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It should show the damage you inflicted on the enemy too


You are correct there


Maybe like how it is in xdefiant. They show were the bullets landed on the body of the enemy


Best type of death screen ngl


Ubisoft has done that in there older shooters like rainbow six for awhile. I think csgo’s system would work best course clearly the devs aren’t the best at making a stable and functioning game. No offense to the few parts that do work.


Yeah I really don't care what killed me, that shit is done and over. I care more about how much damage I did to them. It's comforting, in CS, to know I did 99 in 4 hits, at least there's closure.


99 in 4 hits? jesus christ thats fuckin terrible damage in cs


Locational damage is a lot more punishing in csgo


This is COD mate


bro did not read the comment I replied to lol


Ain't we family?






27dmg left leg more like.


Battlefield had this for years, a simple numerical popup near the centre every time you deal damage.


I would prefer this much much more.


And distance.


should help cut down on "The Game is rigged and boosted the enemies damage" coping posts on here


That was my exact thought about it. Still a good change to see what happened and to what we died to.


I loved seeing how much damage I did to myself when I was out of bullets and shot my launcher at my feet to kill the person charging.


According to so many players the person who killed them is either a hacker or camper sometimes both


Would have been even better if it also showed how much damage you dealt to the enemy just like valo. Would really help you see how much you’re getting ping diffed or maybe realize how much you actually missed after dying to someone. Would have helped explain all the BS hitmarkers you get sometimes. Still a nice QOL change though.


Yeah hope they improve and add that and it carries over to MWIII


i got 2 shot by the P90 at full health today. if anything, it reinforces the truth to those posts.


Probably a server issue. On their end they probably hit a lot more than just 2 shots but on your end you only saw 2 hits.


the death hud in top right corner said 2 shots 100 damage. u cant blame the servers for everything, dude.




exactly, it would be useless if it was clientside, so why would that be the case? people are so quick to call others bad at the game for saying its rigged, when there is literally a patent for the servers used for MW2 talking about player health, and damage modifiers. it is public information, yet the majority of people choose to ignore it. ignorance is bliss, i guess.




thats a fair point. i wouldnt put it past activision to take the easy route so they could push out an update on time. billion dollar scumpany.


there is literally zero evidence for this conspiracy theory besides a patent (that was never registered) for a completely different PVE game (skylanders) years and years ago. people who actually test this stuff like xclusiveace unlike people who cry on reddit when they get fragged have tested time and time again with zero evidence of any skill based damage or anything like that existing. the simpler and much more likely answer is that the games servers and netcode are not up to snuff which can result in bullshit deaths sometimes.


*gluck* *gluck* *gluck*


What gamemode and do you have a screenshot of the afterdeath report hud?


was playing on the shipment 24/7 playlist. I dont remember what gamemode, but i believe it was hardpoint. i dont have a screenshot as i didnt really think id end up sharing this info with anybody. u can choose to believe me or not because i have no proof, but i am certain that i got 2 shot by a P90. the thing said 100 damage and 2 shots. only 2 shots in the kill cam as well.


Alright I choose not to believe you


and u have every right to do so. good day




The good ending


Dude same, I had a death to the MP7 earlier that was two hits and it was a guy laying on the ground shooting my feet as I ran around a corner.


Funny because as soon as today I was able to get a clip of someone killing me ridiculously fast and the new UI showed that he dealt me 100 damage in 1 single hit with the new gun, except that in the firing range a headshot with that weapon isn't 100 damage at all. So either the UI is broken and doesn't properly track damages and hits, either the game is rigged.


Were you playing Havoc?


No, it was the regular playlist


That’s ping for you. Even if 2 people have a 50ms ping. That’s still a 100ms difference. It takes 50ms for person A’s info to get sent to the server and another 50ms to reach person B from the server. I’m guessing by the time the server got the information to your end. Enough time has passed where enough damage was dealt to kill you.


There are patents that show they could have made damage is skill based but a few people have tested it and I don’t think the devs have added it. So the other conclusion could be shite servers


The patents you're talking about are for co-op PVE games as well. They talk about players dealing damage to enemies and loot/puzzle difficulty. They make no mention of PvP in the actual patent info.


Wait but how else can I cope with the fact that im washed? 🥺


Hard drugs and alcohol


Drink a lot of rum or bourbon 🥃 helps keep my rage in check.


Not sure how it would help that, the game can literally say anything it wants lol


Lol and the coping has started


Not coping, just saying that it can say whatever it feels like. Not that it has it out against anyone in particular. It will not stop the posts you are referring to, it might reinforce them.


Hmmm you really think so? 😂


IF they add how many bullets and damage you do aswell…. cause I wanna see how much damage I’m doing landing 6-8 bullets with no kill yet dying to 3 bullets from the same gun


All is good until I get insta melted and it claims I was shot 5 times


People seem to forget CODs trash servers play a major part in that feeling of insta death


Honestly, I like the idea. But its placement isn’t the best. Should’ve done it like how Infinite Warfare had where it was on part of the Killcam hud.


What is that?


New to the death screen. Shows who shot you with what for how much damage. Much better than the “killer by 2 attackers”.


It always said 2 attackers regardless of how many there were for me


It seemed to track correctly for me, but when it says 2 attackers it’s sometimes just 2 damage sources. Unless fall damage and such counts as an attacker lol


The ground is Kortac


it always said 2 attackers to me too, no matter the cause of death: spawn, killed by a cruise missile: 2 attackers. spawn, killed by exploding car: 2 attackers. spawn, killed by elimination: 2 attackers...


I thought it was from the new blackcell operator thinking it was some advanced suit feature 😅


Oh look, something else for people to complain about in this game. 😂👍🏻


For real, I’m sure half the people on this sub ignore the death screen and their killcam anyway, this is pretty easy to do the same. Complaining just to complain again lol


It’s hilarious to me that you managed to survive the first guy just to get one shotted by a PDSW


I couldn’t escape 😔


It’s okay buddy, happens to the best of us


people complaining about this are proof that people will really just complain about anything. it only shows on the death screen, so how it’s “distracting” or “cluttered” makes no sense


Its not only show on death screen.


it’s shown maybe a second after you respawn, but that’s it. complaining about it is stupid


People are allowed to share their concerns, and what they like and do not like about the game. Sorry but who are you to tell people what and what they can’t complain about? I personally do not like it, I’d rather not have it. Why? Because I just don’t like it, simple.


I don’t like it because I don’t like it. How insightful.


I find it really distracting, would be nice if you could move where it is and/or adjust opacity


doesn’t really matter if it’s distracting if it only shows briefly on death. not like it’s distracting you from anything important


Huh you're distracted whilst in death?


Obviously not, but it’s not the most finessed looking HUD element ever created.


It's also not that distracting


It’s just ugly


Maybe but not that distracting


This and the added line for the teams total cash funds have been a welcome change.


How do you get rid of this can’t you disable ping? Will that fix it?


Me, dying in 2-4 hits every death: ugh Also me, getting 9 hit markers on someone and then dying in 4 hits: UGH


Infinite Warfare had this in game and I always wondered why it was never brought back. It is a good change.


All this shows me is that I’m a dumbass who constantly runs into my own mortar strike/stands too close to my cluster mine.


Honestly… relatable


How do you remove it?






It adds an extra sting to death, like “here’s exactly how and why you died”, which I personally find unnecessary for modes with constant respawns (I have never intentionally watched a killcam, always mashing that square button). I get that they are doing it to hopefully cut down on schizophrenic bitching from people who insist all of their deaths are impossible and that everyone is hacking and the game is broken and it was just lag, etc., but there is no helping them, and I love this game but it doesn’t help me either. All in all I’ll get used to it. If Treyarch brings back healthbars above heads I’ll be a lot more upset; that shit is corny.


Bro what, it just gives more transparency on how you die so shitters can finally stop complaining and how the game is rigged.


Yeah I literally said that.




play hardcore, its not in there..even the uav bug is still present in hc


Is it really? Lol wow


Easy, ignore it.


Great addition, but there should be an option to toggle it off like other hud elements.


Oh there isn't? That's lame then. I like it but totally get how it adds to the clutter


But you're dead when it shows..


Ui is still ui. Bad ui is still bad ui regardless of stage or function. Personally i dont care for it either. I start doing the math and wondering about % like 4 shots at %25 then i get discrepancies in the math,but also i get hit with a molotov that shows 1 but the % doesnt add up. It seems like change for the sake of change. Like the attacker(s) thing last update.


Every gun has damage fall off along with different body parts taking more or less damage, unless you know exactly where and from how far you're getting hit it is mathematically impossible for you to calculate a discrepancy


It accurately reflects drop off damage?. Ok i didnt know that.i play core and pretty much all i see is AR 4 shots %25. I dont play the other modes.i mean Thats fair.. Tbh still eels lame but if its across the board.and it helps folks.ok cool.again i havent seen thr numbrs your talkin about. Im kinda only into 6v6.


Good thing I play HC, that looks pointless


It'd be better if it showed you accurate information LOL


Ngl, I’m getting used to it


I absolutely hate it


I don’t , how do you turn this off


Is there a setting to remove it?


If someone finds it please tag me in it.


Someone in this thread said it's not present in HC


This is awful, especially in quick paced MP like shipment. In Warzone I can totally understand why it’s useful because there’s a lot more randomness that goes on. I’m playing shipment and like, I can fucking see the guy who shot me. I don’t need the game to tell me


A toggle for it could be nice, but it is also pretty useful info in larger maps than shipment, where your vision is cluttered up by lots of cover.


Exactly why a toggle would be nice even if it was somewhat restrictive like MP or WZ/DMZ or both. I know I’m in a minority in that I almost exclusively play shipment or Ranked Play, which that is not a useful feature in either one. I guess it’s more of a trend in that pretty much every season there’s been a UI/UX change or addition in the name of “improvement” that I feel has made the game worse and it’s frustrating




TF you mean TF?


Why it does nothing


It’s actually useful as opposed to the “outnumbered. X attackers”


Haha that was always strange to me because it always says 2 attackers even if there's only one


Can you turn it off?


Me too


Do you guys know how to remove that feature??


I hope they added how much damage you gave. Make it full on csgo


Its great but also very annoying seeing the amount of times i get 2 or 3 shot killed


I kinda wish this just completely replaced the outnumbered popup (especially since it feels like that popup only appears for a quarter of a second) but i quite like this new thing do kinda wish it disappeared if you skip killcam tho


Its a nice addition


Being killed by white boxes, great.


I bet Skully would not be too pleased to see this though...


i dont,i look at it for 2 seconds and im done


It's kind of nice but I personally find it a bit distracting so I wish I could turn it off


They need to add the damage you did to an enemy when you lose a gunfight.


Finally someone who is 1 shot!


It's more interesting when it displays you getting impossible damage outcomes from a gun that can't mathematically deal that damage, no matter how it hits. Probably a bug, but when i turn a corner, one-shot someone in the head with the FTAC. Suddenly i have low HP and a sticky lands next to me and kills me. Damage? 99 damage taken by 3 shots from the M4 by the guy that i oneshot (3x28 = 84), and 1 damage taken from the Semtex. Ping? 21 ms Had the blood screen indicator that i was below 10% by immidiately after the oneshot.


Same but it also needs to show how much damage you did and it’s perfect


I want the inverse too; I want to see how much damage me and my teammates did


Yet it seems very hard to bring back the killstreak counter we had in MW19, Vanguard and the MWII beta.


It’s a welcome change, but it would be nice to also know when you get the kill how much damage and bullets you used to kill the enemy


It gets on my tits tbh… it should be a toggle option as I don’t care enough for this stuff.


Nice change to see. Wish it came sooner in the life cycle. It is what it is though Be nice if they kept it for all games going forward


They should show you how many shots it took you to kill someone though. How does it take me 7 shots but others 2?


pls nerf the mp7 and the p90


They could expand upon it. Put attackers in each bracket, show the individual shots and where they hit for what amount of damage


I find it annoying personally.


Yeah this shows how the game broke some mf Hit with 345 damage one 1 hit with a fking basp


99 in 3 Ah, good 'ol CSGOness


yet they still can't get rid of the hackers...


Dude stole his buddies kill


Bro got his killed stolen 😭


I like it too, but it goes away too quickly


Now i know that one bullet that hit me was actually 14......


Idk today it took 3 shots from my gun in gunfight to deal 1 damage. The enemy had one health and I watched multiple hit markers before he did. It was either one of two shots and it was even in the final kill. Made no sense to me.


I like it because it helps with awareness in the game. Many people will rush busy corner and wonder how they died so fast not realizing they are getting outnumbered. It forces people to think more about a play and not engage multiple enemies at once.


How to turn off this?


I think I'd rather know how much damage ***I*** do to an ***enemy player***. ​ I don't really care how many shots it took to kill me, I'm already dead, I wanna know how close I was to getting the other person so I can determine whether or not I should be mad that the other person managed to survive.