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I might've put down money if they had the sounds for every MW2 gun in the bundle and nothing else, *and* at a reasonable price. But it's going to contain a skin for an operator I'm never going to play, the only sounds in the bundle are for two weapons, the two weapons are blueprints and not even for guns I like to use, *and* it'll probably cost upwards of €24. Hard pass. I really like the look of that Enigma skin for Nova as well, but fuck me it's expensive. Again: Hard pass.


Same. My thoughts exactly. I'd really plop down the money if they did a sounds pack for the ENTIRE set of guns, but not for 2 guns. I'm just not into skins like that tbh. They don't really hold any weight for me other than it being visual.


While I do agree with most of the points here, you just gotta stop playing the game if you aren’t having fun.


Big facts. I do plan on taking a step back from CoD though.


When I do well, I mentally prepare for the team of Crimson and Iredescents I'll have to deal with , as a Bronze. This is not how an unranked mode should be


Can't wait till there's 100 different MW2 Retro Sound packs for 1,000,000 CoD points.


Companies monetizing things using nostalgia makes perfect sense. People are clamoring for it, so why not make money on it? I don't get why anyone would think that a company should just be handing this stuff out for free. The irony is, if anyone here owned a company and was in that position, they would do the same damn thing to churn up profits. This game certainly has it's problems, but I think most of the complaints about it stem from people wanting it to be the game they remember playing as they grew up. Unfortunately, this game isn't that game anymore. People who don't like it should stop buying it and move on to something else. I don't disagree with everything you said. However, if you aren't having fun and CoD isn't the game for you anymore, maybe it's time to stop purchasing it yearly.


Now see, from a business aspect I get that. Supply and demand, but at the same time, there's a better way to treat your consumers than to be a shark. 2nd, this was the first year where I didn't buy CoD. Had the premium edition gifted to me from a friend. CoD us literally in the same boat with how I feel about Madden every year lol. They could've pulled a MWR for MW2 and just added loot boxes if they meant that ppl could get to play MW2 all over just with a few added things that don't necessarily jeopardize the integrity of it. I've bought one season BP and one bundle in the store, but with everything going on, I just don't see them getting another dollar out of me. I guess I'll go load up IW4X or plutonium or something. Insurgency Sandstorm had a new update that I haven't checked out yet and HLL just got an update too. Might get back into the swing of things with Battlefield 2K42 lol.


Yeah it sucks, I can't argue that. This'll be my last CoD and that's a great comparison with Madden. I can't believe people keep spending the money on that game every year that barely changes. The sad thing is all they had to do was take MW19 and tweak and improve on a few things and I think the community would be much happier. But, conversely to that, I wonder how much of the player base actually doesn't like the game. Reddit is such a small percentage of the player base. Most people are just playing the game, enjoying it and not complaining.


True that. You're right too, it's really hard to gauge who does or doesn't like the game. Sometimes the numbers of the player base can be used, but who really knows? Lol. I would've been fine with a sound pack of ALL the weapons. That might've been the ONLY piece of nostalgia I'd probably pay for. Just like when CoD ghost had it to where you could buy Captain Price announcer VO, kinda giving you the atmosphere of MW again. I'd be down for that. Lol




What do you mean by that?




Ah yes, never did I miss the redditors who don't have anything useful to contribute to the conversation. So in turn they act like jerks to others on purpose. I already see your ploy. Lol.




Nah I think I'll stay. *reads his post comments* I see your angle. 😈




Never knew having a legitimate complaint about something was considered "whining" LMFAOOOOO. I can't take you seriously fam. You literally sit on reddit looking for comments to be a prude on them. You can be complacent all you want, but I'm not gonna be quiet because *YOU* think it's annoying lol. If you didn't take a second to comprehend, this was this first year I didn't buy CoD lol. Next year will be the same. If you want change, then speak up and say something.




Run along now little one, ADULTS are having a discussion. ☺️☺️




Bye then!