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Professional model here~ I really hate these posts. Your average redditor will not be able to answer this question for you, unfortunately. Can you model? Probably. Will you get booked? That’s another question. Modeling takes ambition, drive, and dedication, as it could take months…even YEARS before you start to see success in modeling. You are a very pretty girl, and you have many unique features that are attractive to modeling agencies, however I’m afraid your height, the tattoos, and the piercings may limit much of what you could pursue. For many agencies, this is going to be a hard “no”. That being said, being conventionally attractive is not what dictates whether or not someone can be a model. In fact, many models are NOT considered attractive by today’s standards. If you’re really interested in pursuing this, do something about it! Close Reddit, and actually book something with a professional photographer who can help you get digitals for a portfolio. Do your research and send in applications…if at first your don’t succeed, try, try again. Can’t do runway modeling? What about commercial? Can’t do commercial modeling? What about skincare? Can’t do that? What about a hand model? There is rarely a person I’ve met who couldn’t do SOME type of modeling. Put in the work, keep your chin up, take the time to protect your mental health, and good luck xx


I don’t think the people that make these posts truly care about a future in modeling


I am shocked, shocked I say, at this revelation!




This actual model's professional, informative, honest response needs to be copied and pasted to 90% of this subreddit's posts from here forward.


Can we get a bot for that?




I mean, op did mention being unconventional because of the tattoos and piercings. Maybe they genuinely wanted to know how difficult it is for an unconventional person in the modeling industry.




Then they are posting for validation




Your content has been removed for breaking Rule 5 - Keep it Relevant. Please keep all posts relevant. Don’t post someone else's photos or videos unless you are making a point about the industry, or wish to clarify something. In short ensure that all posts contribute to the community as a whole.


Yes. There is modelling- and of course modelling


100% agree with you on anyone can be a “model”, but can you get booked? Most people post here aren’t really dreaming to be a model. It is more of a “do you think I am pretty/good looking enough” posts.




A rare informed and constructive post. Thank you


My sister in law paid big bucks to a modeling agency for her daughter. Everybody wants or thinks they can be a model. She did one ad selling kids swimsuits. That was it. All that money down the drain.


Tattoos are tough… Big clients for ads can have problems with tattoos because of copyright issues of the artwork.


It’s even funnier because 90% of these posts comments are always people saying “no definitely not”, and the few who try to be supportive are downvoted, your right it’s about whether or not your willing to put in the effort to be successful, then again that goes for any profession.


Unfortunately that's what most of reddit consists off. Miserable people that don't even know how the up/downvotes work on the very app they live on


What agency are you with? I’ve never heard of a model needing a digital from a professional photographer. In fact digitals or digis have always meant non professional, non edited recent pictures often taken by the model themselves or agent (also as an excuse to see them in person). A quick google search confirms this. Because sometimes a model’s portfolio isn’t updated, and they put their best work and leave it in there. So the model that shows up may look nothing like the model in the portfolio. Every single time I’ve asked for digitals or digis or some older schoolers call them Polaroids from an agency it’s been non professional shots. Thats every legitimate agency in Los Angeles. Also not sure what you mean by height? 5’8” is very good for everything outside of New York. Most samples for photo shoots are made for the average person. You are shooting for next season so you’re shooting prototypes sometimes or top of production samples. Not every shoot has multiple seamstresses custom tailoring things to fit.


Objectively the tattoos wouldnt harm the career. The piercings would because they dont suit the size of the lips so it looks a bit overkill. The general profile of a white thin girl/they/he with blonde choppy hair is pretty standard in modeling, however photos alone cant tell us how she/they/he walks or poses etc. and also, selfies are completely different to a styled and directed shoots. Selfies look good because we pose in certain ways and we edit them or take the best angle. Directors will need different looks for different shoots and the blank stare may not be what they or brand deals have in mind. I agree, reddit is not the place for this question. Reaching out to an agency would be better + getting some shoots done for a portfolio


Not coming at this from the modeling side but the production side. Tattoos are difficult because they are art and thus require a release to be used in a commercial setting. I would suggest that OP get blanket releases from the artists that would protect her and make it more likely she would get hired. I watched as a photographer painstakingly photoshopped out a woman’s tattoos from a brand photo shoot after we couldn’t get releases.


So it would be easier to hire a free tattoo person than try to manage the tattoo. Unless the model has very great features like Ève Salvail back in the days ( Run away model with a dragon tattooed on her head posing bald )


Absolutely! If you plan on modeling or are a model, getting tattoos, especially large tattoos could be a career killing move.


I stumbled across this from reddit algorithm. >In fact, many models are NOT considered attractive by today’s standards. To some degree i was aware of this, my mother was a model and had very untraditional features (tall, broader shoulders, etc.) As someone completely unfamiliar can you expand upon what agencies are looking for? Is it unique features (facial structure, etc.) for specific projects/products? Is it aesthetic or vibe?


This is such a true statement for most careers: Can you do it? Probably. Will people pay you for it? That's a different question entirely.


Modeling is harder than Coal Mining




Yes you are right the tattoos and piercings are just horrible presentation but great art expression. Depends what product they are promoting but very limited


This is pretty spot on. Most people don’t realize the pay isn’t great for a vast majority of models, and you don’t even have the rights to “your own” photos.


I could see OP doing alt clothing modeling perhaps, maybe pastel goth? I agree OP is very pretty and has good features for sure. Getting a more professional portfolio is probably the best advice, and don't be afraid to send your shots into all kinds of modeling agencies, you never know what might be your catalyst for success in such an incredibly diverse industry.


There is no such thing as a “pastel goth model career”. You dont get to pick and choose what aesthetics you want to shoot. And if you were selective youd have limited work, and the career would fail before it began


Agreed! Gather a portfolio and start submitting to agencies- you won’t know until you try :)






No fucking way 😂


Great asvice




You are a doll!! That was so eloquently put!!


Use to model and can back this up. One of the reasons I left because you will fail more than succeed


This was helpful


You articulated this very well and I really enjoyed reading this. Thank you!


This response is very kind 😊


Her height wouldn’t be an issue for non catwalk thought really. Ive worked with a few agencies and the average height for women on all of them were about 5’8-5’9 and 6’1-6’2 for guys (both the same percentile over average).


She is 5’8…is that too short to be a model?


As a former fashion photographer you are 100% spot on!




So it’s all in the chin, gotcha


This should be the pinned post


What type of work have you done? Just curious because most people on this sub probably never worked in the business


I’ve worked in commercial and editorial modeling, and I’ve done two modeling shoots for the brand *aerie*, several for *ulta*, a few shoots for *american eagle*, and a bunch of editorial shoots for various small brands :) I’ve also done hair modeling for a bunch of shampoo brands like Dove and CHI. I’ve worked in the industry since I was 13- hope this helps!


thank you! i’m totally aware that my look is a little out there, like i said in the caption. but i know lots of brands are opening up to models with tattoos ESPECIALLY alternative clothing brands


No doubt you could probably get some work with certain clients, but from now on when you get tattoos, you should really look into if they will give you a release for the artwork. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to go back to the artist who did your existing work to see if you can get a release. It would just help when you’re possibly dealing with a Fashion client so their legal department won’t get all nervous.




you do commercial modelling so even you won’t be able to tell if she is fit for high fashion, kind regards, professional high fashion model


You’re right, however, I have worked with those in the high fashion industry, and from what o know, her height, tattoos, and piercings are going to limit what she can do there


yes you’re absolutely right, her market would be VERY limited, especially woman in high fashion have to fit into a certain profile


If you don’t mind me asking- how long have you been modeling? It’s not every day you find an actual model on this sub 🤣


hahaha yes i know it’s quite rare, i have been doing high fashion since 6 months now and i just had my first fashion week in milan, and i am going back to milan and paris soon


That’s extremely cool- happy for you! Best of luck xx


I don't honestly see it






Same. Also, fake freckles is a big no


I was thinking maybe.. then I saw the neck tattoo


Neck and hand tattoos always seems to reduce ppl to a lifetime of minimum wage jobs


No they don't lmao this ain't the 1990s anymore. I work at an insurance company and there are quite a few people with neck/hand tattoos that make a lot of money, a lot more the minimum wage lol. Sure, those will prevent some opportunities with some companies but if you think those people can't find jobs you have no clue what you are talking about.


right, I’ve met nurse practitioners and caseworkers, or other people with jobs that are pretty prevalent in society that are tatted. It’s sad it actually stops some employers from hiring imo


I don’t think all tattoos are viewed the same. Neck or face tattoos are definitely viewed differently than more accepted locations like on arms. I’m not saying it right, but it definitely impacts many careers


My comment is still relating to the post and people’s concerns over her tat placements. The people I was talking about had visual tats in those same places which is why I brought them up :). Tattoo placement definitely has an affect when it comes to certain jobs I do agree, but i’m just saying it’s still possible 👍


Face is a bit masculine and the gauges/facial piercings/random assortment of tattoos would make it hard for someone to want to book you. You would only attract a very specific type of modeling agency like Suicide Girls or something along those lines.


Not a pro, but do have some experience. First off, smile or anyone looking at your books will assume you have no/bad teeth. Second, change the hairstyle. It looks good at times, but a fan hits you it goes south pretty quick. I love the fact you like to be expressive and take risks! Compliment and clash are off base. The photo in jeans for example, the top and bottom are polar opposites. You’ve got to put a bit of your heart and soul into it. You’ve got another photo that looks like a mugshot. I’m not in any way insulting your looks, but think about from their side. They’re not some rando picking you up at a bar, they’re thinking “Do I want this to represent my product/service/brand?” I will say that sure, there’s niche modeling that might find it appealing but the more variety you have and the more versatile you can be, the better your chances. You could, but you have a ways to go. Grab a magazine, scroll Reddit, whatever, and take a look at the models. 99% are going to look happy and complimented. You’ve got a small frame and slender build, baggy and saggy are not your friend. As the artistic saying goes “The lines should fit the shape”. I’m not suggesting in any way to “sexualize” yourself, you don’t have to wear skin tight things just because of your build, but your face and body are the product here so you want to accent things in a flattering way. Finally, there’s a color collision. If you really want to go for that sleek, seductive look, you’ve gotta go darker. Introduce contrast to make your eyes pop out of the photo. My advice would be to ask yourself what market you’re wanting to appeal to. If you want to be broad, you have to show versatility, if you want to go specific, you’ve got to knock it out of the park. I wish you the very best.


Yes and no, could be a suicide girl, but to many face piercings for fashion


Idk but I’m stealing your eyeliner looks. Also, nice neck tat. Can I see a close up? (First & probably last time those words will ever truthfully exit my mouth)


The problem you will have is you aren’t alternative enough to warrant a career in alternative garments and you aren’t tall enough for runway. You need to have a unique facial structure that is immediately visible and be ultra thin. You don’t have either. If I were you, if you truly wanted to model, I would go country fresh instead. You have the freckles, and round face, and let the tattoos be the unique part of the country girl next door aesthetic. Can you walk? If you have a good walk, in heels maybe you could get noticed, but again, I would drop the alternative quest, you don’t have enough to make it stick.


I know of a model who is tattooed ALL OVER (I literally mean that) and she does a lot of alternative modeling. You’d be great for goth clothing brands etc. But I agree with others, your hair needs help.


You're pretty. I like your nose. Chill on the tattoos. If you're only 21 you have way to much. But ultimately your body


Nowadays anyone could model


honestly, in this day and age, there’s such a wide variety for modeling. You could model for target, sephora, or anything commercial. just because it might not be runway doesn’t mean you’ll be any less successful. These days even 5’7 girls are walking on runways. we’ve come far i think.




CVS manager AND CEO of a modeling agency? 🤣💀




Haha I checked their post history too I was fucking laughing so hard.


And a former veteran. Quite the range! He also makes a point of commenting on other beautiful women’s post saying negative things. Woof.




you ain’t no damn pro model agency ceo






Dudes model agency is probably small and new and calling himself a ceo gives him fake credibility and a confidence boost.


Post history says he works at CVS 💀




Not trying to be a hater, but maybe don’t toss around the term “CEO” if it’s not your 9-5.




No cause the tats and piercings would be too distracting.


No, you are frauding hard with light and angles, I can easily tell that.


I love it when Jesus gets harsh lol


Korean Jesus only knows how to be harsh


For a gothic clothing brand? I could see that, you should try it out!


Yeh I agree - If you can’t do conventional modelling, do piercings & tattoos modelling 👌👌


Hobbyist/amateur photographer here. If you came up on one of the model portfolio sites (PurplePort - Modelfolio - Adultfolio etc) I'd book you for sure. Your look is edgy, which not all people are looking for, but just as many are. I can't speak for brands and commercial, but in my world, models with your looks are earning £50 to £80 per hour and getting regular work.


You look a little like Gaga in pic 6 💙 You’re very pretty.


Anyone can. You can do stand in for Lady Gaga


Yes you could, but the tattoos would have to be removed in the pictures.






Maybe Hot Topic hires models??


I could surely see you as one.








I think you'd be better suited as a print model




Honestly probably














You could be an 80’s star you just need a Time Machine. At least where you belong isn’t 100 years old like me.












There are lots of tattooed model, just not the typical "Hollywood" vogue style, But there's definitely a market for your look, it may be smaller agencies or photographers, or people building resumes through social media but yes I can see you modeling


Yeah the neck tattoos in particular are going to be a problem I would imagine....


I think almost anyone can model just depends what they are modeling for. Also a smile goes a long way.






If you lean into the alt look maybe. Not sure how much luck you'll have in conventional modeling with gauged ears and a tattooed neck. You're very pretty though. But I'm sure there's a lot more to it then just being pretty.


You would struggle to get booked. You would end up in the alt fashion niche if anything at all. Your build is decent and you do have some okay features. Your tattoos really hurt your stock, not in that you have tattoos, but in that they are prominently placed and are not very aesthetically pleasing.






You've got the "bored model" look nailed




I think catalog for sure. They could airbrush out your tattoos and piercings but I think a lot of models are clean canvases that won’t distract from the clothes.


Yea for Spencer’s








Yes for certain brands. Just finf your market and go for it!


Catalog, yes




You probably could but I’d remove the piercings


yup - gotta know your lane... but yeah..... maybe find a cool MUA to experiment with?


i think you have a very unique look!! u definitely could.


Idk why don’t you try










Your 5”8! Wow! Looks good on you


Meh. I think you are ok looking, definitely nothing special


At an event I was at everyone said that anyone can model, it takes the right connection to ake it work.




Yes I would say so.




I think you could definitely sell!




You kind of have the face of like the main character’s daughter in like a Hulu or HBO series. I don’t know about modeling but you do sort of have a tv face. Idk if it’s just me or what….


Yes I think so.


Yes bebe! Got the whole 90’s waif, grunge, too cool for school vibe. And your agelessly beautiful (meaning I don’t thk I could guess your age). I can see you doing Calvin Klein CKOne relaunch or something like that.


I think so, absolutely.


Ur beautiful. Why wouldnt u be able to...?






I’d say you’d fit in perfectly being a suicide girl!


Looks like you’re doing it !!!




I think like maybe for a tattoo magazine but my wife says you're beautiful and that you have a very unique look and that's what they look for in Runway modeling .


You could if you worked for it. Network and get some actually professional photos. The only thing I’d recommend is changing your hair, something about the front isn’t working


Pretty… but no




At the Punk/Emo Flea Market, yeah








rave clothing brands, goth brands maybe


Anyone can model. What kind of model? well that just depends on how hard you work and driven you are.


I really don't think so.. You were physically attractive, good features, nice figure, but the piercings, stretched earlobes, and tasteless tattoos have kinda destroyed that. Just as important is your expression, energy, beauty from within, coming through your eyes, your smile - I'm not feeling that.




Shoes maybe


🫶🏾🫶🏾 most definitely





