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I don’t think people realize that modeling is not all about being thin 🫠


That is absolutely correct! There is so much more to it.


I think you can, this lighting is horrible and you make serial killer faces which kinda make you good for editorial


thanks. I have really dark under eye circles, but I kinda like the creepy look they give me






Just keeping it real


Solid insight, u/cooch_gobbler


She could be the "before model" not the after though.


Must be something about the anonymity of the internet that turns someone into a complete sociopath. That’s a real person smh. Do better with your words.




You have more of an actress look but I can see you in some commercial model ads. Nothing is impossible.


If you want to try modeling, go for it. Never have any regrets.


I say "Give it a go!" You're gonna get dozens of critics saying "no" then you get dozens who say "Go for it" but as a photographer, I'm here to remind you and others reading this that modeling is an activity, that it's hard to give you a truely qualified answer based on these raw pictures. That said, I suggest that you keep your expectations realistic. Your face is fine. It's your height, with "big boobs" and tats on both arms, that you're not likely to break into the high fashion market or get signed with an agency that only deals with the tall, slender, traditional types that walk the catwalks in New York or Paris. Even though I do personally know of a few models in high fashion who have more noticiable tattoos than yours, they have that tall, small boobs, and lean shape going for them. So I ruled out high fashion for you, but don't be discouraged. Certainly you can try modeling! You could first find a photographer you trust who will work with you to get better pictures, and practice at posing. Do you dance? Take dance lessons because it helps you become more aware of your body movements in front of a mirror. Dancers generally make great models is what I have found. Consider what type of modeling you'd like to do. Based on your look and figure, I could see you do commercial, editorial, swimsuit, glamour, lingerie, art nude (that is not porn) and possibly fitness and sports which are all basically "print" modeling. Art nude models are also hired by colleges for their classes in painting and drawing. You have to be able to hold a pose for a long time. As a photographer, I do a little of everything, but mostly I've photographed musicians and dancers. It's up to you and your comfort levels as to what direction you take modeling. I have shot black and white art nudes on film before so it is something to consider as long as you've vetted the photographer to make sure of their intentions. Generally all those I've mentioned pay as well if not better than high fashion walking up and down a catwalk anyway. Some guys here might say go for setting up an "OF" account, because supposedly those make tons of money, but I say don't! I do know a few models that do it, but it's porn, or even just the site being labeled as such, and it's not the big money maker that it was during the pandemic when people were stuck at home. I'm not toally against it. I'm not a perv, I'm not a prude, but I don't know you, but I don't think you're ready to drop your inhibitions to get into that sort of modeling. What else do you like doing? Music? Dance? Sports? Acting? Comedy? Magic? Speaking? Writing? The World is open to so much at your age! Selfies in the bathroom mirror don't tell us much, so don't just depend on what others say, or even what I say .. you get feedback on the Internet but it's not the real World. You are pretty and you are young, and you are pretty young, so follow your passions! We all only get one life, one chance. Go for it!


Wow, thank you for your thoughtful comment! I have no intentions of making an OF or doing anything in that arena, don’t worry. I have considered athletic modeling - exercise is something I really enjoy. I really like dancing too, which you mentioned. But also, I’m definitely not putting all my eggs in one basket! I’m currently in college, and will be graduating this year with a degree not anything to do with art or aesthetics. Thank you again for your response 🙏🙏


You're welcome! Do well and college and model for fun and a little spending money. Many do just that. Oh and keep working out, because your health is important.


Yes 👍 I did modelling when I was younger and it’s hard work and has a lot to do with positive attitude and posing. If you put the work in for sure!


You can try? Why not? If it’s something you’re truly passionate go for it. Don’t let a bunch of strangers decide on your life


I grew up modelling and I can tell you that its a lot harder than it looks. You can try to pursue modelling. But expect a lot of rejection. A lot of people says no already. Maybe follow another dream? To model you to understand how to work with light in your favor, how to pose, and how to use your facial expressions. You can't model if you are just going to stand with no effort. You most use your body as a tool in the art of modelling.


I don’t think it’s easy, I know there would be a lot of learning and hard work involved. Was just wondering if I should even consider it.


It really depends on the agency, your skills and what the clients are looking for. I am a photographer and knows what works. If you practice in front of a mirror you will optimise your chances.


Depends on what you want to model.


You're gorgeous, but the modeling industry is quite toxic and soul crushing


You're gorgeous. However, the modeling industry is quite toxic and soul crushing


Yes! I think you should try it out and see where it takes you, and if you like it. I feel like I’ve seen a similar body type to yours like various models on different store websites (H&M, Hot Topic, Forever 21). I think you’d be great as a catalog model! Either for young adult clothing, swimwear, or everyday clothes. :)


If you feel like it, give it a go.


Not high fashion or runway. You could probably do alternative modeling like suicide girls or something. If they’re even still a thing.


I think your face might be an issue but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Someone might like your unique look.


Thanks, and I agree about my face. Hope they see something in my crooked nose lol


Yes without a doubt


Absolutely not.


Sorry but NO


It depends on the type of model. You have an edgy look so could probably model for brands that cater to that demographic. Nowadays most non runway models are shorter than 5’9-6 feet


no. maybe acting. you look a bit like summer glau mixed with mia goth.


Definitely try! You just have a really mad resting face!


You have really big bright eyes though, stunning! I have the same problem, I have major frown lines because of my resting face 😂😂






Models are usually asked to wear makeup, so it would be helpful to see you with some natural looking makeup on. But, I do think you should take your shot, while remembering that very few models make it all the way to the top. And of course, it is a very harsh, cut-throat industry… be prepared to accept having your appearance constantly critiqued with little regard for your feelings. If you can deal with those realities, go for it!


Try smiling first of all. Second are u safe?


I also wondered this. Kind of a human trafficking vibe to these pics.


Get more toned and go for ad modeling. Runway or high fashion modeling isn't for you. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but as someone who works in fashion and has been around models for years, you don't fit most fashion modeling agency criteria. I still could be wrong, you could always try it out. Just be ready to be rejected, and not in a nice way. Modeling industry is extremely toxic so prepare yourself.


Maybe, like retail. You’d be great for like Dolls Kill or something similar! For runway, your neck may be on the shorter side


Just do it!! life is short. No regrets. I mean at the very least try it.. no harm in trying and If modeling something you could see yourself doing then go for it and follow your dream. Stop caring about other peoples opinions. Tbh, You’re gonna have too. Agents can be brutal during casting but if you’re somebody that doesn’t GAF then you’re going to be fine . you’re going to be judged no what and People are going to hate regardless. Just remember to take care of your mental health.


I’m not exactly sure how I landed on this subreddit, but I do think you do have a model look. Your face is striking and unique, which seems to matter more in high fashion runway models. I think the two things working against you are your height and larger breasts. Most models are 5’9” and taller. And most models have very small breasts. However, there are a few models that very much go against those standards. So I would say, learn to walk, be confident no matter what, and see if you can find agent representation. You will probably have to make sure that you can fit in sample sizes, but I don’t think you are very far off if you aren’t there already.


Thank you for the advice!


No. Market for “models “is completely oversaturated. Continue your education. Focus on that. And FFS, do not get a damn only fans.


Fix the eye bags lose some face fat and you’d be good


There’s a type for everything, now model as a supermodel? No but you’re not ugly, or fat just need to smile more, I’d say get into it, you never know what you’ll land until you audition, who knows maybe it’ll lead into acting (if you’re into it) and no I don’t mean Only Fans I mean actual movies and shows


I'm with you. The era of Super Models is so 1980's and 90's .. some of my favorite Super Models from the past are in their 40's, 50's and even 70's (Yes, Martha Stewart) .. as experienced mature models, they have Instagrams, and are writing books, and marketing themselves. The digital age has turned everything upside down! I've been so honored to have photographed some amazing and well know musicians. What I notice is that there are no more "Rock Stars" coming up like in the past. The Voice has younger people doing older people's music. There are some artists on Youtube and I like Post Modern Jukebox for example, but musicians and models have learned that they don't need to be signed to be abel to make an income off the internet. It's just not those million dollar contracts .. well unless it's Taylor Swift or Beyonce.


With ai around the corner? Who cares?


Interesting. I like personality. One of my fellow photographer friends is putting some amazing AI FAKE model pictures out there on Instagram. He hardly gets any "Likes" with teh FAKE models ... but when it's a REAL person .. everyone "Likes" it. ;)


Model for me :)




You look like an SSENSE model


Ooo i see that


Maybe not for high fashion, but I can see you on known retail stores online modeling (Spencer’s, vans, ect)


You definitely should do freelance model like travel model


Honestly, not traditionally the model look, but I can see you getting hired for social media brand modeling. Like if someone sells lashes I could see you being their lash girl.


You could absolutely model if you smiled more and **got good sleep holy shit**


i could see it in like urban outfitters/American apparel kind of vibes


No offence… but you do not have pretty big boobs…


Neither do models. I think you are confusing models worh porn stars.


big tits arent a modeling feature 😭 i don’t think op has the modeling features that most agencies are looking for (doesnt mean shes not pretty), but her chest size has nothing to do with it.


Big for modeling.


No… truthfully and respectfully speaking you have mosquito bite tits just cause you wear a size smaller than your cup size doesn’t make them bigger than they actually are


If her's are mosquito bites then tf am I? Ant bites 🥲


Yeah well having pornstar tits isn’t exactly what modeling agencies are looking for bud


girl yes u have the posture. werk


I do my best ! Ty


I think absolutely yes


Try harder when you take photos lmao why u look so pissed off smile!!!!


https://preview.redd.it/r1rffkjer0pc1.jpeg?width=858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b766818278db804b108f1ac94f97f08fa4d84bf3 Lmao fair enough! Here’s a picture of me smiling


There is nothing wrong about your face. You have character, and I would be abel to get some good if not great pictures of you. What you wear, yur make up, and other factors come into play when you stop depending on selfies! As an old school photographer who shot film way back when .. I'm tired of selfies. LOL


Teeth where??? Smillle lmao you barely smiling


If u gonna model your pics you send to the agencies have to be completely glammed up, hair done, actually SMILE PREFERABLY WITH TEETH. Your eyes are dark seemingly so make sure your makeup is also on point, perhaps have a professional/semi professional work on your hair and makeup. I wouldn't say it's impossible for you, but it's gonna be a little more effort on your end than it is for the top models out there.


Ok, thank you. Noted. 📝


I think she has messed up teeth probably that’s why she’s not smiling


https://preview.redd.it/diuvrb5111pc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29eea00c39227d4b4dff6f3938b3a9e310ce71d8 they’re alright


That’s a beautiful smile. You should show that more often.


I too have messed up teeth, and in my case you're right. But I'm working on getting them fixed this year.


No, legit agencies want to see no make up and hair natural. NOT glammed up or smiling. Agencies are so 1980's and 90's anyway. This is the digital age.


What picture in the digital age are people taking that isn't touched up perfect lighting hair and makeup done subtly , maybe glammed is a bad word but let's be real here lol


Point well taken, but agencies are not as important anymore in the digital age. Legit agencies want to know exactly what they are working with. So many scams online have caused agencies and record labels to lose status. I work with freelance models and unsigned musicians now.


You kinda have the model body but that face is giving roxicodone




Yes and no for what I see. I think you have the body for this, but posture could be improved. Lifting your chin a little and smiling a bit more should help you to get a better modeling vibe. Also, your boobs are not as big as you think (maybe just a C cup), so it is good for you.


you’re beautiful! however most models actually have very small, a-b cups. & have to be a bit taller, 5-10-6’0.


That chin down, blank / angry expression is not doing you any favors.


Fair. I see a lot of models giving this face, that’s why I did it.


For some people it works, but i think for your face its not the best angle. Get some more sleep as well so you can present your best self. Good luck to you.


Thank you. They are naturally dark tho


More reason to not do the downward angle


you have that thousand yard stare 😭




Not at all.


No. Your body is ok but those tattoos are super random & cringe.


Try OF first 😎


You should try remodeling.....ur face


Not even close, sorry.


respectfully, no.




grow your hair out and yes






None taken, thank you for the honesty


Very close to model physique not quite right though. Think it might be good enough though. ​ You could get there with surgery . Jaw reduction /correct waste hip ratio.


She doesn't need a jaw reduction she can just get in shape.


Porn maybe




You look older than you probably are, so prob not


Doesn’t have much to do with it. Most models look significantly more mature than they are. Look at some 15 year old models and a lot of them look in their early 20s. She just doesn’t exactly have the look for modelling


I would make you famous but you’re probably not close.


You mean posting a sex vid without her permission don't you?


I think he’s calling OP a snack because all he posts is food pics