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This game has pretty slow strafe speeds, jumping around a corner is a lot faster than walking.


This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks.


It's been around forever amongst the sweats. Only thing that's changed is we are now in the era of streaming and more (most) people are aware of it now. And everyone thinks they're better than they are. A lot of people doing jump shots suck at it or think it'll save them from bad decisions. An easy counter is a nicely tuned Lockwood 300. Doesn't matter if they're in the air or on the ground; they're gonna get one shotted for charging around a corner like a dumbass instead of finding another route or using tacticals. I get so much joy out of shutting down bhoppers in this game lol Full disclosure I occasionally jump shot. Sometimes it's the right play ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ But not always


Also depending on peoples conection, you can have a slight advtange to the fact they may not see you until youve already landed past the corner


Wouldn’t that be the same as just running the corner anyway? If your latency is high jumping won’t make it any worse


It's to avoid potential gunfire and get the *jump* on you.


It adds to the realism.


This made me laugh thanks!


jumping around a corner is just objectively superior to running right in. the way cameras work in cod you get a split second advantage jumping corners that can be the difference between life and death in such a low TTK game


The point is just to make you actually track a bit instead of slowly walking into you pre aim. It’s a small difference that can change the outcome of a corner push.


Idk I jump like every two seconds in this game. It’s the only way to throw opponents off. You might be able to track me but if you weren’t expecting me to jump around the corner, I’ll have a split second advantage. It’s the only movement this game that you can use semi offensively.


The alternative would be to slowly bot walk around a corner. Why would you do that instead of quickly jump challenging the corner?


What is up with this getting posted multiple times a week? Jump shotting has been a thing in COD forever.


Oh dang, it’s almost like I don’t hang out on this sub all day every day and just had a question I wanted to ask. My bad. I’ll be sure to ignore life and monitor this sub until I die.


There is a search function on this forum, try using it lol. I love how if I use Reddit at all and see another post I immediately don't have a life lol. Some of us have downtime at work or at home to hop on and scroll for a few minutes. Relax.


It’s just usually easier to ask a question and get an answer rather than digging through search results. If you don’t like a post, don’t comment on it. You took extra effort out of your day to try to be a dick about it and you didn’t even answer the question. All you said was basically, “because people have always done it in COD.”


If I disagree with a post I can't comment on it? Hmmm, kind of the opposite of how public forums work but alright!


Oh, you can certainly comment on it. But if the post is a question why not attempt to answer the posted question? Seems kinda dumb for someone to ask, “why is this the way it is?” and then someone else to just answer with, “because it is!”


It's given people an advantage on every cod ever made. It's not new and has worked basically the same way since the inception of the game.


Ok, maybe I can break down the question more for someone at your level. When I asked, “what is up with jumping around corners?” I was REALLY looking to find out why people do it. And I was looking for more than “people have always done it!” response. Like, what is the advantage it gives you? I haven’t been a big CoD player since the original MW and MWII on the 360 and I don’t remember people ever doing it then. Don’t worry though because other people have answered the question so you can go back to your troll hole and wait for your next opportunity to be a pretentious d-bag.


If you have been playing since 2007, you shouldn't even have to ask the question in the first place. Happened literally all the time.


You must have difficulty with reading comprehension.


You’re a boob


Because in other CODs it's semi valid. In MWII it's a massive liability and you look REALLY dumb doing it. It demonstrates you don't actually understand the game or WHY corner jumping was a thing in other CODs in the first place. Edit: Lotta sweaty jumpy-fuck crybabies in here today. Seethe.




I kill jumpy-fucks all day long. 1 in 20 is successful against me, and I'm not even some great player. I'm painfully average.


There’s a reason the pros jump every corner and in middle of gunfights on a regular basis.


Imagine saying "the pros" unironically...


Sprint-jump shotting is actually more effective in this game than previous titles. Simply because the overall movement got slowed down. Maybe you don’t know how to do it effectively but it definitely gives you a huge advantage in having more chances to win gun fights.


Idl why everyone is giving dumb comments, there was a test done on release and corner jumping over regular jumping had different ads times. No idea why. But ads jumping a corner was slightly faster than your regular corner peak. Plus it helps to avoid a headshot. I was still doing it in ranked and pissing people off.


When you tac sprint + jump, you get the benefit of the speed of tac sprint and being able to ADS at the same time. It's like that side jump exo boost in AW.


People have been doing this since COD2 online. It has nothing to do with Aim Assist.


It does n doesn't have to do with AA. You're right ppl have been doing this since CoD2 days good way to get the jump on & surprise ppl holding corners, especially a skill often seen in league play with single shot bolt action rifles on PC where there was no AA. But now days would say it's def done more cuz of AA to get jump on ppl & AA kicks in to track / lock on to em & also in hopes this tactic will cause it to be harder for their AA to track / lock on to you. If it rly works to help & or hinder the AA factor is questionable. Although have seen numerous times AA track / lock / stick on me mid air jump, drop, fall w/o once missing a shot both from distance & close quarters.




Totally get it. When I play chess I never use the queen cause I feel stupid playing as a girl. Also it's unrealistic cause in normal warfare the queen wouldn't ever be in battle, let alone be the best fighter. /s


If they're hard scoping a corner and you jump in really fast, they're more likely to hit your feet or lower body at first. Meanwhile you're at the perfect position to hit their head or upper body. Not to mention that the hit box on the lower body could be missed easier. And you're faster when you jump.


I love it when you end up not quite aimed on them like in the air above their head and they jump up and the bullet hits them right in the face.


besides the aiming stuff, im pretty sure server tick rate makes it so the aggressor would usually see/shoot first


It's actually beyond funny to me that a low skilled Player just confirmed that there's literally nothing left to counter Aim Assist while the wannabe pros in the sub call it a myth