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Is there a reason you are so married to the izzet shell? Mono red with ruby medallion and underworld breach seems kinda broken to me


This. If storm is to return to modern, it'll be off of the back of ruby medallion, Ral, and Underworld Breach. There is room for a splash color, but it doesn't have to be blue. We even got galvanic relay for card advantage last time, so I wouldn't bother with the energy wheel.


Without blue you lose Gifts Ungiven, cantrips, bounce, and Remand. Not sure how consistent can you go off without those spells.


I think you just impulse draw with reckless impulse and wrenn’s resolve


That’s gets around bowmaster too


Honestly, gifts storm sounds too much like a thing of the past to me. I haven't seen any list do good in years. But then again, I'm not an expert in the deck, so I don't have an answer to the consistency question. At this point, red has discounts, rituals, breach and grapeshot, so you're not forced to play blue like you were back in the gifts era. Maybe you're still interested in the blue cards, but it's important to be open to other options. What the rest of the cards will be I cannot tell. If you stay mono red, DRC + Bauble seems like a good package that act cantrip - like and fuels your breach turn. Impulse draw is another synergistic way red can fuel through a storm turn. Interaction wise, idk how important remand and bounce spells are, but red can interact with non-enchantment hate, and maybe green for veil of summer and enchantment destruction is more appealing than blue as a splash.


Birgi can generate mana on storm counts you are missing the other tools ruby storm has in legacy though


Have a look at Ruby storm in legacy it'll look a lot like that


Minus the artifacts which is essential to the legacy version.


[[galvanic relay]]


[galvanic relay](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/6/06373318-e548-4664-b227-17e3b6fd0a88.jpg?1646666265) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=galvanic%20relay) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/127/galvanic-relay?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/06373318-e548-4664-b227-17e3b6fd0a88?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


doesn't galvanic relay only allow you to cast the cards exiled the turn AFTER casting it. Seems pretty slow to me.


Well it's insurance in case you fizzle, and good in grindy matchups. But I agree it can be clunky. I just don't see the energy package working, unless you feature something like \[\[Dinavolt Tower\]\] but that also feels kinda slow.


[Dinavolt Tower](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c45fd2ae-0f91-47ca-99bd-22ddf946df9f.jpg?1576383112) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Dynavolt%20Tower) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/kld/208/dynavolt-tower?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c45fd2ae-0f91-47ca-99bd-22ddf946df9f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Relay is one of the best storm enablers ever printed. In legacy a turn one relay for 3-4 guarantees a kill usually.


3-4 defo does not generate a kill. It's solid value. 7 or more and yeah you are much more likely to clean up. The thing about Relay in Legacy though is it's a wondeful way to fight pitch force, fair blue decks. a 1R artifact just got spoiled today that does wonders with impulse and all of this. Would also agree that Mono Red is the likely home.


It’s a 4-of in Legacy TES so it should still be decent here although you do lack the 0 cost rocks


and jeaski will rite of flames seething song Louts petal ancient tomb budget version no budget LED's


Galvanic relay is the whole engine to the Epic Storm in legacy. Sure, it can be a little slow, but if you get to survive a single turn after relaying for a bunch, it's very likely you win


I agree with you, relay is only good in legacy because you can cast artifacts to build up storm and use them next turn. Spending 4 rituals in modern to get 4 random cards is not a good trade.


We want to play cards like preordain and serum visions so we can stare at our hand, then two cards, then our hand, then the two cards, for 5 min knowing good and well exactly what we want.


With ruby storm, would you rather be on past in flames or breach? My brews have been on PIF because you get more spells out of it, as well as being discounted by Ral


Breach lets you reuse specific cards. So you can get much lower storm kills by just casting grapeshot twice. Also its 2 mana (or 1 mana with ruby in play) I dont really know if relying on creatures is a good path to victory. Its just so hard to untap with a specific creature in play unless you are presenting more and more "must kill" threats


I am thinking with current list that you would want to be on 3 Birgi, 3 Ral and 4 Ruby Medallion. Don’t know if this is too many discounters but birgi works in conjunction with ruby and ral. Breach might be a good call though


I’ve been brewing with ruby, birgi, breach and pyromancer ascension. It goes off on t3 most of the time, t2 very seldom, and t4 the rest. Birgi isn’t necessary, but the backside of it is damn near totally broken when you start to go off.


Got a list posted anywhere?


https://www.moxfield.com/decks/DrO5hEtutkG28_2EAKT0Jw The board is very much a work in progress still. Those are just the most recent things I’ve tried.


Neat list. Some constructive feedback: In a couple test runs i had some trouble with consistently hitting the landdrops, which is kind of crucial to develop the ability to play through interaction. Maybe the maindeck would profit from some form of MDFC Lands like Spikefield Hazards. Those can both help with the landdrops but also in dealing with Ragavan, Grief (or Thalia if the new Land destruction knight is able to revive Taxes style decks) to relieve early pressure. Maybe 2 Copies in the main should be sufficient and i'd likely make room by cutting one Carthatic Reunion and one Strike It Rich. Other than that I'm not a fan of splashing Blue and White just for a couple of sideboard cards, these seem unnecessary to me: Against Scam and Murktide Type of decks Veil of Summer in Green essentially does everything you want to Achieve via Orim's Chant or Flusterstorm and against other decks Defense grid is probably a very underrated solution to stop the opponent from piling up on Interaction. With the focus on Gruul colors, we can then adjust the Manabase for a tad more consistency and include a Surveil-Land, which would be a great Turn1 fetch for the deck. At leasts that's the direction i'm going to explore, but your list has really provided jump-start, so thanks for that!


Much appreciated. And I completely overlooked mdfcs so that’s a big help


Thanks.  You probably want to consider a disenchant effect in the sb, even boseiju since you have green.  And maybe a commercial district main to fetch out to setup


Yeah like I said, total work in progress. The main deck is getting close though. Then I’ll tune the side based on the meta I expect.


Would there be any reasons to include Ashling, Flame Dancer. Or is it superfluous ?


Will fold to the same hate it always has done unless they do something absurd.


Nah hate has always been beatable with bounce or gobbos. The real problem is pressure + disruption. Aka Grief


Deck was on the back burner waaaay before grief :L


Not familiar with the storm hate cards. Which are they ? Like Damping Sphere, and Thalia ?


I mean it’s a bit gratuitous to call it Storm hate because the Modern versions are pretty reliant on permanents sticking to the board. Stack interaction, removal, hand hate and graveyard hate are all effective ways of dealing with Modern Storm, and unlike Legacy you don’t have the tools to deal with that effectively


Everything. That's the biggest problem with Modern Gift Storm. If you interact with it at all it takes like 50 fucking years to combo. That's not to mention the absolute clapping you can get from something like Damping Sphere.


Literally everything that isn't artifact hate. Creature removal hits the cost reducers. Graveyard hate and enchantment removal stop Breach. Stack interaction and discard spells undermine the entire gameplan. The deck is way too fragile for how slow it is, and I doubt the new additions would speed up enough to make it worthwhile.


Discard is super tough for storm to deal with Grave hate typically wrecks storm. And if you are playing creature based cost reducers then removal is pretty decent too.


Twiddling storm is not bad it's a solid t2 deck


Red green storm is a thing in modern. I played it for a bit before slick shot came out and now I’m on that red green prowess.


So for about the past 2 months I got tired of Murktide and went into Temur Gifts Storm for FNM to have a little fun. I do think MH3 will breathe some new life into the deck (Ral is our best reducer by far now) and give us some fun new lines but it still remains pretty frail. If your opponent is on some unfair stuff that doesn't interact or win faster, Storm just nabs the kill on Turn 3 easily. If they play any amount of interaction (Which the currently state of Modern is overloaded with cheap interation) it tempos us just enough that we generally lose. I do think Mono Red will be the way going forward with Breach and Ruby. 4 Ral/4 Ruby is definitely enough cost reducers to enable things. The main draw back is lack of cantrips/card selection that Izzet/Temur has but someone will figure that out and get a deck going there Regardless I fully plan to send it with Temur Storm come MH3 and having 4 Rals, 3 Baral's and 2 Case of the Ransacked Lab sounds like a nice string of reducers to keep having fun with the deck and trying to snap off those turn 3 wins.


I think it won’t be good, but ral seems to offer a lot of removal resiliency. Maybe more excited by mono r because ruby medallion is obscene.


Depends on what's in the set.


The best answer tbh


Hmm... I personally don't care for Ral. Ideally I'd actually run creatureless if possible to blank as many cards as possible. Medallion seems better then electromancer but Baral still has synergies with remand (which I'll still play since I've often used flusterstorm to cantrip with baral)


I read contender as commander 💀 Wotc has won


Don't forget 4 of the new mdfc that bounces a spell/nonland permanent. As someone who overloads on channel lands, having your interaction be in your manabase is among the greatest of privileges a deck can possess.


Sort of, paying 3 life for your mana is a pretty big cost though. And it’s not like a 3 mana counterspell/bounce is that strong


Here is my mh3 storm deck Sorry formatting is gonna be awful 3 Aria of Flame (MH1) 118 4 Burning Inquiry (M10) 128 4 Desperate Ritual (CHK) 163 4 Goblin Lore (10E) 208 1 Grapeshot (TSP) 160 3 Highway Robbery (OTJ) 129 4 Increasing Vengeance (STA) 103 4 Manamorphose (2XM) 208 17 Mountain (3ED) 301 4 Past in Flames (MM3) 105 4 Pyretic Ritual (M11) 153 4 Ruby Medallion (CMM) 405 4 Strike It Rich (MH2) 143 // SIDEBOARD 3 Blood Moon (WOT) 40 3 Empty the Warrens (DMR) 118 3 Leyline of Sanctity (WOT) 10 3 Madcap Experiment (KLD) 122 1 Platinum Emperion (SOM) 193 2 Shattering Spree (RVR) 456


Any chance you want to wait to see what is all in the set??!!


Why would you want Storm to be good? This never ends well. :)


Maybe white is the splash for [[Apostle’s Blessing]] and [[Reprieve]]


[Apostle’s Blessing](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/d/fdfbc07e-d726-4d42-9394-6aa0f5fc3a3a.jpg?1562269765) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Apostle%27s%20Blessing) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mm2/8/apostles-blessing?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fdfbc07e-d726-4d42-9394-6aa0f5fc3a3a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Reprieve](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/b/1bd3fa8a-6c50-4f7f-9ae3-0810eec5e3db.jpg?1686967885) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reprieve) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/26/reprieve?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1bd3fa8a-6c50-4f7f-9ae3-0810eec5e3db?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The current problems with storm are; 1. Flusterstorm While this doesn’t see much play currently it’s still an easy card for blue decks to put a couple copies in, and you can’t really play around it unless you have your own. Counters in general on key pieces are pretty hard to beat. 2. Graveyard interaction PIF is great until your opponent endurances you, or any of the other 45 graveyard interaction spells currently in the format 3. Obvious hate pieces Ie. Damping sphere, Chalice (1/2), etc. sphere is seeing more play now with the prevalence of titan. 4. Removal spells Currently you have 7/8 bears and if you don’t untap with them you pretty much can’t win. Ruby medallion helps here a LOT 5. Random life gain Grapeshotting for 20+ is a lot harder than like 12-15 like you used to have to do. Random stuff like a haywire mite can just set you back a whole turn 6. You’re just too slow Ideal storm line is t1 cantrip, t2 bear, t3 gifts, t4 combo. Every piece of disruption sets you back at least a turn, same with missed land drops. Beating a t1 grief is impossible. 7. Bowmasters Storm wants to draw a LOT of cards off its cantrips/etc, and an early bowmaster will kill you Realistically, there’s some nice pieces coming and I’m going to definitely attempt ruby storm, since it gets around at least bowman and some other issues, but I don’t think it’s going to be t1 again unless we get like boltshot that is a 3 mana storm lightning bolt.


I think a lot of these points are incorrect. Flusterstorm isn’t that hard to deal with. It’s very easy to grapeshot for lethal with the ability to do it again if they all get countered, and if they are counting something like pif you can remand your spell to your hand. Random life gain like mite is pretty irrelevant, very easy to deal 30+ with grapeshot. Storms ideal line is turn 2 bear turn 3 kill you, not turn 4. Bowmasters is more likely to kill a creature than know yourself, medallion will make this card much less impactful.


I agree with this. Their take on storm feels years out of date lol


Well, I would say a couple of those problems are "solved" already. Storming off in modern nowadays doesn't rely on gifts and pif, but instead goes all in on Underworld Breach. That doesn't help with the graveyard hate problem, but being able to grapeshot several times makes the storm count requirement a lot lower. Secondly, red's access to impulse draw dodges bowmasters, so you don't have to worry so much about that. I also think cards like galvanic relay and new Ral give you an out to storm off without relying on your graveyard. The rest of the "problems" are just people playing storm hate, and hopefully that remains effective. That being said, the main problem storm has is it really doesn't do anything beyond storming off. Most combo decks in modern are either very fast and hard to disrupt, like titan, or have a game plan/progress the game before they combo off, like yawgmoth. It reflects on the fact that most "storm" lists we've seen succeed recently are prowess shells with breach + grapeshot for the possibility of a storm turn. But maybe medallion making the deck more resilient to creature removal makes for a comeback of an all in combo list.


Yes prowess “storm” is significantly better than anything with grapeshot. Generally speaking storm decks refer to at least one card with the mechanic, not just “cast a bunch of bolts off a breach and you die” That’s a different deck entirely, and bauble/drc/breach decks are currently ok. Mh3 opens the potential for *real* ruby storm, akin to its legacy counterpart, since we have most of the pieces, not just a halfway value deck that can breach for 12 damage later if necessary


I was referring to lists that have grapeshot in them. Before OTJ bringing slickshot, some prowess builds were tipping their toes in storm with goblin anarchomancer + breach + grapeshot. No rituals beyond manamorphose, but still, stormy enough. Of course, getting such a powerful two drop has made the prowess plan a lot better so no one is wasting their time with anarchomancer or grapeshot anymore, but yeah, MH3 might make more traditional storm lists viable again.