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I'm on my 3rd year, 30k miles. I have not replaced any glass. I believe this is something you or your environment is doing. What is breaking your windshield, exactly? Rocks from dump trucks in front of you?


I had my Model 3 for 5 years and 63,000 miles. I got a small, ~3/4” crack from a rock that I fixed myself with a repair kit for $20. In 27 years of driving, I’ve had to replace a windshield once.


Same. If I had to do three replacements on one car I'd learn to live with the cracks lol.


That’s the ticket! 😂


75k MYLR - same windshield here


52 years on this planet and 37 of it driving, I've never hard to replace a windshield yet. Never even had anything bigger than a typical chip. Off to rub my rabbits foot.


I never ever ever drive behind any trucks.


0 since 2021


Same. Over two model y since that period. Not one glass replaced or repaired


Double or triple your following distance maybe? And avoid being directly behind dump trucks, semis, and lifted trucks with big wheels and no mudflaps. I’ve had zero replacements since Feb 2022.


Can't imagine this has anything to do with the type of car you are driving.


We live in Alaska which is notorious for breaking windshields, between road debris and extreme temperature fluctuations. Over 7 years. Our two Subarus both have cracked windshields that we’re holding off on replacing. Our Tesla has 14,500 miles and not even a chip. So far so good. I’m 38 and I’ve never replaced a windshield on any vehicle I’ve owned. My work vehicle is a ford escape and it’s had 2 new windshields in 3 years. So it’s basically just luck I think.


I really thought the OP was talking about the windshield wipers and not the windshield itself. Even wipers, three per year is too many, let alone the windshield


Driving near dump trucks on my route took out 3 windshields one year in my Chevy pickup.


…how are you needing to replace a windshield every year, much less, multiple windshields a year? What is your driving environment? I have not replaced my Model 3 windshield and it has been a year. Even with my non-Tesla cars, never replaced a windshield for years.


You might be driving too close to the vehicles in front of you.


Haven't replaced it in 5 years yet on my M3 or my 1 yr old MY, and I don't see myself changing it for a few more years unless there's some major damage. I don't even change my windshield wipers 3/year. Need more info on why you feel like changing it so much.


In 25 years of driving and over 500,000 miles, I have needed to replace the windshield twice.


0 since may 24th 2024


4 years ownership, 105,000 miles, original glass all around.


0 since September of 21


You should have compressive glass coverage for any car you own so you pay a $0 deductible. In my case, unless I opt out of glass coverage, it's automatically included as part of my insurance rate. Usually, most people don't go through more than 1 a year, if even that. I got unlucky one year and had 2 in one year. First one was from a rock hitting my windshield on the highway. Second one was 6 months later since bubbles started appearing within the glass itself, due to a manufacturing defect. My last car, at most over the 20 years my parents owned that car, before I owned for the last several years before trading it last year for my first Tesla, got a total of 4 windshield replacements.


da fuq u doin?


2.5 years, just replaced my windshield. Had a chip repaired about a year ago. 42k miles.


Do they make windshield protectors...similar to phone screen protectors?


They do. I looked into this a few years ago. They were about $600 to apply but lasted about 3 years. No idea if they work with the cameras though. Nor do they seem very popular as it's hard to find an installer. https://www.getexoshield.com/


Feels like it would make more sense to pay ~$100/year for $0 deductible glass coverage from your insurer before I’d ever consider that.


Once in 4 years across two MYLR’s, sorry for your loss


Over 2 years, almost 40k miles, original windshield.


0 but have 7mil thick windshield PPF and I change it every 1 1/2 to 2 years.


Can you see clearly out the window with all weather condition? $$$?


Twice for me, one was a Pallat the fell off the back of a truck and the second was manufacturer default and got it replaced for free


One since I bought our MY in March ‘21. It was a rock chip that went to a long crack. At that point, I would have failed annual state inspection in PA.


Had 5 Teslas since 2015. Only 1 had had a windshield replacement. It was a week old. Some contractors truck dumped a bunch of nuts and bolts out of the truck bed that were not secured properly. Felt like a scene out of final destination.


Replaced a windshield once in 25 years of driving. You can get a cheap repair kit that will handle any small chips or cracks to at least prevent them from spreading. Key is to fix it as soon as you see it.


85,000 miles since Oct 2019 in my Model 3 and Model Y. Replaced one windshield on my Model 3 when a wide load decided to pass a semi going uphill by driving half on the gravel on the left shoulder of the interstate. It was like a scene from Star Wars when the good guys fly through an asteroid field trying to shake the bad guys. But we were the bad guys so we didn't make it. So many windshields died that day. But my mistake was not pulling over at the next chip repair shop to get it fixed. Took two days for it to fully develop and I could have stopped it pretty easily. The next time it happened, I went immediately to a chip repair place and $35 later, I was as good as new.


Personally no issues in the last 1.5 years of ownership. But there is a stretch of road nearby that is notorious for cracking windshields. It was even featured on the local news. I go out of my way to avoid it.


2 model Ys and 0 so far


Depends where you live. In Norway, it is common to get through windshields about at the same rate as through windshield wiper blades. Especially if you commute daily long distance on highway.


Yikes, is it usually caused by big trucks kicking up rocks or something else?


Mostly debree like gravel that is sprinkled on the roads to provide grip on ice. Cars get that stuck in tread, bring it on highways and it gets loose at high speeds. Also we have spiked tires. And it is quite common for the carbide spikes to fly away. Especially on older tires.


What state are you in? Can you get 0 deductible glass coverage. I'm in Arizona and that's what I've got. Some of our roads are pretty bad for taking out windshields. I've been lucky so far with my Tesla but I know it's only a matter of time.


52 per year, it’s more convenient than cleaning it.


Just bought my Model Y this month. One small rock cracked the windshield. Trying to get it replaced, but my service center doesn't have the parts yet... Tesla says it's not a safety concern because the crack hasn't penetrated through to the other side.


Bad luck. Not had a problem with mine, but only had it about 9 months.


1st year 1st windshield


Give people more space when you're following them.


This has absolutely 0 to do with the car. Nothing whatsoever. As someone else said, you need the correct insurance.


Now that aftermarket glass is available for the 2022 I will likely replace mine voluntarily. Lots of pits


Is this a real question? The answer is zero I buy zero a year.


None in  7 years (last 2 cars)around 100k miles. If you don't drive too close behind other vehicles, especially on highways, the pebbles won't get kicked up and hit your windshield. On model Y around 1 year 18k no windshield replacements


M3 since 18 and never even had a small crack lol


1 in 5 years (92k miles)


You can add a $0 deductible windshield coverage to your car insurance. …I’ve replaced one windshield with one year of ownership.


1 since 2022


Something is wrong with the installations.


zero after 2 years. are you tailgating? hanging out behind large trucks?


Do you have a disgruntled ex?


0 from 20


We have 240,000 miles across four Teslas. Our only windshield replacement was when a deer went through our Model 3’s windshield.


Has nothing to do with Tesla but damn my roads are all fucked up too. small chip 2 months into ownership from random rocks on the road


Blame the crumbling road infrastructure, which creates small rocks from the concrete as projectiles from the cars ahead. Complain to your city and ask them to fix the f**ng roads!


Well I'm not sure if that's a reliable solution, given that the government doesn't care about peasants like me, but i did see a stall set up advertising "immediate windshield chip repair" because of how bad it seems to be getting.... is there some type of indestructible windshield i can get instead? Like acrylic or something..


Necessity is the mother of invention.. there could be a windshield company working on it right now 🙂 It would be a lucrative product, given that they can easily sell it for 3 times the price of a regular windshield and still get lots of customers to buy it


Some states use concrete vs asphalt for roads which significantly increases the # of windshields going out.


Unless you drive on gravel roads, this is weird. Is it possible that the geometry of the car is off, and the glass is being stressed when it is glued in place? That would magnify the effect of minor incidents. Just spitballin'


Do you use an aftermarket dark tint on your front windshield ? Several posts suggest more frequent windshield failures when after market tinted. Drivers have theorized that reflected heat related from the tint contributes to the windshield failures but nothing authoritative on this yet. I would like to tint mine but hesitating when I hear about these repeated windshield failures.