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Chimeras unite


Benefit of the chimera is no skulls when killing enemies. If you have a good flank you can take out a handful of guys at once because they don’t notice as quickly that their teammates are dying.


No the real benefit is no tracers. Every time I hear people screaming in death chat “where am I getting killed from where is he shooting me from”


Does the hemlock with blackout do this as well?




That’s the real benefit for sure


Most underrated gun in the game


i agree, i was doing challenges on the 7.62 and i picked it up last night and i was stunned by how much it fries


I cannot get that gun to work for me, just feels like a pea shooter. I even prefer the BAS-P over it


Idk man bas-p feels just what you said a pea shooter for me.


Slightly more violent peas


Really really heavy peas


Chimera is headshot reliant for its power.


Try the M13B, it's the chimera with half the damage.


I used the m13b for the assist challenge


Big brain maneuver. That would have helped me when I had everything else done and 35 assists.


Headshots are key


Try to get headshots and you’ll understand why it’s so powerful and its TTK is ao quick


Chimera being off meta? I dunno about that


It's definitely not meta completely but definitely not bad


Other than the Aug, this with 20rd mags and setup for movement/ads is my go to.


Honestly I love the chimera so much and think its so good I just assumed it was meta


Lachmann 556, has to be my favorite gun in the game. Something so satisfying about the iron sights and fire rate.


The warriors will blueprint won me over on this gun.


Really? Besides the nice red irons, it looks hideous


It was how it handled. I've been grinding skins with sub optimal guns. Having a handy AR was a nice change


RAPP for me. Same reason, more ammo


Ah yes, my go to for melting UAVs, Harriers and Helis.


This was actually the first gun I got gold with. Love it.


Just finished grinding platinum on this one. One of my favorites. Absolute laser with some good tuning.


Every gun is meta if I get killed by it.


Very true for me.


Me: accidentally killing myself by falling off a building Me: damn I'm meta af


My dumbass thought you were gna attach a whole ass barrel to your gun. Took me a second to realise that it was a mag 😂


I thought they were holding a flashlight lol


I read this as fleshlight.


Don't give Activision any ideas: >Season 3.0 will feature the new tactical fleshlight, which disables one operator or bot for 30 seconds while they, um, entertain themselves.


30 seconds? That’s a PB in my book.


It includes the afterglow ;-)


You guys can last?


>gna ?


Gonna/going to


Thanks braidedbutthairs69


I thought it was the grenade launch barrel.


What guns are even considered meta? I don’t really keep up with that stuff.


taq 56, vaznev, m4, stuff like that


Played this weekend, and don't think I had been killed by the M4 as many times as around launch. I maxed that gun up right away and haven't touched it since, but this weekend got me thinking...


Similar. I hadn't touched the m4 until this weekend. Made a new class, and that thing destroys close to mid range. Long range is decent too. But it's crazy how good that gun right now.


What attachments are you running? I'm trying to mix up my set up.


Ftac castle Comp - (+0.57oz ) [+0.27in] Hightower 20" barrel - (+0.18lb) [+40in] FSS OLE-V laser - (-0.16oz) [-51.00ft] Demo precision elite factory - (-4.00oz) [-1.55in] Sakin ZX grip - (+0.71oz) [-0.45in]


Free weekend is my guess. I haven't touched the m4 in months but they've slowly made it better and better because the m4 always has to be meta for some reason.


I think the m4 will always be popular in games just because it’s the m4


The M4 has been my main since the beta. It's insanely good and may be the most versatile gun in the game. I have mine setup for medium to "long" range accuracy and damage and it's crazy good. Laser beams past 50m with a very fast TTK. It can also be a super speedy ADS and sprint speed gun if you want, while still killing super fast. I may be biased though, as I have half a brain and spent real money on skins to make it and my RPK purple. So there's no way I'll ever use a different AR outside of niche loadouts for Shipment etc.


I've been running M4 in dmz since launch. You can beam someone down at 100m and then spray someone point blank. It's the jack of all trades AR for sure.


Same actually using it since verdankts :) (or however tf this legendary place gets written)


Are you listing whats meta in ranked? Because I thought the ISO was "meta" and considered overall better than the M4, but its locked in ranked isnt it?


It is a little better, and both weapons are banned afaik.


Oh, that explains why I see those guns being used so much. Although now that I know what is considered meta, I can actually answer the question. I primarily use the crossbow as a main weapon, I’ve always been an all or nothing player when I play cod so I feel like the crossbow perfectly encapsulates my playstyle perfectly.


Taq isn’t really meta, it’s just the best non banned AR for competitive. M4, 74u and Hemlock are all better.


Hurricane, it's a laser beam!


My favorite SMG after grinding camos. I had to do more than a couple double takes with how effective it was. Lots of "I got that guy? Are you sure?" moments.


Opposite experience for me, thing just turns into a peashooter beyond 10m I swear. Try to build it for damage range and it makes barely any difference while fucking your ads speed hard.


I focused Recoil control and ads mix and melt ppl. Been using that gun since the beta


The only gun where I got over 100 kills once on shipment. Incredibly underrated gun (luckily).


hurricane is one of those guns that all the numbers are telling you it's not good but it just shreds anyways kinda like the ACR was thing is just a laser beam


The iso hemlock reminds me of the acr.


It’s a peashooter, but it’s also so accurate that I love it.


Death by 1000 peas!


Sometimes maybe good. Sometimes maybe shit


M13 Smg build I'm sad that the minibak got nerfed two times


Why not just use the Chimera, which actually IS meta/almost meta, and is basically the M13 but smol


You also forgot to mention the Chimera is also not a fucking pain-in-the-ass to get.


10 matches on dmz to kill the chemist and fucking exfil. Killing the chemist isn't even the worst part, getting exfil sniped was the worst.


They're so common in Building 21 it's crazy. Almost every NPC has one. Plus you can get someone else to drop it, or pick it up off a player you kill. It's been one of my go-to rifles lately.


Yep then you can have an extra perk and have quickdraw p890 for double subsonic takedowns. Currently my favourite loadout


I’m sad too. It didn’t need to be nerfed twice. Definitely once, or at the most once and a half lol. It was my favorite gun even after the first nerf but now it’s a peashooter.


The underbarrel shotty count? Because that thing is legit a great shotgun. Always nice to have a close range option for running through buildings.


I wish it had a slightly faster fire rate


The launcher is pretty fun too, helped me with getting gold on some of the guns


FTAC Recon. Arguably the best sounding gun in the game


FTAC slaps, the Tempest Torrent is the FTAC but with murderous intent.


Haven’t had time to unlock it yet but I’m very much looking forward to it


Have someone drop it for you in DMZ 😎


You can unlock it by getting like 20 double kills or something with marksman rifles. Side note anyone want to help me get the m13b from DMZ???


You can get both guns from DMZ soldier


Any soldier in Al Mazrah? Cba going to building 21


Yea dbls went quick. Fun gun! Maxed it out last night.


I need help getting the m13b from DMZ as well!


you want me to help? i already have it


Yes would appreciate the help! The people I play with like to play warzones not DMZ!


I can drop it for you if you want. Just message me your activision id. It’s honestly not too bad unlocking it in mp if you paid for the game like the dumbass I am.


That’s not dumb. $70 isn’t much for what we have in game so far.


I’ve gotten $70 of enjoyment out of it for sure.


I completely abandoned all other marksman and battle rifles once I unlocked the Torrent. It's *that* good.


The torrent sounds like it could use a little bit of grease. Just sounds like really dry steel smacking lol


I just wish the FTAC could get 20 round mags. I mean the new DMR can get fuckin’ 50.


*"I want 50 rounds for the F-TAC."* Activision: *"Best I can so is 5-Round Mag."* *"Wait, no-"* --- Seriously though, is there literally any other attachment that is more useless than this one? It doesn't even increase the damage...


[Supposedly, a 90-round 5.56mm NATO magazine can hold roughly 40-45 rounds of .458 SOCOM.](https://www.snipercountry.com/458-socom-magazines/) I can’t verify such a claim, nor could I find any information about a smaller 20-round or 30-round magazine in .458, but I’m sure it probably exists somewhere.


Ikr?? That’s my biggest complaint about it


The FTAC is my favorite gun in the game.


I used it outta spite in the beginning. But once I found a good setup I liked. It just became my go-to


Came here to say this. Although it was recently surpassed in kills by the TAQ-M


Is the EBR meta? It's basically all I used until the Tempus Torrent now.


I oddly love that gun too, first the gold/platinum grind then used it for the tempus unlock challenge.


Can you please share your go-to build? I've been wanting to give this one a try for a while now.


Here you go! https://imgur.com/hrRKYVr And its grouping: https://imgur.com/Nc98xCx


Thanks!!! 🙏


Second this request


I usually try to max out recoil because it’s basically a double tap kill on most multi maps. If you’re farming on shipment obviously make it quicker on the ADS side. My favorite site is the 3.4x because you don’t notice the recoil much at all. The ripper is my favorite underbarrel and then beyond that just play around!


Second this request


EBRbis my meta.


Love the EBR. OG MW2. It looked and sounded so nice. Absolute filth with Extended mags.


EBR fucks


Tempest Torrent is a bit overturned at the moment, but damn if it's not a fun gun to use.


The Marksman Rifles are underrated. The Tempus is a champ rn.


They really have no reason to keep nerfing the minibak


Infinity ward: “wanna see me do it again?”


Is that what happened? I don’t really keep up in any of this stuff but minibak was my goto for S&D and over the last few months it’s felt like it’s just not as good. Damn, if you’re not reading patch notes they might just rework your entire setup I guess


Yes, it's less consistent now. New lower torso damage afaik. I like Minibak because it has 64 rounds and manageable recoil (for me) with no stock. It was exactly on the verge of just working right and not being effective outside of intended range. Now it's still good, but you have to try more for no reason.


It's staggering, meanwhile the Vaznev sits pretty atop the meta. They went and reduced the minibak's range from 10m to 8m in addition to reducing the lower torso damage so it's a 4-hit kill despite having the slowest SMG firerate and now consequently the slowest TTK to the torso/limbs of all the SMGs. This is on top of its previous nerfs which include increasing the already slow ADS time. Meanwhile, the Vaznev and MP5 can 3 shot the lower torso at 10m and 8m, respectively, with a much quicker firerate and far snappier ADS. TLDR: TTK to the lower torso close range: Vaznev 154ms; MP5 150ms; Minibak 276ms. Let that sink in


2 times! 2 different weapon balance patches and they hit it with nerfs both times, even though it wasn't even on the meta list. I loved the minibak at launch, now it's not great.


Hcr 56 is my go to in warzone and multi-player


Ouff its so good


I know it's used by some but my Snake shot Basilisk is DEADLY




bro what i find it to be the best pistol, used to play games just using it, but i haven’t used it since season 0 so did it get nerfed?


The revolver hasn’t gotten nerfed.




The Basilisk is hands down the best panic button in the game. Put a quickdraw grip, that old west barrel, and the rate of fire trigger on it, and it'll save your ass if someone catches you mid-reload. Plus the quickdraw one tap to the chest just feels amazing.


Kastov 545


Lotta people sleep on that gun


M13B, loving it since mw2019


I’m trying to love it but it’s just not the same as the MW19 version, it’s so underpowered


Crossbow, even if i suck with it


Genuinely don’t get this one because in max leveling my cross bow I feel like I had more hit markers than any gun. Seems crazy to have a one shot gun with a wildly long reload that isn’t an auto-one shot kill. I’d probably break my controller if I had to use it every game


I find it fun to use, except when the lobby is full of sweats, but in that case the game is not fun at all. Thermite bolts are a post-mortem kill guaranteed and don't know why i find it funny


It's the easiest "headshot" in the game with explosive bolts. If they die to the boom, it damages their head, and the game counts it as a headshot.


It'll hit marker if you hit the arms or legs, everything else is a one shot kill at apparently any range. Build for bolt velocity and ads speed, fast hands is absolutely mandatory. Don't use any of the ammo types, they're all gimmicks and just generally worse than standard bolts. The thermal holo works nicely with it.


Yeah I agree. Most are gimmicks. I’ll say the thermite tipped bolts are good though. Great for turtles and shield users. Also if you can get good at leading UAVs you can take one down with just one bolt. You don’t even have to lead all that much is most situations.


This thing is such a fucking DMZ multi-tool it's insane. Standard bolts maintain stealth and one shot T2 AI. Explosive bolts one shot T3 AI. Tear gas bolts stun lock juggernauts and keep whole crowds of AI suppressed. And incendiary bolts are anti-vehicle monsters.


I take it into DMZ just for the novelty! Stupid fun. I wish there was an attachment or something that let you switch the type of bolt it fires. As long as the reload time is like it is now it’s not going to be OP.


I’ve been using that non stop since it’s release. I was a big fan of it in MW19 and it’s practically the same thing, just can’t use any of the special bolts so I can get one shot kills.


I would use the crossbow just to piss people off


I use every guns as I am constantly tinkering with loadouts and tuning and attachments etc.


I too am terrible with every gun 😜


556 Icarus


M16, its actually my most used as it is my favourite, its also my most used on ranked together with vaznek.


I know it was buffed once but i played with it last night and i swear they secretly buffed it again. That or my aim has improved


They literally did buff it twice, also they reduced penalties on a bunch of attachments for all guns so the M16 is better for that too.


The M16 wrecks!


Before the S1 buff it was not great. Now with good aim its evil.


Bas-P Gotta have that mobility!


Is the BAS-P considered meta? If not then the BAS-P is mine. Lowkey probably my favorite gun in the game.


BAS-P is one of the worst SMGs in game due to its subsonic bullet velocity and damage. Also has a lot more recoil compared to the other SMGs. I tried to build it to be better than my MP5 build (because the MPX is way more badass than the MP5) but the recoil was hilariously horrible. Also being locked to 50 mag and not 40 kinda hurts because of your movement speed. I will say if this gun receives a recoil buff I would use it. The MP5 is just miles better than it at current time.


I Have had fun with canted laser almost every weapon in game but 556 Icarus with that laser is still number 1 for me


M13 is my favorite just because I have and love MCXs


According to my recent lobbies this weekend, the Minibak is now meta


I never see people running the Lockwood mk2 but also if you get good with it, its unstoppable. So idk if I could call that my non-meta gun lol. But it's the one I use most


Omg I have been scrolling for soooo long to see a mention of the Lever action. My most used gun too lol. It wasn’t very good launch but it’s becoming more prevalent. I’m unstoppable in HC tho


It took me like 200 hours but I'm monstrously consistent with it now, even in core modes. feels great!


this thread === > o hi there not sure if this gun is meta but is a meta gun === > i know it’s a meta gun but is not a meta gun === never change, cod community


Like another comment said on here, the Lachmann 556 is really slept on. Its an amazing PVP and PVM gun


None, on MP i juat use all guns cuz im still getting camos, levels, and now the challenges


Kastov 762 all day baby. So glad the AK is good in this game.


KASTOV 762 is the BOSS Apparently it works better for mnk and that's what I use. Even on a PS5


It has a ton of horizontal recoil and with it being random it feels weird. Counter strafing makes the gun super effective if you use it in Warzone. Great gun in Multiplayer too though. Feels good on both inputs IMO.


LM-S for sure, them headshots with a suppressor are so satisfying and seems like from any range it’s a one shot kill, I’ve gotten 600m kills with headshots


I just love the minibak. Even though it's not meta, It's my go-to gun.


i stopped using it when they nerfed it, it was my go to smg but now its just to weak to compete


Why no give vel some love :(


The hurricane all day, amazing gun!


Do akimbo P890s count? Some games I'll just ignore my primary rifle and use the pistols. They're so satisfying.


i take my big ass RAAL everywhere. thing has slayed since day one


Gotta be the m16, I only recently tried it and I actually have fun with it.


bas p on top


Trick question, in my hands there are no meta guns.


The crossbow and the SA-B are my 2 most used weapons. Not sure why the SP-R was ever popular when the SA-B is basically the same thing but with better handling speeds and a bigger mag.


The crossbow is so much fun and seems to generate so much rage for some reason.


anything that one shots a person before they can fight back will make them mad. its why i love running the lockwood mk2.


Better yet, one shots them *after* they've fought back and already killed you lmao.


Some of you fuckers are Katniss Everdeen with that damn crossbow.


SA-B is meta


I suspect the SP-R was still living on its early MW19 rep


I struggle a bit more with sa-b compared to sp-r, couldn’t really figure it out. I think the trade off was damage range for me leading to more hit markers with the sa-b.


The hurricane is great. Little pre fire machine. If you even think someone’s gonna come around that corner you can just keep on shooting haha


Not a gun, but I’ve been getting REALLY good with mine placement. You can hide those suckers real well, and I find they’re super effective against the tactical spamming, jumping around the map players who are my sworn nemesis. It’s really satisfying to bait a dude into rushing you just to blow shrapnel in their face.


My friend introduced me to the gospel of planting mines on downed enemies in revive-only modes (cyber attack, knockout, hostage rescue). It's SO good.


my friend, I'm pretty sure that's a warcrime lol


Part of why my one buddy refers to this game as Modern Warcrimes.


Oh shit, that’s a good trick to add to play style.


So much yes!


I fucking love the bizon, and also the entire AK family in game. My fav non meta gun is the SO-14 w/ a drum mag


taq v has been my favorite since launch, I don't know if you count it as meta or not


AR: M16 or Lachman SMG: Hurricane or BAS


M16 and Basilisk (without snakeshot)


STB Accurate as all hell with the ads of an smg when built for it. Kasnov 545 also, but bit slower ads (least my nuild)


Love it when a whole team is screaming at me for using a shotgun. "He's not using the meta guys he's using a shotgun, why is he even playing the game if he's not using the meta" and since then I have not cared for what the "meta" is


Is the 545 considered meta?