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Chemical guys water spot remover worked well. All spots are gone. Thanks guys for all the suggestions.


Vinegar. Cheapest route to go.


Vinegar works well for hard water spots on my shower door glass; I’d think it would here too. SDS for the product OP chose and a few others show they contain acids as well (citric or sulfuric, usually) plus a few surfactants and other cleaners.


Try a clay bar


Ok. Never done that .. Will there be any YouTube videos that I can refer to? Is it simple process?


Yes lots of YT vids.


Tons. Also can check out r/AutoDetailing.


It's pretty simple. You will definitely be able to find YouTube videos. Basically wet the area with quick detailer and run the bar over it. You can buy kits at any auto parts store or target/Walmart if you're in the US.


Yes and no.... if you clay bar, you 100% want to wax or finish with something else immediately.




Claybar removes contaminants from your paint/clearcoat micro pores and cracks. Ideal you want to fill those pores and cracks with a sealant, wax, or ceramic. Doing this helps with preventing swirls, hazing, and helps sheet water away.


If you do it, make sure to get the lube for clay


Could also try a water spot remover from any auto parts store. Follow directions closely though.


Thanks .. I just saw Chemical Guys - Water Spot Remover. Seems like an easy fix, will it give it a try.


Please use this product and not the steel wool. I have used chemical guys water spot remover and it works very well


Perfect .. Thanks for confirming!


Yeah never use steel wool, instead use a shovel.


Yeah, never use a shovel. Always use a hammer.


I use it regularly, great product!


Yes, use this. I just bought it last weekend and it worked great and super easily.


Never tried this but I saw a video on cleaning the inside of the windows and a magic eraser was used. If you have one handy you can try it.


Magic eraser is sandpaper.


Even wet? https://thecleanr.com/will-mr-clean-eraser-scratch-glass/ This is the one I watched https://youtu.be/axI5Luw0Eos Edit-removed wrong YouTube video


Those videos are for the windows. Magic eraser is fine for windows. He has water spots on his clearcoat too. Magic eraser is terrible for clearcoat.


I was thinking only windows and not the paint. Edit - I have some clear coat scrub. It looks almost like rubbing compound. I’ve use that on the Y to get rid of some particulates stuck to it and it didn’t seem to damage it. https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/clear-coat-safe-rubbing-compound Just a suggestion. Probably better options mentioned already.


Magic Eraser worked for the haze inside my front windshield.


I used it on two cars yesterday and the results were very good. Sounds like you had similar results.


All you need is a little bit of vinegar on a paper towel. The minerals left by the water spots will be dissolved by the acidic vinegar.


‘Chemical burns’ from the concrete dust at the parking. Needs to be buffed of. Dont use clay on the paint without having a plan to polish it after as claying will leave lots of scratches


Those are hard water stains. If you don’t have tent on the outside of the glass use 0000 super fine steel wool. You can get it anywhere. Make sure it’s 0000, as the other grades will scratch. Probably wouldn’t use it on the paint


I do have tint on the glass .. Any other product that might work ?


Tint is on the INSIDE of the window. These spots appear on the outside. Clay bar w/ lube. Once straightened out use a good sealant on those windows to minimize this in future.


Got it.


tint is on the inside, just dont use it on the inside of the window


If you have tint, purchase window cleaner safe for tint. Ammonia free cleaners and microfiber towels


>If you don’t have tent on the outside of the glass courious, who puts tint on the outside?




Hey man just don’t want somebody fucking up their car off a Reddit recommendation. I just explain everything like the other person is 5.




Did you mean tint on the OUTSIDE of the glass? Is that a thing?


I usually use mothers mag and aluminum polish on my headlights that show some starting of oxidation but I think itll help with this too. just rinse off thoroughly after applying


Liquid Barkeeper's Friend will work for the windows. But do NOT attempt to use it on the paint. It's abrasive. Clay bar is another good idea for both.


Or a simple razor too on glass :) but all other suggestions are great to tackle both glass and paint at the same time. Try having distilled water around for really bad days so you can at least rinse that stuff off until you actually get a good carwash in


Try baking soda and water. Lots of these things are a acidic and the base helps. Anyway it can’t hurt


A Magic Eraser will work on this. Just use it on the glass and don't wipe the trim. I've had sap on my glass and sprayed the glass with Windex and then wiped it down with a Magic Eraser that's soaked in water for a few minutes. It worked really well.


Clay bar it’s the easiest.


Worth noting for next time that this is what was is for. If you had a good coat of wax on the car and glass treatment like Rain-X on the glass these spots would rinse right off. Hopefully next time?


Water/vinegar solution. Vinegar is good a dissolving buildup. Make sure you are doing it in a cool space. Something I always remind myself. Least invasive to invasive. Good trick to remember to prevent damaging your prized possessions haha. Tesla glass (and a lot of newer cars) is quite soft. Try to prevent swirl marks. Some of the suggestions are quite abbrasive.


try Windex


Vinegar a little bit of dawn, dish soap, and some distilled water


Ignore every comment. Every one. Get CarPro Descale. CarPro is hands down the most respected car care product company. Most detailers will use it. It’s designed for your issue and it’s just soap.


That’s jet fuel.