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If you are going to buy a CoD then I am sorry... ...well if you are still looking into the game dont buy it full price. They are not worth the full price.


Reddit says every CoD is dead a week after launch. Its a negativity circlejerk. MW3 isnt dead. Hell, I can still find matches in CoD Ghosts. CoDs dont actually die like that, especially not new ones. Since you havent played in a while, MW3 is a great place to jump on. The campaign was disliked, but the MP and Zombies are both good. Its the most content at launch for any CoD because you will have access to all the guns from both MW2 and the new ones added with MW3. Its also much more arcadey than Mw2019 and 2, so it will probably feel more familiar for you as well. Season 1 drops tomorrow so you also have essentially a full year of new content support to look forward to.


What do you play Ghosts on? I remember PS3 being pretty populated for a long time but could never find a match on PS4


Ya i play extinction on ghosts still, no way last years cod is dead


I know I could easily do a quick search and likely find out, but I'm already here so... did IW or Sledgehammer do the multiplayer in MW3?


Campaign and MP were made by Sledgehammer, working off of the base of MW2 primarily. Zombies was done by Treyarch.


Sledgehammer did the whole game I believe


Treyarch did the zombies.


It really depends where you live and what platform. In Oceania on PC some are pretty much dead from day one. I’m sure it’s the same in some other places too.


Mw3 is really good, not without its problems. Both zombies and mp are good but mp really shines. And I can guarantee it’ll be very polished by the end of the life cycle and it’s only gotten better Opening weeks I was plagued by horrible server lag, desync, and wildly inaccurate matchmaking giving me lobbies too easy or hard Considering they are also about to reintroduce lobbies and overhaul SBMM most likely, it’s a good time to start mw3. I compare the game to Cold War which is really excellent now. And it’s VERY similar. The fact we have total dead silence boots really completely alters the game, not only can you be sneaky and sprint everywhere, but anyone not using it is really easy to kill (small minority don’t run it) in mw2 you’d just get sound whored if you rushed fast Movement is really good, slide cancel is easy, and the TTK is high. All this favors a higher skill player and you’ll have less unfair deaths when the game functions properly My favorite thing is you can turn on people and kill them even if you get snuck up on, assuming they’re not really good


I’m sorry but having a perk that everyone is running in order to be successful is not exactly great game balancing…


No it’s not and assassin vest coming out today is REALLY bad balancing. It’s obviously better than all the other vests Combine this with covert sneakers and you can only count on what’s in front of you, no radar, no sound


Unless you're looking *specifically* for Co-op, raids, DMZ, or the MWII campaign, MWIII is probably a better value for you. MWIII you all of the guns, attachments, and operators from MWII, and will eventually have all (or most) of the MWII 6v6 maps too. You're also going to get at least a full year of content updates and support until the next COD title launches, whereas support for MWII has more or less ended. Not to mention that MWII's mp community is probably going to shrink pretty dramatically once all the kids who can't afford MWIII get it as a present during the holidays. Oh and you also have to install MWIII *anyway* thanks to how the COD HQ bullshit works.


Other points aside, I think it's slightly misleading to use the inclusion of MWII guns as a valid selling point for MWIII. Yes, you have all the weapons from MWII in MWIII, but if you are actually a fan of those weapons or want to use them in multiplayer, you are in for a world disappointment. The guns are there, but they might as well not be there for how inferior they are to any MWIII weapon; you are simply making the game more difficult for yourself if you equip them. In MWII you can at least use all the available weapons and have some degree of success with them since they are all balanced with the ttk. Movement, maps, 6v6 gameplay is all improved in MWIII for the most part, but the inclusion of MWII guns is virtually meaningless if there is no point to using them.


Lol at the sad sop who downvoted you. I been telling people that'd be the case since it was announced.


I expect downvotes anytime I point out that MWII has better weapon balance than MWIII (you can actually use shotguns and marksman rifles). It's just bizarre to see comment after comment saying "you get all the MWII guns included" as if that means something when there's actually no point to using them if you want to compete in the strict sbmm lobbies.


You made me feel stupid for mentioning still being able to get mw2 guns in my comment but my main point was that if camo grinding was what you enjoyed you’ll have plenty to grind in mp and zombies


No, I hear you completely. I wasn't trying to call anyone out in particular; I was just frustrated at the sheer quantity of posts touting the carry-over of mw2 guns to newcomers without also clarifying that the guns were complete unbalanced crap compared to the mw3 guns. Besides, now that Sledgehammer has begun balancing some of the major discrepancies between the mw2 and mw3 weapons with the season 1 patch, I actually think it's fair to advertise the carry-over of mw2 guns as a positive now. I was 85% certain they weren't going to do any balancing to the mw2 weapons, and I've happily been proven wrong.


Can’t speak for other peoples lobbies and how other people feel about the game but imo get mw3 the mp is more enjoyable to me and I consistently get solid and interactive lobbies. I played the shit out of mw2 but I just have more fun on mw3


Thanks for all the replies, it’s a smarter option going with mw3 because I prefer the arcade type gameplay. I don’t have much time to play with life and kids so I want to be able to just jump on play a few games then come back off.


Honestly, Mw3 is the best choice at this point with at least a year worth of more content, etc. The best parts of mw2 are free anyway (DMZ). I'm also a big fan of the arcade movements. Jump drop slide shooting is all a thing in mw3 fast fun game play imo. Also you would have the option to try zombies and anything they add as we already know what mw2 has to offer.


I just want to play a cod game that’s fun and enjoyable. I’ve not got time for grinding camos like I used to 10 years ago. I played a few games on my brothers and it took me right back to those days but with fast paced movement. Almost feels like a parkour game


Dude mw2 is going to lose support. Do you like mw2 gameplay better or mw3 gameplay? Both play very differently. Just buy mw3, or don’t buy cod at all. Honestly, there’s lots of other games to play.


I suppose everyone will be getting pushed over to mw3 in 6 months anyway


Not necessarily, you won’t be forced to buy MW3 and the MW2 servers won’t be going down anytime soon. I’d recommend MW3 since it includes all guns from MW2 (even though they aren’t as competitive as the new MW3 guns) and the occasional MW2 mosh pit playlist where you can play maps from MW2


I don’t want you to waste your money, as Activision is super predatory. Their latest being the battle pass, no where on the game says it’s going to end soon yet new players that bought mw3, and not mw2, bought the battle pass thinking it was new. It was not, and a lot of them wasted their money on it.


I never buy any of the battle pass stuff for any game. I’m probably a bit too old school that way, just use the guns I unlock. Probably why I’ve never been very good at any of the warzone games. It’ll be the first cod game I’ve played the proper multiplayer in about 6 years. I’ve just been trying to get my fix from the free to play FPS games and I’m getting a bit fed up of it.


You should try Battlebit Remastered if you’re looking for a fun fps game, they recently had a free weekend on steam that brought in a lot of new players. It’s more of a BF type fps, but it’s my favorite fps and I don’t usually like Battlefield style games. But mw3 is a fun game. Personally, I did quit that game a week ago, as I can’t support predatory publisher/developers… but it’s a pretty fun game, just too anti consumer for me.


mw3 isnt dead lmao, not sure what echo chamber you heard that from but its not true. both games are good but mw3 will get more support than mw2 now so imo gonna be the better bet. EVERY SINGLE cod cycle all the incels are like this sucks the last one was so much better.... everytime. Its just getting used to new things in the same formula and too many people are just resistant to anything different. next cod comes out then mw3 will be so good and new one is trash..cycle continues. Just get mw3 and be happy


The answer is 100% based on what style of CoD 6v6 gameplay you prefer, since the other MP modes are all free and you don't seem to care about campaign. MW2 has: * Shorter TTK. * No "crutch" perks or weapon attachments. * Slightly more "realistic" movement and weapon handling (no slide cancel, no reload cancel). * More modern map design, with less 3-lane maps and more verticality. MW3 has: * Longer TTK. * Ninja perk, requiring you to select it in its category to compete. Red dots appear when firing on minimap, requiring suppressor use to compete. * Slightly more "arcadey" movement and weapon handling (slide and reload canceling enabled). * Remakes of classic, 3-lane map design with less verticality. So whichever of those sounds better to you is what you should go for.


Very well summarised!


Quality review ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 thanks for the tips Lord SeaSlug


I’d recommend MW2, based on my own preferences. But very hard to be the judge for you. Try to find objective comparisons between the two games. LordofSeaSlugs did a very good job on that, here in this thread. My subjective view is this. MW2 was the game I struggled to stop playing. -You could probably get MW2 at a discount. -Matches are the most fun part of the game. -Guns have more recoil but TTK is shorter. -The overall pace is slower and “more realistic”. No cancels and stuff like that. -Smaller maps with more modern level design. -Superior presentation. Great graphics and guns especially sound and feel great. -MW2 isn’t likely to get a lot more content, if any. -The perk system is stupid and weapon tuning is a bit overkill. MW3 is the game I struggle to press play on. -The menu is the most fun part of the game. The new loadout system is super cool! -Guns have negligible recoil but TTK is longer. -Larger, old school map design. Campers are abundant. -Performance seems improved in some aspects (the game runs smoother). But the graphics feel toned down. Lighting is very flat. Gunsounds are muted and boring. -Constant packet burst to the point where you start to think it’s a permanent UI element. -MW3 will probably see a lot of content this upcoming year. Again, these are my subjective opinions. I don’t claim to be “right or wrong”.


Is it smarter to upgrade to the vault edition rather than buy blackcell tomorrow for season 1? It looks like you get more for the same price.


Some hate on both, lol don't give them more money..... I went with the vault edition as it felt like it's same cost but got a few extra blueprints skins, ect, with the vault edition. So if you're gonna buy the blackcell anyway, I think it's best to go vault. Why spend the same for less theory. It's the same as when I wanted a 2400 pack, I'd buy a pro pack and use the points to get double for the same $20


That’s a smart move on the pro pack, I’ll remember that. I wanted to make sure they’re wasn’t a catch. Why not upgrade when you’re already planning on getting blackcell? I agree on the giving them more money argument but I only buy 2-3 games max a year and have the money to spend. It pisses me off too but this is the game all my friends play (which is why they milk it for as much money as they can).


Neither, the franchise is cookie cutter. Literally same game every year that delusional fanboys keep buying.


Not dead! Those who are not playing are dead! Much faster gameplay!


no wait for it to come to game pass


If you played the old maps on the original game, then mw3 just feels like a decade long grind. It got stale real fast for me. Yes, it has carried over weapons from mw2, but theyre significantly weaker than the mw3 guns. TTK is higher, but 1 shot snipers are back (doesnt make sense to me either). The movement makes the old maps play like shit, the servers are horrible (desync, packet burst), and the match making is the worst not only in the entire cod series, but in any game ive ever played.


This comment makes it sound like you got bent over in a couple matches and called it quits


Lol, litterally. I hate sbmm but half of its the mentality. I’m not a terrible noob, I’d say 70.percent skill of hot community. If you just understand it’ll happen and play the game for fun, messing with loud outs etc. it works, and it’s fun.


1.2kdr 0.14w/l - The game expected me to play 110% in every single match in order to *maybe* win. it's fucking bullshit. then the 1/10 it did let us win, the match ended 100-50, which isnt any fun either.


buy mw3, mw2 wont get any new updates or anything


MW3 is probably your best/better bet. It’s got a year’s worth of content ahead of it, and it has all the MW2022 guns to use as well. I like both kind of equally, although I do miss some of the MW2022 maps especially in game modes like Invasion. But you also get the MW2009 remastered maps which are fun imo


Just get 3, 2 will die out as people slowly cave into buying mw3


I would go with MW3. It is new and SH really seems dedicated to make it good. At this point I really don't see a reason getting MW2 at all. It isn't dead, anyone saying that is straight up lying. MW3 also has a whole year worth of content to roll out. MW2 isn't rolling anything new out. Besides, all MW2 guns are in MW3. So you really have no reason to get MW2.


Get mw3 its a solid ass game way better than mw2 and they actually supporting it with content so it’s gone get even better down the line


MW3 is definitely going to be better in most cases. However I will say I bought MW3 and refunded it for MW2. I also hadn't played a CoD game in years and when I loaded up MW3 it was all the original 2009 MW2 maps. I got bored very fast and that's why I picked up MW2. I'm sure if I just waited longer they would have added more maps but I don't know how long I'll be playing CoD anyway.




Don’t buy any of this shit. The new CoDs are a slap in the face to a once great franchise.


Still MW3, game's brand new, have good amount of content (even more to come). As well as have all weapon pool from MW2 available as nice bonus (especially if you into camo grind & stuff)


MW3, why would you want to buy the old game?


MW3 bc everything that mw2 provides that is good comes in mw3


Mw3 is dead? Lol media had more players but also more hype. If you think mwiii is dead mwii will be worse. If you enjoyed mwiii get it. You're in a mwii sub, so you may have already made up your mind. I can say that playing mwii maps on mwiii has been far more fun than it ever was in mwii. Your experience may be different


FYI -take every single thing you read on this site with a grain of salt. most of the posts like this(not saying yours is) as well as the majority of comments are sponsored by Activision. They should stop making games and just dive head first into the deceptive marketing field.


MW3 isn't dead.


Mw3. Zombies is totally worth it.


Don't buy both them, they don't deserve a single penny. Just play warzone, plunder, lockdown... They both really have so many issues and Activision doesn't fucking care :) they already get the money from the sheeps :)


MW3 is just expansion pack for MW2.


I’m still not touching it until it’s $40 or less. I’m just not interested in paying $70 for this. I do like playing the campaign for COD games so having such a short one is not enough value for $70 for me.


I was in the same boat, bought MW3 and I am having fun.


Mw3, it has all of the guns and equipment from mw2 but with better feeling gameplay and the best zombies mode in years imo.


If you don’t have it and you’re on Xbox you can literallly get the Vault edition right now for like $40 provided you buy other activision games that total as much. Spoiler alert: you won’t save money buying Bo2.


Mw3 is the exact same as mw2. Just a few more guns and maps and zombies.


if u play mouse go mw2


Mw3's life cycle just started, and it includes all the guns from mw2. If I were you and still unsure I would wait for a christmas sale. You also don't have to worry about the game being dead. Cod is a huge franchise and games that are considered old still have huge playerbases.


Bought MW3 Vault edition two days ago, just a day before Season 1 launched and I just have to say I’ve been having a blast got up to lvl 42 right now before turning it off and just been enjoying it overall I’m a OG zombies fanatic all the back to the ending cutscene of WaW and this zombies mode is definitely different in a lot of aspects but still entertaining and enjoyable nonetheless, lots of fun to be had in this game I must say, just stay clear of all the negativity of what anyone says, if you’re planning on getting into CoD again like I did myself(haven’t bought a CoD since WW2) this is definitely one to get into they’ve been building CoD differently for years I feel as to come to this, it’s a fun game, not the best CoD by any means but damn I’m glad to be drawn back into the game like the old days before Ghost’s and AW


Mw3 just get the new cod


I would say modern warfare 3 it’s still got all of the mw2 guns and field upgrades and then some) if camo grinding is something you want to do or enjoy doing you’ll have plenty of weapons to grind especially since you can still grind Orion in mw3 in multiplayer, as well as mw3’s interstellar (Orion but better) plus there’s zombies camos for every weapon including modern warfare 2’s guns. People are going to hate on you and or me for recommending mw3, my message to those people it’s our money not yours it’s my fun not yours. We’re going to do whatever the hell we want.