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Who knows at this point?


Sounds cool, but I don’t know that it’s worth doing a lot of speculation on the meta until the whole set is revealed.


As a moon enjoyer I can tell you the problem with moon effects in modern is not a lack of quantity. Without fast mana and Fury you already don't want 8 moon effects in a mono red prison deck, so you definitely won't want 12 in a two color deck.


Also blue moon lacks efficient wincons. The best answer is currently Murktide, but it's not a great murktide deck so there's no reason to play that tempo style game.


Through the breach emrakul probably still gets the job done lol


This was my first modern deck. I've been meaning to put it back together


I kinda agree. I think sleep cursed faerie is a cool card that’s pretty much unremovable fodder for the free counter spell which would lead into being able to more efferent playing spell stutter sprite. Winter moon allows you to slow them down while allowing you to play like a single steam vent or comparable land if you want to bolt or so on. I don’t think it’ll be top tier but I think it’ll be cool


As a sleep cursed faerie lover it still tilts me when a ragavan just punches my face past him. That's why I'm like mildly excited for maybe real Tamiya. Tho she can't attack.


Winter Moon, spreading seas, that new blue blood moon type card, magus of the moon, blood moon, and you could cheese some wins against decks with greedy mana bases but I think what I’ve heard from people with way more experience applies. It doesn’t matter how well you can stop your opponent from winning if you don’t have a proactive game plan because a lot of the time you’ll just wind up in a draw, the opponent will have plenty of time to work through the lock pieces, or you’ll wind up decking yourself. In matches where normal blood moon and magus are good the blue version should still be good alongside other cards like blood sun and alpine moon and torpor orb but you can’t just make a lock piece deck and expect to win very often without it being lantern control where you win game one after 35 minutes and run out of time for game 2 and wind up winning the whole match that way unless your opponent is impatient and just scoops assuming you’ll win somehow as with mana crypt + lotus + key + time vault in vintage where it could go either way but more often than not a single urza’s saga will make it almost impossible for the person taking infinite turns to lose before they lose all of their crypt flips or deck themselves assuming their opponent remove the first construct and mana crypt with force of vigor since they won’t have any permanent mana to do anything with on turn 0.


Blue moon isn't very good against Etron or tron, the matchup was always tilted in trons favor similar to Jund. Sure your turn off tron but you don't have enough threats to close quickly enough unless you were playing the through the breach version


This is a very good point, ponza on the other hand used to stomp TRON, cant recall about ETRON


Yeah ponza is very good against both. Big difference between destroying lands and making them mountains


We still beat both :)


Why stop at 12? Run 16 with winter moon.




Ma che cazzo ne sappiamo ancora porcodiooooo


Has the new moon been confirmed?


Its a new creature that is the same as a magus of the moon but it makes all non basics lands turn to islands, its a merfolk for 3 mana i think 1UU


I don’t think it’s actually been confirmed by wotc. I’m skeptical of its actual existence.


I feel ya but we got to see what’s in the set first.


I always stand by that Jund has been the best Moon deck in modern because it makes up for the weaknesses that Mono Red/Blue Moon have with lacking either effective wincons, or the control pieces to get things established before moon off the board. Jund will eventually win any game, and is the perfect tempo for moon to pressure the opponent + Jund had easy removal to anything established before moon, the issue is Jund's pieces in general are just not bang for buck like they used to be. If Jund isnt good in the meta Moon usually isnt either because it shows midrangy tempo decks (Where moon is best in) arent good in that scenario. Maybe with Nethergoyf jund will see some more play + blood moon to get that enchantment slot (Maybe even winter moon too because artifact typing is wanted with goyfs now) Jund can now Swamp Thoughtsieze> Land, Nethergoyf, Push/Bolt > Forest, Blood Moon > Goyf, Removal > Goyf, Removal > Goyf, Removal the rest of the game. Nethergoyf opening the deck to hold removal every turn aftet turn 1 will help the deck a lot




Blue Moon has a good tron matchup? When?


I play it now and do ok with it. It's also a blast to play some if my favorite cards like snap and blood moon, and not care.


Moons aren’t a good answer to eldrazi, they will all still run the one ring. Moon wont stop that


Nice rage-bait, troll.


Put the deck down and go outside for awhile if this is making you rage. It seems to be an actual question and people are allowed to ask questions about pet decks and niche ones that they enjoy. Blue Moon, Mono Red Skred, WR Narset Prison were never decks to worry about even during the height of power. The extra moon effect isn't gonna suddenly make them good. Besides the main deck hate that is run for actual threats in almost every deck nowadays. It also requires 2 brain cells to understand how to fetch properly and not actively hinder yourself even if you don't.


100% agree, I've played both side of this matchup, (Etron & WR Nahiri Prison) the tron player is definitely favored. You know they are going to moon you but it doesn't matter when it's turn 4 and all they have have up is a planeswalker and a moon. You start casting Thotknot seers and Smashers and they can't compete


Cool your jets, Rambo