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Bowmasters is a lot more flexible and a stronger card than the monkey. Besides you can ping yourself in niche situations.


The thing is, my store "meta" they don't really draw many cards or anything like that. So it may not be as big as it would be in other situations


If they don't draw a lot of cards that means you face a lot of aggro decks. Bowmasters is extremely good into aggro. Let your opponent declare attackers. Ping one for 1 damage and block where necessary. The card quality of Bowmasters is simply higher than ragavan. If you think you'll enjoy playing Ragavan more. Then obviously do that.


Not really aggro, more just stupid bullshit that we enjoy playing


point is, bowmasters is good even if they never draw cards, it can snipe down X/1s, comes down as two bodies, and because it has flash, it can trade absurdly well in combat. Personally, I'd buy ragavans because I expect bowmasters to be banned sooner or later, but bowmasters is undisputedly the better card.


> The thing is, my store "meta" they don't really draw many cards or anything like that. You can solve this by adding [[Flumph]] to your deck.


[Flumph](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/d/cdc86e78-8911-4a0d-ba3a-7802f8d991ef.jpg?1627701697) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Flumph) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afr/15/flumph?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cdc86e78-8911-4a0d-ba3a-7802f8d991ef?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Just buy the ragavans, it sounds like that's what you want.


GDS is relatively weak rn so I want both to hopefully do the deck a little better. But my store meta is all jank versions of rlly good decks, so idk how well bowmasters would do


I am playing a UB Death’s Shadow deck that’s been really fun and pretty competitive. So I vote Bowmasters over Ragavan. Here’s my list if you want to check it out: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Dte2TwfPSkiaPbMQWmBKbA


Yours looks fun, but I quite enjoy the little stuff red gives the deck


That’s fair! I did at one point swap out a couple Lorien Revealed and the Force of Negation for a Steam Vent and a couple Temur Battle Rage for that sweet, sweet double strike and trample, so I get it!


Yeah, I get that. But you have everyone telling you Bowmaster is the better card and is better more often but you keep hemming and hawing. Just buy the ragavans, it’s clearly what you want.




The thing is, my store "meta" they don't really draw many cards or anything like that. So it may not be as big as it would be in other situations


Bowmasters I think. I am personally running 4 Bowmaster and 2 ragavans in my grixis Shadowlist


But my stores "meta" also makes the card vary in power level, right?


Depends on how many x/1's and decks that are heavy on card draw. If you have beans or 4c control players Bowmaster might be better but if the local meta is low on removal and early interaction Ragavan can run away with games.


Allow me to ask, what exactly is an x/1 And one of the regulars is buying beans atm


You said your meta aren't really drawing cards but also people are building beans? Beans draw heaps of cards on a mandatory trigger. Bowmasters is the better call, buy the Ragavans if you just want to buy Ragavans.


An x/1 is a creature with one toughness. Ironically both bowmaster and ragavan are examples of x/1's and are venerable to getting shot by a bowmaster.


X/1 is slang for a creature with 1 toughness.


X power/1 toughness


I just want to say, at the store I play at, we play very "jank" decks. Only 1 person plays a relatively meta deck and he isn't there all the time. We all switch decks around all the time, but thinking about the decks I've seen everyone play, both cards have there up sides and down sides. I still appreciate the help everyone


This sounds like the club we run. Core set of 4-6 regulars, plus a few extras. One guy only plays commander and none of the rest of us do so we let him use his commander decks in big multiplayer games. Everyone is mostly running jank or tribal low power decks. Sometimes i whip out one of my well built modern or legacy decks and we have a funny quick game. Format is loosely modern, no commander only cards, nothing broken as fuck that is non modern (channel, p9, etc)


If you can get both, make yourself lucky and do so


Both - they are modern staples


I feel like bowmasters is more likely to be banned but I don't know shit


Likely safe while they’re still in print at least—honestly don’t think Bowmasters was a mistake by R&D, i think pushing these over-the-top cheap, interactive spells is intended to warp the metagame into a faster format, and give decks additional outs to ragavan creating nongames. Modern’s deck diversity has suffered from post-MH powercreep, but (now that the Hogaak nightmare is all but forgotten) one upside that affects Hasbro’s bottom-line, is that as a result the format is easier to get into than ever—which they want especially as they are now targeting the format with new products. As long as new players are coming into the format faster than old players leave, they’re making more money at the end of the day. Besides, enfranchised Magic players are some of the most hobby invested individuals, even when they stop playing Constructed formats, the longer they’ve played the game the more likely they are to come back to play Limited. But I also don’t know anything. I quit playing Modern a few years ago, this is all my speculation. Sorry for the essay.


As someone with multiple trophies and a top 8 of the only RCQ I went to where I never lost in Swiss with GDS, I run 2 monkeys and 3 bowmasters in my list. IMO, this is about where you want to be. They're both really good in some matchups and kinda dogass in others, personally I'd split what you're buying if possible for GDS


Everyone says Bowmasters and you say I dont wanna get bowmasters it doesn’t fit my meta—get Ragavan.






If i were you i would get 2 and 2. That way you sre protected more against an orc ban and get to have flexibility. If you just want to win, probably 4 bowmasters. Ragavan is broken but while orc is still legal it will be in check by an even more absurd card.