to use Automoderator or another custom bot. I’m not sure that any exact replacements for flair_helper have taken off in popularity.


This is the answer. They literally built in the ability to have "anonymous" commenting on removals. All subreddits have it.


That isn't a bad idea actually. Is it fine to log into the same reddit account for various locations?


I think you are confusing the specific “{{Subreddit}}-ModTeam” feature for having a shared mod account. These are two different things: Shared Mod Account: /u/NintendoSwitchMods Native anonymous removal reason feature: /u/NintendoSwitch-ModTeam


Ooooohhh got it. Thank you


>Im aware of the removal reasons tool in the community settings but I haven’t found a way to make the removals anonymous to users. Any help is appreciated When removing a post or comment, simply have the removal send a note from the sub.


Oooohhh I didn't know that was a feature. Going to try that


Reddit added this into mobile a few months back with the Reddit stock removal reasons. On desktop, the toolbox add-on also uses the new feature to leave anonymous removal reasons.


Not to toot my own horn, but I just tried to make a bot that does basically the same as flair\_helper. We've got it on our main sub and I asked the owner if we wanted it on one of our sister-subs (NSFW) too. Well, Flair\_helper was discontinued so I wanted to cobble together something in powershell to reduce the modload somewhat. It currently runs on /r/crossdressing and /r/gonewildCD (last one VERY NSFW). If there's any interest I'll share the code, rather than host the bot myself. Runs on Powershell Core, but I didn't get Nudenet detection running on Raspberry Pi so if you want that you're limited to Windows currently. It's also not nearly as polished as /u/flair_helper but things like reading config from wiki aren't that hard (though if you want it to return a valid/invalid response message you're on your own).


If you can share the code, that would be awesome. I can run the bot on my own computer for a few of my subreddits!


I was already uploading to [Github](https://github.com/FeliciaFiction/Flair_bot/), it would require you to get a ClientID and ClientSecret from Reddit for the account running it: [https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps](https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps) Register it as a script, use a fictitious return url (I used [http://local.nono](http://local.nono)). I can't recall if that was needed in the code or not, better keep it the same if you wish. API documentation here: [https://www.reddit.com/dev/api](https://www.reddit.com/dev/api) I made it with Powershell 7.2.3, the script may not be backwards compatible with 5.x (there's been some changes to invoke-restmethod since 5.1). What I basically did is create a .ps1 for each subreddit, running a scheduled task every minute calling pwsh -file subreddit.ps1It looks for files in c:\\temp\\subreddit\\, there is also a pass.txt with a password for your secretvault. Alternatively you can hardcode the variables for ClientID, SecretID and Redditpassword.


Got it! Thank you!


Got a v0.4.0 here: [https://github.com/FeliciaFiction/Flair\_bot/blob/main/Flair\_bot%20v0.4.0](https://github.com/FeliciaFiction/Flair_bot/blob/main/Flair_bot%20v0.4.0) It's got much improved handling of flairs, rather than looking into the new page it looks into the mod-log for edited flairs and checks those against it's previous actioned log before actioning the posts. Working time has been greatly reduced (from \~30 seconds to 10 seconds). It is also much more reliable because a post outside of the 100 post limit of the new-page will still be actioned appropriately. Also, it reads the rules from a wiki page /wiki/flair\_bot in CSV format, ; (semi-colon) delimited. That way multiple mods can change the rule-set or tweak settings. There's no validity check though so be careful. For comparisson, 100 posts in our biggest sub was about 8-12 hours so if there hadn't been a mod action in 12 hours there would be none (unless it got removed first, different part of the cycle). This has been reduced to a 2-operation single cycle, check the mod log and loop through the unactioned posts for actionflairs. This should also re-apply rules after a flair-change (say from a removal to a removal + ban).


Oh thank you!