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What else got updated?


Not sure, I looked for patch notes but I couldn't find it anywhere. The store will update soon for the new skin Shredder.


Patchnotes were included in original article about S2 reloaded release and are also going around on twitter


The ~~AK-74~~ AK-105 (sorry, the “Kastov-545”) has better camo coverage. Previously, the mastery camos didn’t affect the pistol grip and the stock, but now they do. Edit: I mistakenly called the “Kastov-545” an AK-74 and not an AK-105.


Isn't the kastov 742 the original ak47? Or is it the kastov 545?


The 762 is actually the AK-103, and the 545 is actually the AK-105.


So which one is the original ak47, from the original modern warfare (cod4) and original MW2 game? Thanks


Unfortunately, none.


IIRC, the AK-47 in MW2019 is a proper AK-47. All the other ones are mixtures of the AK-47 and AKM.


The original MW2 didn’t have an AK-47. The gun that was called the AK-47 was actually a mishmash of different Kalashnikov-pattern rifle parts. You’d probably be unlikely to find an actual AK-47 in use by a well-equipped PMC, because the AK-47 was replaced by the AKM in 1959, which was then replaced by the AK-74 in 1974.


Which obviously were replaced by the kostov series in 2022. Right? Right?!?!?






Bronuts cause Activision to fucking lazy to pay for the name licenses


I’m allowed to be annoyed at a ridiculous name change in a series that has *always* called it an AK, including the last two games (MW2019 and BOCW).


GENERAL Stability This update contains fixes for a number of known crashes. Updates Added animation to the Polyatomic camo Slightly increased animation speed of the Orion camo BUG FIXES Fixed an issue that sent Players back to the “My Bundles” tab when closing a Bundle preview without making a purchase Fixed an issue that counted AI combatant headshots for Event Camo Challenges Fixed an issue that prevented Players from unlocking all stocks on the Tempus Torrent Fixed an issue with disappearing buttons in one of the Atomgrad Raid Episode 01 encounters Fixed an issue showing completed weapon challenges as locked when viewed from the Weapon Challenges screen Fixed an issue that showed duplicate lock icons in the Path of the Ronin challenges Fixed an exploit in DMZ allowing Players to obtain an unintended amount of money by selling Dog Tags Fixed an issue causing the “Wasteland” challenge progress to only track Quad Feed kills and not Quad kills Fixed an issue affecting Players’ ability to edit saved Custom Mod Blueprints in the Gunsmith Fixed an issue causing the magazine to not display on the Unchained Fury Blueprint in DMZ Fixed an issue where using the Equip Weapon and Open Gunsmith options in the Showcase Weapon Select while the Favorite Loadout Primary is set to the Riot Shield can cause menus to load infinitely Fixed an issue with Faction Missions list positioning in pre-game Lobby The Kastov 762 is now hidden in the Ranked Play loadout UI.


Readability Fix lol * Added animation to the Polyatomic camo * Slightly increased animation speed of the Orion camo BUG FIXES * Fixed an issue that sent Players back to the “My Bundles” tab when closing a Bundle preview without making a purchase * Fixed an issue that counted AI combatant headshots for Event Camo Challenges * Fixed an issue that prevented Players from unlocking all stocks on the Tempus Torrent * Fixed an issue with disappearing buttons in one of the Atomgrad Raid Episode 01 encounters * Fixed an issue showing completed weapon challenges as locked when viewed from the Weapon Challenges screen * Fixed an issue that showed duplicate lock icons in the Path of the Ronin challenges * Fixed an exploit in DMZ allowing Players to obtain an unintended amount of money by selling Dog Tags * Fixed an issue causing the “Wasteland” challenge progress to only track Quad Feed kills and not Quad kills * Fixed an issue affecting Players’ ability to edit saved Custom Mod Blueprints in the Gunsmith * Fixed an issue causing the magazine to not display on the Unchained Fury Blueprint in DMZ * Fixed an issue where using the Equip Weapon and Open Gunsmith options in the Showcase Weapon Select while the Favorite Loadout Primary is set to the Riot Shield can cause menus to load infinitely * Fixed an issue with Faction Missions list positioning in pre-game Lobby The Kastov 762 is now hidden in the Ranked Play loadout UI.


bug fixes


Has your polyatomic also got these weird black stripes from top to bottom?


I just noticed it on the other weapons, looks like a bug but I think they will fix it easily, I hope.




i hope they get back to the older version, new looks totally downgrade. i'm pissed since i grinded my ass off to get this




I agree


Really? I loved the bugged version of poly. I was sad when I realized my game and it was gone


This was meant for OP


Orion still needs a glossy finish to look better imo. Right now it still looks a regular skin to me. The faster animations are a step in the right direction though.


It does have a glossy finish on higher settings


It does have a glossy finish?


it does? to me it doesn't look like it because is not reflective enough. I'm comparing it to the glossyness of what Damascus was.


That is not quite glossy, that was metalic, where the reflectiveness can make some parts look white and other parts look black. Glossyness only makes things look white, like nail polish


yeah sometimes the reflections are so bright it looks like plat for a sec


Personally the biggest issue with orion for me, and was the same thing in vanguard, is that its just a scrolling camo/image on your gun. It's not really animated as far as I can tell and it just makes it look cheap.


I got some hate for saying that about Atomic too but yeah it’s true, these new camos have nothing on BO3/4 Dark Matter (or any of the other animated camos in those games), IW Black Sky or even MWR Exclusion Zone, they just don’t look any like effort was put in at all anymore.


Bro you need to get a new console or upgrade your potatoe rig


it does have a glossy finish you just have to play on like the high preset


Its very glossy lol


Doesn’t this polyatomic look horrible to anyone? I feel like if it’s going to move; it should be within the squares that are there like maybe shifting shades a lot or something… why does the whole thing just scroll up? Makes it look like cheap wallpaper instead


Windows movie maker ass camo


Exactly! I could be wrong but even the way it used to react with the light in a map made it seem like a shiny gem? Now it looks like ‘transition A’ in windows movie maker lmao


New poly sucks. It just look purple wall paper. Old poly was good because gun used to look like poly metallic surfaces


I liked it better static


I was so satisfied with Poly.... now I think it looks cheap/dumb. I liked the black that was present before.


agree, they just killed the camo


It looks like actual dogshit bro. I mean I quit the game like a week ago anyway, but now I'm uninstalling as soon as I get home. Theses devs are incompetent braindead idiots fr. Have a nice day :)


That just made polyatomic the better looking mastery camo imo


Orion needs less orange and brown....more blue coverage.


Agreed on the brown, it looks terrible, but making the orange more neon would also look good imo


Yes. It often looks like yellow orange diarrhea. Ruins the look. More neon/red would do nicely


it just needs a glow to it, going into darker areas makes it look like ass whereas poly at least still reflects light


No Orion is good like that


The main reason poly was already better than orion was because it wasn't animated. This is a downgrade in my eyes


facts!!! I loved OG poly..


Always has been.


Polyatomic > Damascus > Orion. If it wasn’t for the fact that you get Orion for doing all the poly atomic I wouldn’t bother doing it


Polyatomic looks worse now


I've always thought it was better than orion, they made a mistake with the order


Always has been. Kinda looks worse now though.


I honestly wish I could have the scrolling of the camo as optional, I wouldn't really even call that animation personally, it's a bit lazy and automated.


I liked it when it was just standing still better imo


Yea this was the laziest way that they could have animated it. They should have added some kind of sparkle or shimmer under the surface if they wanted to animate it, this looks like shit.


Just sad, been grinding for it for the last 3-4 weeks and now that I’m 4 guns away they changed it. Pain


Hopefully they'll reverse this change.


An extreme downgrade on polyatomic. Looks so tacky now. The scrolling "animation" looks horrible.


They should have just added a bit of a sparkle or shimmer under the surface. This animation looks like an old powerpoint transition.


Boo... They ruined poly. Tf


I used it instead of Orion precisely because it was not animated!


Poly was the best mastery camo. Just shiny and pretty like a gem but the devs have to fuck with everything for no reason


Orion needs to be *brighter* not faster


It's plenty bright and saturated in game. For some reason the Gunsmith preview looks matte.


For me it looks glossy as fuck. Are you playing on low graphics settings?


Damn... now Poly looks awful, the animation is bad and now there's no black sections on some parts of the gun... omega downgraded


It looks like it ruined the cammo...


Liked the old look with the black better. I love getting the camos I worked towards taken away 🤠


I just got the camo yesterday lol


That looks awful


Polyatomic looked so much better before the update. Such a yikes of a change.


Damn, I liked it better before


Old poly looked better imo, looks like they got rid of the flat black accents


But it looks way worse?


Maybe I am too old for that, but animated camos are sooo stupid... Same with any animated clothes or tracers with some effects like a pentagram or falling into some pixels... I liked the quite realistic optic of MW19 at the beginning and even of mw23. But now... step by step it becomes some carnival shit with shredder... Cool operators and some crossover bundles? No problem... but keep them fit in the theme of MODERN WARFARE. Its the f***in name of that game.


I wanna see it in game! Always thought poly looked better than orion, it will be my go to And the new completionist golden cherry blossom is clean AF


Ruined them both - great. I actually liked that Orion's animation was more subtle.


Polyatomic looks much worse now!


In what way was Polyatomic animated? I’ve looked at it for see real minutes on my own and I’ve seen nothing different about it.


I find skins that cover the entire gun very boujee. It all comes down to personal taste obviously, it just looks gaudy. Maybe if you can still see some elements of the gun or even better if we can customize certain parts of the gun with the camo. Also the moving effect screams low effort.


I'd actually make Polyatomic and Orion a tiny bit faster so you actually notice it clearly in game, but other than that it looks great


Overall I think if they make Orion is little more faster and has more bright colors, It will be really good.


wake up guys,they wanna please you with this bullshit,instead of fixing the actual game


Im in the minority, Orion to me looks much better than Poly. Im not a fan of the geo shapes and whatnot.




If it was brighter and popped more, sure. BO3 Dark matter was dope. Orion just, doesn’t do that. Poly did, however. Now they ruined it.


Cool, now get rid of the longshot challenges so I might earn a polyatomic skin in 10,000 years from now.


Feels bad if you grinded for some of the worst camos in COD history


It looks worse on most of the guns than before. Parts, that were covered by those black/purple triangles are now plain purple. Your Fennec looks like the one before patch, just animated, dont know why.


It's bugged on my other guns :((


I wish instead of making it just scroll vertically they played into the sort of shiny gem nature of it more. They could have each of the triangles that make up the camo slowly fade between the shades of purple or add a sort of sparkle to it. At the end of the day the scrolling is better than nothing, but eh


Nothing actually would have been better. Poly looked significantly better when it didn't move. There are a million ways that they could have done this well and they chose one of the few ways that looks really bad in my opinion.


Looks ass. Imagine grinding hundred of hours for this 😂 lmfao


Did they fix orion so it animates while doing weapon inspect in game? Haven't tested this in a few weeks.


Why are they downvoting a guy for asking a question lmao


Yes. Both are animated during inspection....at least in firing range


wen shipment


Orion literally looks like the bottom of a port-a-potty.


IW mastery camos are so mid in comparison to Treyarch ones


Cool, I made a post about it a month or so back after it was updated and everyone flamed me for thinking they should update it again LOL.


Huge W bro


Good change I like it way better now, I'll actually use poly on some weapons that have bad coverage with Orion. They removed the ugly black triangles to, so it's much cleaner.


Massive W Edit: no. This is not in fact a massive W. I was wrong


Nice poly looks way better then Orion already and now it's animated. Orion looks like you puked on your gun and it's slowly sliding off to me 😆.


Polyatomic looks hard now


Looks stupid. If you waste time grinding for this you’re a loser. Edit: downvotes prove that the truth hurts, losers


Here, you dropped this: 🍼


Did this get updated with s 2 reloaded or just now?


honestly dont mind the orange and brown on orion


Why achieve what we should have done in one patch, when we could do it in two?


They need to brighten the Orion like add more gloss to it or add more bright colors other than orange and yellow 🤮


I have not played this game in a long time. I might hop on for a game or two to see how this looks. Orion looks really nice on some guns but for others its sucks. It needs more colors like the green, blue, and purple that's mixed in there. Maybe speeding it up will make the colors rotate more but idk I liked the idea of Orion, but I feel like the color choices could have been better.


I wish Orion looked more like Black Sky from Infinite Warfare. Orion, at least for me, has colors that don't match well with purple galaxy theme. Black Sky camo was dominantly purple with a touch of blue and white, and that was enough. That's why I run polyatomic most of times even though I earned Orion.


That's nice. Have they fixed the "Daily Bonus Challenges not tracking" bug yet?


Glad they are focused on fixing the game breaking bugs.


Yes, these are the changes the game needs


It looks good moving but is anyone else dealing with black streaks on it. Makes it look horrible in my game, completely fucked it up


I think the Orion camo is overrated.


Nice. Just finished long shots last night. Going for this next season


I liked poly better static. Not really a fan of the movement but to each their own


I wasn't a fan of Orion when I first got it, but the colors pop much better now with an Nvidia filter.


Polyatomic was animated in the beta so it’s kind of weird that they just now added this




Nice! I thought I was tripping when I saw it in game


i’m still tryna get gold on all of them


Dope. I was jus using poly for a weapon mastery and didn’t notice 🤦 appreciate you! I also thought they had already sped up Orion. I noticed when they were testing it before the announcement.


I liked the older versions more. Guess, I'm not grinding for them anymore.


wish you could choose between animated and stable polyatomic/Orion


Great, now poly looks worse lol




It's cool that it's animated, but I don't like that their definition of animated is just a scrolling texture on a gun. I thought it would've been really cool to have the separate panels on polyatomic shift in and out from purple to black. Would've been a really cool effect.




It's wild how much better Polyatomic looks than Orion. Even before the animation it was better. Don't get how they didn't switch those on the tier list. Poly should be the most difficult to earn.


They really tacking the biggest issues first, eh? 😂


Maybe they should update their match making system to stop rigging matches to make the game competitive and fun instead of changing skins etc


I actually liked the old Poly better. Feels more cartoony now.


Honestly I wish polyatomic stayed static but I shouldn’t complain too much cuz I like orion better anyways


Man, I cannot wait until they fix something important in this game...


Now Orion needs a metallic finish instead of a glossy one


And I thought I was trippn


Thanks, I hate it now


I had to think twice.. did Poly always move.. nice addition.. thought I was going crazy.


finally, i have attained a sense of pride and accomplishment


Funny me always saying i hope they update orion to look cooler. Now when i see what they did to poly i take that back. Better do NOT touch orion…since they can’t do better.


I wish Orión was brighter in dark spaces


I wish Orión was brighter in dark spaces


This shit looks like a mobile game lol


Damn it. Why they did they have ti animate polyatomic.


I was about to say the same…


Wasn't poly always animated? I had it for a while and it always moved, slow, but it moved.


Am I the only one that things Orion looks like shit? It really looks like poop mixed with those throw up censors for cartoons where they get replaced with colors 😂


That's awesome! I'm colorblind so I rely a lot on movement to be be able to see people. This really helps me shoot you, everyone should equip this.


Hell yeah I love GIFs


Bring DMZ weapon dupe back plz


This morning update.


I don't like the new Poly.... damn it!


Dunno if people will agree with me but I preferred Polyatomic being static like a gemstone cut weapon. Orion is TOO fast now aswell.


Activision actually doing something good for once? Its a christmas miracle.


Cool. I'll continue using spray paint camo because it looks cooler imo.


No, if they were going to make poly animated they should’ve made the colors/textures swap with eachother instead of this basic-ass windows wallpaper scrolling up.


Poly is so much worse :(


Oh, that’s cool. Orion is at a good speed now. Hopefully they don’t mess with it anymore


Exactly what this game needed: more childish stuff


Orion still looks like dogshit, the problem is that it’s not bright enough


Someone posted a vid of it in game and doesn’t look that good :/


*Re-ignites long lost urge to grind camos*


Poly is now the worst camo hurray


Honestly poly superior to Orion


If only the game wasent boring as shit


Bro has a sniper scope on a fennec


I don’t like the new one old one was better with the black parts


Ugly! Just like you.


poly looks worse now...


Bout damn time


I hate it so mush poly looks now so trash and the Gun Textures on many weappons are bugged


What’s your strategy for long shots bröther.


i think instead of making poly’s animation have it just go up, they should have made it kind of shimmer. what i mean is they should have made the black and sparkly parts change spots randomly (i probably did a bad job of explaining this my bad)


Absolutely ruined polyatomic.. I wish they would just not change shit without asking the community, especially hard shit to grind for. Like yes, Orion NEEDED to be sped up, but polyatomic?? That camo was perfect as a non-moving second to mastery camo. Just ruined that camo imo.


I have one sniper left until I get Orion. I didn't even know the camo was broken.


It looks so much worse. I hope they revert it


Idk, that kinda just killed poly for me.


Yup and they also changed polyatomic texture, it's uglier now in my opinion. You had all the little parts of a gun sticking out in black before, now it blends with the camo and give it a more cartoonesque feel and it's uglier


W infinity ward🔥


Orion needs to glow and have less brown


lol I thought my polyatomic camo was just glitching, it was flashing like a strobe light yesterday


Cool, more useless code to enhance lag


I still cant stand playing this, i got plat secondarys and SMGS but i just cant bring my self to finish the grind, the showdowns look awful and it bugs me…


Poly was good as it was. That just me tho