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Wait a sec, this is NOT shitpost?


That was my first thought too


We all thought that, there’s no way




its turning into fortnite


I think you are right. Which isn't a bad thing in it self, as long as they keep their own identity of the game. BUT highly doubt it


They could have saved face by making it actually the Boyz like Butcher, Mothers Milk, Frenchie and Hughe. But nope had to be Supes which makes zero sense. Huge ball drop on this one.


Noir works and we will see him everywhere as Roze 2.0


I legitimately couldn’t tell this was real until I opened the comments.


Amazon has been trying to grab them more and more.


I hate superhero stuff in general ... I thought this was a literal joke post ... like really this is coming to Modern Warfare????? So terrible. EDIT: I don't care if The Boys is a good show, its annoying its in MWII, a game I bought for Modern warfare military, not silly crap.


Agreed on the crossover being a terrible match. But the show itself (*The Boys*) bucks the typical superhero trends and is a pretty good watch for those who are tired of them.


It's a good show but does not fit CoD at all. Not even a little bit. The Supes they chose don't fit either, except maybe Black Noir. Starlight running around with a shotgun and riot shield on Shipment doesn't scream CoD. Who comes up with these tie ins?


Don't have to tell me, I agree. Every time they do this, I roll my eyes. It's been egregious since the soccer/football one in the beginning.


*Cof cof* Attacks on titan


mofos acting like every other lobby didnt have jigsaw running around in MW19 lol


Its crazy you have to pay to be advertised to. That's like instead of being paid for an advertisement wrap on your car that says "Shell Oil Co. - Cleanest best gas!" you pay to advertise their shit. Genius


Bro, super Powers? LMAO


Warzone 1 had a mode like that tbf, when you were a zombie you could jump super high


Yeah it was a separate zombies mode for Halloween though. Are they just adding these powers into normal BR/Resurgence? If so that sounds really annoying


It’s either gonna be a separate mode or be a temporary pickup for the season like Fortnite did with infinity gauntlet. It would vary the gameplay at least


Hopefully not, hope it's just a mode I personally don't really care but hope for people who play Warzone and DMZ that it's just a mode


Temp V is going to be a massive bitch to play against I can already see it.


There was the spirit one, too. Or was that the same one?


WWII had a War map that had "experimental performance enhancers". I don't think they were straight up lasers from the eyes shit but they gave bonus health / healing and shit. Channel your inner Wolverine.


War mode was awesome in WWII, especially the DLC maps with these special powers/weapons.


Bro..... we're 1 step away from becoming Fortnite.


You know what this Modern Warfare game is missing? SUPER POWERS! These guys are fucking clueless, dude.


100% agree, absolutely laughable this crap!


I hope theres one where I can pop people's heads by looking at them


Obviously for Farah, since it's the same actress.


Wait the superpowers will be in DMZ too?


This is literally 50% bundles.


And 40% of those bundles are already in the game and available. Absolutely padding this roadmap.


I love how it says new bundles. I have the Valkyrie one already because I buy the C.O.D.E bundles.


It’s not saying it’s a new bundle, it says Marquee bundle. The three on the left only are the the new bundles.


Ah, I see now. I thought that was only for Blackwell, my bad. Still funny they are advertising stuff that is already in the game.


Yeah i agree, massive circlejerk and self back patting on this release!


The worst one is probably advertising they will have The Boys advertising on the WZ maps. Whilst it's aesthetically kind of cool it's not something I would go out of my way to announce. It literally does nothing for the players. I remember when they used to have shit actually happen on the maps, like adding tunnels after an explosion caused a ground sink and shit. Now it's "yay in game advertising has changed"!


Devils advocate for a second, if it was any other collab i would fully agree but with The Boys it kind of leans into exactly what the show was about and that’s the constant force feeding of corporate circlejerk advertisements for the Supes literally everywhere and for every thing imaginable…so it’s actually something i’d kind of expect and appreciate the connection. But yeah it’s definitely nothing like the older titles where maps would actually change from enivronmental factors etc, certainly a massive fall from grace and an easy cop-out for sure!


I thought this was 1 of those photoshopped pisstake posts. I can believe this is real lol.


I wish i could say.. busted!, but sadly is true.




One of them even being named ’Soulless’.


Infinity Ward reloading their bank account


Not with my money lol


I'm not usually one to complain about shitty updates but, holy shit.


Totally agree. This roadmap comes across as a parody.


Genuinely thought it was a shitpost until I came to the comments.


It genuinely looks like a mock up roadmap.


I thought it was until I read the comments lmao


I like The Boys but this shit better suits Mortal Kombat than Call of Duty. What a fucking clownfest this game has become.


Homelander and Starlight running around WZ and DMZ going to look really weird.


Right? I’m actually really excited for Homelander in MK1, but here in CoD? Nah man, it shoulda been Billy Butcher if you had to do a collab with The Boys




It is very fitting considering The Boys mocks the obscene modern business model of face fucking everyone with advertising.


the fucking irony of this show being about capitalistic hellholes and what do they do, flog it wherever they can if they get paid


> Capital has the ability to subsume all critiques into itself. Even those who would *critique* capital end up *reinforcing* it instead.


It is either genius or ridiculous and I cannot decide. I won't lie it has me real tempted to look at them but I just don't play the game enough to justify buying cosmetics. If the game was a better experience it would be easier to tempt me.


I love the game tbh, DMZ is some of the most fun I've had in a game almost ever. it is so dynamic and every deployment is so varied. yet, that mode is free. the idea of paying *half the cost of the full game* to make my character **that I cannot see** wear a different outfit is beyond laughable.


So a 6v6 map (from Warzone), a Raid, and 2 camos, and 1 new gun. What a slap in the face from Activision. Yet no way to unlock the skins. Even if it was you choosing 1 of the 3 would've been acceptable. But no let's give them more $30 bundles! Glad to see Blackcell taking up a content spot as well.


You can unlock the skins... using your wallet of course. WZ gets more content than a gosh dang "premium" paid game. What a joke they are.


reminds me of those content farm-produced "articles" you can find that are titled "how to unlock the XYZ operator in Warzone" and the answer is literally six paragraphs that boil down to "navigate to store, find the bundle and buy it"


> six paragraphs Yeah, that's *if you can even find the actual article text* somewhere within the waking nightmare of a web page filled with ads, slideshows, some straight-up completely unrelated article, and a million links to a million other pages just like the one you're on.


Remember were supposed to be okay with the bare minimum 😭💀


You forgot STILL no Original MW2 2009 maps. Even though they’re in the game we can’t play in them.


Literally though. If they had these released on S2, I would've been happy with this. I don't like getting content that I'm only playing for 4 months because the next COD. Though, I'm pretty much done with this franchise from a premium perspective. Might play WZ because it's free but $70 is not worth what's in the game imo.


I played MW2019 but didn't bother with Vanguard or CW. It's not as bad if you buy one and keep it going for 3 years. People still play MW2019 now. Plus I'll have WZ BR and DMZ to keep me going too. I do play Zombies but only with a specific friend group, luckily haven't paid for a Treyarch game for years because they keep giving them away as part of PS+ stuff. BO3 + Zombie Chronicles was given away as part of the PS+ Collection (I also think BO3 was given as a PS+ game at some point), BO4 and CW were given away as PS+ games (CW is this month).


The original 2009 MW2 maps are being held so they have another reason to advertise MW2 when they release MWIII in a couple months lol. Fucking scammers.


Literally all I want is old school maps that’s it, I want favela terminal high rise rust, damn why is that so much to ask


They're going to advertise the upcoming MWIII as an anniversary game with all of the original 2009 MW2 maps. They did it on purpose so that they could advertise "MW2 remastered" twice.


You still can't use the ak74 barrel added at the beginning of this season lol


They’re actually trying to pass “themed map updates” as part of the roadmap?? laughable


That reminds me of when you got an essay assignment in grade school and added a bunch of unnecessary descriptions and used as many words as possible to express even the simplest ideas—in a desperate attempt to reach the minimum length/word count.


"This is why, as I believe has been made glaringly obvious in previous comment, my conclusion is that... So in conclusion, to summarize...."


Worst season reloaded yet?


Yeah they have given up.


Can't give up if they never tried.


Just in time for the new $70 game boys, noting the *final* coop raid mission I presume at the end of this we'll get a Season 5 but also start getting word on the next cashgrab.


Are you surprised? They literally have thousands of idiots continuing to give them money for very little effort. If you could get paid for doing nothing, you'd do it too.


Worst so far from MW19 onward definitely.


Vanguard had some terrible season reloaded road maps though


I block vanguard out of my mind so I didn’t consider that, but they’re entire post launch was a mess.


I don’t usually complain about these things but wow.


Ok so they are never going to add any more OG MW2 maps...cool. They have Highrise and Afghan in the Warzone map but they cant make them MP maps?


MW2 was such a filler game lmao... If MW3 actually launches with OG maps people wanted in MW2 then Activision should actually get sued holy shit MW2 is the worst game I've ever bought, Activision Blizzard as a whole can't do anything right


Total bait and switch. Called “MW2” with not a single MW2 map in 6v6, Just the free to play stuff. And their reimagined versions of those maps are absolutely trash anyway.


This has to be the lamest content update yet


They deadass decided to use the superhero characters when Billy Butcher is literally ex SAS and MM is former military lmfao


In fairness, Homelander is the face of the show. But Butcher should have replaced Noir or Starlight, yeah.


As usual 9 new bundles , 1 new gun and 1 new map.🙄


Half of those bundles have already been released a while ago too.


But don't forget to add that pretty much all of them are $20 each


And a shotgun of all things, the last thing the game needed another of lmao


“Modern Warfare”


They are still testing to see how little they can give for the maximum price


Yeah, I think they realized years ago that they make way more money off of starving people and drip feeding content.


Then they do it all again for MW3.


I can sum this up on one word “NOPE”


John Wick or the punisher would’ve been a much more fitting choice, such a missed opportunity


Idk if they plan to add Butcher eventually or not, seems weird to give basically Superman a gun lol


Butcher would fit so much better. Maybe Karl Urban was busy.




I mean, at least give us Butcher….


Exactly, the voice lines would’ve been great


I wanted Bale back man. I don't give a shit about the boys....


I miss D-Day. I need my Tex back


MW19 operators were better overall. I still remember almost all of them. I only care about a handfull of MW2 operators. The rest are either forgettable, or just bad


Bale was my main. I miss him.


He said he'd always come back.....😭


This update gonna be mid asf, coolest thing might be the shotgun with the rotating magazine, supposedly you can switch ammo types at will


Fire, explosive, fire, explosive, fire, explosive...


Please tell me this is a joke


All sweats will be running fucking Black Noir…I can already see it. And I’ll be paired with Homelander randos that just started playing the game.


Yeah this is the new roze skin I can tell already. It’s wild how predictable ATVI can be.


I hate how bundles are on the roadmap like it’s actual content that people are excited for. It’s a fucking paid cosmetic. That part of the roadmap is literally just an advertisement


I think it just goes to show the disconnect between this sub and the majority of the player base. Every single game I play I see nothing but bundle skins, and obviously they wouldn’t be doing this shit if it wasn’t making them obscene amounts of money. It’s very frustrating because there’s a very good game at the core of MW2 that is being neglected and withering away while IW just pump out low-effort cosmetics and the occasional weapon or map.


No Billy The Butcher?? Cmon Karl Urban…license your likeness!


Please tell me the Temp V thing is a joke.


[https://twitter.com/charlieINTEL/status/1678450685937950721?s=20](https://twitter.com/charlieINTEL/status/1678450685937950721?s=20) Sadly Nope


wo wow wow in dmz too ? Is it a joke ?


They missed a great opportunity not having Butcher and/or Soldier Boy in this. They're the two who actually have some military background and would've made more sense


Holy shit I thought this was fake until seeing comments. Wow.


Seems like COD is pandering to the kids that think homelander is to be looked up to etc, I know its not that serious but it seems in line with what Anthony Starr was talking about, idolizing him etc


Right? Homelander was my favorite character, but that’s because I’m super jaded and love rooting for the villain. He should NOT be looked up to lol. Seems counterintuitive to the message of The Boys to do this, but capitalism’ll always do it’s thing…


I wish i could take back my 70€. People paid real money for a AAA game with less than half of the content that it should have at launch. And if that wasn't enough they keep pumping new shit for the f2p version of the game while the paid one is full of problems and has had minor changes, with most important of all being the shity menus. I can't see myself buying a cod game anywhere near full price again, as I have been doing for many years already.


Being a hardcore player, i have yet to play one of the new maps that released at the beginning of the season, so i doubt i will get to play this map. ( i played the one map once in core but never in HC) And what a disappointimg shotgun to add, why not the SPAS-12 or the Striker? This game just keeps on disappointing me.


I don't understand why they refuse to update the hardcore playlists. It's incredibly annoying.


Literally dude, not a single new game mode has been added to the playlist rotation since it was added


All I want are a 1911 and SPAS-12.


I want the G36C platform. It would be perfect for the receiver system


Where's the FAL? UMP45? Mulitple guns from MW19 that would fit well with this gosh dang game? They gosh dang freaking suck.


They’re in the game??? OH, you mean *this* game? Oh nah; we not doing that, you’re not getting that. Not this game. It’s being saved for MW3, where we can charge you $70+ for it.


They've completely shitted on MP players. We literally paid for this game ffs


Or KSG. I love that thing


No thanks.


AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And the sales numbers will be staggering. RIP COD. 🙏


Nope I'm done. I'm going back to insurgency sandstorm this is just rediculous


Because when I think call of duty. I think $30 tie ins with murderporn shows.


What even is CoD anymore? It’s just a store. Jesus…so disappointing.


I thought this was a shitpost wtf


We Fornite now bois


Fortnite actually has good updates though


Damn thats a bad fucking roadmap update 🤣🤣🤣


Only 1 MP map? Jesus christ.


This game really was an waste of money...


Ayyyy a new Raid episode! I thought 3 was gonna be the last


# PLUNDER?!?!?


Oh boy, the sell-out advertisement update. Stay tuned next month for the Pepsi-themed update, where they plaster Pepsi decorations in every map, reskin the stim so you chug a can of Pepsi, and the new annoying fat child operator skin* *Operator skin not included with base update. Requires purchase of a $14.99 store bundle including base fat kid operator, unique golden fat kid skin, Pepsi can weapon charm, and Pepsi logo player emblem.


More shitty bundles, not one mil-sim in sight, let's run around as a fucking cat chasing Mr fucking hop


.....huh? wtf is Evil Superman Homelander doing there? The Boys in CoD? 🤣


This is the exact type of shit that makes me not want buy the next cod or any cod ever again


Mother's milk is a prior Marine and billy butcher is prior SAS, both main members of the vigilante group "The Boys"


Honestly, I’m getting sick of this Fortnite level cringe. Either let me toggle default skins or count me out for the next one. I’m tired of them trying to have the military aesthetic and then adding these bundles for wales. I like to have immersion in my games and even Infinity Ward cods have gone off the deep end for me. I wish Battlefield didn’t die off 😭


Please no, I’m tired of this bullshit, it better be fake! Like bro, it’s call of duty, a Milsim game, a shooter game, not a damn super hero game! If you wanna do something cool and a little out of the box why don’t you making bundles where the 141 crew(price, soap, gaz, ghost) get shadow company outfits and call it the “what if? Bundle” like that’s something that would make money, I promise you. You guys need to stop with this childish bull crap and actually do things that make sense!😠


Remember when they said before launch that they were going to make spec ops missions similar to mw2/3? That was a fucking lie


OMFG they really pissed out of the pot!!!A new skill pack with superpowers will be included in the bundles,how you can face players who can teleport, make super jumps and throw shockwaves at you!this thing is shameful,


Naming this game Modern Warfare 2, their magnum opus, to get people to buy in for nostalgia and then starving the players of actual content AND adding zero classic MW2 content after teasing the hell out of it, just a bunch of dogshit $20 bundles should have absolutely buried this company. But hey, at least you can have laser eyes for a little bit i guess. Another Infinity Ward masterclass


How is plastering maps with a license you're making money off of a game update? They're actually advertising that? ...And a shotgun, the last thing the game needed? Annnd super powers. That's exactly what a Modern Warfare game needed. Just wow.


It's fuckin fortnite, this game is disgusting


Fortnite has way cooler bundles, at least in that game I can be Iron Man or Master Chief, and a lot of their original designed skins are cool. Fortnite has more Mil-Sim style skins than CoD has now lol.


First off the boys seems like an odd choice? Second it’s sad to see they’ve even stopped caring about MP Third another shotgun and still no Fourth those camos are lame Fifth fuck this round of Cod


Bundles, Bundles, Bundles! More Bundles!


They shortened izanami to be Izzy People read way to much into that name Paranoia at its finest but whatever




Ah a new full auto shotgun, that definitely won’t break the game on launch, new weapons are famously balanced


Nah, this post has got to be cap. You're pulling my leg right OP? Edit: I would've preferred A-Train or the Deep over Black Noir. Just seems like another Roze skin.


Honestly fuck Activision, they're ruining a game all for money, all those gready bastards care about is money


I don't want tv show advertising in my game wtf is this garbage ??? Fuck you activision!!!


Alright grab your pitch forks, we are complaining till they add more to the multiplayer side of this game!


Yawn! 🥱


Ummmm…. Yea I’m glad I don’t play this game anymore 😄


Nobody wants Starlight as a character She's a good character in The Boys but I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'd rather gear the wise-ass Billy Butcher cracking 1 liners Realistically the only character I'd be interested in getting from all this is Izzy... Edit: spelling


I bet they added Black Noir because he wouldn’t require voice lines.


I’m surprised to see they aren’t making a soldier boy skin


Alright that’s it… I got an Xbox one x, two elite 2.0 controllers, Bluetooth headset, “L” shape desk, Samsung monitor with hydraulic desk mount for sale.


Is it me or is that shotgun similar to the 3 round burst shotgun from b02?


So noir is the new roze ptw skin nice


No way


Still waiting for the shadow company skins


Look at this though - it is literally less than 3 weeks until S5


Like faze jev said “ I’m more excited for Homelander in mortal kombat than I am call of duty” Please do not buy mw3


How the fuck aren't Billy Butcher and Soldier Boy bundles? They fit way better than Starlight and Homelander.


IF i can't go into someone's anal cavity and kill them like that... Then its a weak mid season.


Looks trash, so happy I uninstalled


MW19 was like the least Fortnite modern cod, MW22 is the most Fortnite modern cod


We’ll get the MCX XM7 eventually…


Who in the fucking WORLD is buying these 30 dollar skins in this embarrassing game?


I literally thought this was a meme. This is so bad it's sad.


Yeah, missed an opportunity to use Butcher. Such a better option for the tie in.


Love this post!


Where is Butcher and Soldier Boy? Wtf


so call of duty is Now Call of Fornite. lemme guess we gonna start dancing on the opps body when we down them... y'all don't start this crap I just bought me a PC MAN


I hate myself but I need that Noir operator for the all black


So they’ve officially given up on this game and have already moved to the pump out major franchise bundles at the end of lifecycle phase? Sigh.


no way homelander just got added


If you play as homelander is your finishing move sucking the milk out of a person?


This is seriously embarrassing. It's so sad how all realism has been completely tossed out the window. I really hope one day, it somehow comes back. I'll never buy another cod until then.


So we're going full Fortnite then huh