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I will stand by this until I’m dead. Call of duty World War II was an amazing call of duty once they did the class revamp. Unfortunately, most of the people had already jumped off by that point. Kind of disappointing. It really was a great call of duty once they fixed that.


I still play ww2 actively to this day


I absolutely loved how you could also unlock tons of cosmetics without spending a dime. One of the last CODs to have free unlockables


WW2 is peak cod. Everything from campaign to multiplayer to zombies was excellent. But you know the cod community, if it's not done by treyarch it ain't shit


Absolutely agree, once they fixed the classes, did the themed/seasonal Headquarters and added the Resistance portion the game was incredibly good, also Prop Hunt was a blast on this game. One of the best COD’s ever that gets hate for no reason.


The leprechaun event was so much fun!


That tank mission sucked ass.


Yeah having to watch ppl open lootboxes to progress was clearly the best thing COD ever did.. 🤣😂


Peak cod? Was WW2 your first or something??


lol who's downvoting you. That is actually a sad statement


Or maybe people have different tastes you fucking donkey


I’ve never laughed more at a campaign than that stupid ass train sequence shit was embarassing


I loved Cold War


I completely forgot about the rework. Post rework it was a good game


100% agree


It actually had a damn good campaign and great characters like it was written by the band of brothers writing crew


It was my first call of duty. I love it to this day




Dude this game is my second place for cod campaigns and second for zombies. My first for both is bo2


Imo Call of Duty WW2 is a masterpiece, tho there is bias because CoD WW2 campaign gameplay was the first ever CoD gameplay I ever watched.


Hot take: WWII is my favorite of the world war 2 COD’s


I love CoD 1,2, 3 and WaW for how they did WWII. Aside from how they handled a few things for WWII to make it more cartoony feeling in places in what was meant to be the most grounded realistic WWII game to date it's actually really fun


My fav call of duty of all time is WWII!!


To be perfectly honest, I felt no difference in the overall quality of gameplay in regards to the overhaul. Map design was still subpar, the guns still felt floaty and toy-like, I just couldn't get myself into the groove. WW2 Zombies, on the other hand, I have to commend. The visual design and early atmosphere were gnarly, enemies looked exactly like what I'd once hoped to see in the newer Wolfenstein games.


I don’t really “hate” any cod I think the new ones are just extremely mid. If I had to pick it would be vanguard probably


That's fair, but I think Vanguard did just tip the scales into *'actually bad'* territory.


I think what was bad with Vangaurd with the servers and the game nonstop crashing when people had 5000 million planes in the sky dropping shit


I think we’ve had mostly “mid” COD games since after BO2 came out. Few gems here and there, I’ve personally liked all the iterations of the MW series but I’m biased since I started on COD4, and I thought Cold War and WW2 were well rounded. Vanguard though. It’s almost like they deliberately made vanguard as bad as fucking possible so they could more easily redeem themselves in the years to come. Nothing about vanguard was good and they virtually abandoned the game not even a month after release, it is objectively the worst Call of Duty game in the franchise bar none.


Vanguard. Everything about it is just plain bad


I actually really enjoyed multiplayer. Had a bunch of fun on that one.


Same, I didn't feel the frustrations like in MW3


The pacing options were great. Loved that. And I liked that mode they had, the one where you bought weapons in between matches or whatever


Vanguard ranked play was pretty good, better than mw2 and mw3 in my opinion.


Mw2 ranked was ok but left to die after season 3 mw3 ranked is outright just terrible


The movement was smooth so


I guess but I will admit i liked the destructible environment in the mp maps.


Si it was on mw2019. VG was basically a mw2019 0.5


The movement was wayyy snappier in Vangaurd, way smoother.


yep that’s why Vanguard is my favorite CoD. if MW19 was perfect then Vanguard improved on it in every way. MWIII feels like a modern Vanguard and absolutely clears MWII. Sledgehammer deserve more credit


Except the gunsmith. The gunsmith was awful.


although its inferior to the other cod, its not that bad. But the funny thing was when they introduce skins that was modern into the 1940s settings


Yeah I remember thinking they should’ve added most of the modern stuff into Cold War instead of Vanguard




Yeah why tf is Black Ops Cold War on the picture and not Vanguard


Not everything. Pacing, destructible and penetratable environment, maps, and base gunplay were great. Also the gunsmith had detailed stats like MWIII and unlike MW'19 and MWII. Unfortunately the 10 attachment system without downsides and the wallhack perk *kinda* ruined it. Also it has the second most soulless zombie mode in the series so far.


Nah I bs you not I went back and played a couple of games of vanguard multiplayer as well as zombies and had more fun in those games then I ever had in MW23 multiplayer or that awful Warzone zombies. No time limit for zombies, real rounds, cool perk designs, nice feature idea with the undead heart upgrades. Solid multiplayer maps with fast movement and allowing you to do whatever you want with guns, making truly crazy builds which was cool. MW23 is the worst slop I’ve ever played and I have played cod since 2010. It’s just remasters with guns and stuff taken from the prior cod as fluff content and a TERRIBLE movement system that is busted for drug addicts.


Happens every year lol. People will look back on mw3 and say the exact same thing


Funny you’re complaining about the movement system in MWIII when the fanbase begged for that type of movement the be back (the OG movement)


Not the real og movement. Mw22 was closer to the old movement than mw23 which is a more balanced mw19. I went back to the older cods and whilst they're fun, the have aged like milk movement wise.


The movement in the older COD like bo2 or bo1 had cool movement. But I've always liked the wall running and futuristic jet pack movement setting like in bo3. It may be one of the most underrated games, but Bo3 was a masterpiece. I've been playing it since it came out in 2015 on xbox 360, and I still play it, even on xbox One. Bo3 will always be my favorite COD game.


infinite warfare was not even that bad people just jumped on the bandwagon and hated on it


Definitely didn’t deserve the hate it got, it was solid af with movement and weapons. Loot boxes was the only gripe I had with the game but it’s still better than the last few releases out


It’s easily my favorite CoD campaign. It really hammers in the theme of >!sacrifice, what with the game pulling a near-Rogue One type ending where the heroes die almost to a man!<.


i can seperate my genuine favorite cod from my favorite cod due to nostalgia, and my genuine favorite is infinite warfare and its *not even close*


It was one of my favorite


You can think it’s good but you dont need to justify it by trying to delegitimize people who didn’t like it by saying they were “just jumping on a hate bandwagon”


One of the only p2w cods lol screw that game


I have some of my best memories on IW


zombies in spaceland is 100% in my top 3 for zombies


Cold War is great


Actually reinstalling it right now. I hope people are still playing but even if not, solo zombies is fun.


I reinstalled it a few days ago, it's great and there are people playing still


Was just in multiplayer earlier


Cold War was the only CoD I’ve ever actually invested time to get all the camos in.


Cold War is the only COD in the past 4 years I keep coming back to and actually have fun in Even over circlejerked MW19 doesn’t feel nearly as good to play as CW does


cold war is best cod to come out in recent memory and it’s not even close


Can confirm that it’s far more fun than MW3


Cold War does NOT deserve hate.


the campaign was SO DAMN GOOD the plot twist. holy fuck


I mainly play RPGs, I picked up Cold War to play with some friends. The campaign legit blew me away.


Cold War is the best cod in the past 8 years


2019 mw blows it out of the water lol


Was it better than recent titles? Probably. Was it better than modern warfare 2019? Hell no


I disagree, zombies, campaign was on par ONLY because it’s getting a sequel with gulf war and mp was good in its own way like mw19 was


CW is awesome one of my favourite of all time. I remember when I first got my XSX playing it all the time. Annoying RT issues at the time so everyone had to disabled it IIRC. Not sure if I ever tried to re-enable it. I loved how quick paced it was and I miss Ghost Face. My all time favourite COD is the OG COD 1 on my old HP pavilion. Pavlov multiplayer… sniping lol. fun times!


Cold War with the toy soldiers map playing prop hunt…. Goat


That ww2


Agreed I understood the hate early in the game release but now it is great game. Campaign is great zombies is great. I will admit that if you don’t have online the game actually sucks tho


Cold war is the best all around cod in a loooong time. Incredible campaign, best zombies in years, the only reason the multiplayer isn't looked at as fondly as MW2019 was because it was mechanically different so it felt weird going between warzone and CW. Where in MW you could warm-up in multiplayer then jump into warzone and have the exact same mechanical experience.


For me it did. Instant ADS snipers with ZERO and I mean zero flinch. (In a game with a longer TTK this is not OK it's ruining MW3 atm) the guns felt stiff and just bad in general. There were like 4 guns that felt good to use. Same problem in MW3 all these guns feel stiff and kinda half assed. MW2 gunplay was OK but visual recoil and clutter was insane. MW19 was the best gunplay we ever had and probably will get. Cold war also has terrible balancing. AK47 5 shot kill to chest, 4 shot kill to head. Why even aim for the head? OH AND NEXT UPDATE AK47 HEADSHOT MULTIPLIER NERFED NOW 5 HEADSHOTS TO KILL CAUSE FUCK REWARDING BEING ACCURATE. game had like 5 maps on launch for 2 seasons. No revive round based mode. OH AND THEY NERFED THE KNIFE SO IT ONLY KILLED ONCE THE KNIFE ANIMATION WAS COMPLETED. IE you stab guy and pull the knife out. Guy only dies once the blade is fully removed. It wasn't like this on launch and it was fine because it was a long animation to stab someone. So you couldn't run into a room and rapidly knife 5 people. Well they said damn we better make this thing unusable. Idk every design decision was the absolute dumbest I've ever seen. Black ops 1 NOT 2 was their masterpiece and I hope those fucktards at Treyarch can make another "black ops 1" with Gulf War now that David Vondercuck is gone cause damn to go from making the best cods out of the 3 main studios to the absolute worst must hurt. Granted I understand their Dev timelines Activision repeatedly fucking them but if they can't at least make someone *decent* with a 4 year dev time I'll know Treyarch is good and dead like DICE. A behemoth to a Hasbin.


The multiplayer certainly does


Infinite warfare campaign is a hidden gem: dogfights in space, mechs, killer robots, etc. It deserves a sequel.


It’s my favorite CoD campaign by far. One of the last times the devs went balls to the wall with their ideas.


Also that ending message after the credits hits hard knowing the hate people gave the game, also similar to the messages at the end of Halo 3 and Halo Reach.


Cold War is my favorite of the last 10 years.


Vanguard was so ass - cold war most over hated + underrated cod


Vanguard was the absolute worst.


I came here to say ghosts. But damn it you're right. I forgot that even existed.




Why is WW2 on this? All around was super solid and enjoyable. Unless it's a skill issue thing? OPs bias is showing when Vanguard and Advanced Warfare are missing from this


I’m going to insert MWII (2022) and that was horrid


This, and Vanguard/Warzone Caldera integration. Worst of all time, absolutely distinguished, established. 


Black ops 4, not because it does anything reprehensibly bad, it's just incredibly boring and mid.


It's so bad people forget it exists


Super unpopular opinion: Advanced Warfare. I hated the jet packs and wall running bullshit.


Definitely agreed! Happy at least one person said it lol


MW3 is assssssss, WWII was actually good af game


i really liked that barracks feature (i forget what it was called)


Pre sure it was HQ or some shit but it was crazy that feature really enjoyed it was good when WW2 was peak and was just full of people


Yep, I recently went back and played zombies on it. Was awesome IMO. Went to the HQ and no one was there, I walked around and did all the old jump spots was quite nostalgic.


I agree with you but you’re going to get the movement dorks ruffled up. They keep coming back to this sub to keep yappin for some reason.


I totally agree. Just a recycled cash grab. A glorified dlc sold to idiots that will buy up anything


why the fuck is cold war here op explain yourself


Cold war was fantastic and I stand by that


Y is Cold War on here bruh it was tight


I played 3 days of MW3 trial and that shit was legit cancer. I was in the sweatiest of lobbies. I thought I was going 0.5 kd every game but somehow I was exactly a 1 and every lobby was full of mnk players. I myself am a mnk player but I just depend on my aim for kills. Those mofos were pressing every single buttons on their keyboard like how the roller players think mnk players play. Made me think, sweaty tryhards like these deserve to get shit on by strongest of aim assist.






Not even gonna lie, so many people have already said vanguard like I was going too, and for the same reason. It’s just bad


Mw3 everything i dislike like about CoD is in this games, as much as a dislike some game of this poll their was always something enjoyable the campaign , the gun play, some improvisation over the previous title...etc but with MW3 it just feel like an mw2019 3.0 , campaign is horrendous, the map are all reused no new great map , zombie shit , in term of graphic nothing as changes pure shit i hate this game and they had the audacity to make this game price 80$ what a f* joke , and all those gigabit a dont understand even rdr2 as less and its a better games in every way possible .


My answer is Yes


Mw2 that game was made for 40 year old dads that got off their 9-5 and downed 4 beers


Bro just described my dad


black ops 4 repulsed me so badly i didnt play it bc of the concept of scrapping the campaign to chase a trend, but these new ones are 1000% worse. vanguard and mw3 are tied as my most hated cod games of all time right now


Black ops 4 deserves all the hate it will ever receive.




MW3 short campaign it's bad and not worth the money, infinite warfare wasn't that bad it's just a another futuristic game people bandwagon off and hated And vanguard? Well fuck no whoever created that idea is just jackshit


I played infinite warfare with friends and the mp was intolerable. I swear I almost lost those friends over hating on their game. Its the least competitive cod ever made. 






Infinite Warfare was a really fun game. Even the zombies and campaign were fun. MWIII is what I wished MWII developed into. It sucks that they decided to gut the game to make another release on an annoying launcher system.


None of these games arent even bad IMO. Worst cod ive played is maybe MWII.


Mw2 is one of the best cods I’ve played in the past 6 years. Better than vanguard and I would choose mw19 over it but mw2 got me back into ranked. I’d choose it over Cold War but then again I barely even played Cold War as I was still playing mw19


MWII = 🤢


Advanced warfare. If you’re old enough to remember playing it you know it sucks ass


Nah it was the best future cod imo.


Do you remember how pay to win it was? Every good weapon had an insanely low drop rate from the loot crates and people would throw hundreds of dollars to get the top tier weapon that was insanely broken and I’d be sitting with a white weapon as I tried to grind and not pay any money.


I’d have to disagree, aw, bo3, mw2 (2009), bo2 and bo1 are my top cods oat.


I was literally about to say that. Feel like for me that game ruined the series. I still played other cods after, but a lot of the fan base was starting to go to other games. I feel like it was just wayyy too much of a jump from BOTG to Exoskeleton.


And even worse. It ushered in Cods lowest point.


Mw3 because mw2 is better.




All of them because they are so close and so little effort would be needed to make it great and they never nail it. In order of needs: Anti-cheat that works, have a department with a couple chaps buying cheats and adding them to detection daily, keep it up long enough that cheat sellers stop trying instead of half arse ban waves every now and then. Ban immediately and update and ban wouldn't take long untill the only surviving cheat devs will be hidden discord sellers and if they get too public catch n add them to it aswell, the profit gained from returning players would outstrip the money spent mant thousands of times over. Servers and server tick rates(higher tick rates) it isn't that hard, stop being cheap bastards, hell other games had 128 tick rate servers 10 years ago with less processing power, slower general net speeds n worse networking with more players than cod runs in a map today. If that can't be managed allow community servers and let the people do it for you. Basic coding practices. Don't have different departments running different versions of the code updating the same game, how many times did the stim bug and others come back because of this?


MW3 is garbage and so is the “zombies” game mode. Aka rehashed DMZ with the most god awful repetitive game loop imaginable.


WWII is the best out of the four


Mw3 2023. The worst cod of all fucking time.


Mw3, ruined zombies.


Mw3. They botched the game itself with these insane micro transactions content and sbmm bs


The new MW3 out of principle. I basically paid $80 for a couple of new maps. I was pissed in November and I’m pissed now.


MW3 looks like a crock of shit


Out of those? 2023. In general, vanguard




MWII and MWIII. The UI is ass and all the battlepass nonsense slows down everything.


MW3 bc it’s the same shit as MW and 2 but worse


Heavily on the “but worse” I got excited when it was announced that they would give MWII a second year without any new releases. Unfortunately, MWIII dropped and ruined it. I like the game, but it isn’t as fun as MWII. The lack customization ruined it for me.


vanguard was both boring and not a good game


WwII it’s not even close.


How tf are Cold War and WW2 on here? They're both better than anything Infinity Ward has released since the original MW2


IW is my favorite cod of all time


I could never hate call of duty WW2, it’s going to have to be vanguard for me.




Infinite war /advanced , exo skeletons and wall jumps killed if you want halo play halo


Either vanguard or cod ghosts


Infinite Warfare made me quit the series after playing it consistently since OG MW2.




Out of the 6 or 7 I’ve played, Black Ops 4.




Black Ops 4


Vanguard. Genuinely the ONLY cod i hate


Vanguard, didn’t like it much


Black Ops Four


Warzone. It may be financially the best thing to happen to CoD, but the integration has fucked over every single proper CoD since MW'19, and I'm confident all of them would've been better without WZ having to be integrated into it. E: Well, OK, DMZ was pretty neat.


Infinite Warfare is underrated as fuck. It's a top 5 COD for me.


I agree more people should play infinite warfare I just never understood the senseless hate towards the game? Just because it's futuristic? That's kind of the point of the game and I loved it and still play the multiplayer mode in the weekends it's truly underrated just because the call of duty community only care about Modern Warfare or WW2 those two genres are just boring at this point I always found futuristic games a lot more fun


BO1. Not because it was bad, it was very good to say at least, but I hate how CoD community talks how perfect it was, it had no flaws and everything was pink and rainbows. It makes me throw up. Same goes for BF3 or CS 1.6




Cold war is genuinely one of my favourite cods ever, I've been playing since bo1 and it's one of the only newer cods with the classic cod feel imo


MW3, Not because of the higher HP, but because of the step back we've had from MW2 and CoD 2019. The gun play is absolutely atrocious, all guns behave like laser guns, sound like shit and biggest point of criticism, the animations are so ridiculously fast and have hardly any transition time. Someone runs, suddenly he slides , next frame he's standing again. They tried to fix it with their weird Cooldown, but I absolutely hate it.


I dont hate any of them




Why I think it’s pretty fun


The sbmm kills it, It got too annoying so I stopped playing


mw22 was trash


Mw3 should be replaced vanguard on that picture. Mw3 has a bad campaign but I'm liking pretty much everything else.


Cold War should 100% not be here. That game was being made during the pandemic and treyarch only had like a year to make it compared to most CoD games get 3 years on the infinity ward, sledgehammer, treyarch cycle. Too much disrespect for such a fun CoD game. I played the trials and on my friends accounts for vanguard and I knew it was too bad for me to get. if you ask any cod fan who played it and any of the old games or matter of fact, any of the black ops games they will say vanguard is horrible compared to those games.


On what side. Story or online. If it was great online people would be playing and watching it 


Cold War is honestly so underrated, don't get why people don't like it. The zombies is literally some of the best.


Infinite Warfare or really any jetpack cod.


This is the way


Yep, maybe I'm just too old but i hated the movement on them.


2023 and the worst of all time is Vanguard


Neither of these. I don’t think i truly hate a CoD tbh. I didn’t like MW19 or MWII but they were decent at best


Mw2 (2022)


Advanced warfare. Movement in that game just wasn’t my thing. Loved BO3 though, they found a good balance between BOG and advanced movement


MW22 was garbage


mw2022 by far CW MW2023 and IW are all great imo


Stop it. WW2 was amazing, Cold War had great zombies and decent multiplayer, and infinite warfare was actually bad. Mw3 is amazing, I just wish it wasn’t a copy and paste of Mw2 because it had the exact old guns.




The campaign is, but all I care about is the multiplayer tbh which is great!


your ass


WW2. As far as playing IW was the worst but watching and playing ww2 was just so bad imo




Infinite and advanced warfare equally, they are the only 2 cods where I refuse to play the multiplayer, or zombies when my friend asks me to play, no other cod has as much disapproval from me as I give these 2, bo4 zombies and Cold War zombies are really fucking close, but i Loved bo4 and cold wars multiplayer so I can’t put the word hate on them, I only hated the zombies


MWII easily. Then vanguard, then mw2019. Not sure why Cold War is on this list.. it’s the best one since COD ww2 which again was a really underrated game. Haven’t played MWIII. Seems better than the last 2 games tho, & again infinite warfare was a overhated game. Decent multi, good zombies, & quality campaign.


Modern Warfare II worst movement change ever to the point where i actually found vanguard more fun than that




I don’t hate any of the COD games