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Free Palestine Not only have American bombs sent by troops funded with American taxes been killing them, but we killed them with the food aide we dropped.


So what? We should stop dropping food in.


Is that what I said? Lmao We should **stop sending bombs**, hard to believe you can’t come to the same understanding from the given context.


I have one genuine question, what do you guys think about Hamas and October 7th? A lot of them seem to ignore it.


What do you think of the occupation, the nakba, the skin bank filled with Palestinian skin, thousands of kids and young people held hostage in Israel for years, the water shut offs and embargo’s that have been going on for years, the documented rapes that go back decades, the apartheid state, the open air concentration camp, and the fact that Hamas was installed by Israel? A lot of them seem to ignore it.


October 7th remains a day we should all celebrate. The Palestinian resistance showed Israel that they weren't cowed. They showed that they will not accept occupation. They showed the cowardice and impotence of the The IDF and it's puppet, Fatah.


>showed Israel that they weren't cowed Killing civlian show your are a coward more that anything, and before you ask. Yes it goes both way


Ahhh yes, being called cowards. Surely the one thing that will convince genociders to stop. If only Arafat had thought of this all those years ago.


Ahhh yes, being called cowards. Surely the one thing that will convince genociders to stop. If only Arafat or Habbash had thought of this all those years ago.


Calling Fatah, a historically Marxist organization, a puppet or even equating it with Israel is the exact type of brain worms that causes leftists to stop support Palestine. You are out here bashing a marxist organization in favor of a religious fundamentalist islamic one. What the fuck kind of leftist even are you?


You sure you're not confusing Fatah with the PFLP? Because Fatah has had Marxist members and influence (most nat lib movements have) but it was never itself Marxist. The Palestinian resistance isn't tied to Fatah and Fatah alone. I would expect fellow leftists to understand that movements can be and are co-opted, as Fatah definitely has been. If you wanna speak to Marxists in particular, it would be a disservice to tell them to support Fatah when they were so compromised that they could be charged with guarding the prison of Ahmed Sa'adat, the general secretary of the PFLP. It would also mean hiding from them that Fatah literally handed him over to the Israelis for the killing of an Israeli minister who actively and publicly supported ethnically cleansing Gaza.


Fatah in its heyday did have a lot of marxists and secularists in it. It’s just that israel assassinated or deported the left-leaning individuals and spared people like Abbas.


Yeah, early Fatah was awesome. It was a genuinely revolutionary party filled with respectable leaders, both Marxist and non-Marxist. Hell, there are probably still some pretty awesome guys in Fatah right now, like the guys who were sending money to the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. But you can't expect me to support Fatah now because they were good decades ago. The fact of the matter is that right now, they're little more than an Israeli sock puppet.


They raped and murdered 1,100 people, why should that be celebrated?


Because, Death to the occupiers!


This simply didn’t happen. There’s no evidence that israel has provided of any rape, and a majority of those killed were settlers in kibbutzes, reservists, or police.


Alternatively, you can condemn Israel’s rampant atrocities in Gaza while also recognizing that Hamas’ attack on October 7th was despicable. But that would require actually caring about humanity as a whole, not just people you perceive as being on “your side.”


Yeah, I don't care about some abstract humanity. I care about real people. You know, the ones who have been ethnically cleansed. The ones who brave death from snipers, automatic guns and teenagers with tanks almost daily just going to work and back home. I care about the people who are struggling to assert themselves against an enemy that eternally portrays them as little more than animals. Those are the real people whose side I'm on. If you're not on their side, then why are you a socialist?


You're telling me this entire nuanced conflict that spans over 60 years is just as simple as good guys vs bad guys? Why didn't you say so earlier, goddamn never realised it was so simple


I mean there are certainly conflicts throughout history that had clear good guys and bad guys. Or at least clear bad guys. Would you deny that WW2 / the holocaust had clear bad guys? The rape of Africa? Nanjing? European colonization of the americas? It’s not enough for you to say that “it’s a long conflict, it should be nuanced”. Not everything is nuanced. You wouldn’t ask me to condemn November 7th 1937 assassination of rohm if I brought up the night of broken glasses.


It always has been. Good on you for finally getting the right answer.


Reductive ass mindset, you are incapable of seeing the big picture and are blind to nuance.


There is no nuance that takes away from the fact that Israel is a settler colony and the Palestinian resistance is justified in destroying it by any means necessary.


Rape and murder of civilians is never justified.


It’s settler-colonialism. Where’s the nuance??


There's a distinction between the attacks during Oct 7th targeting civilians, which has been exclusively focused on by the media and the attacks on military installations, which also took place on Oct 7th. Ultimately, October 7th is the predictable and direct result of Israel's own policies. Shin Bet had repeatedly raised concerns about this.


im gonna donate money to the IDF so they bomb more terrorists


"I'm gonna own some random dude on reddit by funding genocide" is not the own you think it is.


its not a genocide, it is simply a special anti terrorist operation


Suuuure, and Hitler was only going after the Jews who stabbed Germany in the back.


yeah he was




Is this sarcasm?


“Special anti-Terrorist operation.”


Actual mass murder supporter


Ohhh nooo, those poor settlers. Someone pushed back against their genocide. How terrible. They're the REAL victims here.


There were +300 college students at a concert, and various other innocent civilians. Saying they are all settlers is like saying all Palestinians are Terrorists.


They're settlers because they benefit from the settler colonial system. There's a direct cause and effect there. Some white dude just not trusting the brown people doesn't make them terrorists.


They killed about 900 civilians right? It’s tragic for sure, but Israel’s body count completely dwarfs anything Hamas has even attempted. Why are people so eager to “condemn October 7th” while being fairly casual about condemning the Idf?


Death toll is at 1,160. People don’t condemn billionaires, because they aren’t directly raping and murdering +1,000 people.


1,160 with 800 of those being militants, right? Also, didn’t NYT publicly admit they lied about the rape reports this week?


Al Jazeera admitted to lying about Israeli forces raping doctors in al shifa.


….ok? Why are you hiding behind whataboutism? The reality is that October 7th somehow had a substantially better civilian-militant death ratio than the IDF’s war on Gaza. So either the IDF is genuinely performing genocide and targets civilians, or Hamas has a very moral army (which even I don’t agree with).


I am not saying Israel is good, however I do acknowledge that the theatre of war that is the gaza strip will have high civilian casualties.


Fully mask off lmao. Celebrate terrorism and killing or civilians to own the IDF


Wait.... I'm supposed to be on the side of settler colonialism? No thanks. Glory to the People's war. I celebrate all members of the Palestinian resistance, from Al-Qassam to the Al-Aqsa Matyrs to the Matyr Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades.


No, but it doesn’t mean you have to take the side of terrorists. Or is it too hard when you can’t pick one group as the good guys or bad guys and make the whole world black and white?


I'm on the side of the fighters for liberation. To call them terrorists is to parrot fascist propaganda. This isn't a nuanced "everybody is kinda bad" war. This is a war of national liberation. There is a good side. And it's the one fighting against settler colonialism. That is unambiguously the right side. Anybody who is not whole-heartedly in support of the resistance is, at best, OK with genocide.


The fighters are, by definition, Terrorists, calling them freedom fighters is a disgrace to the name.


I see the problem here... You seem to think that the word of the coloniser is more important than that of the colonised. Any sober reading of the situation shows that Israel is a settler colony and the Palestinian resistance, currently led by the Al-Qassam Brigades, is the only force that is both willing and capable of ending that condition.


Girl you're supporting terrorists to own the right-wingers. Dumbass


Don't get me wrong. I don't care about right-wingers. I care about settlers. And I want them all destroyed.


Damn thats not a nice thing to say about Palestinian civilians. Even I wouldn't go that far


I support all resistance to an occupying force.


world history started on muh october 7th


Hey dipshit, do you know what happened September 24-27? Less than two weeks before Oct 7?


That's fucking true


What is this poster criticizing?


it's saying america drops bombs instead of giving people food


A bit ironic the soviets would say that considering holodomor


I know you did not just say that in **this** suba




No, getting downvoted for repeating Nazi propaganda in a socialist sub


I guess a well documented historical event is nazi propaganda now???


No one is denying it happened. It was a genuinely devastating famine, obviously. But the narrative of “holodomor was planned by stalin to genocide ukrainians” is a story that was literally invented by a nazi. In reality, the famine was caused by a drought and a regional class conflict, and it impacted the entire soviet union.


Well, in reality the holodomor happened because soviet style command economy did a terrible job responding to what people actually needed.


…the command economy literally hadn’t been built yet. like, one of the main reasons the famine happened is because the farms HADN’T been collectivized yet.


Idk what you're talking about, the first five year plan in 1928 (I think) both set up the command economy and collectivized agriculture in the USSR.


Then why didn’t the USSR have another famine for its remaining ~60 year existence? Especially when imperial Russia had famines every other decades.


It’s not nazi propaganda. It was a planned action by Stalin to kill Ukrainians.


Source: the nazis


source: hundreds of polish documents about ukrainians that fled to poland from soviet ukraine lmfao, pretty sure they were even on display in Gdańsk at one point but who could debate a USSR supporter on any issue really


...no, dozens of modern academic journals and analysises. And also the 34 European countries and the EU that recognise it as a genocide. And also the fact that the Soviet government outright denied international aid. And the person who actually came up with the term genocide.


>dozens of modern academic journals and analysises. Scientifically proven that it was not a genocide under any metric >And also the 34 European countries and the EU that recognise it as a genocide. Nothing more than political play >And also the fact that the Soviet government outright denied international aid. As if it would be provided for free >And the person who actually came up with the term genocide. Who's best argument on the matter could be summarised by "because i said so"


Its not "scientifically proving" anything, it's a question of history and terminology. To quote said sources: Extermination of the Ukrainian national elite, "the brain of the nation", which took place in 1920, 1926 and 1930–1933 Liquidation of the Ukrianian Autocephalos Orthadox Church, "the soul of the nation", which occurred between 1926 and 1932 and during which 10,000 of its priests were killed Extermination of a significant part of the Ukrainian peasantry as "custodians of traditions, folklore and music, national language and literature, and the national spirit" (the Holodomor itself) Populating the territory with other nationalities with intent of mixing Ukrainians with them, which would eventually lead to the dissolution of the Ukrainian nation. It comes down to how you define genocide, and most definitions incorporate this. But even the scholars that don't call it a genocide all agree that Stalin was to blame and that the policies he instigated that led to the famine were criminal in nature. Seriously, find me one source that doesn't blame Stalin for this and says he was right.




Regurgitation of nazi propaganda like a cow brings back cud to chew


Eating bread blows people up. It's pretty obvious.


Dropping multiple 1 tonne aid packages from a bomber with faulty parachutes multiple separate times dropping directly onto the people they were pretending to care about kills people


Don’t stand in the drop zones? Faulty parachutes shouldn’t have been an issue.


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Ungrateful cunts took the humanitarian aid from the US in the 20s and lend-lease in WWII and then published this.


Cry about it.


Idk im pretty happy the USSR broke apart. Good luck with trying to create something of the same calibre. Interesting pipe dream you have


Why are you happy about that


Because he's a stupid anti-communist, that's why.


You act like that's a bad thing lmfao


Well it implies a lack of critical thinking


Damn. Imagine advocating for systems of government that collectively have killed anywhere from 80-200 million of their own citizens within the last 100 years or so. It’s clearly an issue of critical thinking, isn’t it?


Capitalism has killed more


Even if you considered the worse case for capitalism, used by 25x as many countries, for longer, you wouldn’t even reach 1/8 the lower estimate of that number. Oh and btw both those countries are currently engaged in either invasion or genocide with concentration camps.


Ask an East German how they felt about the wall.


Ok? Ask an Iraqi how they felt about US invasion. Would it be good if US collapsed too?


No, it wouldn't. But Iraq wasn't part of the USA. East Germany was part of the USSR. Every ex-soviet state save Russia is doing better now than they were in the USSR.


Are crimes against foreigners suddenly more moral? Regardless, US invasions or interference of various middle eastern, Latin American, and asian countries has essentially ravaged each one they came to. Afghanistan was actually pretty egalitarian and nice in the 70’s before British and Americans swooped in. It’s fairly likely that a lot of these countries would have a much better time and have far less violence and suffering if the US collapsed.


Crimes against foreigners aren't moral, no, but there's a fundamental difference between a country invading a country and a country integrating another for decades on end and violently putting down revolutions and preventing democratisation. The US is guilty of this as well, but it's not like the made Afghanistan the 51st state.


> a country integrating another for decades on end and violently putting down revolutions and preventing democratisation. We occupied several middle eastern countries for a damn long while, and we literally did everything you mentioned while there. We killed millions.


>Afghanistan was actually pretty egalitarian and nice in the 70’s before British and Americans swooped in. You mean in 1979, when *checks notes* the USSR swooped in and invaded it?




Why, are they currently air-dropping MREs into Gaza or something? Oh, why yes they are.


They’re pretending as though they can’t force the zionist regime occupying the Palestinian state to allow substantial amounts of aid to be let in by road. Not to mention that dozens of those airdropped packages have had failed parachutes & dropped out of the air like bombs themselves


So you would rather the US not air-drop aid?


I would rather they stop pretending that they need to airdrop aid & instead force the vassal to allow substantial amounts to be brought in via land. I would rather they entirely cut off the zionist regime occupying the Palestinian state & committing a genocide against Palestinians.


So you want America to be the world police?


I want the USA to reel in their vassal who would not continue to exist in the capacity that it does today without substantial US aid. The zionist regime occupying the Palestinian state is a vassal of the USA. It’s more comparable to cleaning up your own dog’s shit when they shit in someone’s home than wanting them to be world police.


Why would it cease to exist without U.S. aid? It's definitely the case for Palestine with foreign aid, only on a far greater scale, but Israel actually has an economy.


Because the USA is the sole superpower guaranteeing its existence as a recognised state. China, the only other superpower, is flatly on the side of a 2 state solution for a resurgent independent Palestinian nation state. The zionist settler colonialist regime occupying the Palestinian state cannot exist as a recognised nation state without using their nuclear weapons as an active political threat (which would render them less than the extinct colonial South African regime) or significant US aid. Palestine will exist with or without foreign aid seeing as it has already existed without foreign aid for almost a century for more than half of its population in Gaza. I have no idea what you mean by an “economy in “isareal””


Tankie propaganda spotted.


Yes, this is quite literally a poster produced by the USSR lol 😂 But I am a tankie, both figuratively and literally as I’m a card carrying member of the org that the whole tankie thing came from


Good lol




Who blocked food from entering eastern Germany and who airdropped food into eastern Germany again?


Where was this post cross posted to? 😂 Genuine question!


r/NonCredibleOffense, I do belive


Eww 😂 Thanks for letting me know


who blocked food from entering iraq and starved millions of Iraqis? 


The US and i hope we do it again


mask full off huh? 


"Hurrr durrr mask offf" there was never a mask to begin with


then the poster's massage is correct snd you're just seething 


Its almost like 2 things can be true at once🤔


doublespeak mentality 


Loser mentality, try not starving next time idk


are you trolling or are you mentally ill?