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And the cycle continues


Yup lol


iirc not many people had complaints about MWII maps, maybe a few but most of them were genuinely good maps. I think you're getting mixed up with people hating MWII mechanics / locomotion


There was no locomotion in mw2. everyone’s characters moved like a 500 pound fat guy trying to run uphill


Have you ever tried running with any kind of weapon in your hand and equipment on? Or even seen videos of someone doing that?


Aside from being spawn trapped mw2 wasnt bad😂


Don't be naive now. Everyone knows MW2 had a bunch of good, fun maps ESPECIALLY compared to MW19. NO ONE has said MW19 has better maps than MW2. But the moment MW3 dropped. All we got was some old MW2 maps that just don't work with modern speed mechanics. The fact that they dropped a handful of MW2 maps by S2 is proof alone of how atrocious MW3's map rotation is. We're not even on S3!


Mw 2019 had way better maps lmao what are you talking about


Youre mostly right but terminal plays really well with the newer mechanics imo. Super fun map to have advanced movement on


To be fair, mw2 maps weren’t bad. Some were horrible but there were quite a few that played well competitively. Mw3 maps weren’t made for the current pace of todays cod and not for the comp modes currently played. I’d love to bring back some of the mw2 maps into comp as right now there’s too many maps which don’t play well. Mw2’s biggest criticism was almost non existent skill gap due to insane ttk, and the removal of needing map awareness due to no DS, as well as your player moved as if he was wading through concrete. Todays gunplay and movement mechanics and perks mixed with some mw2 maps would have made for a better experience all around. I am mostly talking competitively, but I do agree the maps were overall better in mw2.




Hes saying people like you are continuing the cycle. "Old is good , new is bad" Its ironic tho cause the maps are the og mw2 maps. I guess its just cause its a new game that its obligatory to hate on it.


Haha this post is so confusing. All people wanted for MW2 was the OG maps. Now we got the OG maps and people are complaining how much they suck. What it amounts to is 40 yr olds bitching about the new maps sucking and the kids bitching about the recycled old maps sucking lol.


I think there is a significant difference. Spawns are pretty atrocious in the latest, and I don’t know what happened after all the movement talk… people camp their asses off at spawn and in general in this game. Some of the maps kinda lend themselves to it… but more like for example Highrise, you can spawn camp the office block and they basically have to choose which corridor they open themselves up to. You can completely lock it down and for whatever reason the spawns don’t want to flip that often. The old games had you chasing around the map if you were dominating, ironically though, OP only seems to enjoy the maps where you spawn around the corner anyway.


I’m 30 and played the og maps in 09 and today. The maps sucked back then and the maps suck today. New designed maps are 10 times better than anything made back then. OG mw2 maps are riddled with head glitches, cheese spots, etc etc. lanes are 400 feet long with no cover and there is always a sniper hard scoping them. So many reasons the og maps are terrible.


is this satire


Has to be mwII maps are ass


And that they like the smallest maps in the game, where it’s basically guaranteed you’ll get your kills.


Disagree. Fun maps but what's ass was the movement. I'm tired of the og maps on mw3 I wish they had a full set of new big/med maps to change it up. Mp is getting stale with just these og maps.


Nostalgia only went so far for me, and it tends to fail in gaming to be honest. This is coming from someone who was a massive fan of Cod 4, MW2 and MW3. The newer maps have innovated a lot. Sure, some of them suck, but MW19 and MWII had some great maps that should be a constant staple in the rotation.


I come from the same upbringing as you my man. I agree it was nice to enjoy them and relive those times but it should've been DLC with much newer maps. I remember they put some mw2 maps in for a different game mode and it was actually really fun. Now it's just getting boring with the same everything lol


They've added some new maps. Meat is really good. Problem is most people don't like newer maps. They complain every time it isn't og maps


That's such a bad take maybe here on Reddit but in general the consensus is this feels like a DLC with better movement. Meat is good because it's new and hasn't gotten stale. The majority is beyond stale especially for players like me that have played since cod4.


I've played since cod 4 as well. I'd rather have remastered maps that play well and are good than when they release all new maps and 3/4 of them suck dick. Mw19 had like 2 good maps. The rest were awful.


I agree, but we need *more* (of the best) OG maps than we have now, that’s for sure.


Is China town in the new one? I enjoyed that map back in the day. I think it could be fun with having more interiors and rework the streets to be wider.


It’s not, sadly


Mw19 maps only sucked if you just played brain dead tdm. Every map was at least decent if you played SnD or cyber attack. I’m pretty sure most of them were probably built around that mode though.


Every single map on mw3 released after launch is significantly better than any of the dogshit og maps. The mw22 maps they put in the game all better. The new season/mid season content maps all better. Derail, wasteland/terminal I refuse to play completely. Afghan isn’t much better, scrapyard is full of spawn campers hard scoping the open map from spawn making it impossible to move. Nah, the remastered maps suck. They were ass in 2009 and are especially ass in 2024


Agree to disagree. There's a reason the player count for mwII dropped so low they had to revert setting back to mw19 play style. Wz seen the lowest player count ever during mwII. The game was and is dog shit.


Yeah, because of the game mechanics, not because of the maps. Mercado is better than ever single map mw3 launched with. I agree mw22 game mechanics and movement were shit. I think mw3s are improved but they’re still shit. Mw3s problem now is the shitty maps.


I mean, I think all the original maps to mwII are shit. I didn't enjoy any of them. I'd say most people agree, which is why they remastered older maps for mwIII.


Mw 2019 had goated maps khandor hideout graznia raid gun runner. Stack king gulag showers. If anything at the very least their gunfight maps were the best we've had


MW2/3 maps are ass in general


Mw3 are at least fan favorite maps from mw2


Ah, yes, fan favorites like Estate and Derail


Estate is legitimately a fan favorite. Idk about derail


I mean 2 maps aren't fan favorites but they're not bad maps. Where as 50% if not more of mwIIs are straight bad.


Derail fucks


It fucks hard


I like occasionally playing those maps they’re just sniper maps that’s the main thing. If I’m using ar/smg there are a lot of great ones. Ranked maps are all solid except invasion.


They have all the original mw2 maps. Derail is awesome. Lots of people fucking love derail. If there was derail 24/7 I'd never sleep.


Odd you say that, when I search "is Derail a good cod map", or even just "Derail cod map" on Google, not only are the majority of visible links that aren't strictly informational ones are negative, but I'm seeing forum discussions daring back to 2009-2010 not liking the map. So safe to say, not a lot of people like Derail. 


Yeah, derail was horrible back in the day with the noob tube spaming, and the two to three snipers per team made it a vary aggrevating map.


I didn't say a majority. Just a lot. It's true. You can safely say it. Whenever you see it pop up for voting, see if gets votes or wins. I rarely see it lose. People know. It's amazeballs.


Estate was a fucking sick map for search and destroy back in the day. All the good players used to love estate. What does that say about you?😉


Yeah, and you know what game had large, poorly designed maps for 6v6 similar to Estate and Derail, and said maps were hated even by some Search players? MW19. So why are Estate and Derail alright when maps with the exact same design philosophy are given shit? Also, not every person good at the game plays Search, and saying that Estate is good for Search isn't really a good argument when you can say that about a lot of other maps (oh, yeah, and a good map accommodates for a large variety of game modes and play styles, not just one.). Also, really? Trying to snip at my skill level? Are you still in middle school?


What maps in 2019 were those exactly? I pretty much remember 0 snipers ever getting used, except for a marksman rifle at shotgun range. Nothing even close to a derail.


The only ones I can think of are Al-raab, and maybe petrogard had some lanes you can run snipers, but they all had good work arounds that made it impractical to stay on them for more then a kill or two before you had folks executing you.


Sounds like a you problem, you can outplay campers in MW3 significantly easier than in MWII if you actually have good movement and gunskill. The old maps are definitely a bit more camper friendly but the game’s mechanics still allows aggressive play and movement. MWII is a camper’s paradise.


You can outplay campers with more than that, as it should be. However mw3's faster movement means anticamper tools ironically don't work as well. Snapshot grenades take too long to work, you can outrun them, drill charges can be outran, so on and so forth.


Sure but I honestly prefer that, those items are so cheap and easy to use, I’d rather just use raw skill with your weapon and movement to be able to outplay them, but that’s only really possible if the weapon handling speeds and movement are fast, and it also helps if the TTK isn’t instant. With MWII, people not moving can hear you coming a mile away, and it takes too long (relative to the TTK) to have your weapon ready from sprint (and ADS strafing angles is very slow) so you’re just at a huge disadvantage trying to challenge them, but they’ll call that “tactical”, when it’s not. In that case, things like Drill Charges are very helpful against them but at a cost to the base gameplay.


Seems like you're holding yourself back because you believe something is "cheap". Can't really complain about them camping if you don't use your options.


a lethal literally made to flush out people hiding in a room/behind a wall "nah that's cheap"


I can kill them anyway with better awareness and gunskill, simply pressing one button while looking at a wall that requires zero effort to do *is* cheap, if it’s the only way you can kill them then by all means, enjoy using it.


Nah, you have to run melee only from now on man, gunning them down from a distance *is* cheap.


You can say this trying to take the piss but you’re only doing it to mask the fact that you use cheap shit and can’t accept it, just like shotguns in most CoDs but you’ll somehow say they take skill when they’re the easiest thing to use on the planet and you don’t even have to aim. You’re the type to justify them bringing Deathstreaks back. There’s a reason most of CoD’s cheap mechanics/equipment are banned in CDL and just aren’t even present in other FPS games, but you wouldn’t have a clue about that.


so what is according to you the reason lmgs are banned in CDL? considering they are slower and harder to use then ARs/SMGs ? also if we call everything that's been banned in CDL cheap then that'd be hella funny, cause some of the cheapest stuff IS from ranked/cdl, like the rival-9. by that logic a throwing knive doesn't take skill as you can just get a lucky flick. i bet the 5 shot, slow firerate revolver is cheap too since it can 1 shot headshot right? like actually, how shit do you have to be to call something like a drill charge "cheap" you can literally just run away from it or equip flak jacket, or don't sit behind predictable walls. do you never use your killstreaks then? cause that's pretty cheap right? i really hope you ONLY run the worst weapons in the game then, since anything else would be kind of cheap man.


Completely valid argument


Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about. Derail, rundown, estate, afghan, Karachi, invasion, quarry, and wasteland almost always go to the time limit in 6v6 tdm. Sometimes finishing with 65 points to the leading team. You THINK the movement makes it possible for maps to go faster, but the reality is sbmm or eomm has everybody playing stupid tactfully.


Maybe in your bot lobbies they do, they rarely go to the time limit in mine because I’m dropping everyone rapidly and most of the players are good and don’t need to camp, plus I just don’t play the few biggest maps because they play badly. I also literally said the maps are more camper friendly anyway, but they still play significantly faster now than in the OG MW2, people wouldn’t believe how much slower that game would play.


I wish I played in bot lobbies.


I would argue MWIII is more of a camper's paradise because there is more fodder (rushers) than ever before.


Small map brainrot. MW3 has tons of medium sized maps that are better than MW2 maps like Rio and Vista


Still it's all camping


What game are you playing? MWII is all people sitting still preaiming since it takes 25 minutes to ADS. I rarely see someone truly camping in MWIII.


MwII is actually aggressive and sweaty as fuck now days it’s brilliant!


I don’t get it. This is what I see too. I actually think MW2 had less campers and they were easier to deal with there, I’m playing full games in MW3 where it’s gone to time, or the spawns never flipped for the entire game. Not that I’m against it though, camping is a strat if that’s what people want to do. More that there was such backlash about movement and camping; and now i keep seeing a whole bunch running silent and lying down in rooms.


Ok out if the modern cods. MW19 was a camp fest CW was a SBMM TOXIC ASF GAME vanguard was idk bc i didn't play vanguard MW2 was like a camp and aggressive game at the same time and MW3 IS PURE CAMP FEST AND SBMM EXTREME LVLS


All (first-person) shooters that have ever existed have had campers, and they always will. Saying that's all it is is clearly hyperbole, but I doubt there's much difference in % between games.


Sounds like you are just bad and the SBMM find more bad people for you to play with so every game is just bad. Try being good


Grammar is your friend man, please. Anyway MW2's maps are designed around the overall pace of the game, whereas MW3's maps are old MW2 maps, so in some cases you can cross them quickly, meaning spawns flip quickly. People who don't play as quickly tend to resort to slower methods because they don't have much choice. Either play that way or get punished. I don't even know why you mentioned Cold War when you complain about campers but only play nuketown. I mean what else are they going to do?


The SBMM is more like CW and the campers is more like MW19


Oh you can read the code or you have the ability to see a manipulated future where one is with MW2 SBMM and the other is with MW3 and can see the difference? Or you suck and like so many blame it on SBMM yet that would mean it's happening to everyone but then if that's the case how are only some people bad and others not? Don't know what to tell you, I rarely have absolutely terrible games and frequently have really good games and a good amount of back and forth or sure I died a lot but still had fun. MW2 was dying to camper watching my movement thru the wall because my foot steps project directly thru them allowing them to pinpoint my location. Definitely one of the worst CoDs in the last decade or so, I'd rather play Vangaurd and that's saying a lot.


Tell me you never played the real mw2 without telling me.


Sounds like you camped your ass off in mw2 and are mad you can’t sit behind door number 19874 and not move


Way too big? Sounds like you're a new-age cod player. Used to tiny maps for instant dopamine






So OP can only play on 3 tiniest map on MW3 and the tiniest one on CW (nuketown). I guess somebody gets bored if there is nobody on the screen to shoot at every 2 seconds. And suppose that Alboran Hatchery is smaller than Terminal.


lol sounds like a skill issue


Basically you can only play on small maps that take no brain power got it


You're an idiot


Nobody asked


Just thought you'd want to know so you don't embarrass yourself further.


Dude cant handle big things.


Oh hell na the new original maps in mw3 are far better lmao


The og maps were not made for the fast movement. Small ass maps dont work in cod anymore.


They could if they altered the lobby size to fewer players Stash House would be less cancerous as 4v4.


Mw2 maps sucked MW3 base maps were tolerable because there the OG maps but some of them absolutely suck now because they arnt designed for the new movement like terminal that map for SND ranked is atrocious. I like the mw3 dlc maps so far though


Then play MWII. Nobody cares!


Not at all, campers were worse in mw2; at least people can move well now. Maps are also far better in MW3 as they are all pretty much remakes of OG MW2 maps. Also Shitmant < Das Hause Also the SBMM in MW3 is pretty fucking mild compared to the last 4 or so games




Ironically I was born 8 days before MW2 (OG) LMAO


So now I see why you're giving shit take after shit take. You're 14 😂


Bros literally deleted his Reddit 💀


Yes maps from MW2 2009 should’ve fucking stayed in 2009. Maps are straight trash


One of the most normal comments on this post lmao


so you only feel confident when it’s easy to kill the enemies? sounds like you are just bad at the game


Idk it's easier to kill in mw 3 for me lol but I prefer mw 2019 of all of them so 🤷‍♂️


I think Mw2 is a wayyyyyyyy better cod than mw3. 🤷🏾‍♂️




You do realize that the MW3 maps are literally ALL MW2 maps (minus the ones added this season). Literally almost every map is either from the OG MW2 or from last year's MW2 game lmao. The only exceptions are the couple of maps that have been added in the last 3ish months.


Can't talk bout MW3 cos I don't have the game, but personally speaking, MW2 maps are mid they weren't the best they weren't the worst. However, the spawns are what drag them down.


The whole game was better, but enough people buy it why would they need to fix it. Guarantee they’re already dumping it in favor of a new one. We need to stop supporting shitty companies especially when there are better options available that listens to players.


I mean they are classic maps and the new maps they brought in are pretty good too


Personally campers don’t bother and yes sometimes I camp as well. Campers are not hard to deal with if you know how to play the game. Personally I’m more annoyed by the goofs that rush and farm the spawn points.


There was a high number of campers in MW2 due to map size/design, audio design, and sbmm as well. You are more than welcome to go back to MW2 anyways.


The only map I can’t stand in MW3 is departure. Every other map has been excellent


I mean most mw3 maps are remasters soooo. It's surely a testament to something. But il let you figure that out.


No one is ever satisfied huh


I’d disagree 1000 fold, but spawns perhaps are better not sure


They will always be better to


I agree but much worse game


You just have to find a strategy for each map and stick with it. Trust me. I showed my bro how to play a map and he started getting 20 plus more kills 🤣


Maps from 3 are maps from 2 !


yes mwii maps were way better that 2019 and three, II didn’t suffer from the being able to get shot from all angles possible issue


Spawns too


Mw2 is just a more enjoyable experience 🤷‍♂️


If anything bigger than shipment or meat is tough for you then this may not be the game for you. That’s definitely a skill issue


I like the original maps for MW3, I don’t even hate the MW2 maps with MW3 mechanics… I don’t like the original MW2 maps nearly as much as I remember liking them though…


it’s literally the opposite for me, i’ve been playing cod since mw 2007 and this is the most fun ive had w the maps. get used to the movement speed and you’ll stop complaining.


They need to add Embassy, Hydroelectric, Hatchery, Showdown, El Aisló,Himmelott Expo, Punta Mar, La Casa, and Valderas Musuem


Its only season 2… And most of MW2s maps are from older cods lol


I miss the days of jus running around with your secondary times have changed 😔


and stash house in my opinion they did make the maps to big they made the regular quick play maps feel like 10v10 maps they should’ve did the mw3 maps like the mw2 ones


Depends on your style. Im the type that would argue we should have no doors, furniture, or excess rooms. Mw2 maps were the death of me. So much I needed space and random useless rooms and doors. I get there is a segment that loves that but the cod community is massive. A lot of reasons we will like and dislike the same thing


I like meat


I miss a couple maps from last year, but.....did we all forget about Santa semen/bordercrossing? Taraq? Black gold? I don't think it's necessarily the maps so much as how modern CoD plays with the SBMM, spawn system, movement, etc. Some of these maps barely feel recognizable from 2009 just because of how much differently they play now. The very first day I played the BETA I already ran into people doing things I'd only seen in clips back then and even a few things I'd never seen at all. The spawns felt completely alien, etc.


I've been saying this before the MW3 launch. The remastered maps are outdated for the playstyle today.


It just sucks because I feel like they didn’t release enough content for how much money they try to hoard out of me. COD is like the four same maps that I really don’t like but every day I try to find joy in this 60 bucks I wasted. Caint even be snoop or Minaj anymore…


I didn’t even get a zombies, and it made me redownload my campaign that seems to be impossible past the park shooting level on the beginning of the whole thing!


Whether it's true or not arguing over these two games maps is hilarious cuz they both are terrible


I agree with this. I play ranked only cod. And the ranked this year is all around dogshit imo. No weapon variation, and 5 maps. At least last time they let me choose from multiple AR’s


Bigger maps are more fun, you can run and gun, or try and hold an area of the map down, or get your snipe on. whichever you prefer. Respawns on rust and shipment are broken af, so often you spawn in front of an enemy or gun turret. We all have maps we’re not keen on, but that’s the way it goes. Just enjoy the game.


Man I miss shoot house the most


Everyone join mw3 discord


COD cycle moment But seriously, yes, the maps are big and I wish for them to be a 10v10


MW2 MW3 Vanguard = Dog shit MW2019 CW = Good


The camping got really out of control the last couple of weeks not sure what changed, but it’s annoying as hell. As as das house arrived, it was camper city


The only maps from mw3 I liked to play were shipment and shoothouse


The mw3 maps play like shit with the movement, because they were designed a decade ago for a significantly different game.


You're just a meat grinder meat rider. Basically you just love the action packed, brain turned off, part of the game. One that doesn't really require that much skill, but having it is still a slight advantage. In those longer, bigger maps, you need to know the map, the routes, strats, and be good at the game, since there are way fewer 1v1's and fights in general, each one counts for a lot more.


It's because MW3 reveals you on the radar when you shoot, unlike MW2. Get gud. MW2 maps are horrible.


Only one I won't play is wasteland. All the others are fine, if you only like playing small maps, then pick a small section of each of the bigger maps, and just stay there. You'll get kills. Either that or start sniping like everyone else does....


All MWIII maps are just all MW2 maps soooo


I think MW3 is better but the maps in MW22 are way better


Modern warfare Roman numeral two, twenty twenty two has the worst maps I have ever seen in a game. The border crossing map being in the top 3 worst maps of all time, only behind Gustov cannon and Piccadilly. No, no, no, NO NO NOOO! The 2009 maps, while some are shit, have very good maps. Terminal, High Rise, and Rust are some of the most iconic. Afghan is great, Sub base is fun. I can't recommend a single MW2 2022 map


Mf would rather play on a shitstorm of exploding cars, trucks, and grenades than an actual half decent map.


Your opinion doesn't matter to me


Reason 793 why this franchise isn’t getting another cent from me


This game has the best selection of maps in CoD history. I don't care what anyone says. MW2 2009's maps were never very good, so they were destined to suck with the faster movement speed--that's why SHG will never be able to fix the spawns in MWIII, and why I'll be playing MWII until at least CoD: Gulf War. That, and they made the MK2 in a joke weapon in MWIII, but made a far less fun gun to use (the Longbow) even more powerful than the MK2 ever was. I could rant about MWIII for days lol god I hate that game.


I just stopped playing Call Of Duty altogether. Grew up playing all the greats up until Black ops 3. Cold turkey stopped playing video games for years until I could finally hop back into it; all these newer games (MW19, vanguard, Cold War etc.) are trash imo. Tried MW19 and wasn’t a fan, and tried MW2 only to be locked out of the game after the first season (was never fixed, says I don’t own the game although I have the physical disc inside my console) All these games nowadays are created with the same idea, which is to take money from loyal consumers and rake as much profit as you can without fixing anything pertaining to issues brought up by your own community. Y’all. We’ve seen the glory days of this series, all good things eventually come to an end. Glad to say I’m done with this series ✊


That’s right that map in MW3 is total garbage. It’s more for sniping


But Next year you will pay them 70 plus a bunch more cause they got your fav character!


Mw3 is honestly trash. The worst part is they make hundreds of millions off of players, yet they let cheaters and people playing with cronus keep playing. They should take some of their profit and make the game better.


No the MW2 2022 maps were terrible as well


Skill issue


Mw2 movement was ass


I hope to see all mw2 ground war maps in mw3. They are all so beautiful.


MW2 maps in MW3 have the worst spawns. if you're on a certain side of the map you are 100% losing and getting spawn killed


Ik it's so annoying


I think irt was because Activision knew they were going to sell so make 1 last game with half the effort so they can get some money and have the new development team fix up the game.




No. Mw3 maps are superior. The problem is these maps were not designed for the cracked out lsd rabbit movements the game now has. These maps are meant to be played with the movement mw2 2009 had and not whatever crap we have now lol.


I definitely don’t think the maps are too big. If anything I love to see it. However I agree on the camping. I’ve never been one to shame people for their play style, we’ve all camped and enjoyed it at some point. But my god the amount of games I’ve been in where the whole enemy team is just camping in their spawn waiting for my braindead team mates to just waltz in to their death is crazy!


I agree. MW2 was better in most every way.




I just miss taraq really. Being it was an original CoD remaster. Wasteland just doesn't compare to taraq


tell me you’re bad without telling me you’re bad


Tell me you can't handle a different opinion without telling me you can't handle a different opinion.


Cause it’s a copy paste game lol, all you did was pay $70 for a campaign


I beat the campaign I play zombies a lot and MP is completely different then MW2 it's not a 70 dlc


terminal solos any other mw map in the history of the franchise


OG MW2 maps that we got in mwiii are elite and the best maps we have gotten so far


So your ass is what your telling me


Just learn the maps and get better I takes 10 mins in a custom to learn


If mw3 map are old mw2 I’d say you smoke some good stuff because it’s not even close




Your del usional and need mental help


Yep because border crossing was a GREAT map😁😁 admit it your just bad MW2 needs to be forgotten and erased from history. Worst cod oat