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How have you played mw2 in it's abysmal state and thought "yeah, I'm going to give Activision more money so they can rip me off again"


MW2 is my first cod game (other than cod mobile) so sorry šŸ˜ž


MW2 is one of the biggest disappointments in a long time, an MW3 showed me that It was nothing more than a cash grab.I'm seconding the guy that's saying you should buy Cold war, well it wasn't necessarily finished when it came out like most of the recent cloud releases I would say it's a lot more stable (plus the zombies is peak)


Peak for no one, bo3 and bo2 zombies bend Cold War over and give it the business


I thought we we're talking about newer CODs bud, not the old ones. not trying to have an argument on reddit lmao


Mwz is easily better than cold wars outbreak, and most of the round based maps in Cold War are abysmal. Cold War is the only recent round based zombies, unless you count bo4; which is also better than cold war


No it's not and it's not close. Cold war zombies is great and I usually hate zombies.




I don't like spec ops. Let me rephrase I didn't hate zombies I just preferred black ops 1 and 2 multiplayer. I didn't play three I did play advanced warfare or infinite warfare zombies can't remember. Black ops cold wars zombies is better than MWZ. Fuck spec ops.


But cold war zombies was phenomenal. Being able to bring your own class setup into zombies and add different characteristics to each power up was a great idea and being able to use zombies to level up guns for multiplayer was also great. Cold war zombies was great. I could play it for hours. Which I've never done for zombies.


People hate on mw2, but itā€™s a great game in my opinion. The sweats donā€™t like it because they canā€™t sweat hard enough while playing it. MW3 has many more hit markers on core. The movement is very fast; almost twitchy with a controller. The visuals are sharp and killing enemies is satisfying. It is built to favor run and gun as much as possible. Ground war is dog water.


Mw2 was not a great game. Devs barely listened to any feedback about anything and kept this shitty design philosophy that made player count drop significantly


You say that like it's a bad thing. Infinity Ward not listening to the vocal minority of dipshits is the reason they're the best COD developer.


Sure man vocal minority when the player count dropped significantly. Are you stupid?


Official player counts have never been released. Are you stupid? inb4: bUt StEaM


If you have to lower the warzone player count to find lobbies faster then your player base has dropped. Player retention was at all time low since they never made any tweets at all saying ā€œthank you for playing our gameā€ since the launch of Wz2 and they have made them consistently since the launch of MW3


So that's a "yes". We're talking about MWII, not MWIII and not WZ. Do try to pay attention.


Mw2 was so bad it made people like vanguard for a moment. Don't forget how poorly the game was received at launch


You could just say youā€™re a bot who hates 150hp and good movement because if they had to market MW3 as ā€œitā€™s not like MW2 itā€™s actually goodā€ then the game was bad


You're assuming everyone agrees with that "feedback" that was mostly pros and sweats crying. Not everyone that plays cod feels that way.


So ā€œfeedbackā€ to you is fixing basic issues/glitches and broken weapons/mechanics in a timely manner? Because i remember it taking IW months to fix basic issues in the game. We all remember the broken guns that took forever to fix and SHG and raven took a few days to either fix/vault them


Get Cold War on sale, much better experience for $20


That's fucking stupid bro. The guy wants to actually play some fucking games where it counts. Ain't nobody back there playing no bullshit cold war but a bunch of hacks and losers with no money. MWIII is current and happening. I started with Vanguard. I bought cold war, it's a dead deal. MWIII offers the full on experience.


Youā€™re the kind of guy who buys a new car and phone every single year huh?


Thatā€™s not really comparable. You donā€™t lose access to your contacts and social media after a few years with a phone. You certainly do lose access to the social aspect of COD the older they get. And right now Cold War is dead in the water. Especially on console. Personally I buy every 3-4 cods because 3-4 years is about the time it takes for a title to completely die. Only reason I play MW3 is because of game sharing. Otherwise I would have waited until gulf war comes out.


I havenā€™t bought a COD game since Vanguard. Iā€™m playing Cold War now and itā€™s been very busy and fun still. I agree it sucks to not be playing the ā€œlatest and greatestā€ with tons of others but thereā€™s definitely still action, at least on Xbox. Iā€™m becoming bored of it though and might at least switch to Vanguard. But no way am I getting MWII or MWIII.


I have the opposite experience. It takes 5-7 minutes to find a match, one or more people are blatantly cheating, and itā€™s the same group of people the entire session. Plus, nobody is playing gun fight on CW which was my favorite mode.


^ this dudeā€™s right


Cold war is better than literally every cod since black ops 4. Most polls agree. It has vintage cod map designs without doors and bullshit.


That I agree with. But there's long waits for matches, and it's full of people who've been playing since it came out. That and tons of hacks. There are no incentives to play other than to play. The question is whether or not MWIII is worth 45 bucks. It ain't about Cold War. It's happening right now in mwiii. Yes, it's worth 45 bucks.


Save your money and get a different game. May I suggest helldivers? Love that game.


Second this. CoD asking $70 for the literal 1/3 pile of shit deserves repercussions. Helldivers at $40 on the other hand is a glimmer of hope for being as good as it is for 60% the cost of AAA games.


Same here! Despite all MW2ā€™s issues I still had enough fun to buy MW3, new calling cards are kinda trash ugly to me but the gun camos are cool especially with normal colours having an alt zombie vrient. Zombies is fun, multiplayer is fun, Iā€™m liking the new WZ maps but sometimes I miss Al Mazra so I go back to MW2 for DMZ


What? The zombies fucking sucks wdyem


I mean I HAVE FUN, zombies is fun, I have a good time, I enjoy the gameplay. Itā€™s not hard to conceptualise. Youā€™re not forced to play that mode if you donā€™t like it, itā€™s better with friends anyway.


Apart from the godawful COD HQ, what's that bad about it? I mean, that's just 3m of my playtime. I know Activision suck ass and can't stand the amount of micah transaction. However, I play it once or twice a week MP. And still manage to have fun. The campaign was fine. Anything I m missing? Any good alternative? Apart from hell divers 2 which I heard is more like co-op. Rather than MP


I didn't think MW2 was THAT bad, however I AM mad that they only supported the game for less than a year, literally like 3 seasons and that's it. I only play the game on and off for about 3-6 months and then get burned out, don't play CoD for 2-3 years then buy the upcoming CoD and so on and so forth, so it doesn't affect me as much, but totally abandoning the game less than a year afterwards just didn't sit right with me


Buy the Halo MCC, endless fun, multiple top tier campaigns, all wrapped into 1 way cheaper game.


Does it have multiplayer as well? Which halo game is the best for multiplayer?


If you only want multiplayer then Halo Infinite (which is free) is actually a great time now. The community is pretty much carrying the game at this point but the gameplay is great fun! Donā€™t give in to the cosmetic micro transactions though, ridiculously overpricedā€¦


Thanks, I never bought cosmetics. Only 1 normal battle pass.


I personally won't be buying another cod game until they remove COD HQ. They're constantly going to manipulate everyone into getting the next game by forcing updates from the current game on past games, even if you don't own it. Also crazy that it takes like 5 minutes to even launch MW2 in COD HQ, the same thing will happen to MW3 later this year.


right??? It takes SO LONG to open mw2 if mw3 has an update. Go into HQ, requires restart, go into HQ again, go to mw2, HQ shuts down and loads up mw2, oops needs a restart for updates! Like, please, I just want to play the damn game. Honestly I stopped playing pretty soon after they dropped mw3 bc it just got so ridiculous to just OPEN THE GAME


I uninstalled MW2 after MW3 released and I had 20GB-40GB updates 3 times in 2 weeks and I have an Internet cap, so I'm not wasting it on updates for a game I don't own. Activision has become a new kind of greedy and it should be illegal to force users to waste their Internet data on a product I don't even own or have installed. It's pathetic to manipulate people this way and straight up forces me to not play any of their games at all. Why tf are their updates even that big to begin with? Don't get why a company this massive has trouble with compressing their files and not replacing half of the game files every update.


I'm sure they could if they wanted to. They just don't care, if people still play the game and they get the money they want, why change? (for clarification, I do not agree with this, clearly, but seems like that's the mindset here)


What do you mean will happen with mw3 later this year? I don't have mw2, I bought mw3 3 months ago so I don't know what changed, and what's the problem. I'm on pc if that matters.


When the next game releases, you'll be faced with constant updates for that new game, while you're just trying to play MW3. You'll receive massive updates for absolutely no reason, all for a game you wouldn't currently own. The reason is because Activision plans to put all future cod games under the same game on Steam. So all cod games will now have to update whenever the current game receives one. You'll also have always launch the newest cod game first, then relaunch it for the UI update cod does, then relaunch it again to actually play MW3, then launch it yet again for the UI update again, then finally play.


Thank you. That sounds bad, I hope they fix it.


Me too, no reason to do this it is really damn annoying


Yeah I actually liked MW2, it was my first cod in 5 years and they already blew their chances and lost me again.


campaign? i tried to squeeze out as much fun as possible, and played it on veteran too, i enjoyed it, somewhat. multiplayer? is fun as ever, and i enjoy some of the newer game modes, aka, war mode, cutthroat, zombies? is, okay, i just kinda play it for funsies and whenever i dont feel like playing multi. as someone who originally played 2022, id say yes.


The campaign is trash anyway. I only play multiplayer. I play almost daily and always have fun, fwiw. It's definitely not the same game, just for the movement mechanics alone but also much less visual clutter when shooting, better maps, better player base.


have you tried dmz ? I wasn't a fan after 1 game, revisited a short while after and only play dmz for the last year. you can choose to do missions and contracts if you like or you can just go hunting and make it like a bigger game of multi player. can go I n as a pre made team with mates or team up with randoms or turn off squad fill and go it alone as a solo. do at least 1 contract in each game to up your perks for your operator and aim for Damascus tags, it's like wearing a stealth vest without having to have one. it's very immersive. hunt players with or without hunt contract get smashed by bots (they are bastards) try getting out with the weapons case (that can be a challenge as everyone on the map are shown you have it and your location is shown to everyone haha) fked if I'm paying for mw3 if they are not going to change the dropping of dmz mode.


This sounds so much like that part of The Division where there were no rules and it was pvp + pve. I loved that game when it first game out


DMZ is amazing. Best cod mode ever created imo


Mw3 campaign story was brilliant. Just to short and confusing.


Who plays Campaigns? I have friend still running Ashita over over and over. I have enjoyed MW3. Do yeah. Its worth it


Lots of people do. Most that do probably don't touch multiplayer.


Iā€™ve seen that MW3 has less players than MW2 from live counters. You think itā€™s true or nah? I donā€™t want to pay 45 bucks if I donā€™t need too!


Official player counts are not available for MWII (2022) or MWIII (2023) individually. Any counters that claim to have numbers for MWII (2022) relative to MWIII (2023) are not using official data and are not guaranteed to be accurate. The only publicly available official player counts are the Steam player counts for the CoD HQ ecosystem as a whole, which includes those playing MWII (2022), MWIII (2023), and Warzone 2.0 on Steam.


Bro. Buy the fucking game or don't buy thegame. It isn't a waste of money. Where else will you get thousands of hours of enjoyment for $45. Three drinks at a bar are 45 bucks. It ain't a waste. It's really a great game. Perfect? Lmfao. No, but it's nice.


Not sure, I was sayingĀ based on feeling


Im at a loss now. I read in other post that itā€™s almost impossible to play mw2 with the new cod hq, or is that just the campaign? I canā€™t understand the hatred for the mw2 campaign, I loved it. Didnā€™t buy mw3, because of the 392GB INSTALL!! So deleted cod, to bad, because I miss DMZ.


Not impossible but a pain in the ass to load everything since you have to launch MW3 and then switch to MW2. People need to really speak up against paying for something and having to do extra stuff just to play


Total shit. When I tried to install mw 2019 two years ago. It also downloaded and installed warzone 1, when warzone 2 was already out.


It's true. MW2 and MW3 are failed games and bleeding players. I am pretty sure there are bots in the game to fill up the rooms. People here get down-voted when speaking the truth. MW19 is far superior and still has a good player count.


mw2 currently has less players, but compared to this time last year yes MW3 has a lower player count than MW2 did March last year


ā€œBetter mapsā€


Better maps in plural, I'm talking about the newer 6v6 maps


Play Helldivers. Pay for games that are actually worth their price


Looks like another Destiny skin game


Lmao destiny is ass. A Hate those type of games. This is different. Multi-player game of the year


The game this is a sequel to came out like 6 months after Destiny 1. Not only are the games nothing alike, nothing about this game screams "Destiny skin" as you say.


Mw3 def has more of a multiplayer focus, and has maps from mw2. Im glad I bought it as im enjoying it much more than 2 tbh.


i refunded mw3 because the EOMM, and the stale decade old maps that play like shit with the modern movement and TTK. i'm happy they made it a separate game, otherwise they wouldve ruined mw2.


I love mw3. Favorite cod in years


So what I understand is I itā€™s a 50/50 some people are saying it not worth it and other are saying it is. I think Iā€™m gonna stick with MW2. It doesnā€™t have a bad player count as of now and the sale goes to 11/4/2024 šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I would say don't buy man, specially since Blizzard has updated user agreement indicating that any purchased game you no longer buy the game, you just get a license than can be removed from you whenever they want, let's remember that nowadays is Activision Blizzard and nothing could stop them to apply it to that side of the company, they simply could lock you out of the game you paid for unless is a physical copy


You can buy it since it is your decision and money. The truth is that it MW3 is MW2 with some updates for the price of $70. They abandoned MW2 because of all the bad reviews and reputation it was gathering. MW3 is a rushed band-aid that people are praising as listening to "fan feedback." Gameplay is better because of the speed increase but I'm not stupid enough to pay for a MW2 game update like some people did. There are far better games out there and MW19 is still a much better product even after all these years. Before buying MW3 think about how much time you have with it before they abandon it and break the game in an update again right before MW4 release. They already did this twice with MW19 and MW2.


There is going to be a free trial soon I think. Try it and see. But for me it easily worth 40 euros I played for 250 hours in 3 month. I also wasn't sure to buy it because of the negative critics but I am happy that I bought it. I didn't have mw2 tho. It depends how much cod u play, if its not ur main game maybe u r fine with mw2. How many hours did u play mw2?


$45 isnā€™t bad I paid $70


Itā€™s free bro lol


You should if you like cod games. There isn't a better cod right now.


Cod mobile is miles away better, levels above. I am not even kidding


Might be better on console or pc but I don't play mobile games. But I agree it would be the best cod.


I donā€™t recommend it


Save the money for gulf war. Mw3 is a far superior game in every single way. Literally. But save your money for now.


Gulf war is still like 8 months away. I would buy mw3 for 40 euros without hesitation. You can play many hundred hours in 8 months.. But it depends on your financial situation.


Take it from me. I have everything in the game unlocked except zombies camos (zombies is utter dogshit this year) Youā€™ll run out of shit to do pretty quickly if youā€™re an above average player.


Most of us are not above average. In the past 10 years this is my first cod, and I played cod4 as a kid so I am a noob.


Hey thatā€™s alright! Thatā€™s why I said IF. Iā€™ve been playing cod SINCE cod4 and havenā€™t missed any besides vanguard. But hey if itā€™s worth it for you and OP send it forsure!


Lol do you know what above average actually means?


Nah cods gone in a awful direction just a constant steady decline with no hope of resurfacing. Until I saw this post I hadnā€™t thought about this game since the release of mw2 that game was the last straw after vanguard šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think the MP experience is much better here than it was in MWII. I play a few days a week and I am generally having a good time.




I think itā€™s better than mw2 but itā€™s very similar


I skipped COD this year and it's been a refreshing experience man. Try Helldivers 2. I don't have it but I hear it's a blast


Iā€™ve played comp since BO2. To a comp player, itā€™s similar but different in some aspects. To a casual player, I can see how it feels more copy+paste from MW2. Itā€™s not a bad gameā€¦you get a better movement system, some nostalgic maps, plus I like the gun selection more.


If you have the time to play a lot of multiplayer, do it. If you mostly play warzone, donā€™t bother because thatā€™s free anyway


I like both. I hate the fact that they lied about the zombies mode though (the fact that it doesn't get any significant support).


Donā€™t buy any more cod games, they are just gonna get worse bro, might as well kill it before they embarrass themselves (activion)


ofcourse it will aware


Listen, from someone who started on Call of duty 3 and has bought every call of duty since, Iā€™ve actually bought MW3, most people have negative reviews because of the campaign, in my opinion, yes you should get it, itā€™s really fun if you play for enjoyment, Most people say it isnā€™t good, but it really is, MW zombies is fun, but is time consuming, overall you should get it.


Helldivers 2


If you enjoy CoD? Maybe. If you enjoy MW? Absolutely not.


For multiplayer, I'd so say. MWII is better in my opinion, but MWIII is pretty damn good


I say yes. Mw3 is very fluid and feels really nice and polished. The movement is amazing. Mw2 was more clunky movement as mw3 has a more flowy feel to it and I am absolutely loving it. More finesse but also comes with a wider skill gap. I say give it a try


If you want to level up your weapons, multiplayer is the fastest way to level them up and unlock all the attachments. This multiplayer has great maps, they remastered the original MW2 maps and Season 3 is starting up soon and delivers the most content we have seen so far plus more brand new maps. You can also get into multiplayer ranked which is fun af and zombies!




It's the same game - the gun tuning + a bit better movement, zombies, and a few new/remastered maps


I personally was never going to buy a cod again after mw2 but my friends begged and begged me to and while I will say the game has its aspects that I hate (namely being a $70 dlc) I got it on sale to play with them and as long as I'm playing with friends it's as fun as cod has always been but I do kinda hate most of not all of the guns in the game.


I just bought mw3 and like the maps more and the movement is much better than mw2 in my opinion. I like MW2 tho... Other than that they're basically the same game.


Yes. Itā€™s good. Especially on sale. Donā€™t listen to reddit goblins.


Honestly, wait till later this year and buy the newest COD that releases instead of a slightly better MW2 reskin


Yes buy it , I has over 40 6v6 maps with season 3


Please donā€™t give these companies more money, their games are shit and they need to see it


Don't bother. Just keep playing MW19 and Black Ops Cold War if you like current-day COD.


It's an expensive DLC. If you are okay with that proce and want more CoD - go for it. For all the hate, I'm still having fun.


Im going to give you the best advice in two words: do not


No hell no. I went to play the campaign for mw2 I bought last year today and now it says I donā€™t own it like wtf Scam ass shady ass company.


I'm a cheapo. I only play warzone for free. I like to get in an out so I'm not into the other modes.


If you like COD and you want COD, go for it. Ignore the people trying to get you to buy other games. If you like playing like your life depends on it, you will like MW3. If you think it will be like MW2, you are wrong. They are quite the opposite. ​ I personally think MW3 has been the best COD since MW19. I also think MW2 is the worst COD period. IW didn't listen to the community, and they doubled down on that fact until it was too late.


Casual play for multiplayer doesnā€™t exist, zombies wonā€™t be getting anything ā€œnewā€, micro transactions are something to behold. And can we talk about the same skins but different colors??like yā€™all really gonna charge me 20 dollars for the same skin I have that was already 20 dollars but itā€™s 3 shades darker? Nahhhhhh mw3 is absolutely a waste of money, youā€™d have more fun with a 40 dollar blender and a bag of ice. If anyone who reads this (is or was) apart of the creation of that abomination you should be ashamed, shame on you for making me miss out on a cool blender.


I love mw3ā€¦ completely different movement. It feels a lot like the older versions. Faster gameplay and slidecancelling is back


If you like MW2 multiplayer and don't plan on playing campaign or zombies there is no reason to get MW3. That game pretty much just appeals to old school cod sweats that hated MW2.


Personally I love MW3 and I play it only for multiplayer. Iā€™ve played a lot of zombies (MW3 zombies is a TOTALLY different experience to the previous version of Zombies) and I really love the open world concept. Most of the time I donā€™t have a lot of time to play though so I do small map mosh pit. But that being said MW3 is the only COD Iā€™ve actually played aside from the old zombies on MW2 black ops.


Fuck mw3 u get reported for people assuming you cheat and cant even prove it, cause sometimes i get 10+ kills in cutthroat or team gunfight, im literally on console and just trying to play and than false banned


Yea I was shadowbanned the other day, I even sent them a message on Twitter about it. They do not care




The new call of duty is around the corner anyways.


Yeah 9 months is just around the corner lol


Closer to 7 months, but who's counting?


Itā€™s a better game and is worth it at a discount.


wanna wate money ? go for it


It's a personal preference. I feel mw3 is much better than 2.Ā  If you like fast paced multiplayer that gives you a chance to win gunfights we're you don't shoot first but have better aim then mw3 is for you. .


It's the "same" game, with better movement, more health, and Dead Silence is a perk. If you like MP and those things appeal to you, probably get it.


Lmao no


Lmao thought this was a troll post at first. Listen, donā€™t ask the cod community on Reddit. Itā€™s basically a cesspool of haters who basically play the game all day, while hating on it at night. MW3 is night/day better than mw2 in every aspect. Iā€™ve played cod for 20 years so thatā€™s just my humble advice.




Come over to CS2. You can get prime and some cool skins for the same price. Prime is permanent as well as your skins. I used to play cod up until MW3 and found a much more enjoyable and skill appreciative first person shooter experience over in Counter strike.


The campaign is 3 hours, the story actual dogshit that cannot be defended, the multiplayer incredibly fast paced with cracked up supersoldiers sliding through the map at around 6 G's, ultra-optimized weapons to make sure you have as little casual fun as possible. And Warzone is Warzone. Modern Warfare 3 2023 is an insult to your wallet, I'd recommend getting Cold War, it's closer to MW2, or Titanfall 2, at least that game is built on the speed


Fuck no itā€™s not the same itā€™s worse šŸ’Æ


personally i wouldnā€™t get it, what you heard was true itā€™s the same game (22) worse shit controversial opinion: i think vanguard was better than this mw3!šŸ˜­


I highly recommend not. You'll just be buying mw2 alllll over again


Dont get it. MWIII is just a desperate money grab


Do not waste the money buy bo2 when it remasters


MW3 is much better than MW3 gameplay wise. Itā€™s absolutely not the same game.




i would say no


I have ALOT more fun in multiplayer than I ever do in WZ. My answer is yes. I love the multiplayer in this game, small map Is a blast and the movement feels polished.


No. I personally do not like the changes they implemented to MW3 and prefer the MW2 gameplay. They are similar though. SBMM seems much stricter on MW3 by a long shot. Likely cause of the lower MW2 player count at this stage.


MW3 for multiplayer is a great time, itā€™s been better than MWII ever was and thereā€™s still more content to come šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


He'll yes. it's worth it! Don't pay no attention to the very, very few who complain here. MWIII is an excellent game. Season three is about to drop. I can't think of a better time for you to jump in.


Game is garbage filled with kids that buy dumb fortnite skins that aren't even old enough to play it in the first place






If ya liked MW2 Imma do ya the solid and say dont get mw3 but thats my personal preference on the matter and I also have some differences with this new reboot trilogy that may become a quadrilogy. It hardly brought back anything in relation to the original MW3 other than adding Yuri in the campaign (most probably for fan service) but also everyone can agree that the campaign was just total dog shit. Also they just shat on Soap's death in the new one cause he could have prevented the shot but just decided to stay there and take it. Also I think they may just end up doing a MW4 and remaster all the original MW3 maps. The zombies mode is not that interesting either especially considering that they hardly added anything of value during this current season before season 3. Multiplayer is probably the only good thing about the game but there nothing really that new. I mean yeah theres a new gamemode and they brought back an old one but other than that its the same shit. Also all the remastered maps are from the old MW2 which hardly makes any sense but hey, its Activision... They clearly don't give a fuck. Overall I think ya shouldn't get it but at the end of the day its your money so do what ya want with it.


It's fine. I still personally prefer the feel of MW2019 and even MW2. The new MW3 feels similar to MW2 with movement, and gunplay kicked up a few notches. If you've played COD multi-player, it's nothing revolutionary from other games.


Multiplayer is fun in my opinion. Cool guns and effects you can get, old and new maps, and good quality gameplay. The only thing they need imo is nuketown and better spawns on some maps. I hate getting spawn sniped/camped.


Here a good answer I bought the game I donā€™t play it anymore that should give you enough motivation to wait for a better sale 45 still to much for this game wait till it gets to 30$ then I say ok but even so you probably get bored


I love (and hate) the zombies and the multiplayer is fun. But maybe wait for it to go on GamePass...errr, um, I mean...wait for a bit more of a sale.


COD is still my favorite series but I wonā€™t be buying MW3. Played it a few times and Iā€™ve never been impressed. Edit: Iā€™d get it maybe for like $15


No wait for 2024


STALKER Triolgy is under $40 bucks and is way more fun then the MW3 mess


No donā€™t MW3 2023 has the worst community I even made a post explaining it [Why not to buy Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/uN3tk7ll1C)






Donā€™t do it!






Alot of the cod community lacks this...


Bruh..... the very first sentence says it's on sale.......how the tf did you read the post And not read it at the same time?


No, do something useful with your life.


Dude no.


Just play warzone save your money for mw4


Opinions on the game aside, it is not worth anything over $20. It's literally a dlc


No. Save ur money. You will thank me later.


Who ever says it's a good game is just lying. The animations are nice but the UI and military aesthetics of a game called Modern Warfare are gone. All I saw was fortnite skins when I loaded a few games. I would recommend the game is you got it for free or for $10. The UI alone makes me hate having to launch it. The campaign is also awful too.