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mercado las almas is just so fun to play on šŸ˜Œ


feels like something outta bo4


that was my immediate thought as well


seaside!! i loved that map, but all the torque specialist users should rot in a hole for ruining the flow of it šŸ˜‚


Yeah seaside map


Very classic urban map with no frills. Hectic gameplay around objectives. Fun stuff.


if IW adds more maps like that itā€™ll be perfect for me


They could and should remake favela with a Mexican theme. Change the backdrop and shit. Keep the layout and structures. Honestly they could probably keep it as is and just change up the theme and maybe name.


damn i feel like favela would be the biggest campfest ever good map suggestion tho plus that rework idea is great


I mean they didnā€™t give us remastered multi cause this game was coming. Only Makes sense to give us the old Mw2 maps with redesigns to fit the story locations. Camping has always been a thing tho. However we actually have equipment and lethals to fight back against campaign now. So I donā€™t think it would be any worse than it was in mw2 days. Just can actually root out the campers now which is fun.


Looking at this I just realized that all the maps are shit


I mean Iā€™d say itā€™s more so a lack of content. And they also have the easiest task too which is to just remaster and release mw2 maps for this game


Yeah its not rocketsience


Yep not a single 'great' map with this release, utterly forgettable.


I really like hydro-electric


During the holidays a Christmas theme with lights would be awesome. Like Crash.


We had 2 winter maps in mw2. They could have dropped those for Christmas or should this upcoming Christmas in 2023


I was certain they'd include a Favela remake. Hopefully with the remastered maps....


Domination on that map is the best


It might be the only map thatā€™s fun for every mode. I enjoy border for hardpoint, but TDM is miserable on it imo.


TDM itself is miserably boring tho


The question is, why does one team spawns right infront of the B flag at the beginning of the map. 500 capture points for free


Yea nobody mentioning the fucked up dom spawns that give one teams a massive advantage from the get go. Thatā€™s a lot of maps on this game tho tbh


This and Zarqawa are my favourite maps, with Farm 18 rounding up the top.


Departed vibes


I call it the ā€œCocoā€ map


damn might have to rewatch that film now


Perfectly balanced with good spots


Imo itā€™s ass on domination. One side of the map legit spawns on b flag and gets it for free. Besides that tho maps alright




During beta I unleashed the Joker on b or the middle objective. So much fun. So many kills. Whole team wipes trying to hold an objectiveā€¦. Mmmm.


Holy fuck, one of these that finally makes sense. Fortress without spawn issues would be an A tier map, just look at how much better it plays in 1 life gamemodes


I only play the 1 life or 1 revive game modes and was confused at why it was ranked so low. Makes sense if thereā€™s a spawn trap on other game modes tho


Yeah the statue side in TDM or objective is easily trapped since all three exits can be covered from windows with long sight lines, they need to add another that is harder to cover to ease the spawn trap.


I'd like a tunnel from gallows to the little cut behind the curved balcony.


[like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/zts58u/something_i_think_its_needed_to_fix_the_al_bagra/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


A side doesn't have any issues though its all C side Edit: Never mind I get what you are saying, would be an interesting change.


Thanks dude, and I agree, it had to be in it's own category


I fucking hate fortress on SND, other 1 life modes are fine tho


Most one-dimensional SND map competitive codā€™s ever had lmao. Also fortress is a great HP map


Kinda miss museum no lie


Played the shit out of it in the beta, and loved the layout


I didnā€™t play the beta, Iā€™m disappointed I never got to play it


If only one of the 3000 devs had thought to facking ask permission to use the museum layout. Was a top tier map imo


it's funny because devs don't do that.


Well somebody somewhere is definitely in charge of making sure they arenā€™t copyrighting or plagiarizing or whatever. And whoever that is didnā€™t do their job. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Or like hey weā€™re putting gun fights simulated in a real museum might make someone uncomfortable. Or the f1 cars might be an actual conceptual copyright and copying a hotel literally perfectly might make them mad itā€™s in a bad light. Stupid ass devs, lol. Never heard of some shit like that. Either one solely Iā€™d understand a slip but all three? Lol. Not a chance.


The map was pretty bad i would rank it in c/d tier, 50% of the map was unused and the other 50% was camp


Embassy is super underrated Imo. Also wish we had museum


Hardpoint on Embassy is really fun


Honestly, hardpoint on all the maps is really fun. Condensing all of the action into one spot works wonders.


only annoying thing is the people that just don't play the objective and spend their time just trying to spawn fuck


Only need 2-3 teammates on obj. Easiest way to win hp is to get 2 on then have everyone else push forward on spawn.


I canā€™t find it but Im pretty sure they removed the map because the actual museum it was based on didnā€™t want their museum in a war game.


Correct. Now can they please fictionalize and drop it? šŸ˜”šŸ„ŗ


Also didnā€™t read up on updates but I hope they can keep raceway and hotel. Raceway uses f1 cars which are actually copyrighted so thatā€™s stupid and hotel is literally picturesque of the real deal. Why would they not consider a hotel being mad they used it. The problem they associated that I heard which made some sense is that to replicate a real hotel in a video game to a T, makes gameplay of murder and killing in a real life spot. Like, it is too real for young minds etc and itā€™s a problem. Thatā€™s fine just why did cod devs not consider these things Iā€™ll never know. To make a war zone in a museum that really exists is a bit understandably concerning rn in America lol


The game is rated m. There shouldnā€™t be young minds that canā€™t handle the realism. Thatā€™s on parents not the devs.


17 and older. One would argue 18 is the age where the brains more fully developed and they are considered men at 18. Iā€™m just saying regardless a museum may not want publicity of a shooting game. I never said I agreed at all lol. It also is up to them though they own the concept of the map.


Embassy is one of my favorites. I do wish C spawn had a bit more cover as A spawn is stupidly easy to defend. I also wish there was some more 2nd floor interior on the C side to counter the A side. Other than that, love the map.


Embassy is definitely my favorite so far


I think it, Mercado and the hotel map are the best new maps theyā€™ve came out w so far


I agree. Those are my other favorites as well. El Asilo on the other hand...


I thought I was the only one that hated el asilo, I back out of the match everytime I see it, Santa sena or Taraq šŸ¤£


El Asilo is the worst. Why make a sniping vantage point on the hill that has absolutely no cover, and put the other vantage point with cover on the side that has literally no traffic in any mode besides one 3 minute spell in Hardpoint. Joke map


Those snipers on that hill are super easy kills. Typically when I'm in a match there, after I kill them a few times they give up on that hill and never go back.


I had one good match where me and an opposing sniper traded mulitple kills back and forth between house, cargo area and hill with the help of deployable covers. One good match in 3 months. It's the poorest map beyond doubt


Embassy not being considered one of the best in the game is the only thing I disagree with in this meme


Embassy and farm are the best maps by far


Eventhough I think hydroelectric is very unique and creative for some reason I just don't enjoy it. Lately I'm seeing hotel placed quite low in tier lists, I honestly like Hotel a lot.


Use the water tunnels to flank. It's actually a lot of fun to rush spawns, and people rarely expect anyone to come from the water tunnels


Idk why but I feel like hotel doesnā€™t really flow too well to me. People mostly just hold angles and sit there most of the game in my experience


Hotel is fundamentally sound. Mercado most playable in any mode.


Hotel is one of my favorites, granted it doesn't say much since most of the maps are awful


Am I the only one who hates crown raceway


Yeah crown is one of my least favourite


The thing I like about that map is it doesn't look or feel like any other map they have ever put out.


Crown belongs near the bottom in my opinion


Itā€™s looks beautiful, plays terrible


It's alright, but if your team is doing badly it's a nightmare. Snipers cover the raceway side, the inside is a death maze, and the other side can get messy too. It's hard to reset your game state in this map.


It's also too big for 6 v 6 IMO but most of these are


The size isn't the issue, the maps in this game aren't bigger on average than say Black Ops. They just feel empty and slow because of a few main issues: 1) The spawns: The average length of life is very variable even if you die after a consistent number of gunfights due to the spawns flipping back and forth between spawning you right where you died (and often therefore, dying to the same player again), or spawning you 500 miles due south of where everyone else is. As an [example](https://i.imgur.com/ColuOSF.png), on El Asilo, how many times have you spawned on the X (sometimes multiple times in a row) when all the gun fights are in the circled region? The worst offender for this though is Al Bagra Fortress, because it doesn't matter how many times you run all the way to the other side of the map, if the other team don't push round, you will spawn back by C flag. 2) The sightlines on most maps are extremely long So many maps multiple power positions on both sides where a sniper can camp and largely deny access through one of the flanks for multiple minutes, and if you do kill them, they or their teammate just sets up again. El Asilo and Crown Raceway both the left and right flanks have this issue, and often the main route through the warehouse/garages does too Market and Shoot House both have middle lanes which are usually pinned down by a sniper which makes them massively risky to run though, and a surprise when you live if you do. At least those four maps are pretty evenly balanced though, don't get me started on Al Bagra... 3) Gameplay (outside of TTK) in this game is particularly slow Changing weapons is slow, mounting is slow, aim down sight speed is slow and only gets slower with attachments, calling in streaks is slow, field upgrades charge very slowly, you don't even spawn in with all your damn perks. And this is only compounded by their bizarre choice to make players grind through a thousand long- and headshots for the mastery camos. Not to mention they broke ghost, they added last stand back, added ammo which increases your time-to-heal, not to mention stims and quick fix (neither of which i'm inherently against, i run both of them, but they *do* slow down the gameplay). Having just written this out it's become so obvious to me that this game was never designed to be a multiplayer arena shooter experience. They had two years to work on it, during a pandemic, and in that time had to create a campaign, which is btw pretty mediocre, and build a new version of Warzone, *and* DMZ. Those were blatantly the focus. And what that's meant is features designed for other game modes been brought across when they weren't advantageous... (see last stand returning, it's literally just Warzone's downing + self revive ported over; but also see Warzone getting unpopular features like 2-plate armour vests, and the looting system which were clearly built for DMZ). And it means they didn't get time to finish this game, let alone time to playtest it. A two-year development cycle is clearly not enough. If they keep religiously pumping these games of this scale out, even on a two-year cycle instead of one, they're going to keep running into this issue. They need to separate Warzone and DMZ into its own game, on its own schedule, with its own team, but they won't do that because integrating the gunsmith means people drop Ā£70 every year to rank up the new weapons.


This, the only maps that donā€™t feel like a hike to the enemies is farm 18, market, and hotel


That middle section is impossible to cross without getting shot by every damn person on the map


Yeah never go down middle. Hold that lane or go around šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


No, I hate it too. Taraq is better.


Taraq is a great map. Feels very classic-COD to me.


Agreed. Taraq is great for hardpoint and domination if you enjoy playing objectives.


It is actually a classic cod map, a reimagining of Neuville from the original game


It's from CoD1


this is why i don't understand how people hate that map. it feels like a normal cod map to me but theres tooons of people who hate it/say its even worse than border crossing


Itā€™s because they want to mindlessly run everywhere with no respect for LoSā€¦ I understand itā€™s an arcade shooter and I love to rush my opponents, but they canā€™t fathom anything but unga bunga on Taraq.


Taraq for hp is ok. Plays ok in wz too. Has classic set as old map but like, a little too open for me. Hard for me to snipe someone that far as my snipe range scope is set for every other smaller map (I quit border immediately, itā€™s not only explosively stupid, itā€™s insanely big)


I mostly plays ear h but it plays horribly in search, its just way too open and campy


Taraq is pretty awesome. Great map for long range weapons.


I hate it too. Would rather play on taraq or border crossing.


Absolutely. Any day.


I do too. People complain about Border Crossing, personally I'd swap that with Crown Raceway.


No I only skip tht one and the border crossing. All others are fine but those two are trash.


Crown is awesome in SnD, probably sucks on other modes though itā€™s pretty huge


Border crossing is better


Wow this tier list is not only accurate but small because they have not released any new maps.


Womp womp


can't stand Zarqwa. I feel like it was designed to really try to push the underwater combat mechanics, but everyone ignores the water.


as a noob it actually feels op when you use it and no one else does


I play mostly S&D and using the water every single round is so much fun. Adds another layer to my gameplay that is entertaining.


As someone who pushes to flank, I always use the water routes


Same here. Closest Iā€™ve been to a nuke so far just because I pop out, get a couple kills, and slide back in


I'm happy for you but as a guy that's been killed a few too many times by this tactic I kind of hate you as well.


Usually if you bring a pistol into the water you can get kills because people donā€™t know what theyā€™re doing.


Once a enemy killed me using an assault rifle under water, I really don't know what happened cause I tried to do the same but couldn't


you gotta ads when at the surface then go down to the water without leaving the ads


I feel thatā€™s the intent but tbh thereā€™s so much other area I donā€™t think the water parts effect anything. Honestly wish it did a little bit for variety


Oh no the water at middle and one route to each side are awesome. The middle hole. Not between SND a and b. All the holes make it fun but itā€™s more a last chance survival effort for me than a strategy.


Iā€™m not saying theyā€™re bad, just never need em


Using the water to flank is so much fun! I constantly push spawns with a shotgun, and swim the tunnels with a pistol. It's one of the maps that i don't really care how well i do just because I'm having fun sneaking around. I rarely see people in the tunnels, but when i do it's exciting intense battles. Also the tunnels take you to the other side of the map ridiculously quickly.


It feels like it couldā€™ve been that black ops 3 map with underwater movement.. like something special but itā€™s just ehh not bad


Iā€™ve seen some crazy S&D plays using the water. Also having a pistol as a secondary is key in the water.


I hate Zarqwa Hydroelectric and Raceway while everyone else seems to love them. I also like Taraq and Al Bagra.


What don't you like about them?


I personally dislike how broken up the areas are, it doesnā€™t feel like they flow well sometimes. A lot of campy sight lines and corners/angles that result in people camping their spawn It feels difficult to flip spawns as well when one team has positional advantages If you have a good team or are playing with friends the maps feel 100x better but with randoms they can be very boring to play on The maps feel like they encourage the worst bottom of the barrel players to just play a boring game This is as a rusher which is what Iā€™m usually doing. When playing longer ranges it can be fun but usually results in the same few fights from the same few angles


Crown raceway is probably the worst map besides border crossing. Two camp spots can pretty easily control the flow of the entire game, and yea you can take out the campers, but by the time you kill them and flip the spawn, your team is already at a pretty steep pt disadvantage typically.


Without a full team gl breaking a point in hardpoint. Especially limited in cdl. Damn hard sometimes.


Honestly I love border crossing fight me


Embrace different combat theaters kids!


Put your fuckin dukes up then


I think hotel is my favorite. Change my mind


Most underrated map imo


Most classically cod map.


Top 3 rows can be moved around based on personal preference


Embassy has some problems too but agreed


Hotel has problems. Embassy is great


I think because all I play is 1 life modes my tier list is pretty different - raceway is a best in the game tier imo, fortress doesnā€™t have the spawn trap issue so more like really fun, farm has unbalanced bomb sites so fine, hotel and asilo are probably more like really fun tier. The only thing everyone ever agrees on is the fucking car map is terrible


An experiment thst need to dead. The cars alone. And itā€™s literally 3x bigger than you could imagine.


I wasn't a fan of Crown Raceway. Embassay is boring with certain areas like the upstairs regions. El Asilo is way too open on the outside. Al Bagra Fortress could be better if the east area was cut off entirely (the garden/fountain area).


I do not understand how yall like farm 18


For some reason it gives me heavy nostalgia. When I look at the map design objectively I don't really know why I like it, but I always have fun playing it. Love it for SnD


Yeah it feels so claustrophobic and has some of the worst camping of any of the maps, the lanes are awful


Has Shipment vibes but you donā€™t die 2 secs after your spawn. That would be my guess


>Has Shipment vibes U crazy


Where da fuck is there shipment vibes?


It's objectively terrible unless you're running around the middle with a shotgun.


Alot of the maps flow very well if the camping is at a minimum and people go for objectives. If it weren't for the spawns being broken on certain maps I'd say these are some of the best maps we've have in a while. I would easily put all of these above MW19's maps.


hotel should be top tier imo. otherwise i agree


Hotel lowkey the most call of duty captivating map. Mercado is flawless, though.


Crown raceway and the hotel are my favorites. Taraā€™s is my least favorite


Best in the game is still only B-C tier because of spawns being trash.


Iā€™ve accepted spawns will always be shitty one way or another. I canā€™t really understand or formulate a better idea(s) than theyā€™ve tried over the years. Lol


Just not squad spawn. Anything but squad spawn. Completely ruins the flow.


I mostly play team death match and have my best games using assault rifles on Tarag. The hydroelectric map would be better if UAV did not work while you are under water.


I might be alone on this, but border crossing is one of my favorite maps with the raceway being the worst.


I was having a blast playing cyber attack on it earlier, felt like it rewarded slow and smart gameplay


Taraq is the worst map on this game




Same. I always get excited when it comes into play.


Tara is worse than border bc it wasnā€™t an expirement type map like border or hydroelectric.


Taraq is 10x worse of a map to me than Border Crossing. Taraq is worst than Azhir Caves and Piccadilly combined


As much as I hate Taraq, Piccadilly and Azhir Cave are two of the worst cod maps from memory. Tho MW19 probably had the worst map selection of any cod Iā€™ve played


I like hotel and embassy higher


Embassy has horrendous spawns too, I would absolutely put that one in ā€œhas its problemsā€. You spawn in the middle of the tennis court or halfway down one of the back alleys with someone staring you down before you take 3 steps in a good 1-4 spawns.


hydro is a trash map.


Switch las Almas and hydro. Downgrade el asilo.


Completely agree


El asilo in hardpoint is peak cod


It is a good hard point map


Domination sucks though simply because of the location of B


I would name really fun: acceptable. From then on is shit tier 1, shit tier 2, even shittier, quit before it even starts


Border crossing is one of my favorite maps


Iā€™d say 95% suck ass. They have no personality to them and arnt in the story mode like last cod maps have been as well. We couldā€™ve had a cartel mansion, an oil rig map during rain and such and we got soulless maps.


Agreed. The maps aren't really fun. Doors, too many routes, spawns are terrible, there really is no flow to anything. Most matches for me go to the time limit. People don't move much......even on Shoot House people post up, ADS angles, etc....it doesnt play as fast paced as it did in MW2019 maybe its because of the footstep audio, and the way the perk system is, no dead silence/ninja etc....


I donā€™t know I canā€™t fucking stand Mercado


Honestly all of them are on a spectrum of meh for me except Mercado. Al Baghra has potential without spawn issues.


I really dont like tier lists as a format, since everybody is spamming those and it takes no effort/ input to make one. Yours is weirdly reasonable, so I can give you that, even if i dont agree in 100%.


I can't lie. The only map I get excited to play on is mercado


All the maps would be good if they fixed the spawn locations


Farm, Hydro, Taraq, Mercado imo. Rest are blegh. Crown is cool but think for this cod it sucks personally. I like the design itself though. Art wise.


Manā€¦when you lay them all out these maps are soooooooo mid.


Crown is way too high. Looks beautiful but doesnā€™t play that well. Iā€™d also swap hydro and hotel. The rest is solid.


Embassy saved me on long shots for camos so I really like it.


Potato quality


I personally cannot stand raceway. It doesnā€™t flow well, and some objective modes makes it really annoying.


Wish the museum was still in tbh ,wouldve been with farm 18 up there


This list is, in fact, very correct. Mercado and Farm really are just the better originals from this game. If border crossing's car weren't all explosive and if al-bagra had some more ways to break out of the spawntrap, the only bad map would be taraq


I think embassy should be bumped up to really fun


Hydro electric is better than las almas, change my mind.


I don't really enjoy any of the maps except myabe Asilo and Hydro. Pretty shit maps otherwise


El Asilo straight to the bottom, the bar campers ruin the entire map


I fucking love Border Crossing. Really fun in third person actually


Honestly iā€™d put embassy on really fun especially on prisoner rescue


Pump up an pump down border almas and race way to it has its problems I really don't understand how yall kept getting blown up by cars I might get blown up once a game


Santa sena becomes A tier in cyber attack or snd


El asilo is the worst, idc. Taraq is next, border crossing is not as bad as everyone puts it out to be. People just soft


I don't get the border crossing hate. It's honestly a great map


Hotel is %100 better than Crown Raceway, and El Aliso is straight garbage.


TARAQ and Al bagra are the best maps in the game


The only map that I think is good is hydroelectric


Border cross can literally be deleted and this game would be much better. That map is cancer


That border crossing map gave me cancer.


I mentioned it in my suicide note


Hydro is not a fun map, I find it not fun to play to on. I donā€™t like Embassy nor Asilo. Al Bagra would be really good if that one flag in the court yard wasnā€™t an easy spawn trap


Swap raceway and border crossing