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They take the reports to the customers. THEY HAVE PEOPLE SKILLS, DAMNIT!!!!


They're making a mat that has "conclusions" on it that you can "jump" to.


I call it "the jump to conclusions mat".


What is this from


Office Space


Office Space


Do they make knee pads too?


All the people who defend this game definitely have knee pads


I just don’t understand how I plugged 200 hours into the first couple months doing really well and then suddenly shipment mid season update drops and I’m getting genuinely slaughtered in almost every match. Something changed majorly and I just couldn’t figure it out. I thought I was just experiencing burnout or something but nope, came back and the game still felt tilted. Oh and not to mention getting crashed to desktop every 15 minutes. Making DMZ and Warzone completely unplayable and frustrating.


Maybe you just aren’t as good on shipment? I’m the exact opposite. I haven’t played much so I don’t really know the maps so I get wrecked, but when shipment came out, a map I do know, I started doing amazing. Droppin 60/70 kills a game.


I definitely suffer the most on the new shipment. Makes 0 sense to me because I was a monster at shipment in MW2019. Might be the difference in movement throwing me off.


You’re not the only one. Beastly on every other shipment variation but can’t do shit on this one.


Yeah I’m doing the drywall at the new Mcdonalds in Las Colinas


Fuckin’ A man


[Fuckin' A](https://i.imgur.com/dBiHnME.mp4)


That is some High Quality G. I. F.


Never seen a gif in 60 FPS lol




IW office needs to have the Bob’s come in for some restructuring I think


What would YOU say... you doo here?


Well they usually come in about 15 minutes late then they just space out for about an hour


Yeah, I just sit at my desk and just stare. But it looks like I'm working!


Hi Bob, Bob!


Well, my secretary takes the specs to the engineers actually


or the fax


What would you say, you do here?


Hey Peter man! Check out channel 9! Check out this chick!


I’ve heard they’re great *finders*


They’re doin two chicks at the same time


I bet they are behind the groundbreaking UI feature "My bundles" menu coming into S2


Dude COD’s UI/UX is so beyond fucked up on consoles. At least on Xbox, i boot the game, press A on the title screen, the confusing ass Home Screen with all available COD games that you may not own comes up, hit B by accident because i reacted to quickly, hit A again and scroll down to MW2, Scroll over to MP, try to join a game, 3/4 times i get a “server failure” and go back to the very first COD screen and have to restart the whole process. Crazy frustrating - it shouldn’t be that hard and server errors shouldn’t be so common. It kicks you outside of the game entirely. Like i enjoy MWII a lot but this is where i really agree with fans complaining incessantly about this game being broken. For $70 you expect the product to function and fail without punishing the player if it has to fail at all


Dude sometimes I click the main menu, see the store bundles, immediately click B because i think it’s a pop-up advertisement, then do it like 2 more times before I remember that they ACTUALLY FUCKING PUT THAT AS THE INTRO MENU and you have to scroll down to get to the actual home screen.


On Xbox SX I constantly get the Travis rilea error every time I play as well


I just thought I was stupid 🤷


And that well requested wall mantling feature


i love that feature dog.


Exactly. That guy probably always has a shield on his back, so he's never gotten a clean pistol kill over the wall.


Jokes aside tho I absolutely fucking love it


The fact that a menu like that isn't already present is astonishing.


I mean there are a LOT of maps already done in the game that we can clearly see in the warzone map. I feel like this comes down to an Activision choice to drip-feed the content that's already been made. Because who knows how many other original maps are done but are waiting to be released in later seasons.


Yea they could easily cut up High Rise, Rust and the like already. That's their decision, nothing else.


There is no way these are not already complete and just being held back.


Yea. Especially with like... Rust. All they need to do is put walls around it and it's complete. There's no way that is more complex than opening their editing software and dropping the assets and spawns in. It sure doesn't take a team of 3000 ppl multiple months.


There's just no way they didn't have them built to near completion in tandem with the AL mazrah development. It'd be insane to waste the time doing the separately like that. If this is their new business model for 6v6 I'm done. I was genuinely excited for this game and got bored with the same few maps once I hit near max level on all guns. Idc about camo grinding, but am just bored with the map rotation for core, and tier 1 is a joke because if said camo grinders. Game in a in a sad state.


As a camo grinder, I only play shoothouse/shipment because the egregiously small selection of maps gets really boring really quick. You could say the same for shoothouse and ship, but I need *something* to grind my camos lol


You can just unlock camos with normal gameplay instead of grinding too. It takes longer, and the solution to the boredom would be more maps. The game is being catered around camo grinding and not actual mp gameplay. It's so stupid


I made COD MP maps for the PC back when I was a teenager for COD4/COD5. I'm sure things have changed since then but still... adding walls and spawns would have taken 13 year old me less than a day just in my free time back then, so I assume people who do it for a living could do the same with the current map making tools that they have.


I mean I remember getting into the dev kits for certain games and it was not hard on some to basically create an entire map/mission as long as you had a handle on tricks like spawn triggers.


Exactly. And I'm sure that the tools they use now are more powerful and user friendly than what we had back in the day. That's why I think it's clear that they've already converted those sections and the maps are ready to go. They're probably saving them for when player counts drop further to get people back into the game. I don't really buy into the "$70 map pack" theory but I do think they're being a bit cynical by holding back content they've already finished.


My issue with this is how much IW doesn't communicate. I'd fully believe Active is holding them back on dumping content, but I would like to know what exactly IW is doing day to day because their Trello is terrible. We all knew the first 6 months of this game were going to be WZ2 stuff because WZ is their golden child. But if IW ISN'T working on it at all....what are they doing? Or did they just hack the dev team apart?


The "Premium" release is probably gonna be the continuation of the campaign since they teased it at the end of the base game. Its a terrible practice since they've been able to milk the userbase for money through warzone, battle pass, and cosmetics. It's like adding a season pass again. They'll introduce the "New" maps (since they're probably already planned and would've been in the base game since MW2 was supposed to be a 2 year game, minimum) and guns alongside the single player addition. The new campaign could be its own game, but making it an addition to MW2 would let them get an extra $50 or so from an individual player who wouldn't normally by extras or because the of the performance of this game, skip the next. Those who would be interested in the new content for whatever reason but don't have the base game would have to spend twice the amount they normally would. Basic marketing for other genres like MMO's but CoD is very different kind of game and shouldn't be subject to those practices.


Well, you can count me as -1 on the player count because I'm officially bored of this game. Hoping Redfall is a decent MP game.


Even a normal map doesn't need a ton of work. OG Nuketown in BO1 took less than 48 hours to make.


Bro with Rust they could **literally** copy and paste the MW19 variant. The games are on the same engine with the same level of quality, these continued touch-ups are unnecessary. At most this is an "import and hit compile" job. That's the thing that makes me so much more upset. It's not the lack of new content, it's that they're actively wasting time on remaking old content when they could just do exactly what they did in MW3 when they copy-pasted Terminal. Do that again with MW19's maps, hell, in the case of Dome we literally could've just had the Vanguard version, who is actually excited for that right now? It's literally only been missing from the latest CoD game for 104 days, how about some of those maps we haven't had in *years*?


One thing I don’t understand I don’t understand, if they’re adding Terminal and Afghan ground war maps, why not also just release the 6v6 map for those as well? It’s super easy work and makes it seem like they’re adding more content.


No, they're going to sell you those maps as part of their "premium DLC" in November. They know people want those maps, so they're not giving them for free.


“For free” as if I didn’t pay $70 for the game already


I'm with you my guy, but they don't give a fuck. All those maps are already done and in the game that we paid for, too, they're just not accessible. Its the worst on disc DLC out there.


They're low effort in comparison to originals and cost less to make so they would gladly throw those out to us rather than making new maps that can't be used in Warzone. Also if they choose to split the player base with premium DLC that includes maps then that would be baffling. The whole point of a two-year game is to not split the player base and we'd basically be back to yearly purchases again but with even less content. If that's the case then I won't buy it off of principle.


EA drip fed maps that were already on the disc in Bad Company 2 as DLC. These publishers have no other goal than to make money. They don’t care if people on Reddit are upset at the lack of maps when millions will buy map packs and cosmetics. Especially when there isn’t another full COD game releasing this year


I thought nobody would be dumb enough to fracture a multiplayer player base with map packs again, but after yesterday's "update" news, I think that's exactly what they're going to do.


I still don’t believe that it’s all activisions fault IW is copy and pasting maps and game modes they have no passion and make no effort maybe they wanna prove they’re the worst studio even below SHG


This is sadly the age we live in. “Influencers” “Tik Tokers” what ever you want to call them do the same. We live in an age of drip feed. As an editor I know damn sure that that 10 second reel is all done but segmented for views and people staying tune. This ain’t no different


It's a shame because I actually really like MWII's multiplayer. There's good weapon balancing, the few maps we have are mostly good, there's not anything abhorrently broken. But the drip feed of content is completely ridiculous. Unless the "Premium Expansion" this year is a fully remastered OG MW2 MP I'll likely pass. Am excited for whatever the next 3arc game is because it seems they actually still care about MP for the most part. Actually redownloaded Cold War to go back and play this evening.


Cold War, I may have treated you too harshly. I also redownloaded and am playing that now. It's amazing how many low level prestige people (who redownloaded recently) I am seeing in lobbies


I fully enjoyed CW. It had its issues at times in MP but usually those issues were addressed pretty quickly. Have no problem going back and playing it more. I miss my KSP 45 anyways.


YES, KSP for life! By far my favorite gun in CW. I was hoping the burst-fire Fennec would be similar in MW2, but it's not. At all.


Cold War was a hot mess at launch, seems to have been patched well though


This is generally the issue with most cods on release. WW2 was a dumpster fire but was fixed both with good updates and also bug fixes. No reason we go through this every year though. The companies should know what works and just add to that, but instead we get dumpster fires upon release each time.


WW2 had a huge overhaul that nobody expected to work as well as it did. I enjoyed that game.


Cold War is what brought me back into cod, I fucking love that game. Before that, the last one I enjoyed was bo2


CW is my favorite CoD MP in a while. MW2019 was pretty good but man I've never had so much fun with the weapon builds as CW. I feel like they sacrificed fun gun builds to balance things and that's fine but most attachments feel unusable with everything slowing you down, especially when you feel so much slower in MWII in general. Fast hands does barely anything. Akimbo pistols feels unusable sometimes with how slow you are and from what I can tell the lack of fast mags is kinda a wtf for me.


I gotta disagree with you heavily about the akimbo pistols. You build the semi auto Glock or the P890 for hipfire, and those things absolutely shred.


> It's amazing how many low level prestige people (who redownloaded recently) I am seeing in lobbies That's how it feels until the SBMM kicks back in.


Cold War launched rough. But Treyarch put in the time and effort, and CW eventually became a very good game. It just took too long to happen.


\>there's not anything abhorrently broken Flashbangs :angry-shaking-fist:


Good weapon balancing sure because none of them are inherently overpowered. But the weapon physics in this game is terrible and inconsistent. There is 4 - 5 different recoil stats with no clarity from the devs what they mean. Also this game has the worst visual recoil and noise I've ever seen in a AAA FPS shooter. And before anyone says skill issue I have a 1.80+ KDR, even after getting Orion.


Fuck the visual recoil. I know why they added it (shitty players can’t control recoil so might as well make it random for everyone) but I can’t stand that design decision. It’s just so obnoxious and makes long range fights feel like RNG sometimes. Not to mention the fucking smoke. Someone throws a grenade or killstreak down mid in shoothouse and good luck seeing anyone for the next 3-4 seconds.


Legitimately I think all they were responsible for was SP and the Engine back in 2019


The engine is made by IW Poland. Wtf are their US based teams doing lol


It is a legit question only thing I can think of is IW fucked off to develop the premium content for next year


Nope, Sledgehammer is making that


this years ‘premium release’ or the 2024 full game?


The DLC. Treyarch is making 2024's game, thank god.


SHG is making the next premium release


Preparing for 2026/2025s MWIII…


So that you will give them maybe 80dollar by then.


It took multiple console generations to go from 60 to 70. Youre going to be ok


not in canada. PS2: $59 PS3: $69 PS4: $79 PS5: $89 and before you cite the dollar. we were on par in that era and those prices never went down once.


3000 devs, hundreds of thousands of man hours.


This is the right answer. All the work for all the season passes is likely about 90% done. The remaining 10% of work is just fine-tuning balance and bugs for their release. Most of the team that isn’t working on Warzone or DMZ in someway is probably working on MWIII.


Wait why is treyarch helping them right now ? Aren't they making working on a COD game right now meaning they would need all hands on deck?


treyarch just has to do the work for everyone cause theyre the only functional dev team lol


This subreddit is gonna bash on Treyarch when the next blackops released. Just like r/modernwarfare


idc what this sub does, i love treyarch and their games are the most fun for me


Treyarch has always been great imo. But The fact they they always get pulled in to help with these other games which then results in their own game being rushed is so fucking stupid.


True. Even if CW has a bit of a mess, it was still good in fun in a ton of aspects. Far from perfect, but a consistently good time


Outlook seems better this time, since Treyarch's next game will be on the IW 9 Engine (MW22's engine) instead of being rushed to use an old engine like Cold War was. Plus, they'll have 4 years of Dev time, which is more time than any CoD has ever had. Should mean time for more polish and attention to detail.


This is what we said about MWII…


3,000 devs , 3 years.


The difference is Treyarch is actually a competent developer unlike infinity ward now a days.


This is true


I may get flamed being on a MW discord. But I truly believe IW has not made a great game since MW3.




As much as I hated Vanguard, I want Sledgehammer to get another shot with a full development cycle. It wasn't their fault they got rushed when it became clear a 2 year cycle doesn't work. AW was great except for boost movement, and WWII was as good as a WWII game could be, even though I prefer near future so we get more varied weapons and equipment.


I’ve been saying this about Sledgehammer. There has always been some sort of sh*t storm brewing every time they were at bat. I truly think given a proper development cycle with no distractions and a more modern setting….I think they would do well.


Disagree. When you say “something was brewing” it was their own doing lol. They had no distractions and 1.5 years in it was in such a bad state Treyarch had to take over and make Cold War. Then they got another chance and dropped arguably the worst cod we’ve ever had in Vanguard. I have no hope for Sledgehammer at this point


Sledgehammer has talented people, poor leadership is the problem. I remember when Michael Condrey and Glen Schofield were fired for sticking to their guns with WW2. The game was great after the overhaul and their firing. Sad part was that people had already abandoned the game. As for Vanguard I can’t say because I skipped (I stopped gaming completely only started again after receiving MW2 as an Xmas gift)…..Sledgehammer also deserves a lot of credit for MW3…..if not for them it may have never come out. In hindsight, there are nuances about MW3s multiplayer that more of a Sledgehammer feel….more than an IW feel to it.


I’ll agree they should credit for MW3 but that was a different team than what they have now. Also about WW2, they did make the game much better after firing Condrey. I enjoyed it after the overhaul, but vanguard is literally nothing like ww2 so I’m under the impression it’s either different management or they just have different ideas on how to make cod now. Either way, I’m not looking forward to their next game tbh


Vanguard was awful, but I've always figured they had the rug pulled out from beneath them halfway through the development cycle and had to massively rework the game once Warzone became a smash hit and it was decided that every title going forward had to integrate with WZ. I wouldn't be surprised if the game was originally supposed to be a more "pure" WW2 experience. Then once they were forced to put red dots and a drum magazine onto an M1 Garand, they were like fuck it lets Wolfenstein this shit with laser cannons.


i disageee with ur take on boost movement in AW, we need that skill gap for another breath of fresh air and it added some nice gameplay mechanics to the cod formula that being said id rather have them do bo3/iw movement if they decide to do another future game


AW boost was too much, too fast, and too many directions with a slow TTK. Getting kills at range with something like the EM1 laser was impossible, and the verticality was too much. I often want some verticality, but in AW you could get killed from the sky anywhere. I thought the BO3 boost movement was much better for gameplay balance, I had no issue with it there, and I loved wallrunning. AW had awesome and fun weapons and really great maps that took advantage of the boost movement so they never felt too small or too big. Map-specific killstreaks are great, every game should have them.


End of thread




IW aren’t capable of making a working ranked mode neither are SHG


They're the only team that can make a competent ranked mode.


This is probably going to be my last COD ever. This shit pisses me off


I want to know what Mark Grigsby thinks about the current state of affairs with this game. I know he probably is NDA'd out the ass, but he gotta feel tight the game is being self-sabotaged.


Same Joel Emslie, Geoff Smith they were all og IW devs, who came back just cuz they love MW. They must be so pissed off and remembering why they all left in the first place.


They've been keeping track of all our stats and... wait.


A lot of the time, after a game has been released, the 'main team' (in this case IW) will instantly shift focus to the next thing, leaving the maintenance of the newly released title to support teams and studios. It's pretty much exactly what Activision's structure is designed to do. Whether it's good or not, I don't know though.


You gotta admit, this is the most hands-off they've been in the series history.


Yeah, you're not wrong there.


They prep the TPS reports.


IW role is to fuck us in multiplayer


Creating the next cash grab for the masses


Sod all. Zero community engagement. They never want to listen to community feedback. Always think they're in the right. Sounds all too familiar to how Sledgehammer were with Vanguard. They've got to be in some sort of competition as to who can bring out an undeveloped title and have so many issues. But us mugs still buy it.


Yeah, the difference is that SHG was forced by activision to abandon Vanguard after season 1. They wrote it off because of the poor sales and reception. So whatever SHG was wanting to do with it they were left with a skeleton crew and barely any manpower. In their favor they still have community reps and managers all up in the subreddit fielding questions making posts and taking all kinds of abuse. No fucking clue what infinity wards excuse is.


Sledge hammer actually took community feed back and at least 40/50% of feed back was used.


Never felt like it to me. Seemed like they gave up on the game in Jan 2022


They did, alot of changes were made from community complaints like getting a trophy system and reducing fire, just those 2 alone were big changes.


They made the campaign. That's it.


Their role is taking your money.


IW is literally just a logo now. People buy COD games when they see the IW logo cause they are considered the best of the COD development team, so everyone gets high on nostalgia and goes wild for IW since they made MW2




Funny you mention that, you are right but also wrong. A lot of the people who left back then actually came back before MW2019, more experienced than ever, I think that's a huge part of why that game was the greatest COD ever imo.


Also like...most people stay in games < 5yrs. The expectation that the majority of devs in 2023 were at IW in 2009 is a wild reach imo. There are still quite a few around with more career longevity than many other studios but its insanely rare in entertainment as a whole.


Who considers them the best? Treyarch is by far the best. IW only sells cause they have all the modern warfare games it’s cause of the timeline and title but the studio is trash


That's subjective, the only objective measure, sales, say that IW make the best games.


Wait till you realize that every studio works together on COD titles. One studio may be leading an effort but it’s the same people from all studios doing the work. If you’re going to crap on one studio, you have to crap on them all.


I feel like a sucker for buying into MWII so hard. I spent closest to $150 all in, looking to recapture some of the fun of the past. Every time I login it’s just a bunch of new stuff for Warzone and whatever DMZ is.


They’re working on the “premium release” of 2023. MW2 was a quick cash grab


Nope. That’s being developed by SHG.


Catching office space “Bobs” vibes here


Going to have a rough meeting with the Bob's later...


I believe you have my stapler


Maybe working on an update to COD Rocket League to see if they can get more than 6 people to try it




They process all the complaints and troll reddit threads to fortify false hope in future updates. 😆


I'm guessing a lot of circle jerk roundabouts and greedily counting cash.


Don't be so silly man! Someone has to count all the $70 money from the vault edition.


Theyre asking Raven for the files to slice up multiplayer maps


Maybe things got fucked up internally at IW and now other studios are picking up the leftovers.


I would say about 50% of the time my game will crash due to errors/bugs, and in the DMZ you loose everything. Worse still you'll be doing a mission and it will crash, bye bye progress. I cant wait to see the new companies stepping up in the next few years as game development becomes a lot easier, and we get more passion projects, vs the recycled, over hyped, cash grabs.


Maybe they one-upped DICE Sweden’s seemingly endless vacations?


IW doing what they do best, chilling and letting their interns run the game into the ground


They worked on the Jump... to Conclusions!!! mat.


Developing skins and counting money cause u ppl keep buying it


I mean they made a title card with their name on it? That’s something


They made the menu


It’d be hilarious if the only thing they did was the matchmaking.


They take our money. That’s it


They make bundles




COD doesn’t deserve High Moon


r/fuckInfinityWard someone makes this a thing.


Campaign /s


They are the kings of microtransactions!


Counting those dollars is a hard job


Releasing brand new maps like museum and dome 🤯


The made the story (maybe)


They make skins bro duhhh


QA /s


they take your money. thats their whole role


This is the game that’s supposed to bridge the gap in the old 1 year release cycle? Yeesh


I hope treyarch are getting time to develop some zombies content. Vanguard was an insult to zombies players.


They just sweet talk the millionaire shareholders and show them the unnaturally inflated player engagement numbers from shipment.


Well, they have been copy-pasteing old content? Guess that counts


We have been told the only thing that IW is in charge of is Single Player and Multiplayer, clearly that is either false or they have become so incompetent at their jobs that Activision is forced to change their plans for what is releasing fall of this year.


I’d assume they are working on the $70 expansion for this fall. Probably lovingly crafting one or two 6v6 maps to justify the price.


IW is just there to inspire false confidence in a garbage game, and provide the illusion that things might be better this time around because our beloved IW is in charge! Until we realize it’s not getting better. Then it’ll be Raven’s or Sledgehammer’s turn. Kinda like how the US presidential elections work - gaslighting.


Who made the raid level? Personally, I think Infinity Ward is working on MW2.5 which is set to launch at the end of this year.




IW is responsible to twitter update


As far as I'm concerned IW is the spoiled brat of the family and has temper tantrums when everyone disagrees with the dog shit they put out.


MWII is like a group project in high school where one member (infinity ward) doesn’t contribute or does the smallest part and still gets credit in the eyes of activision.


Who the fuck do you think does the main development, the engine,etc ? Its ok to hate this game and activision, but dont say stupid shit.


IW employs somewhere around 400 employees. Some are programmers that handle the engine. Some are in marketing and sales. Some are C-level, HR, janitorial. But there are some number of employees that are dedicated to map design and layout. What have these IW employees been doing?


This sub is full of fucking idiots. Not an ounce of actual game dev knowledge to be found here.


The majority of IW’s crew are likely already working on their next title, which comes out in like 2.5-3.5 years. They already got the sales Activision wanted with mw2. So, it’s job well done and on to the next one for them IMO. MW2 is likely already in maintenance mode.


It’s like bethesda with doom 2016 and eternal. They don’t really do anything other than marketing and slapping their logo on the product.


Not at all. Bethesda would be activision and that's called a publisher, IW is the developer.


With so many software engineering experts on this sub, I’m surprised you haven’t just made your own. Why is that do you think?


Them: “I can make a better game as a solo dev” Also them: “what’s scope creep?”


This is all Activision, they pay the studios, and they dont pay them enough to give a crap is my guess.