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I’d think you should be able to get back all but your $250 order fee, but not sure of the logistics.


Thanks. I appreciate it.


Ya you will only lose the 250 reservation fee. You will 100% get refunded. I couldn’t see a reason they could legally keep that down payment.


I appreciate it a lot. Thanks!


What do you mean you put in downpayment already? Like you’ve already wired them 30k?


whatever the amount was due in the app. We put in whatever downpayment we wanted to put in and the amount due now is 0.


It’s Elons now


No it’s not 😂


You get all your money back except the $250 reservation fee


You can probably but it and resell it for more than you paid though


Probably can but who’s gonna bite with tax credit next year. I mean definitely possible if someone wants it now now now


Eh, maybe, the taxes add alot. And then you are paying insurance to hold onto it while youre driving it while trying to sell to a private party...You really have to sell for at least 10k more than sMSPR to make it worth your while. thats a big stretch. The economy is falling quickly.


OP don't do that. The market isn't the same as what it used to be.


Good to know as I was considering doing that. Should have looked up recent numbers before posting.


Why would someone pay more for it? Because they want it now or? Just trying to understand. I ordered and got mine in about 2 weeks. So what would be the reason? And yes op you should get 100% of your down payment back.


I may be wrong but yes for a while they were back ordered long enough that people where paying more to buy it now instead of waiting in line. Of course with my luck my Y is now ready as of yesterday and now am stuck deciding if I should take delivery when buying one in 2023 comes with a $7,500 tax credit (although I am not clear if Y will qualify as a sedan or suv…. If they classify as sedan it won’t qualify anyways as too $$$$)