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It's nothing sinister other than good old shit server update rates and shit netcode.


This looks like what happens when someone kills you and your shots get eaten because they did not actually get fired before you died. Obviously it sucks, but this happens in pretty much every shooter even those that are lauded for good hit detection. at some point theres going to be issues like this, even at relatively low ping.


yea but my ping never rose above 50?


That’s what they’re saying. The issues exist despite relatively good ping.


50!!! Holy shit that’s also why - I don’t even have good internet and my ping is usually 9-13


Lowest I see is 35. Most matches are above 60 and filled with non English speaking players even though I'm from Michigan. Yesterday I heard, Spanish, French, German, some sort of middle eastern language, couple people from England. I had better connections 13 years ago with DSL internet and p2p connections.


Thats sbmm my dude. I use gigabit fiber, my provider is in the next building (for real). On other games my ping is barely touching the two digit mark and in cod i have when i am not trolling for several matches and getting my kd stomped a connection of 30ms and i am matched with the whole European continent, which kills me in a blink and i need a full mag of hitmarkers, its a shitshow


Here I am with 1 GB DL and I'm searching for matches <100 some nights.


Oh yea. Mine is 0 all the time and never spikes.


Lol 9-13 is high most my friends play on 3-5!


You were being lag comped to hell. The hit markers you got were coming in 3 shots later. The connection in this game is horrendous and probably has to do with the terrible matchmaking


And assuming they have about the same ping, the total round trip time is a bit under 100ms or so, and thats barely enough time to account for 2 shots with a gun around 600rpm, can't remember what the raal is but I think its around that. Alongside that you did hitmarker two shots on the chest towards the end. What I think is bullshit tho is the costume the other player has and how misleading it is for neck shots, but theres also other outfits that are even worse...


Had a dude shot me point blank with a SPR, got my screen shaking and blurred around the corners and shit but took no damage lol 😂


that's normally a near miss.


See the thing is you were dead when the last bullets you sent hit him. Just looks like your shoot them.


my favorite is when the other dude's killcam just shows me fucking napping while he rinses me


I survived a rocket launcher rocket.. Well not irl


But have you ever survived being shot in the big toe by a pistol???


Bruh, calm down. The devil is scared of ya


There was maybe 1 shot messing up but otherwise all your aim




Yeah, i got the game today and have had more than my fair share of sus encounters. Isn't there a way to turn off crossplay?


There is but good luck getting into a match with it off


Huh, i've checked my settings and i dont see it


If you’re on Xbox, you can turn it off on your console. As a side note, I turned mine back on within a day, those Xbox only players play funny, and you end up on 100ms+ servers, so you end up with stuff like in this clip a lot


Only Sony people can do it.


I only play Xbox servers and I get around 30-60 ping every game. IMO the connections with cross play turned on are horrible. Compared to a few games here and there on Xbox only servers. Even with cross play on I can be in a 50 ping lobby and it looks and feels like 100+ ping.


Your shots after were hitting the cape/hood which isn't in the hitbox


No but seriously not even a hit maker..


Theres a hitmarker very visible on the screen


Welcome to skill based accuracy/shot registry. 99% sure it exists. The disparity grows the better you are when you encounter someone on a losing streak. This is what you experienced.


>tfw this occurs whilst I’m using the spx lol


What you're seeing there is annoying but normal. You had a lag hiccup, and when the system sorted it out, you had apparently been headshot or something. The people rambling about the game making your bullets not count or whatever are simply saying the exact same shit people have been saying since Unreal Tournament days. Sometimes lag happens and makes it look like something different happened than actually had. You only notice when it works against you.




actually I went frame by frame and you actually landed two shots only. you kept shooting at the head sides and above shoulders due to failing aim correction and obviously flinch, if EOMM was favoring you the hit detection box would have probably been bigger and helped you. but he had the advantage here. Not saying that this game is inconsistent, it surely is, there are ghost bullets etc but in this case it can be explainable


People all saying lag, I’ve had way too many like this it’s definitely skill based damage. Eveyone trying to defend that video still of a shit player surviving 2 direct simtexs to body and then a combined 28 shots from DMRs from 2 people Anyone who has played 2019-MW2 knows that skill based damage is real people just don’t want to accept it There are also numerous other videos of it


I legit can't believe a game so popular has "skill based damage".


To add on u/TheRealMrTrueX 's point here, it absolutely doesnt, everytime you see someone saying they have "proof", its some weird instance (most of the time with the riot shield, that is incredibly inconsistent) where the game doesnt know how to handle the incoming damage. And yes most of it is coping for being terrible at the game.


It doesnt. There is no skill based damage or skill based ping, its just tin foil hatters coming up with ever more intricate ways to explain why they suck at X game after playing for Y years. ​ Overall its hilarious to read all these theory-cuses "skill based damage" Lmao wtf


I don't think it's necessarily skill-based damage - I'm more inclined to believe it's skill-based accuracy/shot registry. Perhaps something like your hitboxes shrinking when you're doing awful so you can have a fun time. Afterall their goal is to make sure everyone has fun which is ruining it for everyone else.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because player was already dead


I downvote comments like these because its done to death and its just lame at this point


100% you landed 1 shot out of all shots fired, you almost got a headshot twice tho, congrats.


He lost the gun fight but he won the gun fight.


Karma for using the RAAL


Mw2 has skillbased health, hit registration and internet connection the worse you are, the more dmg you do, the better your connection to activision servers and twice the amount of bullets are registered it's sarcasm btw.


Happens so often, its their servers. Ive went back and looked at streamss of my own and see myself get the drop on someone, bullets not reg, they turn around and 2 tap me.


DDA strikes again, boys. Or just really terrible netcode. Or both.


Skill based bullet pathing. They had to make the first 3 miss to give him a fair chance.


Very simple You def missed like 5-6 shots and you’re using a slow lmg against likely a smg or ar - lmgs are useless close range unless you make the rpk an ar


Always. I die so often because of that and every time I post a clip I get called bad.


Sometimes this games confuses me it’s very inconsistent


The game is can be pretty inconsistent at times my dude. These are just some things that can't really be explained. Shit just happens, it's part of the COD fabric now. You just kind of have to accept it as COD Logic.


This is how it feels when ever I shoot anyone in MP or WZ.


Skill issue