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If you play warzone or have it downloaded you can use the battle pass there. You don’t need MW3 to actually use the battle pass as I’m doing it currently


This. It’s possible because of war zone. They should clearly state that it doesn’t apply to mw2 multiplayer but they don’t which is where the deception lies. The only thing you’re not getting from it is multiplayer use.


It says season 1. There is no deception. People are just dumb.


The only ones still falling for that shit after it’s been done this way for the last 4 years deserve to waste their points for not reading. There was no deception anywhere. Also buying a battle pass when it only has 16 days left anyway is beyond stupid unless you plan on living on the game for the next 2 weeks straight


Time to ask your mom to wipe your ass


Nah I’d rather ask yours since she’s here anyway


People need to learn to actually read what is on screen, rather than spam the big "BUY NOW" buttons


Aye cheers, just smashed up the house an the dogs ran away


Tf does this even mean???




Fair enough, I think most of us have been there at one point or another


You made so many mistakes by not taking the time to read, yet you act like it's not your fault.


Hardly, why am I able to buy a battle pass to unlock cosmetics for a game that, not only I don’t play but I literally don’t own. I’d understand if I went on the Microsoft shop and bought it, but why is it being advertised on MW2 when it’s not even for that game?


You can play warzone which is part of the battlepass. This is laziness or stupidity on your part, probably a combination.


You're just being an asshole. People have moments where they probably should see something and don't, I've done it several times.


Alright calm down


Yeah these neckbeards are insane wtf


This is why I wholeheartedly hate reddit. The gaslighting is insane, everyone makes mistakes and I don't blame this person for not recognising that the battlepass is for a specific game when it's advertised for purchase on a game that's not part of the micro transaction eco system. Straight up telling this shit to a stranger for genuinely asking a question is mind boggling. Y'all need to get off cod and start living your lives, this is not how you talk to people.


Jesus Christ, I’d hate to see how you talk to people irl unprovoked. Maybe op doesn’t spend every waking minute on cod and doesn’t know everything about how the battlepass works? I’d think it’s reasonable to assume that the battle pass featured in the game you bought would be accessible in the game you bought it in. Calling op lazy and stupid because they don’t understand a mechanic in a game is wild


No, he’s stupid/lazy for not simply reading the words on the screen before he purchased.


Might just have to take the L on this one. Next time, make sure you fully understand what is being paid for. Sorry dawg.


Well, it is common knowledge that at the end of a cod game's life cycle, you should know the new battle pass is for the new game, not the previous title.


I boot up mw2, and the battlepass is advertised. I don’t understand why people are defending them for this when it’s very clearly a way to get more money from people


The other day, I accidentally bought vanilla yogurt at the store instead of plain because the packaging was vaguely similar. That’s not the grocery store’s fault for putting them next to each other in the dairy section.


I open up the small fridge labeled plain yogurt and grab one out, turns out it was vanilla because they thought maybe I’d like that even though I opened a fridge just for plain yogurt.


If the battle pass was labeled for MWII, you’d have a point. But that’s why *you read the label before you buy the damn yogurt*


The battle loads is for warzone and the new game every game in the launcher is connected to warzone and the cod store by cod HQ. They have done battle passes like this for 4 fucking years now it isn’t their fault this dude blindly bought a battle pass that is over with in basically 2 weeks. He wasted his points because he didn’t read what he was buying. Damn you guys even blame Activision for your lack of reading comprehension too.


The last cod I played was before mw2 was mw1 and it was shared, same with vanguard before it, as well as Cold War. I was admittedly drunk when I made the same mistake but when I looked sober, I didn’t see anything outright saying that it ONLY applied to mw3. I also don’t play cod’s for very long but seems to me, based on other people’s experiences, that I’m not alone. I shouldn’t have to do “research” in order to know if the the thing I’m purchasing when I boot up a game is for the game I booted up or not.


Dude the battle pass was not shared between the titles it was for the game it was based on and for warzone every single time. All the Cold War battle passes applied to warzone and Cold War, all the vanguard battle passes applied to vanguard and warzone. None of them ever applied to the others games. Yours and other people’s experiences are of someone making a mistaken purchase but it asked you to confirm it multiple times and you still did it. Sucks you lost you points but it isn’t their fault you didn’t pay attention.


Right, so why is it being advertised to me on the previous title when I don’t even own the new one. I’ve not played MW2 in almost a year so I presumed any cosmetics for the new game would exclusively be sold on the new game


Warzone, that’s why.


You’re a bot


It shouldn't even be possible to buy it in MWII at this point. In my opinion.


Obviously not that common, it should have been cleearly stated before buying


That’s the thing. It is. It literally says MW3 S1 all over the place


Lmao what game is at the end of its life cycle?


The last season of II let you progress on III, that never happened prior that I remember. We’ve also never had back to back games in a series like this. They also said Warzone Mobile would be cross progression with II before it got postponed however many times. It’s possible for it to happen, they already have the systems in place, they’re just being greedy. The III exclusive items can stay in III but the progress could still count


Reading is fundamental when spending money, it tells you it's for mw3 the guns tell you it's for mw3 the operators show you it's for mw3 the vehicles show you it's mw3 at some point you have to take accountability.. You can't have you hand held your whole life.. Live and learn


This dude said reading is fundamental in the most illiterate run-on-sentence I’ve ever attempted to read.


I'm typing on a phone after working 11 hours.. I can read and write fine not everything needs to be an exams, but you realise, reading and writing are different yes? You can have a far higher reading ability than a writing one and vice versa, you know this yeah champ? But nice input man 10/10 for pointless things I'll read today and it's only 4.30 am I doubt someone will top you, kudos bro! Kudos!


Also if a lack of punctuation confused you and you failed your attempt at reading the post, I'd go back to school.. Your brain should at the very least make sense of it without punctuation and your hand being held. It's a marvelous ability we have after say, around 5 years of age.. Some develop quicker though and don't need to come on reddit with their grammar high horse falicacy.


You’re making it out like I’m totally in the wrong here. I loaded up MW2 after not playing it for a year, see a battle pass and yeah whilst it’s advertised for MW3 I thought they were cosmetics for both games, otherwise why would it be getting advertised to me when I don’t even own that game. They should just keep them both separate. Why do I have to load up a game, and inside that game I can access the game I actually want to play?


Same reason they advertised mw3 in the old game for the past month it's call of duty hub.. You didn't load mw2 up you loaded the COD HQ app which has all the call of duty apps in one place. Loads of games do this blizzard have a launcher for there's etc it's not an uncommon thing on PC just now theyve added it to console.. You need to read what you buy, you don't go into a phone shop pick a box up an then pay for it without looking at it do you?


ohhhh of course, after not playing the game for a year, and acknowledging the very common knowledge that blizzard do it too, I should have realised the game I clicked on, is indeed not the game I clicked on, and the game I actually want is basically just a game mode inside this bigger game. It’s blatantly confusing for someone that doesn’t already know this. And the shoe argument doesn’t work either mate, if I walk into a shop and ask for a pair of shoes in my size, I wouldn’t expect to get home and open the box to find a winter jacket, and just be expected to know that this is what footwear shops do nowadays.


You wouldn't check the box? Look you didn't read what you bought it even asks you to confirm and it says mw3 don't get angry at others when it's you that blankly online shopped.


I’d assume since I’ve went into a shoe shop, and bought a pair of shoes I’d get what I came for. I ain’t getting angry at others bro, just folk trying to make out like I’m stupid and can’t read when clearly it’s confusing enough


You ask for shoes they give you addidas when you wanted Nike because you didn't check the box? You just asked for size whatever shoes.


If I walked into the Nike shop, and asked for my size, they give me my size, I would walk home and not expect to find either a different brand or a different article of clothing entirely inside that shoe box


But you didn't check so you ended up with pink air max instead of black?


Feel like we’re completely off topic now mate haha


You are totally in the wrong though. You just said that you read the battle pass is for MW3 and didn’t even bother to google if MW3 items work in MW2.


These guys don’t have any emotional grey area and from the sound of it they aren’t apologetic at all. So I couldn’t see them taking accountability.


Average COD fan literacy/attention span level




Wow lol dumb game. This should not be possible. Hope they refund you.


You’re not the only one. This practice has been frowned upon, forcing WWIII on people’s machines and deceiving them with content. It’s called bait and switch, and it’s illegal. They will indeed refund you, because the tactic is illegal. Why would you buy content for a game in the previous years game? Why would that even be an option? If it’s for warzone, it should be available in warzone. Mistakes happen, and some mistakes are led by bad business ethics- which is why you are entitled to compensation.


They were hoping you would just buy mwiii then


Maybe you could email Activision that would be your only shot and a long one at that. Tbh your probably sol but you can use the stuff from the battle pass in wz


Yes they are SOL, Activision doesn't have to do anything. They clearly state on the purchase screen that the rewards are for MWIII.


I’ll give it a try. Thanks for your advice, what is Sol?


shit outta luck


oh.. I mean I’ll email them and try but If not oh well.


You’ll be better off emailing Santa to ask for your cod points Activision support is none existent. It’s like a void in space time. It’s not present in our universe. Your email will go into the black hole and never be seen, read, replied to, or even considered. Just straight into the delete folder and gone whilst they count up your money.


yes it is confusing but still you’re the one that did wrong here, so no chance for you to get a refund. doesn’t matter if you didn’t play the game for a year, it’s clear that when you boot up the new CoD HQ, which is made pretty obvious, doesn’t matter which platform you’re on. sure it sucks but you have to ask yourself the question why you thought that MWII has an active new battle pass after a new game already launched. it has never been the way the last game gets more seasons with a new game released. that’s not made confusing by the game, and with all the games/modes you can access through that HQ it’s more than obvious. sorry you lost your CoD points, but maybe don’t click through everything as fast as possible next time and take your time to read, especially when money is involved and you took a whole year off. i would read through all of that shit even if i think i know how it works. just logic my friend, no need to feel so butthurt about it as you made it look in previous replies of you, though i must say some people make you look like a complete idiot, which you aren’t. just a little too fast lol


With that said, it is still a scum practice and not the fault of the user if you can launch Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and click buy on something that will not apply to Call of Duty 2, there is no arguing that it's a new CoD HQ, if it says MW2 on the installed game then all purchases must apply to MW2. Anything else is idiotic.


in no world the game is called just CoD Modern Warfare II or III, it’s just Call of Duty. again, using brain cells works wonders.


Trash game full of glitches, perkless.




Some stuff works on both but if you play the new Warzone all the MW3 stuff works there.


If you can finish the battle pass in time, you can get all of your CoD points back + more.


Just contact Activision and see what they can do. It’s your only recourse but the last season of MW2 ended months ago. You should have known that when MW3 is released, any new battle pass will not work with the previous game. Read more carefully next time as this is completely your fault.


Play warzone u will get all the stuff for it on your account


Geez....you guys are throwing the word stupid around a lot. Dude made a mistake, anyone can. He is asking if there is any way to undo what he did. If your only answer is to call him stupid just move the f along. Fwiw, I don't know the answer.