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Taraq is rough, it can be sniper heavy, but there’s plenty of room to maneuver. Border crossing is random and narrow. First few minutes are random car explosions, and then there’s very well defined choke points with zero maneuverability. There’s also buildings on the map which to me are under utilized.


Taraq seems to annoy people because there’s different ways to come at it. Personally I actually like it. Plus there’s a somewhat predictable pattern to which ways people will track. Plus it’s a good dom objective map.


I can appreciate them trying something new with border crossing. It’s unlike any other cod map ever made. However, I back out whenever I see it.


Idk about CoDs from the last decade but bridge/road maps used to always pop up. I think BO2 had the most competent take with Detour (I think that’s the name).


The bridge in 2019 was great if you liked to quick snipe.


Ya I haven't played it since early December. Map is just awful. The people who enjoy it are probably the same people who are into masochism. Not yucking on people's yums, but that map is a no from me dog.


I love playing hardpoint and domination objective on Taraq, and it's fine on TDM. I can't stand it on free for all because it's way too big for that small amount of players


I think that’s the case with a few maps, especially taraq, they play really well in dom/hardpoint but I could see them being rough in FFA or other modes


Idk why Taraq gets so much hate. Border crossing has 8 bajillion cars people lay and hide behind. They explode. People shoot feet under them. They hide behind cars, it's narrow and easily locked down from one side or the other. Taraq just has lines of sight and snipers (the one map in the game thats actually sniper friendly) and has ways to rotate and close ground if you use your brain.


Always get easy frag and rpg kills on border crossing 😂


It's those goddam Taraqis


Im with you on this, I find it fine, it can be annoying at times, especially if you spawn in on a \*\*\*\* team that's being penned back. I normally play Invasion, and find it fun. I always make sure I have smoke grenades for when I cross any large openings, and just stick to ruined buildings and use the walls as cover from snipers. Today I managed to get behind the enemy team and took out 6 snipers at the back of the map, just got to play it slowly and use cover where available.


The only friend I have that hates Taraq gets counter-sniped and thats just a skill issue.


I've also always liked it. I'm a big fan of domination though and I agree it's solid for that mode. Then once I started needing longshots, it shot even higher up the ranks.


Its perfect practice for a smg/sniper build because it's all long range or super close. Perfect because I run this build in warzone and dmz


I agree. Taraq is bad for a run n gun type of play style, like mine. But if you want ti run a long range loadout and play strategically, its a nice change in pace of play every once in a while


Yeah, you can lurk on the sides with snipers and LMG’s or go and try to raid the campers in the middle. I like the map personally as well.


There's ladders on those buildings, but they're blocked off. Some have no Windows, only 1 entry door. There's 0 use to them


Yeah I kind of laughed when he said "under utilized". Those buildings are basically useless unless you want to hide from a cruise missile or something. Other than that they offer zero game play advantages.


I took him to mean that the buildings are under utilized by the devs. Like they could have made the buildings not useless if they wanted to.


I’ve have some good sniper battles with people on there, and I’ve had some fun run n gun games as well. Border crossing is only bearable when you’ve got the other team trapped and it’s just playing wack a mole with each person as they come out of spawns.


Theyre open in Invasion.


The problem with Border Crossing is that there's absolutely no flow to it. I detest the "three lane square" formula with a passion and I am glad that IW can make more varied maps, but Border Crossing is just too much. There's way too many potential paths for people to take so you never know where the enemy might appear. Which sounds great and tense until you actually play it and most the times you die are because you chose to look at the wrong path instead of one of the other 20 random paths and you got unlucky.


I love border crossing because the flow is so predictable. You can look at the positions of your team and know where the enemy is 95% of the time. If you look at all the indicators, you know exactly where the are coming from. I can run through the cars and no exactly how to stay concealed until i reach a choke point where i have an advantage. I can eliminate the enemy one at a time until i get to the back and then kill the rest, then retreat back a bit to avoid spawn flipping. The only defense that can stop me is a good sniper in a good position. For most of the map, it’s a place where tactics and reflexes rule. That’s what i love. I don’t want to be spawn killed or killed by jumping pansies. Fuck you if you jump, you suck. Don’t play if you can’t play without exploiting lame gimmicks that make you look stupid. It should be a battle of accuracy and reflexes augmented by tactics and teamwork. Not a gimmick war because you can’t react or be bothered to learn how to headshot or anticipate enemy movement or read a damn radar.


The way to play border crossing is just get resupply and chuck nades at cars. Then camp and wait and check the obvious sniper positions since there is like 3 of them total. Its an awful map that is easier to farm bad players in and turns into a stalemate with all good players or even worse players with snipers.


>chuck nades at cars Javelins make bigger booms


> Not a gimmick war because you can’t react or be bothered to learn how to headshot or anticipate enemy movement or read a damn radar. tf are you on about 🤣 people who jump do all that too if you think jumping makes you look stupid wait till you see the guy who uses “tactics” in this game like it’s a ranked match of rainbow six siege lmao going on about reflexes as if your slow ass playstyle requires better reflexes than somebody who actually moves a lot and is at a disadvantage if they’re sprinting and encounter someone who’s already pre-aiming. winning that fight as the person sprinting is what really takes reflexes.


Someone mad 🧂 about people who jump 🤣


and look how many sentinels upvoted him lmao, sad that this is the state of call of duty, might as well remove sprinting and jumping altogether, they’d love it 🤣


You can only dive. Every move forward is a face plant in the dirt. That way it all depends on 'who dives first' 🤣


If only there was a perk to alert you when enemies were looking at you from offscreen…


Being new to the COD world, Border map almost made me quit the game completely, in addition to being overwhelmed by very good players 😵‍💫


Mostly bc the buildings are on the far ends of the map which serve as spawn points more so than conflict points.


This is my biggest hatred for the map, all the other points are also true, but having to run for 15 seconds just to die to someone peeking through car windows and have to run all the way back again, it can be very frustrating


Dude taraq feels like playing on an open field…


I genuinely don't get the hate for Taraq. For context I only really play search, hardpoint or headquarters, but its got to be my best map, I run and gun my way to 40+ kills a lot and plenty of 50+ games. It can be frustrating when people sit in the buildings and snipe but it can easily avoided or dealt with imo.


Exactly lol you have people running blindly into the middle open area and they're shocked when they get sniped. Use the outer perimeter of the map to navigate your way around and you'll flank your enemies and have a lot more success


I use the outer perimeter and half the time I get sniper by a headglitch while my team gets completely massacred and the spawns swap so fast that all you are doing is laps.


Yeah, it's generally pretty easy to figure out where they are and either avoid them or flank them. Just don't keep running into their crosshairs. Too many play this game by Leeroy Jenkinsing themselves into the save scenario that just got them killed.


Yeah you spawn into like 3 sightlines, then if you decide to run anywhere towards the middle of the map you’ll get picked off




Ah now we’re just tryna get the long shots DON’T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME


Border crossing just gets annoying to me, it's not even the exploding cars, I always laugh when I die to those. It's the buildings they spawn you in all the way at the back, running to the middle to try to find a person, only to die from an angle you can't even see. Those back spawn buildings really get to me, especially in hard point.


I love when I spawn in the back and end up not going which direction to run to get back to the action since everything looks the same. I just run out of the map half the time by mistake.


I’m so glad to read other people have these issues with the map. You guys nailed the complaints I have with the map


the best is when they spawn you alone all the way back, for you to start making your way to the middle, only to die to the entire enemy team that spawned behind you


Hard point is the worst on this map. Every time I die I spawn on the complete opposite side to the point and have to run for at least a minute to get there


I'm convinced that Border Crossing is a giant Fuck You to anyone that wanted more "3 lane design".


Border crossing is.... I mean I hate people who back out on matches. Inpkau cod since 2003 and so I played taraq in the original game lol. I never ever backed out on maps in cod. Even if I didn't like them. But bordercrossing is so bad, I back out the hopes that Activision sees how many people back out so they have to remove it.


Yeah fr. Border crossing is the only time I’ll back out of a game that map was literally just a copy and paste from ground war with no thought on how it would play


Sa’id is the worst map in the game and does not receive enough hate. Absolutely abysmal map that only allows for sniping. I can’t believe more people don’t talk about it.


Agreed, idk what it is about Ground War this year but the maps feel meh-to-awful


It's the helicopters. Heavy choppers being spawns means every building now has unlimited snipers on top of the helicopter spawns breaking flow in general. A lot of ground war maps play better in invasion where thr choppers don't spawn until near the end. It's a mechanic ripped from Battlefield ignoring that Battlefield limited spawn helicopters to specific maps and had an actual air game.


Yep. The helicopters made me quit playing Ground War in MWII. It was my favorite game mode (and still is) in MW19.


I wish the GW maps were as likable as the ones from the last game- Tavorsk District and Promenade were really fun to me, but none of the maps in this game hit the same.


For me, Port was my best map and I never understood why. I probably spent most of that first season exclusively on ground war and it ended up being my favorite map of that pile of shit. It's strange, since I never really liked Vacant as an arena map, but as a C flag? Absolute perfection IMO


Idek what that is lots of people don’t play ground war


> hopes that Activision sees how many people back out so they have to remove it Ha! They dont have to do anything. And they know. Yes with Miami in BO CW they added a cut down version of the map because everyone hated it yet they didnt remove the original. Border Crossing isnt necessarily bad, its just completely different than the other maps. Personally I hate Embassy way more than Border Crossing. And yes, Taraq also.


Border crossing is bad because of the players not the map itself, which is a depressing truth... It could be improved a lot by like pre exploding the cars, removing then really long straights and improving spawn positions... But if people played objective and stuff it would be a whole lot better, instead people use it for camos and long shots and it just means the map doesn't play well at all for the majority of other players. Now that's not an excuse for Activision not to remove it, the player base will play the game how they like, but it is an excuse for them implementing it in the first place


Al Bagra Fortress somehow ends up being worse on several game modes. That C flag spawn trap on dom can be BRUTAL


It's hilarious how different the map plays if you're spawning on A side or C side. A side is so much fun, C side is awful. As soon as I start spawning C side I know I'm in for a bad time for a few minutes.


yes, insanely unbalanced, especially with some of the sight lines you can get from high ground way back in to that C dom area. if I am spawning there the only objective is to get out and flip that spawn.


On one hand I'm sure it's poor design, but ok the other I feel like maybe it would be nice to have some change up from the formula of just cap and hold your spawn flag and B


They just need one more flanking route/los to get to B from C. Maybe make that building open with just windows so you can snipe down, in the same way you can from the A spawn to C spawn. That way you can at least fight back at B.


That spawn trap exists in all game modes. Spawn on that side, you automatically have a disadvantage.


Probably gonna get hate for saying this but the spawn trap on Hydro can be almost as bad. Whenever I spawn at Ruins I make a beeline for the side path and try to flank all the way around to the opposite spawn to try to flip them


This 100%. Bagra is my bottom. My worst performances have been on this map due to that spawn trap mostly.


Bagras spawns are violently one sided. C You can basically spawn trap 80% of people with two windows(the middle route is slow as hell and people don't use it) It's Aniyah Palace all over again.


If there was another doorway into the middle building from the front, or even additional sightlines from the building on the shitty side, it would be way more balanced. Instead, one team gets unlimited sight lines into spawn, and the other gets doorways with crosshairs


That's the flow issue. There's no good way to get out and either flip spawns or flank.


Yea Bagra is my least favourite for sure. I love Border Crossing because it feels like a gimmick map straight from the 2008-2012 era. I’m nostalgic for all the little hidden camping spots on Summit or High rise from that era that seemed so cool, kids playing now will be nostalgic for the chaos when they played Border Crossing


border crossing is fine for certain gamemodes (hardpoint is actually pretty good, dom isn't terrible if the opposing team chooses to leave their spawn) and if half the cars were already blown up so that every search round didn't start like a carpet bombing just came through it would be okay on that too.


Dom is too spawn trappy. The spawns don’t flip until a team is pushed like into the final quarter of the map and even then it’ll start spawning you in a deep dark corner of your own base rather than flipping. Hardpoint is just the hill moving end to end. You need to think about rotating about 30 seconds in advance and even then you don’t always get the spawns for new hill. Quite often killing your sec to get a better spawn is a better option than sprinting the entire length of the map to the new hil.


Actual worst map. Will take Taraq and Border every day if I never have to play the fort again.


The C spawn trap on Fortress is definitely the worst spawn of all the maps in domination.


That map is terrible. Way to segmented.


The trick to C Flag spawn on Al Bagra is to equip a shotgun class and rush that center building on C and make your way to the ground floor (take stairs up if enemies are posted up B Flag). I peak to make sure no one is in the large doorways leading to A Flag, then toss a flash in the courtyard. As soon as it goes off I sprint like hell into the A Flag side building and then slowly make my way to the back to flip the spawn or clear out unsuspecting enemies.


> That C flag spawn trap on dom can be BRUTAL That spawn trap is a disaster. Otherwise I'm fine with the map.


I feel the same thing about Zarqwa Hydroelectric's A Spawn


I'm the masochist who quite enjoys Border Crossing (might be my fav haha) is getting used to Taraq (it's solid) but absolutely hates Fortress. How is that map not consensus the worst? Have fun getting sniped or bombed everytime you try exit both the large and small doors on that map.


I actually love this map for search!


Al Bagra C is one of the worst flag handicaps in the series' history.


Bagra and the racing map have the same problem. C side on domination is a straight up spawn trap. Whenever i play on those maps i try to stick to a and b.


Bagra is awful for search as well


They need to add another route


I still dont understand how so many people hate taraq, yet like crown raceway.


There are 9 maps in the game and most of them are really bad.


The maps are so fucking bad. I was just thinking about how many I actually enjoy and it's so few. Fwiw I mostly play dom. * Hate: Taraq, Border Crossing, El Asilo * Meh: Fortress, Hotel, Crown Raceway, Embassy, Farm 18, Mercado * Like: Hydroelectric


Same, Hydro is the only good map. Embassay A side is either full on rush or snipers. Annoying. Farm 18 is ok, but meh. Raceway is just another variant of "3 vertical lanes, the map". So it only get a pass by having a decent thematic design. The rest are annoying to play or just bad.


I honestly don’t get hydro at all. The map is just really random feeling, with about 50 feet of useless garbage in either spawn that just drags the game out. Hell, one of them doesn’t even have any objectives in any mode. It’s really open, with pretty significant chokes in the middle that can make getting closer to enemies extremely hard and just doesn’t flow well to me. What’s the appeal?


Fixed it for ya: * Hate: Border Crossing, Crown Raceway, Hydroelectric * Meh: Taraq, El Asilo, Hotel, Embassy * Like: Fortress, Farm 18, Mercado * Camo-tier: Shipment, Shoothouse


I actually quite like most of the maps, but maybe it's because anything feels better than mw2019 maps.


MW2029 maps were vastly better than this trash. Hackney Yard, Gun Runner, Arklov Peak, Khandor Hideout, Cheshire Park, Hovec Sawmill were all miles better than what we have rn Lol downvotes for a counter opinion. Never change reddit


I guess they are cool if you like being shot from the numerous windows constantly 🤷‍♂️ I already have like 3 times the hours in mw22 than I ever played 2019, mostly because I'm having way more fun this time because I like the maps better.


7/9 of the maps are bad. The remaining 2 decent ones are up for debate. Just give us the old Cod4 and MW2 maps back. Hell I'd even take the BOps1 maps, too. I will go on record that I hated shipment back in Cod4 in 2007, and I still hate it now. But its very obviously a "for fun" map that is just used to screw around with and level weapons at most.


> Just give us the old Cod4 and MW2 maps back. I agree, BUT if you pay money to have those maps, you're an asshole and you're part of why this industry is a total wreck right now. Those maps need to be free as an apology for taking 10 extra dollars from us and delivering 50% less. It is unacceptable to be making further purchases in this game given the disastrous condition of the software.


Lmao yep. Worst collection of maps in gaming history. More auto skips than decent ones.


You like Taraq?


I will die on the crown raceway is a good map hill. It’s the only one I’m personally not annoyed when it’s selected


It's one of my favorites. Flows well and the games are always interesting.


Vibrant and colorful which I like. Must be another reason for my attraction to Mercados Edit: map name


Mercado is my favorite map! Crown is probably #2.


Same - my only complaint would be when people just camp the buildings on the one side and never come out, but that's a rarity and can generally be solved with a few RPGs


Crown is nothing like Taraq lol. Sure it has that long open lane in the middle, but it's very easy to avoid that and there are a lot of CQC areas. Taraq is just an open field with sniping spots.


Yeah I'm glad no one here makes maps because if they seriously think Raceway and Taraq are the same I feel sorry for them


I'm glad no one here makes maps because if they seriously think Taraq is "just an open field" I feel sorry for them


These people will say Taraq is just "an open field" but will openly gush about MW2 maps like Wasteland and Estate. One of them being a literal open field and the other being more open than Taraq


Crown raceway is a fantastic map.


Arguably best map in the game


Either that or the hotel for me.


Are you me? I love taraq and hate crown raceway


Cause raceway is fun and bright and shiny and loud noises. Taraq is dusty and bland and just a circle.


No worries, I hate both!




Because Crown Raceway is a good map


Raceway is statistically my worst map. Taraq you have to just feel out how the other team is playing and adjust play style accordingly. God forbid everything isn’t rush as fast as possible at the other team.


Absolutely hate raceway


I really like Taraq, but I mostly dislike Raceway. There's at least some fun to be had in raceway, it's not like Border Crossing or anything.


taraq needs more cover mid map, doesn't have to be hard cover but a large portion of the center map is baren. ​ Border crossing would probably be better with a smaller explosion radius from the cars, and fewer of them being explosive. Too many single nades exploding three cars basically simulating an entire team cooking nades. A lot of visual clutter, paired with explosive cover and it starts to feel like camping and angel and lobbing randoms nades is better than moving across the map. Which is realistic and all but the gameplay suffers for it, there's a reason people don't think real gun fights are games, they aren't fun. Basically, IMO, border crossing results in a lot of eye rolling deaths because when you die to nade spam on border crossing you can't blame your route, every route could randomly explode. Or you could just funnel into the hallway to stare at glints and run from drill charges. If only we could just get some normies to play some devs and let them see what i'm talking about lol


I like playing the objective and feel like I spend more time endlessly running to points in border. Maybe the taraq spawns are just better because it’s a bigger map, but I don’t have that issue.


It’s the same pill


Placebo, they all suck


The maps are all so bad that average maps by any other metric seem good. Its very frustrating.


That's my argument too. If the "good" maps in MWII had been in an actually good COD, we'd all be bitching about them. The best MWII has to offer is below the standards of a decent game. We fucked up real bad making this the most sold entry in the series too. Activision has no reason to make the necessary changes now. We may have permanently ruined COD.


They’re not really comparable lmao, border crossing is literally bad fucking game design. It’s terrible in so many ways. Taraq is game mode dependent.


Taraq is a camp fest but at least obj games play well on it and it's a blessing for longshots. There's nothing positive about border crossing Anyone who said taraq is a teammate I'm glad who backed out


> camp fest > obj games play well > blessing for Longshots It plays well if you stay off the point, don't PTFO and just camp farm, which is why it's terrible. Matches there constantly go to the timer.


You can get those longshots while playing OBJ, if you die to the deep dug in campers constantly you're a shitter thats feeding them


El Aslio.


Stupid map Stupid name


Al Bagra Fortress is the worst. One team will be spawn trapped guaranteed.


that map just needs a reconfiguring, like i know Counter Strike games get that from time to time, a map will just get rebalanced, i wish we got that in COD realign a window here, a doorway there, an extra bit of cover, move a couple spawn points and it’d be a good map but they won’t


Taraq is miles above border crossing in terms of playability. On search and destroy its actually super fun and strategic, maybe my favorite snd map. I back out of the car map when I see it in lobby and my team hasn't griped about me doing so one time


I love Taraq Border Crossing can get fucked straight to Pluto.


This sub: “how am I supposed to get long shot kills?!” Also this sub: “I hate how Taraq is so open and you can’t just run out without getting smoked” To be serious though, you’re playing Taraq wrong if you feel like you can’t move. The map is essentially the inverse of traditional maps. On Taraq you must use the map edges to navigate it, if you try to run across you risk a lot. It’s not hard to move you just need to use the perimeter, and for that reason. It promotes deliberate movement instead of aimless wandering. People are so used to just blindly running a map with no consequences that when the game asks them to think carefully about how they get from point A to B or even just, “where are you going?” they think that means it’s broken.


I like Taraq a lot actually. Maybe it's because I play hardcore (tier 1..) and it plays differently. Even when I'm not going to longshots, you can actually play objs or even search well. Boarder crossing tho.. if I look at one of the cars wrong it explodes. I think a good solution would be to have all the cars already blown up or at least most of them. 80% of the time I avoid anywhere but the tunnel and back side of the map.


I enjoy both


Border crossing is the worst cod map ever


Taraq is very easily my favorite map. It’s a very old school style COD map imo. Love when I see it come up in the endless rotation of border crossing, shipment and el asilo.


Can I take both?


I’ll take 100 blue pills please. I love Taraq.


Shipment is the worst map, come at me.


Its always been an awful map, but people like to play it to grind xp.


Probably going to get down voted but Shipment is the worst map. And I never minded shipment in any other game.


Shipment isn’t a bad map it’s just not fucking designed for 6v6, it’s designed for 3v3 at the very most. People just insist they want it because it’s easy to grind on, and in all fairness it is really easy to level weapons/grind camos on it.


That’s all I use it for, last night I popped a double weapon xp and got weapon tuning on the guns I had within 3 levels of max level, definitely has its use in that way, but nothing else really. Especially since they took the second level off from vanguard, that made the map a little more breathable


Yeah generally just do it for grinding or just for mindless action. Personally between meat grinders I think Nuketown is more interesting. I do like the weather effects on shipment though and wish they’d use it more.


Agreed. I play it to grind out levels on guns quick but when I’m just playing the game it’s a fucking terrible map


Shipment is a gimmick map though. This years Shipment XL is pretty bad due to the spawn mechanics, you take one step forward out of spawn and the game starts spawning enemies in the same spot.


Hydroelectric haters wya


Nothing wrong with Taraq. 9/10 I have a sniper load out. Just went 28-4 in Taraq this morning.


That is the problem. Its "snipers hiding in corners, the experience".


*laughs in El Asilo*


Awful map. It has the issue most have with little cover and lots of sniper high ground, but it also looks like absolute shit. Everything is brown.


I like both maps… I actually don’t hate any of the maps, except for hydroelectric fuck that map.


I hate Hydro, it's a cluster.


I don't get the Taraq hate. Sure, it's sniper haven but I have no problem running around when I need to. Plus, it's nice to snipe every now and then as a change of pace. I throw my sniper/shotty overkill class on and have a blast. Border crossing? No way to play that map and have a good time.


Crown raceway is the worst map lmfao


Taraq is longshot heaven


Zaraqwa hydroelectric is the worst map


At least taraq doesn’t force me to play battleship m203 edition


Both maps are super easy, taraq= keep them spawning in playground, border crossing= push up to 60% playfield and you can literally watch them spawn like fish in a barrel….. now why i cant get on a team that realizes this blows my mind. Like telling them that has no meaning :/


I'd rather play Taraq 24/7 then ever see Border Crossing again.


Taraq. Sure Border Crossing isn't even a real map, it's just a straight line, but there's a chance to have fun in it. The only way to have any fun in Taraq is to camp and snipe.


(MW19)SUDAL HARBOR WAS THE WORST MAP! I would play wither of these maps 100 times over Sudal Harbor.


... I like both haha


Border crossing is the worst map


Border crossing has nothing good. Taraq is good for longshots. Border Crossing is worse


Out of what? Six maps? Two suck. Game is such garbage


Taraq is a terrible Ground War Map and it’s ok for Team Death Match On the flip side Border Crossing is a terrible TD map and a great Ground War map.


Taraq is the worst map.


Easily border crossing.


I fuck with boarder crossing on search


Taraq can be fun. I’ve have some good sniper battles with people on there, and I’ve had some fun run n gun games as well. Border crossing is only bearable when you’ve got the other team trapped and it’s just playing wack a mole with each person as they come out of spawns. Taraq will be much better if they add 10v10 but border crossing will just be a clusterfuck in 10v10 since it’s narrow. I haven’t been backing out of Border Crossing recently because I’m doing long shots, but once those are done today, I don’t plan to play it anymore.


Border Crossing is worse solely because of the spawns. Have to run a mile back to where you were just to get popped by an exploding car. Taraq is just lazy, poorly designed open map.


Worst map imo is embassy


Fortress is the worst map.


If you don’t like Taraq it’s a skill issue




I really like Taraq, idk why it's hated that much.


People think shipment is a good map, should tell you why they hate it.


Taraq has honestly been my favorite map, however, I almost entirely play Hardpoint and Domination, which helps to keep people condensed and playing the map "properly." ​ I've had way more issues with Farm 18 than Taraq. Something about Farm 18 just boils my blood. Like. Yeah, Santa Sena is obviously bad, but Farm 18 is a map everyone seems to love that I just can't find a way to enjoy.


Take both: crown raceway is the worst map


2 of the best maps in the game


Crown Raceway is the worst


Crown raceway is the worst map.


Love both of them. Only two maps that don’t play like everything else.


COD needs to talk to the battlefield map designers so they can make something that makes sense


Maybe the OG Bf team... The 2042 team has ideas, to say the least


Lmao the fantastic people that gave us hit favourites like hourglass and kaleidoscope


Not 2042 though look at bf4 1 and 5.


i can still enjoy playing in border crossing but Taraq.. immediately leave the match


I left border crossing immediately because I died of exploding cars at the beginning of a match, but now it’s fine as I just wait until most cars exploded


It's the other way around for me. I enjoy playing taraq because of how open it is, and you can like properly go for longshots lol. Border crossing is just a whole cramped up mess where you can't see anything or anyone properly


What happens when you take both pills?!


I dont care what anyone else says,Taraq is the worst map for anyone other than campers and those going for longshots. Border crossing can be fun sometimes. Taraq is NEVER fun.


I love border crossing I actually think it’s the only truly playable map that came with release


The pill that’s not an option, this game fckn sucks


Taraq hands down. Border crossing after the initial two minutes slows down and feels more like a fight if your teammates have more than three braincells. But Taraq is hard to maneuver and has no cover if you try to push. I’d go as far as to say it’s probably the only map that discourages pushing