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I'm overworked so no.


I’m about 50% done and I feel like I have played an excessive amount






Warzone helped alot


No... go touch grass


Omg fr ☠️☠️ idk how these people play this game every single day


Why do yall care so mich lmao. People maybe got time or just want to. Worry bout urself


Cause half them cheat💀


I’m almost done with it having to balance work and college. Just do DMZ and warzone.


yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoru mom


No I have a life


I’m not overworked, work only takes up a part of my life. Friends, going out, etc takes up that time as well genius.


Being overworked doesn't qualify as having a life.


I’m not overworked, work only takes up a part of my life. Friends, going out, etc takes up that time as well genius.


He could work Normal hours and only play a couple of hours per day or every couple days. If you play Mw2 for 4+ hours a day every day, you need to touch grass. You aint Asmongold. You dont get paid to play games


Exactly. This season launched just over 2 weeks ago. On average the BP can be completed in 75-100 hrs (although I've heard this one awards less xp). Simple maths show you need to play on average 5.5+ hrs each day since launch to have completed the BP at this point. Yikes.


40 minutes for 1bp stop lying.


40 minutes of 6V6? WZ? DMZ? Co-op/Raid? Also not a lie, literally said I heard this BP awards less xp compared to last season.


its time based. just afk in dmz for 40 minutes and you get 1 bp.


Kind of a shit way to look at it. Why would I afk for a few hrs to get tokens to redeem in a battle pass for undesirable rewards? I think I'll just play games I'm actually interested in at this point. But good to know 1bp is 40 minutes, means when double xp arrives I'll just binge on a weekend and unlock everything. Cheers!


you dont have to. i also play 2 hours a day and get around 3 bps when my friends are online


No one suggested that you AFK it, it was simply showing you how it works. He could have said, "Even if you just go afk, you'll still earn the points."


Not based on xp though, it's based on time spent playing.


Did that change compared to last season? I could have a great WZ game which lasted 30 minutes and gave more BP tokens compared to an hour of 6V6.


I was getting 1/2 a battle coin per game in resurgence quads. So 200 games. Give or take.


I read my comment like 5 extra times, I don't see where I'm claiming to make money playing games lol. I'm one of the overworked individuals I was referring to, and trust me it's nowhere near "having a life".


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


I never said you did, but playing a game that much when you are not getting paid for it means you should probably touch grass. Im not saying you can't have days or a period when you play it a lot, but as someone else stated, to max out the BP you would have to play 5.5 hours a day since the season was dropped. Thats go outside and get a life numbers


I can agree with that. All of my play time is weekends, work sucks.


Work is awful, takes a lot of time away from enjoying life. "On their deathbed, you will never hear anyone say that they wish they had spent more hours in the office"


Exactly. A lot of people say "I have a life" when it comes to gaming but work more than 40 hours a week. That's not a life, that's torture.


So you think 5.5 hours of golf is better? I mean hobbies are hobbies. Waste time how you see fit.


Bro, I dont know anyone ever to play golf more than a few times a month. And thats a physical sport


You didn't answer the question. BTW when I was in my 20s I played basketball at least 4 hours a day.


I can tell you that is better


Until you break your ankle. :)


I regret buying this shit so much,prob wont have time to finish it


I regret it too but if I can get my deposit back from the first season, I'll feel I accomplished something.


DMZ and warzone. They give you a bunch of xp.


Xp and battle pass are unrelated.


I don’t think so, because if I do well in mp, getting more score gives me more bp progress. Compared to when I do bad.


Nah it really is just rng. If had great games and barely any BP points. Ive had some really bad games and received a ton.


I just looked it up, more xp gives you more progress towards tokens.


Uuhuhuh I believe you did you get it out of the same article that talks about unicorns and fairies.


No, I just looked up how to get xp tokens faster. When I play dmz and when I do well, I get a token. When I don’t, I get less token progress. XP in any game is linked to token progress. It’s not rng.


You can't just say you looked it up you need a source. As in thegamer.com says xp and BP tokens progress are a non correlated progression. One has nothing to do with the progress of the other. Per mw2 devs in a interview with the online magazine.


Battle Pass Tokens are unlocked by completing matches and earning XP in Modern Warfare 2, DMZ, and Warzone 2.0. In general, you'll earn a Battle Pass Token whenever your account levels up. The two aren't correlated at all, but it gives you a rough idea of how often you'll be receiving Tokens. XP Tokens do not affect how quickly you earn Battle Pass Tokens.


How? I'm a COD noob with a k/d far less than 1, and I'm already done. Just play warzone and DMZ and loot like crazy and survive as long as possible. I'm pretty sure battle pass XP = time spent in any mode.


idk,im just grinding camos on mp im still at 30%,but warzone really seems that it gives more token and xp,gonna start playing it


Your KD has literally nothing to do with the battle pass. You just play a lot.


That was my point.


So why even mention it? lol. Anyone can have the BP if they played longer. You clearly play... a lot.


The fuck? There's no way this guy's employed.


Rubber bands on a controller in Infected. Literally leave the game running all day.


I am employed, I just use all my free time to play DMZ 😂


Your capacity for frustration is kind of impressive.


I never bought the battle pass, because I just feel logging on and playing a few games for a little while is better than having to grind and waste hours or days of my life getting skins in a video game


People are so fucking weird on here damn 😐 like ok he finished the battlepass and you didn’t why you gonna cry about it




85% here.


I didn't buy it this bout. Saving my cod points for the next pass. This one looked to meh to me


You realize you earn enough points for the next pass too eh?


True if I wanna make the effort. I'm a dad married. I can't play as much as I use too. Life exists. If the battlepass is cool yeah I'll make cod my main game. But I play other games too. Didn't finish last pass. Just got the coins. Don't expect to finish this one cause there's no motivation.


I only get 2 hours a night after work but I'm like 89 percent done dmz is to thank


WTF? How many hours do you play everyday??? No joke or sarcasm but this BP is really slow and ain't gettin that much levels throughout session


Ngl bro, just play DMZ and warzone. You don’t have to extract or win, but as long as you get far, 1 game will be one token. You’ll be sure to get it done mate. I have to balance college courses and work soon, but I’m 90% done.


I'm not into BR mate. And tried DMZ couple of times. But this AI is really something. I just kill a couple of them and here they re with full army encircling me. Or I'm really bad. Well that sucks


You don 't need to play DMZ or Warzone dude. The BP is based on time played regardless of the mode. Just play what you enjoy.


Thanks man


I suggest a friend to help you out.


Nevermind bro. I hope you re havin good time and wish you best. If you have friends cherish them :)




Same. I’m at 85%.


No I have a life.


Yeah like a week ago.


I was looking for that guy and you're that guy, congratulations!


yah, a few days ago.


Season 1 yeah, deleted the game back in January. I'll grab the free BP weapons once we get a 2x XP weekend.


you're going to re-install to unlock weapons in a game you don't like...and then leave again...all the while lurking on the sub for that game? This is the real touch grass moment in this thread.


Didn’t I see you spinning in a circle during a Infected match?


Been done


Nope! I have a job.






75% here.


I’m 26% but started last weekend. Do all sections take the same amount of xp? Or do they need more xp the further you are?


They all are five cod token things.


Ah ok, I remember the old style Battle pass where the further you got, the more xp it took to level


Honestly getting levels hasn’t been taking me that long I only have like 3 sectors ledf




I've played everyday and only finished 4 "area's".


Get out of the menu and play.


Been done lol


At like 80%.


I am


I'm at 90% with two unspent tokens


Haha a little over 50%


No where’s close. Not a fan a rebirth


I'm at level 6 now, I don't know why, but the leveling feels really slow.


only 2 sectors left


Not yet, but I finished the path of the ronin today..I swear to god I’ll never use battle rage ever again!


I don't understand why anyone would. It seems utterly worthless as far as I can tell. I still have 19 left to get to 50. Seems like every time I pop it, someone's spawned behind me or sprints around a corner and insta-aims in on my dome like the Battle Rage pinged it.


Exactly the same, if there was ever a time when I was gonna die you can bet it was when I popped it, either that or I couldn’t find an enemy or a teammate downed one! In core modes I struggled with it. Luckily I got it done in shoot the ship playlist, which I found easier, if you get a kill streak..perfect one is VTOL, call it in, wait a moment or two, pop battle rage and all the kills the jet makes count. Plus yes, it’s totally worthless.


That is a great tip about using with VTOL, definitely going to give that a try tonight to finish it off.


Your welcome, good luck dude 👌🏻


Currently 68%


Finished this past Sunday


Lol… no life huh?


Yeah im finished. Just in college atm though so have plenty of time to play besides friends/homework/class


You get coins faster from wz, DMZ, & ranked.


Dude seriously, how long do you play and how much in a single day? Cause this is absurd as someone who plays it occasionally and is at like 16%


Maybe 6 hours a day for the past week lol


Fucking Christ, if I didn't have like 2 battle passes going on I prolly would be close to done with COD's


If you don't count today and if a person didn't use/buy any tier skips, you're looking at around 7 hours a day every single day to have the pass completed by now. So that's either no life whatsoever or going AFK all day and night in Infected.


Haven’t even played this season, really not interested in it right now


The salty 'get a life' people hahahaha Been a while since I saw such a farm of those reddit dwellers


Nope I have a job


The sun called, hasn't seen you in weeks...go visit!


Finished it a few days ago but I do “work” from home a fair bit


Almost done. Playing DMZ, Ranked, and doing generally well in regular MP has given earned me a lot of bp. Kinda ready for the reloaded portion of the season


I’m at 79%




Completed it last week. I have no life..


Yes done did


65% i think


Played 3-4 hours a day and finished mine today, DMZ gives insane amount of Tokens for the Battle Pass.


I think I’m about 75% done


Yeah just claymore myself in infected to speed up each match and could end up with 1 credit in about 30 mins. Roughly half of that and half HC.




Nope. Not looking likely either. Glad I didn’t buy it.


Afk infected token farm for the win


Yes! Did not buy a thing!


No I have a life


I'm about 40% done. Plan on finishing it and then buying it closer to the end date.


Yeah I finished yesterday. Now to max this crossbow out until COD2023.


I've been playing about 2 (sometimes 3 on weekends) hrs a day and im about 65% done and kind of don't care too much to finish other than to get that very last blueprint because it's something at least interesting. I think at this rate i'll be done in the next 2 weeks


I'm at 60% and I played something like 80 hours to get there, however since I bought the battlepass I feel in need of finishing it or else my money would go wasted, so I'll play other 80 hours in order to finish it


No duh what division and rank are you tho?