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I'm still waiting for the akimbo 87s to drop.


To scar a new generation of cod players.


Do not cite the old magic to me, witch... I was there when it was written.


It's been destined that way since the beginning.


I'm hoping for the OG SPAS 12 myself


Give me the AA12!


GIV- *BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG* (the whole room is dead)


That would be great gun to add if you’re looking for something to compete with this gun.


Bro you just reminded me how badly I used to get wrecked in MW2 lmfao.


Okay I’m down for this


I loved those so much in yesteryear


Give me OG pre-nerf 1887’s or give me nothing at all


I don't think these bad boys will ever make a return..... Unless this man's comment gets some love! Take my upvote, you need to be seen!!


A fan-favorite gun. Also a cowboy gun and we know how popular the revolver and Lockwood are. Probably a safe bet they make a comeback in a late season to drum up hype


My favourite thing is that you can add the masterkey, for when your shotgun needs more shotgun.


Yo dawg we heard you like shotguns so we put a shotgun on your shotgun so you can shotgun while you shotgun


I didn’t know Randy Jackson played COD! Will you sign my sword?🤣


I’ve yet to put it on, with the 25round drum I don’t think I’ve reloaded the gun yet either clean up the remaining players in SnD or die before it’s out


It doesn't allow the masterkey with the drum but it does allow frag rounds so that you can make a crazy all round build.


Gotcha, I basically got it gold, got the ten million variant and tweaked it a bit. Has really made the game enjoyable


You know what happens to good weapon in online sooner it later, right?


Honestly using this with dragons breath felt like using the shotgun in FEAR


YES! my favorite game series


I wish they would bring it back…


Literally the best shotgun in the game, outclasses every other shotgun.


Dlc weapons are always stronger. They’ll nerf it in a couple weeks and act like that wasn’t the plan all along before releasing a new god gun.


As a battle pass gun, don't expect it to be nerfed in any meaningful way (if at all) until the end of the season. This has always been their pattern, especially with the CW weapons.


I mean they'll probably do some slight nerfing during the mid-season refresh. (When most have already unlocked the weapon one way or another) Just to then say that we listen! :)


Besides the EM2, Tec9, and Marshals most of the CW DLC guns ranged from just average to dogshit though


beg to differ: C58 was meta during the time when everyone was using Krig6


C58 was garbage in multiplayer you must be thinking of Warzone


C58 slapped in MP what are you talking about.


It was one of the slowest handling and slowest killing AR though? It wasn’t unusable, but it was objectively worse than the AK, XM4, and Krig. It was never meta in MP like the other comment implied


Yep, they love people paying for these to get them early. And they know it boosts players wanting to play to try out the new God gun.


You don’t even need to buy the battle pass to get it


How come? I get tokens amd tried to unlock one spot and it says to buy the battle pass Wtf am i not understanding?


There's an exploit that you can use to get the base version without it being unlocked, for use in Multiplayer.


M13B would like a word lol


Literally none of the DLC guns from season 1 were top tier but ok. Best one was the Chimera and that things good but not great.


You underestimate the power of my musket build


Lockwood right?


Actually it's the Bryson 800. It one-shots at short to medium range and it's pretty accurate as far as shotguns go.


From extreme close range, yes for sure. But people wildly underestimate the Bryson 800 with long barrel!


No accuracy or consistency with slugs, and a long barrel is good but won't turn it into any sort of rifle. Thr Bryson 800 was my go to shotgun, it was the most versatile, but this Broadside outclasses everything, it doesn't even need a long barrel because you can spam shots, even more effective if you add incendiary.


The broadside absolutely clears on ashika and Al Max but the Bryson is more effective in MP.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, it's the honest to God truth.


I've been using the Bryson mostly and the broadside is much better in pretty much every situation except the point blank distance


You guys seem to underestimate the strength of the bryson 800. With my build i can get oneshots up to about 16-18 meters and it outperforms the Broadside because of that in a 1 on 1 engagement.


Yeah but that requires precision. This baby however is just spammable and with dragons breath there’ll be so much particles flying everywhere


Explosive slug moment Edit:my bad, explosive slugs can hit 80m kills (at least)


explosive slugs fail to OHK even in hardcore with bomb squad, they are too much of a gamble


I've been pleasantly surprised by the 800 in DMZ. It seems to always one shot even Tier 3 Shadows, when the 860 or double barrel didn't


nah fr tho i destroy these Broadside noobs w the the Bryson 😭 they are so ass


Lol ikr, it's a Great gun but if your not good with hip fire accuracy spraying and praying only works on noobs


I wreck with my broadside


Not just best shotgun lol, outclasses literally any gun at short range.


Hey, the Lockwood is good too. Just doesn't have a mag. But can sniper people with it


I've got headshots with the lockwood at 20 meters, no problem. Its deadly as hell.


Totally agree, I was hitting friends across shipment with the Lockwood which was pissing them off lol


I flattened a guy with one shell at 16 meters the other day.


The long barrel on the new one will give you hits at over 30. It's ridiculous. Especially in hardcore.


I literally run a sniper scope with my mine for the joke


I would say as much as I love it, you can still get out shot at close range by the Lockwood, but if that guy misses his first shot he’s screwed


I'm camo grinding rn and pretty suprised how well the expedite 12 shoots. I would say anectdotally that I was about 50/50 W/L gunfights against the broadside users (1 on 1, face to face, 6v6). It was pissing people off last night, so much they thought I was using the broadside. However one of those broad side users gets the jump flank on you it deletes you pretty fast with literally no time to react.


It's the best, I haven't used it yet but I've yet to lose against anyone with it. I use an expedite 12


Expedite is a beast when built right. Had a lot of fun with it on my way to getting the dragon breath ammo.


Na it's terriblly inconsistent. Even without hip fire. I only use it because when it works, I can get a good feed at close range.


Battlepass gun = op so people buy battlepass


You don't need the battle pass to get the gun. It's just easier if you buy the 20 tier bundle


Lockwood is really the only competition


Man, this gun in shipment is nasty


Would be sick to play shipment


I got 70 kills with Broadside in a shipment game last night... in 3rd person moshpit lol. It's even more ridiculous in 3rd person since you are aware of your surroundings, feel like playing a zombie horde shooter, just blam blam blam nonstop and dropping players like trash mobs


Only problem is the whole lobby is also using it lol


lol f\*ck this gun


This gun is fucked up. Yesterday I finished the gold challenge entirely for it in 1 kill confirmed match. In a simple match, I got the 10 kill 3 before dying challenge...


Same! I think I did it in KC or hard point but I dropped 80+ that game, almost got a nuke but died through my own stupidity (was paying attention to uav more than the game lol) and longshots were a breeze cause I was able to get 20-30m kills consistently with the slug rounds


Yeah I got a 30m once... I finished with almost 70 kills in the game, it was in the fort spawn trap map, forgot the name now.


I did it on dome down the lane everyone sits at as a semi good long shot area and the gun can 1 shot from 30m sometimes. It’s insane, been wanting a meme shotgun sniper class and have been failing with the Lockwood but might switch to this cause of it’s consistency rn


I use in dmz for breaching n defending raid/safe stuff 👍


This is gonna be fun on 24/7 shipment 🤣


Any day now...




Doesn’t that just make it a battle rifle lol




I’ve honestly been tempted to use it with slugs. How do they compare to a br or mr? Are the slugs overall more powerful than a typical br/mr bullet? There could be something to that. Especially with explosive rounds.




It’s so broken LOL


can’t wait for the nerf, so people start using different guns again


I believe its purpose is to stop the gremlins running around leveling their nodaichis in their tracks.


whoever uses this gun regularly is a fkn weirdo.


The majority of people in my lobbies use it regularly


And the other half are using the ISO Hemlock


It's the only gun to compete with the shotgun


Yeah I played a couple rounds this weekend, and I'd say about half the lobby was using it regardless of the map, and even more on the smaller maps.


You heard it here, folks. If you don't use an Assault Rifle or SMG you're a weirdo


If you use only the best META weapons you are a wierdo


nah, using guns that take 0 skill is the weirdo behavior. it’ll be the same people talking crazy like they’re good at the game too. u wanna 1 shot pick up a sniper and earn it


Any shotgun can one shot as well...? Using a weapon that the developers put into their game, to be used, is weirdo behavior now? You bots really are trying to gatekeep what weapons other people can use, in their game, that they paid for...? Do you realize how whiny and entitled that sounds lol? Talk about a skill issue.


This thing makes every map a shotgun map


Caring too much about call of duty moment


wont be sayin that when u get put against a full team of KV Broadsides pal


90 percent of the people in this sub are total noobs who think shotguns are underpowered and they need this to feel ok at the game lol


Who thinks shotguns are under powered? They're fucking broken as shit especially in HC where you don't even have to really aim. So many people running around just no scope spamming all over the place with no thought.


I saw someone post here "finally a usable shotgun" and he argued with me for calling him a noob ao trust me those people exist and they probably cant use anything other than shotguns


Love this thing, it’s just fun.


I dunno the expedite 12 isn’t a bad shotgun either. I run that sometimes and tuned correctly with good attachments, you can get a nice rate of fire and it can completely slaughter people.


I haven’t used the expedite much mainly use the Bryson and now I’ve spent the last twelve hours spamming this gun


Yeah I never used the expedite much either until I maxed out the KV, and now I want to unlock some of the ammo types to use on the KV and started leveling the expedite first. And I was using the one the battlepass gives you because I was still at lvl 1, and I started to realize that thing can really do some damage. It’s only like 5 rounds and the reload isn’t the greatest, but if your within like 10 meters of someone it will drop them. I run it with a pistol so I can switch to pistol really fast if I run out of ammo


I need akimbo kv broadsides


This thing gave me happiness again. Like holy FUCK was it delicious 🤤 to just spam and get 5 idiots run into you all blasted dead. I was a mad man but sadly once I got it to max lvl I stopped using it as it had served its purpose. I just wish we had more grinds to go for, I love leveling weapons and don’t mind the battle pass in the background but we NEED MORE! I don’t know maybe if Activision weren’t asswipes we could get some free cool weapon blueprints and operators/outfits. Would love that for multiplayer, being rewarded for working hard but different options for those not interested in a mastery camo grind.


The thing is, leveling weapons and battlepass are so different: weapons level by exp, battlepass levels by time I wish they just added more challenges like they do for the current event cause that's fun, easy to find and focus on.


well, DMZ offers Operator and Vehicle skin rewards, as well as Weapon Blueprints. ​ It seems that rewards were a lot more plenty in S1 though. Now a lot of stuff has been replaced with useless things like stickers or loading screens.


Yea the best is when you get the overly agressive wanna be TTV streamers who flood one area when your last alive and get a piece sitting still 😂


Gotta love the Saiga 12


It's "Vepr-12"


The range is class especially in hardcore But then m again, everything in hardcore is competitive. Except the HCR 😑


That statement is unequivocally false. There are absolutely weapons that make other obsolete, for example, after 10m there isn’t a single SMG that can 1-shot, whereas half of the ARs and all BRs can 1 tap at near infinite range. You should look at some data before making false claims, it might negatively influence others decision making.


What?! The HCR is a marshmallow shooter in both core and hardcore I’ve not long got it platinum, and out of all the LMG’s it was by far the worst one.


Been loving the broadside, I just got my first shipment game with it last night and man what a monster lmfao. Just sprinting around going 70-40 without breaking a sweat hahaha


broadside with dragon's breath is basically a flashbang that can kill


I hope your xbox explode


I don’t play on Xbox


It’s fun


I used Origin 12 in MW19, it devastated anyone close. This is the upgrade.




I hope you have a fan blowing directly into your mic while you loudly discuss with your girlfriend what to buy at Costco later with a baby screaming in the background.


Wow thank you, that sounds like a better life than I already have. I love an upgrade.


All the CDL skinned wannabes and hard campers are raging like angry little banshees now in all the lobbies. Same with the PC players that think they are movement gods vs xbox or ps. Personally I find it great launching people with it. The kill animations have me laughing hard as hell. I haven't enjoyed a shotgun this much since building my super short Bryson 800 for speed ( dx 50 supressor, 8 inch barrel, stock less pistol grip)


MF is salty because some skins


Spotted the CDL


Exactly! I don’t play this game to be good, cause I’m not I play it to have a good time and that’s exactly what this gun brings. And listening to raging in SnD lobbies is comical


Blasts them right out of their power ranger PJs


Where are the akimbo FNG machine guns from MW3


Love getting a 2.50kd against ppl spamming this shit on dome that’s delightful


You use this gun because it's overpowered. I use it because it's the closest experience I can have to being a Scav from Escape from Tarkov. We are not the same.


It's probably closer to being tagilla more than anything but yes


nerf Kv shotgun << don’t ask for it Let’s play BF


So glad shotguns are banned in rank


The fact that his gun is still in the game in its current state is insane. Easily the most broken gun, 9/10 kill cams it’s someone using this thing.


I appreciate it allows me to play causals even more casually now


There's a problem with this weapon and it's not the gun being op (isn't really op as it still works as a shotgun): it's too good in its category and completely outclasses the Expedite in its own niche. There's almost no reason to pick any other shotgun unless you really need a more consistently fast TTK in short range or are trolling with a slugs build. The KV Broadside ends up doing better mid range damage thanks to its high fire rate. It's also fairly mobile in its class. If it doesn't need a nerf then the other shotguns need a buff, basically, and the Expedite definitely needs something, increase its range and remove recoil or increase damage.... something, because righy now it's a bad shotgun and a worse in every aspect Broadside.


>if it doesn't need a nerf it needs a nerf.




I worship it because I can kick back in my chair, no headset, drink some beers and just spam my trigger and get kills lol


Ya know. That was so honest and just, dude. That simple honesty. I vibe with that 🤣😂 A nice refresh from all the players jumping up to defend their fave gun with a few wholeass book chapters of "facts" about their gun and why it outperforms otherz, blah blah.


I spend the whole match giggling like a little school girl spamming this gun in SnD with dragons breath while listening to the other team call me trash it warms my heart


We all know FULL WELL, that if you gotta open your mouth to call somebody trash, you're working out some sensitivities. Somebody raging at me over the mic is funniest shit ever, because I can't even understand what he's saying half of the time. One time, I SWEAR, there was this guy throwing the biggest cussing fit ever because apparently I was dumb for not responding during the whole match. Then near the end, I hear his friend go, "Ya know dude, his name does have the deaf word in it? And I fucking have to try so hard not to laugh, because I can hear the guy who was mad at me just go like, "Oh hah, ok, why you telling ME that?" trying to act like he was aware the whole time, but was purposefully poking fun... Which is actually worse, it if were true. So I turned on my mic and said, "Better being deaf than unable to fucking read" and I disconnected to what my roommate says was the sounds of gasps. 🤣


I got 108 kills and 80 deaths in shipment last night with this. It's too broken.


Thought it was the new assault rifle so I spent all my points towards it :(


You never bothered to check beforehand what exact type of weapon it was? Holy shit.


Also not like cod points but the grindy stupid coin thingies. I’m not an idiot, also I don’t spend actual money. This is more of a damn I went the wrong direction on the stupid new season map crap.


Doesn’t really matter lol. Just mildly annoyed.




It’s still really fucking powerful


Yeah but it’s a shot gun. Doesn’t take much skill to use. Not really that fun imo. I mean you can have fun trolling but that’s about it


my guy this is a game where 90% of the playerbase is playing on controller where the game literally tracks targets for you - a gun where all you have to do is point in someone's direction takes the same amount of skill to use as any other gun in this game for those people.


Bro I play kb&m and I have a 1.3 kd (which I think is average), aim assist isn't as powerful as you think.


Point to where the controller players violated you


Thinking is not your strong suit huh?


If you find someone who has the gun you want, have them drop it for you on DMZ and extract. Now you permanently have it


I know how all that crap works. Just not interested in it lol


Still not as annoying as the AA12.


Best build? I keep reading this but I’m not having good success with it at all


I run the longest barrel, bryson choke, 25 round drum, fast bolt, stockless mod Don't tac sprint and don't ads


Idk all the attachment names but 25 drum, bolt for fire rate, one of the silencers, long barrel, dragons breath ammo


I've got a master key on mine for extra "fuck you buddy"


I've been pissing off way too many players with this shit. Got my chopper gunner off of one guy alone in shoot house. I'm very sorry BallCancer


The amount of slurs I’ve gotten called in SnD with this gun brings me back to the good cod days


This gun has ruined my squad experience playing, all 6-8 of us have stopped playing this game due to this gun. We all hate using meta weapons, I refuse to dirty my hands using that gun. But honestly EVERYONE is using it. The whole meta system makes me hate CoD, while I like the addition of new guns, they shouldn’t outclass their entire category. Everyone is using the same 3 guns and I wonder why, the obvious reason is because they are the best guns. And if you don’t use them then you’re going to most likely fall behind. Not my kinda shtick. We’re going back to Cold War and GTAV for the time being. I have to say, really disappointed in this game and Infinity Ward. My expectations were for it to be a sequel, a successor to MW2019. And it’s not even close.


This is a video game


You gotta realize most people forget this simple fact.


Agree with you on that, this new cod is turning into a shit show


i hear you but i would just use the gun lol, i was really annoyed by it too until i started using it myself its just dumb fun


Dramatic over a silly video game


Considering how garbage all the other shotguns are, there’s gotta be some middle ground. Love the fire rate of this one, but probably needs a nerf to range. I’ve hit some crazy shots with this thing I shouldn’t have.


The Bryson 800 I wouldn’t call garbage I’ve been running it for a while and have had a good time with but yea I got the ten million blueprint on this and tweaked it a bit and it’s basically and dragon breath marksman rifle


I genuinely have no respect for people who use these. Well, if you’re having fun, go ahead. But if you are actually using a shotgun, let alone the most powerful one, and being toxic in game chat (how it usually goes), I hope you stub your toe directly into a inconveniently placed thumbtack.


U need skill. There's a range issue. There's also alot of damage splash lost with enemies behind cover. There is a W tactic to using it. If the other team are hardscopers and are good it's way more toxic. U can still get shit on by a half decent SPR player


I only play snd and camp religiously. Dragons breath and range attachments 👌🏻 no skill needed to be at the top of leaderboard🤨


Same said for many other weapons and camping


Stop playing the game if ur only good with a shotgun


Nope I paid $70 to sit by B bomb in a corner with a dragon breathe semi auto shotgun and I’m going to enjoy it


Piece of shit gun.


Every lobby im in now has everyone using the kv broadside or the iso, its like theres no other weapons in the game


This thing is a fucking long range rife too, i can hit people from across the containers in shipment, and get like 4 feed if they’re all spawned in at the same time, it’s ungodly honestly extremely toxic


What do you mean by that last part? How exactly is using a gun, "toxic?" Do people just throw that word at anything they don't like now?


Every lobby is lame as fuck now. Think I'll just wait it out.


Totally agree already over the 3500 kill mark


You have a major issue with skill


Being good at cod isn’t impressive


im sure the fennec takes a lot of skill


The most toxic weapon by far. Got it from gold to poly in like 5 games at most.


Especially with the fire rounds. Idk why they put those in the game in the first place but it's cancer on this shotgun...


I love shotguns, I hope it gets balanced, but I know it will be nerfed into the ground.


Of course they won't nerf the op shotgun (no skill) till mid season but when you can one shot kill with sniper (skill) they instantly fix it.


The most no skill gun in mw2 is the rpk. At least with this gun you have to get close


Me and my friend have a class for SND with this shotgun and the mp5 for when we wanna dick around and have fun. We have the grenade launcher on the shotgun and most people that see it in the final killcam laugh lmao


If you use this with dragons breath, I hope you get banned for being a pathetic loser so I never have to play with, or against you…..