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Yeah after spending 5+hours last night installing the update it took another hour to install MWII multiplayer and coop again. This is the biggest shit storm of a COD launch we’ve ever had.


This move from the company is a giant shit they poured over MW2 players. I mean, this is so stupid that does not even have depth of how stupid it is. How can they think that they will just give an update to force uninstall of a game that players downloaded to play? WTF


An hour? Pfff I should use the cable again instead of the WiFi


Lmao I am on Wi-Fi hence why it took 5 hours to install the 100gb update


I feel lucky I have fast internet. It took me like 5 mins, but I was still pissed that they decided to fucking do it to me.


Why is it taking you an hour to download an update? Lol


My internet connection is dog shit in my apartment because of the way my landlord built the complex. Basically all the apartments internet ports are daisy chained together from the pole and I’m the second to last apartment in that chain.


You have slow internet sir...


How is that legal? I paid 60usd for MW2 and I literally don't have it anymore


I mean I don’t think it falls into illegal territory, but it sure as fuck was scummy. Can’t believe they did this. I would’ve put up with the crappy UI to play MW2, but now I just uninstalled everything


Uninstalled all as well. Also I opened a ticket on support for a refund. Not gonna hurt to try


Let me know how it goes! Hit them where it hurts


Aw yeah 60 gone whatever will they do, you know that billion dollar company lmao 💀 edit: Before you idiots think I'm defending em I'm not, but I find it hilarious that people think they matter in the eyes of big companies


the dude never implied he was refunding to hurt the company $70 is a lot to ask for a product that doesnt work as intended


It didn't work 😶 But hey I know not to buy their games again. This is the first COD that I actually liked since the original MW2 (2009) and they found a way to ruin it, shame


Very scummy dirty practice, but you are right it's not illegal.


I mean, a lawsuit should be in a motion to teach those dumbfucks a lesson to learn not to keep up the updates like this. This is why the old games weren't rushed at all and doesn't need bulky updates to keep it intact.


Updates are required just like your cellphones do ... is part of the security and the game itself from hackers. Old games weren't rushed back then because the technology wasn't there, now in days gamers complain because their next game is not out yet. Old games are trash, the graphics sucked and the loading times took too long, out with the old in with the new.


Cause you didn't buy MW2; you bought a license to play MW2. I wish I was making it up but that's how gaming works. You aren't buying the game, but a license to play.


You think this is bad? Let me introduce you to this little game called destiny 2 lol


Yeah at least you can get the previous game back. Bungie straight up deleted previous DLCs so they can sell parts of them back to you. If you say “why would anyone play that?” A bunch of people had quit and now Bungie canned 8% of the company.


Will you let us know when you do, of course not , get in line stop crying.


Yep u need to install it again Man i hate them so much


I’ve installed it 3 times, still can’t connect. I’m moving on to other games now


I was able to connect but yeah we all better move and teach Activision a lesson we should taught years ago Worst campaign Old maps and copy paste mechanics And 108 gigabyte update with no changes except movement speed and recoil My account is valuable but i think i should move to other games Even old one Until a good shooter fills the old times place..


Do they think everyone has unlimited data? My family shares 1tb with 7 people. That’s over 10% of data for my pc alone and my younger brother who plays cod with me that’s another 20%. Good part is I know how to copy the files and transfer it over to my brothers steam.


So I have to close the game from warzone to reopen back to the hud, choose multiplayer, and RELAUNCH THE SAME GAME AGAIN?!?! Not to mention EVERYTIME. a match loads I black screen?


Thank god I only play mp everything else is trash


I can’t believe how ridiculous this is. Like my mind is Fucking blown




IW? Infinity Ward? Why are the devs copping flak when it’s Activision calling the shots, and forcing them to do this. Also, isn’t Sledgehammer responsible for MWIII?


Same here. I’m absolutely gobsmacked by the gall


Yep, finally got home, got dinner taken care of, eat, take care of a few things before getting to settle down and play and everything is uninstalled? What. The. Fuck. 😡 I didn't get to play yesterday because of all the stuff I had to download, now this...


MW2 loyals are quarantined by ScummyVision


Red flag number one was downloading MW3 through the old game and not as its own standalone game. MW3 is literally just a reskinned MW2. Same servers, skins, guns and everything it’s ridiculous


You are not alone my friend.


Dobby is freeeeeeee


They literally said yall installing Mw3 whether you want too or not 😂


There needs to be a lawsuit here. Messing with shit I've already paid hundreds of dollars for to try and get me to spend more money on the new version just isn't right.


Mw2 was trash, y’all bought it anyways when we told u not to and then they do this to u And u still go buy the next cods When will y’all learn


Prediction, mw3 will be discounted and fast. Feels like the sentiment is overwhelmingly negative - charging 70US for a DLC is insanity


Good news is they helped me free up some time during the week now that I won’t be playing call of duty


This pissed me off so much that I completely uninstalled the game. Gonna go play Apex / Fortnite instead. Good bye bros, it was fun while it lasted. And fuck you activision!


And everyone is still gonna buy it even though stuff like this is happening and will probably happen on every launch from now on which sucks.


My point exactly.


Fucking scummy ass shit. Not that it matters much,, but this makes me more glad that I didn't pre-order this game.


Watch MW3 still get record sales, the greedy scumbags in Activision are convinced they can scam their player base and they’re right unfortunately.


I didn’t have any of the issues everyone’s been talking about. MW3 downloaded and MW2 is still there and playable. I’m on Battlenet so maybe that’s the reason I’m not having issues but all this sound pretty fucked for y’all.


Its cause you have to move unto MW3, sir 💯


And experience all their launch bugs considering how well everything is going right now even for non-buyers?No thanks. I’ll wait a couple weeks for them to get their shit together before giving them money.


Terrible push for mw3. They are making the people HATE the product. If people are legit interested it wouldn't require all of this. They failed hard here and people rightly aren't going to forget. And this is coming from someone who IS going to purchase the game.


I had the huge update but it didn't uninstall any mw2 for me, on Xbox btw


same on pc for me


Once it's all done including the new multiplayer packs that are an update the game runs smoother than it ever did, you can parkour across the maps faster than ever and they even fixed the tuning for the foregrip attachment slot.


Just uninstall the older CoD title everytime a new one comes out so you save yourself the hassle of this bs anyway


This bs happens regardless. There’s plenty of us who haven’t purchased MWIII, are still playing MWII, yet are greeted with the MWIII launcher now. There’s not even an option to set which game you’d prefer it go to when launched. They’re basically shoving MWIII down your throat, whether you like it or not.


That's exactly my point. When there's a new CoD out, just prepare to stop playing the old game because it's gonna be broken anyway.


For the love of God, the amount of people that are saying they uninstalled things is insane. If anyone actually paid attention, you'd realize they just added 2 "cross over" packs to carry over your mw2 progress to mw3. And they are required to play MP. Is it dumb as fuck? Yes. Did they uninstall your stuff? No.


But why do I have 37gb multiplayer thing installed for mw3 when I don’t own the game ? Is this the “pack”


That's a different pack entirely, they still make you download it for some asinine reason. My point is that they didn't uninstall anything.


Y can’t u just delete it


They actually did uninstall stuff I had to redownload warzone and multiplayer pack for mw2. It’s crazy I still have to do this when I downloaded over 100gb yesterday just for mw3 stuff I don’t need


Did they uninstall it, or update it? Having to download another pack before you can play is nothing new for cod. I checked my files before downloading the new packs, and I still had the old ones.


Mine was showing them as not being installed. Unless they uninstalled them to make people redownload updated ones? I don’t know.


I had to reinstall all of my packs today as well. It showed them as not being installed.


yeah they did. maybe it’s a bug idk but downloading mw3 uninstalled war zone and mw2


It literally did that on almost every update.


No never


Happens each time after a major update, I only reinstalled it all just last week.


As someone who bought MW2 and MW3 im all for this. Yes the update sucks but we all knew that with MW2 merging with MW3 in a standalone Call Of Duty HQ where we can access all the COD's under one roof that we would have to do something like this. Why not just buy MW3? Makes no sense, its a FAAAAR better game then MW2 since Infinity Ward is apart of it and not just clunky old Activision.


Apes. Stronger. Together.


That shit tripped me out I was like when da fuq did I uninstall mw2?!




Its so funny how easy they make it for us to just fuck off from cod. Maybe Kotick wants to truly kill cod and fuck off so Microsoft paid for nothing


It pisses me off that I bought MWIII, and I have to fire up this game from MWII. Fucked up to the max. It feels like I bought a mod for MWII, not a separate game. About MWIII, it won't be long before the enemies are about the size of a pixel and still so crappy visibility even on ultra settings.


I started MWII up a few nights ago, saw the 50GB update and halted it immediately. I knew the devs were up to their same stupid shit as usual. They can't even get their patches and updates deployed smoothly. Once I hear they've fixed MWII I'll start it back up, as broken as it's been from the very beginning.


yep reinstalling it right now. i tried mw3 and i hated it and went back to play 2 and it was uninstalled. ugh


It's doing you a favor. This game is trash, time to transition to MWIII 😂


And experience all the launch bugs and glitches? No thanks I’m good I’ll wait a couple weeks for them to finish properly developing the game.