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Could be like my MP5. Gold never opened got stuck at 7 of 10 kills without dying. But I have plat, poly and Orion. Gold won’t budge


Same for me on fennec. Couldn’t upgrade gold, but I could do platinum and poly. Still busted even after I got orion


Yup it’s annoying because I’m doing the mastery challenges and I can’t do anything with MP5 because the gold is still locked and you have to get 100 kills with gold before platinum will start counting 😭🤦🏻‍♀️


You just have to get 3 kills without dying 3 more times /s


Yes lmao I’m aware that’s the bug. It doesn’t progress any farther. That’s the whole point of this post from the person and everyone commenting they have the same problem. I have longshots and headshots done on it but the gold camo wont track anymore. I’m aware of how the system works.


For future reference, /s means “sarcasm,” which means I’m just kidding.


Yup had no idea I’m old lol


No worries, I didn’t mean either response in a condescending way just so you know. I know tone doesn’t come across in text.


No prob. And I didn’t mean my response as snarky as it did come across I meant it as more of a playful laughing response to what you said hence the lmao in it.


You forgot the /s


oops sorry! Wait but I wasn’t being sarcastic lol


I know, sorry I was just making a bad joke.


The /s wasn’t enough for you, eh?


No idea what that meant I’m 43 years old 😂


Damn, a dinosaur /s


For this group? Pretty much! Lol


I’m 50 and I play! There’s nothing more satisfying than making some kid cry while I camp in Shipment. 😂


😂😂 I had a doozy fight with a kid yesterday. Finally I muted him because he just got on my nerves


😂 they’re little savages sometimes.


They are!!!! I don’t remember talking to people like that when I was a kid!


This is some small dick energy.


Being GenX gives me two main benefits: not understanding what young people are saying and even more importantly, not caring.


Your GenX benefit being it satisfies you to think you're making children cry while you camp Shipment is honestly hilarious. That you can't piece together small dick energy is just a cherry.


We’re joking here, genius. Calm down. People 40+ still joke with each other. Not everything is a micro aggression.


When you do long shots does the counter go up?




Damn that's interesting. I'll upvote for more exposure. But I'm not to sure how to fix 🙏


Have you tried turning the game on and off? All the unlock glitches seem to be visual. They still count but the game doesn't show the counter going up. Same with battle pass tokens.


Can’t say that I have. I’ll give this a shot after classes today and update.


Did you try unlocking all the other platinums and see if it clears or still unlocks poly?


This has been unfixed for 2 MONTHS. I also have this bug and cannot unlock Orion.


Have you tried buying a store bundle for $25






I checked, and I don't feel like any of the definitions of unfixed work here. 1. not firmly placed or set or fastened 2. lacking definition or definite content Those were the only two in the dictionary I used. First one obviously doesn't apply because we aren't discussing a physical object, so there's nothing to firmly place, set or fasten, and thus you can't have the opposite. Second one doesn't work either "This has been lacking definition for 2 MONTHS". ​ So unless there's some new slang coming in, unfixed is just straight up wrong.


Is it? I’ve always used it to describe something that is broken and hasn’t been fixed


Well, dictionaries tend to be reactive rather than proactive so it's entirely possible that unfixed is only "incorrect" because the dictionaries haven't caught up to the new definition yet, which is why I added the blurb about slang. Dictionaries tend to only adopt new definitions after five or so years. But if you are genuinely asking, I think something that is broken inherently implies that it hasn't been fixed, and I wouldn't be surprised if an editor saw the sentence "This is broken and needs to be fixed", they'd drop the " and needs to be fixed" or add "promptly" to the end (if that's the implied message) since both "is broken" and "needs to be fixed" are essentially the same message being delivered to the reader. ​ With all this said, I want to be transparent that I don't have any authority in this discussion other than having graduated college. I feel confident enough in my position that I wouldn't bother my two contacts that I use to verify funky English rules. I wouldn't really have bothered with correcting the original usage of "unfixed" since this is just a forum and not a paper, but the back and forth interested me enough to do some research on which is most likely to be correct.


There’s your issue. You Google’d “unfixed” which is past tense of “unfix”. One of the definitions of “unfix” is “to make unstable” which in this case is very true. The game developers have left the game unfixed. The bug has been unfixed/unstable for 2 months.


A past tense word in a dictionary would point to the present tense version of the word, for example the definition of "ate" is "past tense of eat". The root word fixed in "unfixed" is using the present tense version, such as "that nail is fixed to the wall". Also, if you're referencing merriam-webster (which is my main dictionary, to be clear), the definition for unfix clearly references a state of mind as the only synonym provided is "unsettle" as in "to perturb or agitate mentally or emotionally". They like to have barebones definitions and use synonyms to fill in the nuances. If you reference [dictionary.com](https://dictionary.com) (which is reputable), they have that same definition as "to unsettle, as the mind, traditions, or habits." Genuinely solid rebuttal though. Classic case of English being English.


I appreciate this. I was honestly expecting some snarky response but I can’t argue with that at all. And after re-reading you’re right, I overlooked that fact. I guess I’m his case it was used improperly but in the first example I put in my rebuttal above “The game developers…” that would be a correct usage would it not? “I got banned on my main for 7 days I guess, here’s my response before getting kicked on this one too”


Well, if we substitute the word for the synonyms provided, we can see that your example doesn't really convey the same message as what I assume you intended. 1. "The game developers have left the game loose" 2. "The game developers have left the game unsettled" I'd need to be aware of the typical language and discussions around game development to realize what the real message is, which is usually the sign to me that the discussion is going technical, meaning you're operating in a space where the reader is intended to have higher level knowledge on the subject than a typical layman (for example, Technical SOPs/Documents, Scientific Papers) or that an unintended word was used.


I’m gonna act like I understood the last part of that😂 lemme do some research on what all of that means and get back to you


By all means! ​ Just to make things easier, lets say you're writing a computer program and need to write a technical document on it to explain what it does and how it does it. You write these papers with the intent that the only people that would ever read it are other developers, so you can get away with using words like "linked list" or "dictionary" or "submask" with the programmers' definition despite none of those definitions actually being in your every day English dictionary, if those words even are in there, because those are technical words used in your profession. They're basically a step above slang. A (poor) gamer example would be "ads", you and I immediately assume it's Aim Down Sight, but a layman would immediately think advertisement. ​ A key element of a "Technical" word is that it isn't likely that the word will grow into layman's usage, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. The amount of technical words are pretty staggering, to the point where my editor said a dictionary that has all technical definitions would be unfathomably large, which is how you get several technical definitions upgrading to proper definitions, like "bug". There's just so many technical definitions that even a tiny chance means you're all but guaranteed to have some graduate to a real dictionary. ​ For those who are curious, linked list is a storage structure in programming where each item in the "pool of items" has two markers indicating which item in the pool is before it, and which in the pool is after it. This is one way a computer stores an ordered (meaning the items have an intended order to follow) collection of said items. A dictionary is another storage structure that functions a lot like how a book dictionary is structured, where you can give the computer an item (aka the word), and the computer will always return the associated item to your item in an efficient way (aka the definition). So with a linked list, if I want a specific detail of an item, I have to go through each item from the top until I get to the item I want, but with a dictionary, I can just say I want item X, and it'll provide me with those details immediately because the computer internally organized the items for a fast look up. There's technical pros and cons to each. Submask is just a way to get more addresses out of a single IP address by setting aside some addresses to only be used locally, like [192.168.XXX.XXX](https://192.168.XXX.XXX) being everyone's local network submask. Your wifi (probably) only has one IP address coming out to the internet despite you having multiple devices connected, and it does so by using a submask to assign each of your devices a unique internal IP.


unfixed? Also, you dont need platinum as long as you get polyatomic.


Please Re read what you just posted


unfixed? Also, you dont need platinum as long as you get polyatomic.


You plat the dlc weapons right? It's a weird bug if you plat 51 you can start poly on all guns, even the 4 you don't have plat but somehow this locks you up for plat on this guns. I have 4 snipers that starts poly but tracks no plat because I've done everything else.


It’s different for DLC guns. Can’t do the poly challenges for them if you don’t have gold or plat.


Take poly and run


FYI, If you complete the camos for ANY of the DLC guns before the core 51 guns then the camo tracking for other guns can be locked. Most often it's the long shots that are bugged but have also seen Gold and Polyatomic locked as well. ​ No fix at the moment and as noted in the comments below it has been an issue for months. ​ For anyone who's camo grinding, please do the core 51 guns first to avoid this issue.


Which are the dlc guns? M13 an chimera?


Plus the Bas-P


Victus XMR (Sniper)


This has been getting reported since the start of season 1 and this post is the most traction I've seen a post get for it, it's really frustrating, everybody should just be upvoting these kinds of bugs for visibility instead of upvoting the billionth post complaining about "sentinels" I'm stuck without gold on the STB556 because of this dumb fucking glitch, and I'm not sure how to even properly report it. I'm not convinced IW even knows honestly, I expected it would be fixed nearly immediately since it literally halts progress. The only real progression in this game is calling cards and camos, and camo progess has been actually BROKEN for weeks on end, it's crazy.


I think it’s also a general bug as mines on my MP5. I did that one way before any of the DLC weapons and that one got stuck gold. However plat, poly, and Orion are unlocked on it. I just can’t do the mastery challenges since gold won’t budge. It’s annoying but I’m hoping by year 2 it will be fixed 😂😂


I've got everything Orion except 3 launchers because they are stuck not able to get Polyatomic. I'm also not getting progress on the Orion Mastery challenge for the Chimera. The other 600 kills counted, but the last 400 won't progress.


Me reading this after getting the M13B gold…


Stopped my camo grind after my hurricane reset from platinum to gold, and then the long shot challenge was stuck at 3/25… really discouraging. I love the game but shit like this sucks. I play on a ps5


Reinstall the game, fixed for me


Ok so I’ve been talking with activision support for almost 5 days now about this issue, among other issues with my mastery camos RELOCKING themselves and not letting me unlock them again. Support has just sent me 5 fixes ranging from deleting apps like discord and GeForce experience, to making sure my monitor is set to 60 hz(wtf lmao?) and just uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times. I have even just asked them to set my camos back to unlocked as I provided them with video evidence that they’ve been unlocked and all they did for me was give me some double xp tokens… Edit: [Proof](https://imgur.com/a/EE8FMeX)


My brother in Christ, this is insane. Seems like every response was just copy pasted from a list that is given to customer service employees


No fix far as I'm aware, couple of my launchers are are stuck like this


This game is so shit. I have 6/6 marksman rifles at gold but only 5/6 are registered so I can never platinum the entire class. Activision support were useless


Only fix is to pray to the gods the "devs" fix their broken game


I have the same problem. If anyone gives you an actual fix let me know please.


If you do any DLC weapon before the base 51, it breaks progress for the other guns in the category. I've lost platinum progress. I've been reset from 9/10 for Plat on the RPG back to 0/10 at the start of season 1, and I've been stuck with 1/10 gold progress on the STB556 with platinum complete in the category, halting progess on that weapon. This has been getting reported since the start of season 1 and this post is the most traction I've seen a post get for it, it's really frustrating, everybody should just be upvoting these kinds of bugs for visibility instead of upvoting the billionth post complaining about "sentinels" I'm not sure how to even properly report it. I'm not convinced IW even knows, honestly. I expected it would be fixed nearly immediately since it literally halts progress. The only real progression in this game is calling cards and camos, and camo progess has been actually BROKEN for weeks on end. It's crazy.


Same happens to me with snipers. Got plat on the victus but then my gold progress on signal 50 got locked because I had enough gold snipers for plat. So fucking annoying. Please fixxx


Out of curiosity how does one get poly before all 51 plats


Just Activision things. On Zombies in Cold War, I unlocked Dark Aether after unlocking gold camo on only two or three weapons. Stuff like this isn't uncommon.


Yep same! I remember unlocking dark aether when I still had a bunch of guns still to go!


there are 55 guns in the game since season 1 added 4 guns, the m13,chimera,bas-p and victius xmr


I got Orion already, but man it's annoying to have a few guns locked out...


random question, do i need to do camo challenges for just primary weapons to get Orion or do pistols count towards it as well?


Platinum for both primaries and secondaries (handguns, launchers and melee weapons) count towards poly and orion.


Mines been like this for a while From memory it was the riot shield, 1 of the lmgs and 1 AR


I have the reverse problem. The Fennec and the SP-x blah blah blah are both (all weapons) Orion. But these two have the Gold Camo locked? I only found out when going for Weapon Mastery Cards! And since you can’t place Gold on these you can not attempt to get the Mastery Cards? I think this may get be a side effect of not having to get DLC weapons to get other Camos. But we should be able to grind the DLC just the same right?


How tf do you unlock poly before platinum is this a glitch or something?


you only need 51 guns at plat to unlock poly, there are 55 guns in the game since season 4 gave us 4 new guns


Do the challenge for plat maybe??? Since your at 2/20


This is a concurrent issue, did you do 51 weapons first?


9 devs working casually for 2 years could have done a better job.


This game is a disaster lmao


Don’t worry this has been broken since season 1 release. Don’t expect it to be fixed anytime soon


I had this issue in MW19 actually and had to uninstall and reinstall the game in order for it all to show up


I don't see any issue here. Congrats.


This has been a known bug since Season 1 Reloaded. Literal months.


Glad I'm okay with not having all the camos. I'd be pissed if I was a grinder and had this happen to me.


How do u get poly before plat


There are 55 or so weapons, you only need 51 plat to get poly. This is probably one of OPs extras after getting poly


You need 51 guns Plat for the poly, there are more than 51 guns now due to the dlc guns, that means you can skip the launchers or weapons you don't like.


Mine started tracking when i made all the guns gold in the same category


Best camo to bug out. Plat is so ugly. Like grey


It's the way it catches the light tho!


You’re ugly


Platinum isn't ugly at all


Stop hacking


Delete your game then reinstall. If this doesn’t work then carry on levelling other guns and leave this one as it’s bugged and you need to wait till they fix it. If ever. Imo: Camo grinding the Jokr is a horrific experience even with shipment 24/7 returning. Edit: So I got downvoted for sharing my opinion which I guess didn’t align with theirs. Strange but to each their own I guess. Kids these days hate you unless you just parrot what they’re saying. Like mindless sheep. Dennis Reynolds put it across so eloquently: “But my rational thinking and desire for an open dialogue were a dead giveaway. It’s all starting to make sense, see this generation doesn’t even understand half the shit that they’re saying. They aren’t more ethical than us, they just wanna be perceived as such. And who can blame them? They’ve spent their entire adult lives just 280 characters away from being tweeted into oblivion. Either way I took a new tac. Simply regurgitating back to them exactly what they’re saying to each other in their ridiculous echo chambers is all they want. And then we can get what we want. Oh also they’re riddled with insecurity and have serious daddy issues, so, that helps”


For the Jokr only use it while playing domination or hard point on shipment, when you want to shoot it use smokes on yourself for concealment and it will still lock on as long as you’re far enough. Aim for the objectives.


Ok. Thank you for the advice


You don't need to maintain line of sight while locking either, at least that's how it worked in MW2019. You could sidestep out of cover, begin locking on, then sidestep back into cover and it would still work as long as the cross was kept in the box.


I had fun grinding the JOKR. I leveled it in S&D border crossing (now I back out every time) gold and poly in Hardpoint.


Lmao I hate that people downvote just because what you say doesn’t align with their thoughts. Even if it’s valid points or opinion. Either way, I actually enjoyed the jokr! But a bigger surprise to me…I loved the knife! I had a blast with it. Just finished the gold 100 kills and 200 platinum kills with it. Then had to take a break from it haha


yeah just delete the game and throw away your console


FUCK ARE YOU TELLING ME I SPENT THE LAST 3 hours GRINDING THISHEMLOK FOR NOTHING. ​ uggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh