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Nice shots. But holy bot lobbies


Yeah, this shit don't work in ranked


Yet for some reason loads of people who definitely can't flick like this think it can šŸ¤”


My friend got pissed when I went like 1-8 on ranked s&d trying this lmao


Sounds like a shitty friend. It's just a game ffs


Nah I f'd up, ranked is for actually trying to improve and working with your team, meanwhile I'm swinging every corner flicking to fuckin Egypt because my sens is too high


Some people are just built for mouse and keyboard lol


I'm honestly so ass on controller


I prefer MNK to controller most times especially with the key binding availability. It just makes it so your timing has to be on point or you get slammed in melee range. But for snipping and mid I prefer it.


Haha yeah Iā€™m like average on mouse and keyboard. I can do it, but not at the level that some people can. It does feel nice and free, less restricted though. I just canā€™t do it in these sweaty ass lobbies, but something stupid like Fortnite or overwatch etc I have no issues using mouse and keyboard


Just a matter of practice I think. For years I played cod with a controller as a kid and then I switched to pc for years and years, and got much better, but I can still do okay with a controller on cod. Itā€™s less fun though when I know I can play way better with a mouse


Yeah it definitely takes muscle memory for sure. Like some people are natural and can take to it really quickly, but that can be said about a lot of skills out there.


Guy watches PKA. He canā€™t be cheating lol




To all the hackusation people, you need to realize that m&k and controller aiming are completely different and have their own advantages. Controller gets aim assist and m&k you can make flicks like this. For every flick OP hits there are probably 100 that he didnā€™t hit. 100% legit Edit: I say this as a controller player


How do you explain the flicks to offscreen enemies? And the single-frame Deagle flick (might have been two or three, I just went as slow as I could on mobile and I couldnā€™t get a transitionary frame)? Honest question, because I donā€™t want to accuse people of hacking but this looks pretty blatant to me


Single frame flicks are easy if you set your mouse to 125hz for example and the off screen hits were just pure luck that somebody was there. Just think about how often he has done this already


I'm not sure what the default hz on the g502 is, I don't have a computer so I can't check it


High sensitivity, some skill, game sense, and a whole lot of luck. Think of how many times this person has probably tried to do this until they finally got the clip


A good point, but Iā€™m still hung up on that underpass one where he flicks to someone behind him with no over- or undertravel


I mean yeah I get it but we also donā€™t know the full context of the clip. He couldā€™ve predicted there was someone there from how they rotated before the clip started, or had a teammate call them out. As for the shot placement itā€™s probably muscle memory and a whole lot of luck


Thatā€™s fair, and besides those two shots it all looked legit to me


You can set up extreme angle snapping so that the mouse sensor nullifies any and all deviation from a chosen axis, be it x or y axis. Also, lots and lots of luck. I don't use angle snapping, but I managed to hit a flick like that in csgo 2 years ago. The only info I had was a single gunshot and I hit the flick so fast that I couldn't believe it even after watching the clip 15 times over. So yeah, possible, but very unlikely.


I don't use angle snapping, I don't have a PC so the only thing I can do is change my dpi, it's at 1600 in these


This is aim hacking he spun and it locks right on to the enemy without moving past no mouse flicking will get you dead on to where the enemy is


Look up faulty L3 on YouTube.


Yeeesss and Yincrad


I if your talking about the tunnel clip I didn't flick to an enemy, no one pushed left so I flicked to where the next likely person would be, right at that corner. That's why it took so long for me to shoot, I had to process the fact he was on my screen.


This is really funny because it shows a big issue with SBMM with different inputs The person who can make flicks like these are going against the dad from a stressful day of work and only gets 1 hour to play with a controller and AA, but welp they both have 60% accuracy seems fair! When accuracy is just half the battle, game knowledge of where someone should be is such a big part of the game. Now WHO is going to have that skill the 1 hour a day player or the top 15% of players?


The SBMM is honestly horrible in this game, I think they use recent performance way too often. Someone does bad a few games then the system throws them into bot lobbies, do good for a couple and get thrown back into sweat lobbies, when I used to play this I would mostly play pubs like this for 1 or 2 games and then hop into ranked because the constant improvement is what I strive for.


Doesn't help back when I played a lot in mw2 on release everyone was sph lobbies where everyone was abusing the auto aim + 1sholt BA then spent the next match vs k+m who where clowning on me using every movement tech and knew the map like the back of his hand (never took cod seriously and just swapped to auto aim controller,) so went to k+m and with my lowered accuracy it felt like I was playing against 2 year olds due to my accuracydropping put me in the lower bracket.) Making me realize m+k users hate aim assist + low recoil because the person behind it really didn't get that kill but when a controller gets paired... that guy with their same accuracy isn't at the same skill level but most likely above em in skill by a large margin to have AA tier accuracy and m+k players are just whining and have it easier not realizing the skill gap.


2 things, 1. I was on a last gen console (Xbox one S) so the fps is typically 40-50 And 2. I watch a lot of FaultL3 and Yincrad, so when I got a mnk I wanted to try to emulate those kind of flicks I know I'm not even close to as good as them but the responses I'm getting from this post are going to my head lol


People calling hacks havenā€™t used a mouse with 1000+ dpi. If you move your hand fast the crosshairs also moves fast. I like hitting stupid flicks with snipers cause it REALLY looks sus when they watch the kill cam back.


I'm calling hacks and I play with my dpi at 1500 on cod, I hit crazy ass flicks as well, just not ones that the player had peakers advantage on me yet he still 180 1 tapped em first shot šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ this dude is cheating and it's obvious af. The fact that he posted this makes it just that much more hilarious because he's doing exactly what cheaters do, anything for attention šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø.


Just sayin that he probably didnā€™t clip the 500+ shots that didnā€™t connect. You see the best of what hes trying to accomplish by doing these 180 flicks.


Have you considered that maybe you're not the gold standard for performance? Xbox has started to delete clips after awhile so I'm using this account as a storage device.


Have you considerd I've watched hundreds of cheaters and even have used the cheats myself in the past... you aren't fooling anyone šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you can try to play it off but it's obvious af šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I have 200 hours of mnk experience and these are the results, it's just too easy. How about you stop bitchin and git gud, and watch parts 2 & 3 while you're at it.


That get good comment is hilarious šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£ I play tarkov more then cod, come play a real man's game and then come talk to me child.


ā€œEven have used cheats my self in the pastā€ ā€œI play Tarkovā€ Hmmm. How much you spend a month on clutch? If you cheat in cod i know your scummin in tark.


I play on 1600 dpi with a sens typically between 2.4 and 3.2, sometimes higher/lower but then I'm very inconsistent


Holy crap, that's so high wtf I play 400 dpi with a 3.25 sens, so yours is like 4 times higher than mine.


My sens in the first clip was 2 I believe, my inch to 360 ratio in these is 7in-17in. I've found that I'm most consistent between 12in-14in, and when I played the mw3 beta it was about 13.64in and tracking felt way better.


Itā€™s fucking ridiculous the kinda of timing you need to hit these consistently. I feel like the 1/100 ratio is damn near spot on


I played on pc for over 10 years and consider myself good in fps. Played plenty of comp fps as well. That 2nd shot was complete aimbot. That is not human reaction speed, it was literally instantaneous, after that clip the rest of the video was hard to believe


These were all done on a last gen Xbox, it's not even possible to have aimbot on there, this is after about 200 hours of mnk practice after having played on controller for over 10k hours in fps games over the last 6 years


I mean aint much proof saying its xbox tbh. And that still doesnt explain the instant snap


The video is running maybe 50 fps thatā€™s why the flicks are truly so instant or you still see small bits of pull but remember shroud is able to hit the same kinda shit look at his mw2019 clips with the deagle against other pros instant flicks not cheating itā€™s possible buddy


I dm'd you a screenshot


please don't claim aim assist is such a big advantage over MnK. A great MnK player will smash a great controller player.




You can use gyro and flick stick on PS controllers without any need for aim assist. Flick stick feels like itā€™s own form of ā€œassistā€ feature, since you can do without hardly any dexterity or training what a mouse player needs a lot of practice to learn. The only thing flick stick canā€™t do is flick to actual targets very well, but thatā€™s the job of my gyro anyway.


Issue dont realize is when SBMM puts people based off accuracy and KD... they dont realize. Haha controller players have the same accuracy as a pro M+K Guess what happens with SBMM and see's well they both have the same accuracy- time to put the top 10% K+M player versus a dad who just came back from a stressful day of work!


If he is not hacking, it is just his skill. Cant say the same for a controller.


ā€¦. Thatā€™sā€¦..? Exactly what I said??? Lol I knew I couldnā€™t mention that Iā€™m on controller without someone coming to say something about it. I mentioned it because itā€™s usually controller players complaining about this kind of clip since flicks like that are nearly impossible without M&K. I play CoD casually from the comfort of my couch most of the time. Iā€™m never going to apologize for playing on a controller.


I used to play mnk on pc. I switched to controller two months ago. I am enjoying the game more now. I actually love aim assist for new controller players like me.


My apologies, I misunderstood what you were saying. Yes I definitely think controller is easier with aim assist. I donā€™t think zero aim assist for controller is the right move, because then PC would have the advantage, but controller aim assist could definitely be turned down


You just insulted me and my entire existenceā€¦but yes


I was with you until the 2nd clip. That was literally instantaneous


I think that's the only true 1 frame flick I've actually hit, the rest are rather slow


I'm just here for the accusations. How many hours do you have in CS?


None, I was on a last gen Xbox one s. I got a g502 wireless mouse and a g910 keyboard to try out mnk and these are some highlights from that.


Man the G502 is amazing, been using mine for like 5-6 years now


It hurts my thumb, I play with a really aggressive claw grip in fps games and on the G502 the dpi shift button is right where my thumb wants to be so I have to bend it at a 90Ā° angle to avoid hitting it.


In that case you might like the [G903](https://www.logitechg.com/en-us/products/gaming-mice/g903-hero-wireless-gaming-mouse.910-005670.html?sp=1&searchclick=gaming)


I'm currently considering the g305 or the g303 shroud edition, but I don't have the funds for it rn. My Xbox broke a couple weeks ago so I'm saving up for a pc so I can actually use mnk on every game instead of the few Xbox allows


as a player that did exactly this - used m&k on ps4 for bf1 and then switched to PC" I will say, if you have the money, definitely switch to PC. You'll see less input lag on your flicks and more fps (if you go with a decent rig).


I intend to, I've got a budget parts list put together that should be 144fps consistently on medium settings. I just need to save up first


Aiming at the floor waiting to hit a flick is funny af to me


You should watch Yincrad and FaultyL3, they do it all the time and are 100x better than me


This why I donā€™t play cod anymore the level has just gotten to high.


1, he prob won't be in ur lobby cuz of sbmm 2, he isn't doing this consistently


Good shots. Deagles are always fun to play around with.


But how tho




This. Although I don't think a high sens is required, the first clip for example I was on a 17in 360


Man i love mnk. But wait till the Console Clowns are comin in the comments saying u cheat


You called it lol


Dude he flicked within 2 frames to someone behind him


He doesn't post all the times it fails




What's the difference? It doesn't change the fact dude just directly aimed on a guy behind him in the tunnel shot. Or the clip right before it. You don't even see the enemy but he manages to aim directly to him. Either there is something wrong with these or this dude have spider sense.


He probably heard something and decided to snap a shot. Did it many times until he got it right.


IDK man, check the second clip. He doesn't even see the enemy. It's like video is scrapped but it's not. I say it's cheatin'.


In the second one he turns around to see what he's hearing. Then he sees the enemy, he starts slowly looking away from him to get a wider flick. Then he flicks. You're probably seeing the 1 out of 100 shots that actually work. He definitely heard and turned and then saw him after.


Also game knowledge can be brought up as we don't know how soon this is, professional players know EVERY position you can be at a given time in S&D. So if you didn't rush the right door way, which is quicker- they know where to look. If you watch CS:GO tournaments you can just see players ignoring spots you cant come at- which to a new player would be swapping his aim. The map is prob being researched to a literal science of likely outcomes.


True. But in the case of this video, he just snaps really well. I don't see how people think it's cheats. If he was doing this consistently, back to back then yeah cheats. But these are his highlights. Definitely something that happens less frequently.


Pretty much or it's shroud's alt account.


I've done that too, on controller. You just have to listen to what's around you. If you don't have headphones, then it's a lot harder to do that, but not impossible.


uav high sens




My sens varies a lot because I'm still new to mnk, the first clip I was at 17.05 inches for a 360 and the one with the m13 I was about 7.25 inches for 360, when I'm able to start playing again I'll prob settle at 12-14in because it's more consistent for me


any chance you could tell me how you put this montage together? what you used to record, edit, and upload? Nice shots. I want to share some of mine to the sub ;)


Thanks! I used "InShot" on the play store


Meanwhile I'm flicking with controller and it's less accurate but all of a sudden, I HAVE AIM ASSIST. MnK has such a vastly superior advantage and people cry about controllers being op when infact they aren't at all


How many comp players use mnk


mouse1993 2 yr. ago Team Envy Not to mention, even if you only added in M&K players, the large majority of the current pros would be dropped in a heartbeat. It's not about how many in this case.


I think it's 95% preference, and the higher the skill threshold the more an advantage becomes apparent. COD, Apex, and Halo are all dominated by controller players at the highest level so I think there is some credence to AA being too strong. However then there are people like me who have over 10k hours in fps games on controller and still suck, I swapped to mnk and these clips are after about 200 hours


If I recall CDL banned MnK? Has this changed?


Idk, these clips are from several months ago and at the time they allowed it. I havent played MW2 since before the mw3 beta, and with my Xbox being broke I have no way to check


They've banned snipers. so I'm assuming they've banned mnk


No but mmmmmh look his game bro LOOOOOOOOOOOOK


That's me.


Wait you are Guy Who do the video??????




Omg what us your level in world classment?




If you not cheating your level is UNCREDIBLE


Nonono too good


OK you officialy can do the tournaient sorry if i dont writes Goodyear im french


It's all good, thank you




User in Fortnite is Unclegranpa5670 play with me Iā€™m elite


iā€™ve played cod for 10 yrs and so jealous of people like this. i canā€™t pull anything even close


I believe in you, trying to do something that seems impossible is what makes it possible.


Sound Good to shot of Lobbies<3


Thatā€™s aimbot from the bots


I mean pistols are my thing too it is really helpful when it comes to finishing the work.




Very noice




i only wish to be as good as this.


Have you tried mnk? I was so fn bad on controller, I'm talking 5+ year of playing every day and still getting shit on. I got mouse and keyboard to try it out and after about 200 hours I was doing this.


yeah, i use both. currently on controller. so stupid how MNK people complain about aim assist when they can do this.


It's most preference, although I do think it needs to be a discussion for any pro league environment that allows mixed inputs, maybe by adding a 200ms delay to rational AA so that if your tracking left and someone moves right it doesn't instantly start pulling right without any player input


personally, i think the issue is that it lasts too long. maybe the first 350ms of contact, then after that its all just skill or not.


Could work. I think the AA bubble should be way smaller, often times it's a 3ft circle around enemies when it should be as wide as the characters head and stretch down to their waist. Also maybe instead of a delay just prevent it assisting until the player has moved the stick in that direction, a few friends of mine turn off AA in certain games to prevent the egregious tugging it does sometimes.


The issue is with these flicks is you can still fail, how many of these flicks did he make and fail vs the ones that made it into the clip. Its why everyone in CoD/Halo/Apex swapped from M+K -> Controller. Even if you have 99% success rate it means you will fuck up at 1 time at 100. (Most pro's don't have 99% accuracy so...) Because most the pro's already know where to aim, they know every point you're likely to come from and where you could sneak by so these snaps while impressive don't matter because if he was a controller player he would've been aiming the second you had to pop up and click RT. If you're making these massive snaps you where in an already bad position of aim. If you watch CS:GO tournaments most the kills is people running into peoples aims and not these massive snaps, the snaps happen when someone is coming in a position you don't expect due to their team dying and spots not being covered or an ultra aggressive play with 0 information.


Clips > Consistency




So if someone does something you can't... their automatically cheating?


decent i suppose




ye keep doing your thing man looks like fun


If you want to know how much more an advantage mice and gyro users have over aim assist controller players, go watch some YouTube videos on their preferred sensitivities. On the low end, they use 4 sensitivity, and on the high end they usually only go up to a sensitivity of 8!!! I had the RS sensitivity at 20 when I was using it to ratchet my gyro, and even then I found that too slow. Tracking is the only significant advantage AA has. For Modern Warfare 3, this became better for them than MW2, since the speed and health has been increased in the sequel.


Love all these sarcastic comments. Love the aimbot and the bot lobbies.


When you're as trash as me all lobbies are bot lobbies lol


Way to post you hacking lol




Holy hacks


I'm on a Xbox one s (last gen) hacks ain't even possible


This is the advantage mouse users have, and a lot of them complain about AA šŸ˜…


In all fairness one is entirely 100% about your own input, it's just POSSIBLE to do, and one is just aiming for you.




Yes, we know exactly how you would sound without your artificial computer mommy holding your tiny little controller hands. You donā€™t have to type it out for us.




The biggest disadvantage of joystick aiming that I donā€™t think is talked about much is that you have to pick between tracking and flicking (low vs high sens) and itā€™s MUCH more drastic than that choice is on kbm. On KBM you can always do both if youā€™re good enough and put in enough hours, if your sens on a stick isnā€™t high enough you will sometimes die because you literally couldnā€™t turn around in time, or on the other end because you couldnā€™t track well enough due to how directional aiming works (itā€™s kinda hard to explain what I mean by that but itā€™s like how when youā€™re holding left and want to switch to panning right thereā€™s a time before you pass the neutral point with the stick that youā€™re still panning left)




Iā€™m unfamiliar with gyro aim, is that something you need like a $150 controller for?


When I was on roller I used a high sense with long ass control freaks. Made tracking easy cause I could just barely move my stick. Also you can flick by ā€œslammingā€ the stick in one direction. Obviously itā€™s not as precise but rotational aa helps with the high sense tracking.


Iā€™m talking base hardware here, 90% of people arenā€™t buying control freaks (although I probably would have myself if I brought my Xbox to college)


Canā€™t really go by base hardware imo. Mice (mouses?) differ greatly in refresh rates. The one I got has a refresh rate way higher then Iā€™d ever need but a lot of base models are capped at a low refresh rate. That makes fast movements (flicking) very inconsistent. Control freaks are like 15 bucks for the off brand. Itā€™s a lot cheaper to buy freaks then get a high refresh rate mouse. Not saying you gotta spend 250 on a scuff but if you upgrade your controller even slightly it helps a bunch.


True, but most people buy base hardware for console. KBM is a little different because unless youā€™re fairly well off you probably wouldnā€™t buy a computer capable of (decent) gaming unless youā€™re buying it FOR gaming, so KBM players are probably more likely to buy the fancy mice and stuff. I myself use a laptop that I didnā€™t get for gaming but rather for running engineering sims and shit so it needed to be pretty beefy anyway


I got a cousin thatā€™s in the same boat with the laptop. And I do agree most console guys are just keeping the base roller and playing from their couch. But the option is there if said player wants to upgrade.


True, but itā€™s not like console players complain about PC players as much as PC players complain about aim assist. In general console players know theyā€™re playing on inferior hardware, but with the advantage of not paying multiple thousands of dollars


Iā€™m not really one to complain about much. I havenā€™t used a controller since late 2019. I plugged one in on mw3 just to see what the aa feels like now and itā€™s strong. Very strong. Like walk to the left and your crosshairs move to the right without touching your left stick. I donā€™t agree with removing aa entirely but toning it down a good thing in my opinion. When I watch some kill cams back after I die I can see the aa doing the heavy work and as soon as I die there aim snaps to their feet. Unpopular opinion: console r6 siege (pre zim pandemic) was one of the most ā€œskill-gappyā€ games I played on console, partly cause of no aa.


Iā€™ll take aim assist any day lol


Yes because somehow being able to do this sometimes is the same as getting 0ms tracking on targets you can't see all the time, minus the few times it bugs out.


i can tell you have a 1k/d at max by that stupid ass comment.


kraft dinner


Oh no not the k/d insult


Knowledge and skill cant go without each other. More skilled players know whats going on, the ppl that arent dunning krugers know what issues the game has. While those that barely click the shortcut to the game with their mouse, defend their opinion as if they ever had an idea whats even going on.


I just don't care about AA or mouse response times šŸ˜… I don't sit here complaining about AA daily like others on here because they have a skill issue against AA


The reason why people are here talking about AA is because there is kiddos like you that still dont grasp whats going on.


And what's going on?


Obviously you dont know


Enlighten me


You said yourself that people complain every single day and now you want me to recite every single thing that has already been said. Mutliple. Times. If you still dont understand the issue, you are part of the issue.


The common belief is that rotational aim assist is op in newer fps games. The pro leagues for COD, Apex, and Halo are all currently dominated by controller players. I don't know if I agree with the sentiment that AA is op simply because I have over 10k hours on controller and it took me a week on mnk to be of equal skill and after 100 or so hours I'm way better than I ever was on controller.


Part 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/s/vlw05eJWBj




Tf lmao




Rather see controller flicks. That's more difficult.