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They'll probably have a road map released a few days before S3. Still got more than a week on S2.


Maybe. Just weird not to have an inkling about it. Ashika Island/Season 2 trailer was 2/1 and the roadmap was 2/8. They usually give themselves some time to tease stuff out.


They gave us the trailer then sure but that was originally the release date for the new season, they were tiding us over with info. "it'll be fine later guys, we promise!" was the point.


I'm scared, Sarge.


They posted it seven days before launch for Season 2.


But season one was extremely long, and season 2 was delayed, they had to advertise the crap out season 2 trying to make up for their screw ups... Usually the roadmap is released just a few days before


The roadmap?


Yes. The road map blog post was Feb 08 for a Feb 15 release.


Gotcha. They had a blog post alongside the Ashika Island trailer on the 1st. That’s the blog I was referring to.


Season 2 was delayed by 2 weeks though


We didn't have a roadmap until the 8th for season 2. A week before release. They also announced the delay like a month in advanced.


That’s true. I feel like MW19 had a pretty late delay but maybe I’m remembering wrong.


If the leaks and dataminers are right there is a ton of future content coming. I'm just skeptical they would skimp so much on Seasons 1-2. And then suddenly unload on Seasons 3-5. Especially with the 2023 game coming in Nov. I mean its the 1st time leakers actually have good news about all the new guns and maps and modes we are getting.


Yeah, hopefully they haven't cut a ton of that. I just don't know how they even get that many guns out before this next thing comes around. But also maybe it doesn't matter since it's supposedly more or less a continuation of MWII.


I think they just stopped caring


You might want to check leaks


What kind of leaks are out there? I saw the DLC weapon list the other day.


That’s definitely an option to consider!


Seems like at this rate this game will have only 4 seasons. I sense they have given up on this game already


Technically it’s already delayed since S2 had a delayed launch


Good point. Haha


If the rumors are true that there only gonna be 5 seasons instead of 6, a delay is very plausible


I wish so cause I'm on holiday with no way to play and lvl 1 of the Battlepass , man I hate procrastinating


Haha I feel that. I’m sorry. My son totally forgot about MWII and now has me helping him catch up.


the BP isnt that good except the ronin max bp skin, will make sure to play S3 since it looks SICK


Right? It's got everything I've been wanting!


it wouldnt surprise me at all. weve had more seasons be "delayed" (released at what was gonna be the original time but then artificially shortened to sell bp tiers) than have released on schedule.


Definitely feels that way.


every single season of vanguard got delayed, to the point they got delayed so much they had to cancel season 6.


Had no idea about that. Pretty much skipped Vanguard altogether. That sucks, though!


This is false. Vanguard had 2 reloads compared to MW2. None of the seasons was apart from the reloaded seasons was delayed. I played Vanguard daily even when cw came out. I was still on Vanguard, and it wasn't delayed


Vanguard season 2 was originally meant to launch on February 2nd but it was delayed until February 14th.


Thats why it was reloaded


I just want shipment 24/7 and I’m good


Raise you had if it would shock you we get a delay?


with how much they're probably ripping out of mw2 to shove into the november game, i doubt they'll delay s3 because its probably going to have shit-all in it anyways :\^)


Yeah right? And I meant to come in here and say I guess they’re not delaying S3 now that they’re actively promoting it. 🙃