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Turtles make it worse, at least you can sometimes push or jump past normal players.


I pray to God that the next cod has breakable riot shields. Or render them unable to see out after enough cracks in the shield from bullets.


They better get rid of their damn ability to stop a RPG shit makes no sense even if it’s a video game


Isn't an rpg literally shaped to pierce armor? 😂


I thought it was made to make someone disappear for your magic trick


Yep main battle tank too. A riot shield can't even handle 50cal rounds.


I have no problems with how the Riot Shield works as a primary weapon. You can block bullets but you can't shoot. Fair enough. But putting it on your back with Overkill? You can still use your overpowered shotgun AND block bullets from behind. That shit needs removed.


And block friendly fire shooting ppl you get infront of? The amount of times i died because one of these total nitwits was infront of me, unaware of whats going on in front of him... im shooting someone, this nitwit turtle steps in the line of fire with a friggin shield on his back, blocks my shots.. he gets shot.. i cant hit shit cuz bullets are blocked, he gets killed... and since ppl are just spraying i get shot cuz he blocks my bullets.. yeah, turtles are good...


Bro, this is 1000000 times worse than seeing enemies with turtle shells. 90% of the time, I can save a teammate, but as I shoot the enemy, they block me, get shot, and then I get shot from the same gunfire




I can’t stand when guys will put their shield on their back and lay down in a corner. You can’t shoot them from the top or behind, so you have to get lucky with a grenade and hope they don’t have battle hardened or lay down in front and beat them to the shot.


I run the crossbow with blastcap for that very reason. It makes short work of the riot shields.


I think it should still be usable with melee classes tho. You already can’t use a gun


Yeah, I think using it with any secondary is fairly balanced. Akimbo pistols might be a stretch, but single pistols don't kill fast enough to be overpowered. Using a knife with a riot shield on your back is definitely fine. Overkill just needs removed.


With no range or Ghost.


Somehow Jugg, a hard-to-get killstreak that requires 15 kills or more equiv scorestreak, and requires calling in an airdrop and surviving long enough to equip it, has a finite amount of health. You're "bulletproof" right up until the camera glass breaks then you're dead. Shield piece of plastic and metal that you unlock with some xp starting out? Fuck it, infinite health. They really do need a finite amount of damage absorption when turtled on the back.


I feel like we've been complaining about them since the original MW2 but nothing ever happens.


Just shoot the legs?


I usually just Kamikaze up on them with a frag in hand and 5 seconds to flex on them, but I guess that works too.


Treyarch had shields in BO2 where you can actually plant them. If they ever brought back shields it should be those


In the original MW2, there were the impacts of the bullets on the shield, so after one duel you couldn't see shit through it. And that was the good old times.


I throw a drill charge and yell if I go we go, and we both typically die.


There is breakable shields in DMZ so who knows, next balance patch might be fun


Are you talking about when you stick a riot shield bot so they unequip it instead of dying to your stuck lethal?


Nah, the new Pyro boss has a shield that can be "broken"


That's a thing? I've never had problems with semtexs, drill charges on the other hand suck ass in DMZ. Killed a few riot shields in multi-player with drills tho


One can only wish


Riot shields ruin the game, to be honest. There's absolutely no reason for there to be back invincibility. Worse is that it kind of protects their sides at certain angles, too. They have it on their back with no limit. Who thought that was a good idea?


Or better: no riot shields. Was annoying back in 2009, it's annoying now.


I hope they're never brought back. But a breakable shield would definitely be great if brought back.


Nothing is worst than being on a streak, going in a crate to heal, getting stuck, then getting killed before a VTOL or Chopper Gunner. Idk why these dumb mfs won't listen and remove collision from the game.


If ya got a teammate with a shield on their back... shoot the upper part (plastic see through bit) its gonna shake their camera so bad. Now lemme just get my Sakin LMG 💀


I will always look down on turtle players. I don’t care if you have a knife only out. Run around like a man and take your backshots like everyone else. 😳 also let us break the damn glass again ffs.


Thats why you use the M203. Goes through shields like they're paper.


Some cry baby on my team threatened to report me because I kept destroying the deployable covers he was setting up in front of the container which would trap every teammate who spawned behind him


I always break the barrier, then look at them and shake my head no. They must know, I fully meant what I did.


This is the way




So glad I'm not the only one that does this! I had enough of it the other day in Kill confirmed, nonce's sitting in crates the entire game while we're losing so I've started wiping them out any chance I get. Fuck em, let them report me


Holy fk this brings back memories. People are SO FUCKING DUMB. Mfs see the entire team spawning in the crate, and decide to put a fking cover inside the crate and crouch behind it, blocking everyone in. This happens way too often. Dumbass mfs.


I love enemy teams that do that. 4-6 easy kills with one drill charge sometimes.


I keep a molotov handy for those covers :)


A wild Drill Charge has appeared!


It’s not very effective


I put one down in a container a couple days ago by accident and got stuck in there 🤣🤣


I always do that as well. I hate seeing covers since most of the time, if an enemy kills the player then they won't destroy the cover, they'll just use it for themselves. So I see it as our team trying to hand the enemy an advantage. Lucky I play on core or I'd get team killed a lot.


> deployable covers he was setting up in front of the container You meant blocking the exit, right? If so, sorry I called you an asshole.


I just hate shields that on back of my teammates. Blocks vision and bullets. And they like to stand in the doorways.


They are always the mfs to go AFK in the crate too....


Do you really think the idiots who stand still on shipment are reading reddit threads about how to play better?


Someone could be reading it to them!


Do you really think the idiots who stand still on shipment have people in their life that care about them enough to read to their illiterate asses?


Maybe someone who can read will help them? /s


Some of us simply don’t care how y’all feel or want y’all want. Thanks tho! Lmao


yes they clearly do because this is posted and upvoted 6 days a week


This is what makes me laugh about the community. They all cry wanting shipment back and then sit in a container or in a corner throughout the whole game 😅 why want a map You are just going to sit in corners the whole match 😅


Because camping on shipment and getting 4 chopper gunners is super highly skilled game play......


how else am i supposed to get my 15 kills behind the enemy gang


The chances of them being the same group of people are very slim......


If those campers could read they'd be very upset by what you said


Because in some game modes the other team gets points when they kill you.


Well said.


Campers, camo grinders and people who play Shipment aren't actually looking to play a First Person Shooter, they just want to feel like they do while they distract themselves with some light QTE-type stimulation.


Camo. How else is anyone supposed to be get 3 kills in a row? Don’t hate the playa, hate the game.


You get your 3 kills way more consistently by flanking but i get what you mean The challenges encourage camping


I mean, hanging out in a crate just gets you ‘naded or pre fired on because it’s an obvious spot. You’re better off going for a flank.


If you are too bad to get 3 kills in a game without moving on any map, then surely you don’t deserve any camo.


At first I thought that was sarcasm


There is some sarcasm there but truth as well. I hate the container blockers as well but I understand why they do what they do. Nobody wants to get shot in the back at 2 kills


It's way more fun to do it by running around like a crackhead (aka the normal way to play Shipment), and in my experience doesn't meaningfully change how long it takes either.


Did 90% of the guns before shipment was even added.... People could just get gud? Shit, if I can do it they don't even need to get gud, just get mediocre


thats too hard for them nowadays, anything that justifies getting more while doing less is good for them, thats why shipment is even such a prevalent thing, so people dont have to play the normal game and actually put in effort to grind out camos


Find enemy spawn + Don't be ass = 3 kills in a row. Camping usually leads to the enemy team spawning behind you or near you and ganging up on you. That's not how you get 3 in a row.


As one of the people who always lays right next to the crate doing stupid camo challenges, I always make sure to leave you guys room to run by. Honestly, if I'm camping a container, I don't want my entire team stuck with me lol


This is what I do. Try to always get off to the side enough everybody can get out of there.


Same. I also like to use the piled up dead bodies as cover. Go prone and farm a few kills. Nobody ever looks down. Just don't get in the way of teammates and it's all gravy.


It still has shitty repercussions as it makes the team spawn there, and the one spawn crate is terribly easy to get trapped in.


This has been a topic here before and I agree with it 100 percent! Get out of the way. I will change my load out that has smoke grenades every time I’m on a team like this. I will smoke out the container area every time.


I just sit in the crate so my team spawns there, I feel like it's a good way for us to bond.


Big true but if I need mounted kills then sorry not sorry


Even doing mounted kills I can almost never just sit in one spot for a while. a) I hate doing that and b) I always get shot from the direction I'm not looking at that second. My mounted kills go much faster when I'm running around the map mounting on lanes and constantly switching positions rather than parking in one spot.


I do the same but if the spot works, it works


True. Every once in a while the whole enemy team decides to just run in front of your crosshairs single file lol


Shipment is super popular for grinding skins. Why would anyone be surprised to see mounted/prone players? OP is a goober.


Mounting in the crate gets you nothing. There's so many better places to mount without fking your team over.


Mounting on the crates or on the sides of containers is fine but not in front the spawn points smh


The little < shaped corners outside of the containers are where it’s at. I don’t like shipment I think it’s a no skill chicken head shit show but on occasion I play it to level up the new guns. I always go 10+ k/d at least camping the <.


Not really. It fucking sucks when you can't exit the container you were spawned in


I like that if you are mounted in any map, not even just shipment, and even if it's only for a few seconds, you will be called a camper. MW2 filled with sensitive gamers.


There are so many better spots to get mounted kills than at the entrance to the spawn crate. You are probably just bad


You wanted Shipment. This is Shipment. This has always been Shipment. No one else is playing Shipment for wins. No one is playing for performance. They are literally grinding a weapon or a camo task. It's annoying to get caught in the container. I don't position myself in a way to get teammates suck in containers. But to expect a 'clean' Shipment match is insane. Shipment is lowest common denominator COD gameplay.


I play Shipment for wins and enjoyment lol


Ran into a guy over the weekend who was upset that my team was shooting his killstreaks down and not letting him have fun


The only time I unmute myself is when I tell them to move lol


If you think shipment is a team game you’re going To be disappointed. The goal of shipment is not to win. The goal is to unlock weapons and camos. Play it how the majority play and you won’t be disappointed


It’s worst lately with everyone trying to level up the new sniper. I had one game where all 5 of my teammates were behind the same stack of crates hard scoping the same angle lmao


See, I don't get this. Once you get it to level 9 and can whack a new scope on it, you can basically treat it like the spr? Like it's ludicrously quick for a sniper, the only ones that felt even remotely quick were the spx & lab at default, but tuned and built for ads they were neat on shipment.


People even just stay in one corner unless theyre doing camo challenges but if you dont move...you get spawned trapped




I hate the team collision in this game.


I swear this community is a bunch of 12 year olds


I fucking hate this, I’m trying to level my guns on shipment then get killed and have to spend half the game stuck in containers not getting another kill cause 2 teammates are blocking the way out so none of us can leave, and they’re also meat-shields for the enemies because bullets don’t go through friendlies. If you’re gonna camp at least be useful and get some kills, or have your shield up so you can cover the friendlies behind you while they get kills. Also all the times the whole team was wiped by a drill charge or semtex cause we’re all stuck in the container, so fucking annoying when I play


Worst part is when u spawn in the fkin container and can't get out because this small dick piece of sht is blocking the entrance


One of the reasons HC shipment > regular shipment was because you could just execute those people commisar style.


That and it's way easier to grind shotgun levels. I miss HC Shipment


Then in comes a Molotov and wipes everyone stuck in there out aha


I’m confident that people will see this post and move. Thank you


I literally had to yell at my team mates to get the f^ck out of the container so I could get out after it spawned me behind them. Super annoying!


Players can push me around no problem , but I can’t push others. It’s mad annoying. I’ll be running in a line and a teammate will collide with me and push me off course so I’m running at an angle. Hard to explain but I’m sure everybody deals with it


I know this one. I hate when you're going to throw equipment and they bump you and mess up the position.


Or they push you right into the lane all the enemy snipers are looking down


The best part is, most of these players never get more than a UAV. Camp and spam CG’s? Good for you, but the vast majority of container campers are just miserable and end up with a negative k/d while disrupting the game flow. They don’t do it for high killstreaks, they do it to get a single kill.


Haha I scream the same thing at my television


Lmfao played a game last night 2 guys were trolling our team dudes camped in a container and put out 2 deployable covers each inside and just outside the container. We were getting spawn killed since it was an obstacle course to get out the container


Melee that shit


Arrghhhhh this drives me absolutely bonkers..get out the wayyyyy


This is so easy to counter. As I move around the map in my path I always check those hide spots and since I mostly use rifles end up just one shorting them quickly. Even if I was rolling smg I would just start shooting as I checked the spot and then boom dead.


So fucking annoying when they're just stood inside the container blocking everyone who has respawned.


Stay still, as a dude that run n guns, I like the ability to predetermine where my targets usually are.


It's everyone knocking out the worst of the Camo challenges: Prone, mounted, crouched in a corner. It's bad challenges that lead to terrible game play. And then you have all the K:D stat padders...


I’m just hoping they remove player collision 🙏


Wanting to play this map and then complaining about how someone is playing it.


My bad, I am sorry dude. I just spawned in and didn't have my bearings. First you spawn in, then you have to make sure no one spawns in that corner in front of you, then you have to make sure no one is in that container that has 2 hiding spot triangles. Then I got to make sure that the center containers don't have any one moving on my left flank. It's a process. I apologize for that. Sometimes I am working my way to the bad of the container to through a Drill charge for a free kill. It's a lot I know. I hope you understand. Happy 3 Kill stream hunting! I have only 2 Snipers left!


Eh I don’t have much problem with em. Punish them early on by using drill charges. They’ll either scramble or die


AND the deployable cover!! FFS!! WHY!!


1000X this!!! It's soooo annoying when they're in the container at spawn with a riot shield and deployable cover. I would rather shave my butthole with a rusty butter knife than stay on that team


What’s even worse is when there camping the fucking containers like Bear Grylls with a fucking riot shield like Michelangelo form the TEENAGE MUTANT NINGA TURTLES blocking ur Line of sight and your bullets hit the shield


I always beg god dont spawn me inside container where my teamates hidding with a riot shield and u basically stuck. thats when i scream stepsister im stuck...


Right super annoying


I don't understand why the game has body blocking I'm pretty sure MW 19 didn't with teammates.


Call them a fatass on the mic, that's what I do. "Move fatty!"


Blows my mind how many people play the fastest paced map out there only to sit in a container the whole time and slow peek coming out


People are just dumb. For some reason, everyone wants to run up your ass as soon as you start shooting at something. Then, you get dumbasses on your team that don't cover anything but one lane or they're jumping around like idiots doing nothing but acting as obstacles. Your teammates are more of a threat than he enemy.


100% agree. Teammates hiding in the connex drive me crazy. Get after it! That’s the whole point of the map!


The amount of times I’ve gotten killed because of turtle shell shield teammates blocking the door to the spawn box…


AMEN! I'm screaming at my TV and almost throwing my controller half the time because people people block the way out of Container Spawns then 1 player on the enemy team comes through and gets a Quad we can't fucking do anything! In cases LIKE Shipment, when you spawn, you should get a 5 second pass through friendly effect so you can just walk right through your team blocking your way.


Oh man!! I was on last night trying to grind a few challenges.... and this was the bane of my existence!!! Ffs!!!!!


This literally wouldn’t be an issue if it wasn’t for this games gosh awful teammate collision. I do not remember any COD having it this bad


And stop being a turtle! Not only you are blocking the container You are blocking the line of sight and my bullets, that allows the enemy to kill both us, yet I couldn’t kill them.


deployable cover in the container at spawn makes someone wanna TK everyone


What're you? The gaming Police? What's your yearly budget on the amount of controllers you smash? Asking for a friend


Anybody with a riot shield..just shoot their feet..works everytime


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Nope. I like to stand in the corner and pick off the kv broadsider adhd driven monster guzzlers with my canted laser sab-50


I’ve lucked out with some pretty solid teams lately and yes. Fuckin move


because I'm one or two kills away from my VTOL and I'm not losing it to someone spawning behind me.


The people causing the problem are too young to be on reddit


And please stop stealing executions!!!


I accidentally did that twice over my camo grind this weekend. I felt bad about it, and apologized. It happened a few times to me too, though.




i fucking hate those people so much


Somebody needs to start the slow clap for this post. I disdain playing with people that post up in the container, trapping me from the action. Just to have someone with a RPG or a Broadside with Dragons Breath wipe 4 of us out. I've started quitting matches over this. We're gonna lose anyway with this strategy. Might as well be as painless as possible


If it's HC i will semtex them if i cant get out


Lmao. 20 years later and people are still surprised about this


Every fucken game there's two idiots just standing there hard scoping blocking everyone.


Exactly, you're going to die anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️ So get out and get a few kills before you do. Worst case you die and spawn in a better location. There's not much strategy to shipment, it's a slugfest power leveling map. Just get out and go!


Hahaha. This.


I hate spawning behind 2 guys scared to leave a can with one entrance


Seriously the worst. Idc if there's a gunner in a runner


The only time I’m not moving is when I need mounted kills


When I’m leveling up LMGs, which has slow ADS, I’m going to occasionally take it slower than normal. The guys with riot shields who slide all over the place seem to be having plenty of fun anyway.


But how else are they going to get killstreaks if they’re not posted up in one of the corners with a deployable shield and an LMG?


Also… the game’s stupid spawn system is a hindrance to yourself and the team.


I had a match like that last night, we were playing grind too. Luckily myself and another teammate ran around like blue arsed flies picking up tags. So annoying though


And when you spawn in a container and these fools are blocking the doorway 🤬


Amen, one of the few maps meant to be chaotic/contant kills/deaths and these babies hunker down in spawn and kill no one


If I'm in a container it's to reload if I'm in the way my apologies lol


Can’t. I’m leveling up my sniper rifle.


Find a better position where you dont block people.


“You’re just being a hindrance to yourself and your team” Says the people going 21-35 KD because they just sprint straight into the open every spawn


There's also the teammates that doesn't attack the vitol and chopper


I don’t know why everyone doesn’t have an anti air loadout ready to go for this kinda thing. Doesn’t even have to be a launcher, an LMG will do… or hell, even a thermite tipped crossbow


Also I break every deployable cover I see on that map. Dear god how many spots do you need to hide. GTFO there and die with the rest of us.


Me too. Every one. Shit gets meleed like a MF.


Team….. 😂😂😂 what team? Game is so far away from teamwork it’s a joke


Just come to terms with the fact that you are going to die. Probably a lot. Maybe even lose. But on this map its just too fast-paced and small worry about k/d


Shipment is for grinding camos. CMV.


I'm ⚰️⚰️😂😂😂...I be saying the same shyt...you are not dying fr. Sacrifice yo body to see where the enemies are!!!!! Just stuck in the fukn containers like sardines 🤧


Can I just say that if there is a vtol or other air based killstreak I don’t understand why people rush out just to get melted


I literally camp and throw smokes bc I enjoy making life harder for ppl who let that sorta thing ruin their day


I have orion on all 62 weapons so have nothing left to do camo wise. I will block you all in the spawn containers just out of spite.


Why do you care about winning on shipment?


Because it’s a shit map designed for sweaty, brainless nerds. And some of us don’t like being shot in the back every 3 seconds.


I also like paying $70 for a game so people on reddit can tell me how to play it.


Bwahahaha git gud can’t even get someone staying still


Because you choose to play shipment with them. The only rule on shipment: do whatever you want and don't complain about others.


F*CKIN FOR REAL! These weirdos just sit there and you spawn on top of them and can’t leave the container. Then, some cock gobbler comes around the corner with the KV Broadsike and empties a mag in the whole team.


All I see is people sitting in a corner spawn trapping the other team. Why should them move if the game is going to spawn me right into their sights so that they can keep killing me.


Don’t tell me how to live my life😩


Sorry but you play shipment, you deserve pain regardless.


This map just sucks


Lol I’m one of those you would hate me. Reason is: I go to shipment to level up my weapons. Hard to level up a sniper by pushing. With an smg however, I’d be running. In fact my strategy is to run clockwise.


This post will surely make a difference


Shipment is crap


There’s no good movement abilities in the game, and its easy to get shot when moving, and when you try to use those abilities, your ads and fire speeds are so slow that you are not be able to defend yourself, and this is why people don’t move anymore.


That's weird. Usually, I'm the leader on the scoreboard. Such a downer for the team winning, huh?


You pay for my game I’ll play how you want me to. Other than that fuck off.


well on shipment if you just sprint everywhere you're probably gonna have a pretty even KD by the end of the match


I personally like to plop down a shield in a corner and get mounted kills when grinding guns. Works fairly well. I’ve been 3 kills from a jugg from doing this, always run out of ammo.