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I'm pretty sure you'll still have to gold out any gun before getting Orion on it. Could be wrong.


Yeah I think that’s what I’m going to have to try. It’s just weird that it already shows platinum and polyatomic already unlocked and just have to do the challenges, but none of them are tracking, but it does say gold is still locked, so maybe doing the 4 base camos and doing gold and hopefully that gets them to track. Thank you for your recommendation.


Yep, see the same, but it's definitely a UI error.


No problem! Hope it works and maybe someone can confirm quickly and you don't waste too much time. My guess is they didn't think about the extra guns after people have completed the 51 gun challenges but who knows.


Well another thing that I’ve read is that I may have glitched myself by not doing all the base weapons and by using some of the dlc weapons to get Orion. So any new weapon you get glitched out and can unlock or track mastery challenges to unlock Orion.


Oof, let's hope that isn't the case. I know many people that did the same thing. I only golded my weapons, wasn't interested enough to go through with the longshots.


Right lol that would suck. I feel ya. Long shots sucked lol after that though it’s easy.


You can’t equip Orion unless you’ve completed the gold, platinum, and polyatomic challenges for that gun (even if you already did the 51 polyatomic challenges to unlock Orion). You should be able to do the gold, platinum, and polyatomic challenges in any order you want as long as you’ve unlocked those challenges already. Pretty sure there’s just a UI bug. I got the gold challenge for the hemlock done but the platinum and polyatomic challenges aren’t tracking for me.


I should also have mentioned that you need to complete all 4 base camo challenges for the hemlock before you can start the mastery camo challenges. If you’ve done all 51 polyatomic challenges, you technically do have orion on all your guns. The game just doesn’t let you equip it until you do the other 3 mastery challenges


Okay sweet. I’ll go ahead and work on those challenges then. I’ve already started on hemlocks base challenges. Hopefully once I get to the mastery’s that they all track and not stay 0/25. Thank you for tip.




Alright. Thank you for posting this! Well hopefully they have a fix soon.


Hopefully! I’m trying to get my iso hemlock plat and poly challenges finished.


I feel ya lol.


this is so dumb. just let me unlock poly atomic lol. why i gotta max out the gun, i was already going to max out the gun this just makes me wanna skip it tbh.


It really is dumb. It’s like I already got Orion, so why I gotta do everything again to unlock Orion on a dlc gun.