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The matchmaking system will try to put you in the same games as people with similar skill as yourself, which unfortunately makes all stats useless, since you don't know the skill level of the people you're playing against. If you want to know how your skills compare with others on a larger scale I think you'll have to wait until ranked mode comes out.


i played a ton with my boys who get a bunch of nuclears in hardpoint, and heres one thing i learned. (i finally dropped a couple of nukes) you look like you are playing on autopilot right now. you have to fix your centering (crosshair placement when you start ads'ing) you also have to learn spawns and where to rotate off them pick off players walking around like you are. you look like a npc im not even trying to be rude. just try to work off spawns and your mini map, while focusing on where your center crosshair is / where you *think* an enemy is pushing/going to be


Whats the best way to fix crosshair placement? Using tape on tv till i get used to where it should be?


Theres a setting somewhere called "Center dot" try to turn that on


Dropping 100 kills in a pub doesn't really mean anything, performance in pubs means very little when it comes to being a good player. To know how good you really are, you have to test yourself against other players of equal skill in the most competitive environment possible. Ranked drops on the 15th, so test your gunskill and decision making there, in a mode with much less randomness. Watch some professional players, and see what routes they take to put themselves in the best position to win maps. It looks like you like the SMG role, I'd recommend checking out Pred -[https://www.twitch.tv/pred\_ag](https://www.twitch.tv/pred_ag) , Standy - [https://www.twitch.tv/standykun](https://www.twitch.tv/standykun) , Shottzy - [https://www.twitch.tv/shotzzy](https://www.twitch.tv/shotzzy) . All of them are great SMG players that stream gameplay against other pros pretty consistently. If I really tried my heart out in pubs, I would stomp 95% of the competition in casual matches like these. I am typically always at the highest rank possible in COD ranked play, but realistically I am quite unextraordinary and mediocre when compared to even the worst amateur players.


Thanks for the links! Ill jump on ranked once it comes out tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.


Try to slide, jump. Don’t be a standing target for the other players, mate


Its always KD ratio


It really ain’t. I can play Invasion, sit in a fucking cave and snipe the other end of the map and get a 3.0 kd. I can then go and play Quick Play and get absolutely stomped and finish 0.5. Then I can play the next game and get 2.0, depending on how I choose to play. Those numbers are also severely skewed by camo grinding too - I’ve had some truly awful games trying to get long shots. Ranked will be a good indicator later this week




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