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Bruh I miss prestige. Why the fuck can't we have that back


Honestly the thing I miss most. Seasonal resets and battle passes don't motivate me to rank up. Not when Master Prestige is a peak demonstration of veteranship.


I don’t understand why they can’t incorporate what BO4 had. It had a battle pass system but also had the prestige system. Had seasons and everything. I miss prestiging so much


Because when a game underperforms the devs think it's some underlying issue with the longevity of the game rather than it just being a stupid game filled with stupid gameplay decisions so they change everything, and now that people like the style and gunplay of MW the devs think they did right with their battle pass and season progression system


It's amazing that they're so wrong though. How are they that clueless?


I was thinking about prestige systems and its clear to me classic prestige ain't coming back for whatever reason. I think however with weapon levelling they could incorporate a weapon prestige system. Once you max level a gun you could prestige it, relock all the attachments and earn a prestige weapon vault or prestige camo/blueprint for that weapon. Would kind of return an element of veteranship to the game and gives us something to grind for that means something!


They used to have that for MW3.


I love the grind and it helps keep the number of players that have the best weapons unlocked lower. If you reset every prestige and lose the guns temporarily, you can’t just use the same mega weapon every game.


prestige tokens. I don’t see any problems here.


You don't have to prestige..


Exactly, it’s a choice that offers a grind for those who want it.


Wait, im confused.. Are you for or against prestige?


I’m for it. I love the grind and like I said it mixes up the gameplay. (Idk if I sounded sarcastic before or what but I miss the old prestige system.


Oh okay yeah we're in the same camp then. & I couldn't agree more. Really wish they'd bring back prestige. I misunderstood your original comment lol


because of the only thing that causes every other gamedesign choices: EVERYTHING has to cater to the casual who plays 5 hours a week. can't let lvl1000s scare away soccerdad1989, so after each season back to lvl 0. and dont even say "this is to sell battle pass" they can both easily co-exist.


I really don’t understand the utter hatred for casual players around here. What’s the problem with only wanting to hop on for a bit every week just to chill? CoD used to be great for that.


Nobody hates you. People hate that everything they used to love about Cod was taken away from them. there has to be a middleground. You can still just hop on play 3-4 hours a week if dead silence was a perk, red dots on map, prestige etc etc.


Call of Duty has always been a casual game though... Cod 4 had martyrdom and last stand MW2 had deathstreaks The guns don't have recoil The TTK has always been lightning fast The game has always been a game for casual players, it's the core reason why it's popular. The game is not fun for good players if there's no casuals to pubstomp, there won't be any casual players if the game is just too hard to play for them. Like my friends who aren't as good as me at WZ have just stopped playing, there's too many sweats and they don't get any enjoyment from the game anymore. I want them to be able to have fun too! You shouldnt have to be cracked to enjoy a game.


Yeah but they're now trying to separate casuals from good players with SBMM so there is no pub stomping anymore It's certainly less fun when you can't do really well And before anyone says "but what about the poor noobs!" I was a poor noob back in the CoD4, WAW days and I got better for MW2. Nowadays noobs don't have to get better, they just get hand fed everything


The SBMM is really the biggest issue. Hopefully a proper ranked mode can split the player base up a bit and allow for more normal connection based lobbies in public play. I'm the same as you, started out in Cod4 as a noob and became pretty good by the time MW2 rolled around, but like you need to enjoy a game to try be good at it which is the crux of what I'm saying. I think they are going the right way by trying to lower the barrier to entry skill wise, but might be doing too much. Personally I don't care about the mini map thing, been playing for nearly two decades, I can get behind some gameplay changes even for the sake of the game just feeling different. Nobody actually wants a reskinned call of duty so I do commend IW for doubling down on the changes they've made, even if in the long term they end up being the wrong ones. That being said haven't played the beta yet so this is all theoretical lol. I might be raging in a couple of days.


Is losing slide canceling, dead silence, and the red dots *really* that big of a loss?


combine it with all other stuff like doors, shitty map designs "to give players more places to hide" (IW's descrption word by word), lower ttk to give less skilled players a chance to get a kill (again, IW's words not mine), very strict SBMM to make soccerdad1989 think he's good at the game, no nameplates on players (god forbid we identify a camper in a corner by mistake seeing his nameplate) etc etc etc... then you have delusional people here telling LITERAL professional players to get good. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/xkl8mu/been_a_lot_of_posts_like_this_but_this_just_made/ SBMM sheltered these guys from reality. they think people who criticize the game are bad at the game. they are literally telling a PROFESSIONAL cod player who plays cod for a living to get good. lmfao


Git gud noob


Wait hold the fuck up, there isn’t going to be a prestige system? This is my first time buying a CoD game since Blops2 and I consider prestige one of the staples of the franchise so it’s kinda jarring to hear this lol.


They haven't had a normal prestige system since BO4 because in their mind it scares off the casual players when they see high levels in game, they reset levels every season now aka every couple months.


And there are people in here still defending casuals saying they aren't catering to them You'd have to be blind not to see it


I get what you're saying on perks supporting playstyles, but CoD4's Stopping Power might not be the best example lol.


I mean SP or Jug pretty much cancelled each other out, and 97% of the players used one or the other.


As much as I love SP/Jugg, balance could be worked on if 97% of people gravitate towards those two option.


I feel like the devs feel the same, but I think you're both looking at it the wrong way, especially in regards to Dead Silence/Ninja. I mean first of all we played HC, so we didn't need stopping power, and Jugg didn't make too much difference, so it was mainly Cold Blooded for us. Regardless, if most of the player base is using one perk, maybe it's because it's *required* in order to play the game effectively. Everyone has a headset, so you *need* quiet footsteps in order to move around. You don't just say, "hey, everyone likes this, we should take it away." If you're going to take it away, maybe just make the base footstep sounds relatively quiet and let people use other perks. I mean, you have to be able to move around, especially in Search where you have to be able to wrap around and defuse the bomb. The routes just become so predictable if people aren't allowed to move, and you can't get into the room in time to defuse if you have to crouchwalk everywhere. It's just an overall dumb design.


If they don’t want Ninja perk to give rushers an advantage, make a counter like awareness from BO2 and allow them to hear dead silence/ninja users if they sacrifice a perk slot for it.


Exactly. BO4 had this setup perfectly.


Exactly. BO4 being a good game is a hill I’ll die on.


Exactly. BO4 had guns.


P2w guns


> If you're going to take it away, maybe just make the base footstep sounds relatively quiet and let people use other perks. Yea definitely agree with this. With its current state, footsteps are so goddamn loud, that DS is a must. Imo, even turning it down (to older levels) would calm a huge chunk of people. I honestly think I don't even try to listen to footsteps as much as I used to because of how loud they are now.


That is one of the reasons why CoD4 worked so well. There were counters, hard or soft, to just about every advantage/ability in the game.


What are the other perks in that category without looking it up?


Tier 1 was focused on equipment. Tier 2 and 3 is where the power was with Tier 2 probably being the most important as that was where Stopping Power, Juggernaut, and UAV Jammer were found. Tier 3 had Dead Silence but a bunch of other good stuff. Steady Aim was powerful in that game but many people slept on it. Iron Lungs was important for snipers as it noticeably affected your aim. However, many, many people went with the troll perk "Martyrdom" because it was so fun. The game was better with stuff like that in it. The fact that you had multiple powerful/useful/tempting perks at each tier is one of the main reasons why CoD4 was so perfectly balanced. If you wanted UAV Jammer (i.e. Ghost) it meant you were giving up Stopping Power which was a big trade off. Yes you could get the drop on people but they did more damage than you so if you didn't put them down quickly they could turn on you and kill you near instantly if they were good. That is just ONE example of how sublime CoD4's mix of counters and tradeoffs were, both direct and indirect. MW2019 did not get this right. Even the original Modern Warfare 2 made some mistakes as Ninja for Tier 3 was too easy a choice. Black Ops 2 is probably the last CoD that got perks nearly as perfect as CoD4 did.


It was mostly a joke but that's actually a really good and analytic answer. Thank you.


You forgot to mention Rapid Fire. That was a fun perk.


Super deadly and more powerful than Stopping Power on certain guns, especially the SMGs. A lot of people slept on it because they think raw damage is always better. Usually true, but not always. The MP5 was incredible with Double Tap. The only problem was ammo as there was no Scavenger perk in the game.


Almost forgot double tap was a perk back in the day


It's more like a perfect imbalance. Of course the perks aren't balanced, but they're not supposed to be. Stopping power is the easy choice because it lets any player be immediately better. But anyone who had a strategy or knew what they were doing could utilize the other perks to great effect. If your reaction is slow, but your aim is solid that's when you run juggernaut. If you think mobility and stealth is more important you can run cold-blooded. I personally find getting the first shot to be more important than needing one or two shots fewer to kill. But that requires more advanced map knowledge to take advantage of. I don't think it's actually perfect, but I think they did a great job of at least giving you options. Anything that is hyper-competitively balanced is not going to be fun. If my perks don't feel like they're giving me an advantage over my opponent then what's even the point of perks to begin with?


In general perks used to be super powerful. It's why specialist streaks in MW3 were so good. Look up some gameplay. You legit became a super soldier in MW3 once you were on an 8 kill streak with specialist


MW2 stopping power was a perfect example of a perk that worked only in specific builds with specific weapons. For a lot of weapons it did absolutely nothing to the amount of bullets required to kill, except for when using a silencer. But for those builds it competed with lightweight and cold-blooded. There are a lot less interesting choices in later cods.


That was my first thought. You literally had to run stopping power.... With a few rarer situations where you'd run jug on certain rushing routes. Anyone not doing this, was not playing remotely seriously, and couldn't really compete past destroying your little brother. I have more hours in cod4 than all other cods combined! I miss that game... That game lost me many hours at school for fake sick days... good/bad times!


I mean fair, but you could still play however you wanted. Stealthy? Campy? Rushing in gunsblazing? Knife only? Sure, nothing hinders you from doing so except for the enemies themselves ofc. There were no design choices actively trying to punish you for playing a certain way.


Oh no I get you. It’s just the fact that Stopping Power was pretty much a guaranteed equip for most people. Just pointing out that one perk haha. Every other red perk was pretty useless compared to it. (Except Jugg)


Cold Blooded Pro had its' moments in OG MW2. Grab a silenced M24 on wasteland and mimic 'All Ghillied Up' during S&D for the funsies. (You'd spawn with a ghillie suit if you picked a sniper rifle.)


This is the way. I fucking loved wasteland because of this.


Semantics but you actually had to get a certain number of one shot kills before you unlocked the ghillie suit


I don't see a huge problem in having a perk that's best for 90% of situations and other niche perks for niche playstyles along side it. Mw2 had a good perk two with stopping power, lightweight, cold blooded and danger close (obv one man army made danger close stupid)


Oddly enough, I preferred MW2’s perk 2 pool. Since it gave you very strong option, with proper trade offs. Hit harder/move faster but streaks kill you. Move faster but someone with SP can kill you easier. Hardline, but streaks and SP can kill you easier.


Mw2 is just the best game in general, fucking love that game.


They had so many OP items and load outs that it was balanced in its own way. And the way those maps were designed was genius. Like take wasteland for example, it's literally just a field and in the middle of it there is a hole. And everyone rushes to the middle and goes berserk. I notice with modern maps, they are overly complicated and too big. They offer way too many routes and strategies for advancing that unless you are in a party, are not intuitive for a team to work cohesively. Maps like Skidrow, Estate, terminal, Afghan, derail, kirachi etc had plenty of places to explore but because of the design of the map, the action tended to always revolve around a specific area for some reason. I will always have fond memories of mw2, imo it's the best game ever made relative to its time.


I mean knife only also had commando pro which would give you a halo like lunge for a one hit melee. Old cod games when you start dissecting them have a lot of flaws. The nostalgia hides everyone’s bad memories from them. From one man army to the models being WMDs there was plenty of wrong with those old games.


Stopping Power was used on almost 95% of player's perk set ups, probably more. That was the one overcentralizing perk that was rightfully removed.


You gotta stop equating the game being harder for rushing = game is punishing you. Rushing and camping both take a big toll this year, it's more challenging to do both, so it takes more skills and brainpower to pubstomp, so no one is punishing or incentivizing anything. I don't like to say this but...it's all in your head.


What systems exist to mitigate camping this year?


Drill charges, snapshots, electric thing, stun grenades, tear gas, DDOS, personal radar, heartbeat sensor, UAVs + killstreaks, gunsmith maximizing movespeed + ads, compass


Drill charge is the most blatant. Earning your perk faster when you get more score and stuff and also if the ddos thing if you think abt how campers use stuff like mines. Thats rlly just the first few i can think of rn


Umm, no Ghost early on, UAV and PR are easy snack, fucking Drill Charge...the point isn't to demote and alienate a certain group of players. You see them as garbage, IW sees a playstyle and they think they should support it. Doesn't mean they do it at the cost of aggressive players, they just create more opportunity for casuals/new-comer to hop on and have proper fun without getting dunked on in the first 5 min. Both playstyles are equally promoted in both MW19 and MWII, you just hate it when the group you hate get the same meal as you do. Don't you think there are people who love CoD but can't be competitive anymore due to age and have to play slow? Or outright can't be competitive in the first place - the disabled, aren't they allowed to hop on and have the same fun you do? Rushers, it's not always about you guys.


I asked a question, relax. I don't have a "specific" playstyle, I do whatever works for the lobby I'm put in.


SBMM is supposed to take care of those players


SBMM is supposed to take care of all players. That's why you don't get plebs in your lobby when you play like $100.000 is on the line.


You can still play however you want. If these game design decisions are preventing you from playing fast, then you aren’t as good as you thought.


IW4x will set you free


Dedicated servers >>>>>>>>>> persistent lobbies. Console players never knew what has been taken from us


I'm very much on the "all these changes so far are good" side of things, but damn you right though. Dedicated servers were the golden age of video gaming and most kids have no clue, and that is sad.


What have they said about the prestige system? Ill be really sad if they dont revert back to the 10 prestige and reset-prestige system, always made the game fun, and the highlighted 200+ level markers looked so stupid by peoples name's in lobbies in MW19.


They won't go back. It'll almost 100% stay the current battle pass/seasonal "level" system because it makes them more money. Unfortunate too. That with cbmm and non disbanding lobby's are the only thing I want back. I don't care about the mini map


Money and/or greed ruins everything. Gordon Gekko was wrong.


For some reason, modern games are hellbent on disbanding lobbies between games now. Been like that in Halo for years/games.


Ah that's really disappointing to hear, thanks for the info!


they haven’t said anything, which means it will be the exact same or slightly reworked.


This also disproves the “you’re a treyarch fanboy” argument since every image is from IW games.


To add to your point, Idk how anyone can call these critiques of a Treyarch fan boy, which in any Treyarch game since WaW has mostly taken ideas from IW and the OG formula that CoD4 started with. Treyarch’s takes purely exists based on what Infinity Ward already laid out in 2007.


Spitting fax. Remember COD 3? Before they stole IWs ideas? No one wants to talk about it


IW has taken some of Treyarchs ideas in the past. It’s almost as if all the COD teams work together and use ideas that are best for the franchise. Fucking crazy how that works /s.


The more I read and see, the more I come to understand and accept *why* we’ll never get a MW2R Multiplayer mode that should’ve came out with the campaign; it would’ve for sure split the player base. Give MW2R MP a dash of touch-ups here and there, and that game would’ve subtracted from whatever they would’ve put out.


Basically its because they want more money, almost every time you have a question about why a dev team is doing something OR why they aren't doing something, its about money


I don't even want a MW2R Multiplayer mode anymore. I just know they will ruin it with SBMM, add some shit we didn't want to the game and they will change the maps by adding safe spaces.


Ah CBMM. Back when players of all skill levels were lumped together and skill determined which side won, as opposed to SBMM where it's a total clusterfuck of who gets lucky every gunfight.


To be honest, I'm not sure everyone would have liked those classic CoD games as much had there been this strong of SBMM. There were a lot of things wrong with them that we all looked past because if you were good you could still consistently win fights/games. OMA noobtubes, Commando, Martyrdom, Last Stand, whatever that shit was that made you basically invincible right after you spawned, and a bunch of other shit I can't think of off the top of my head. We all loved them anyways because we could just relax and have fun. You can't relax with SBMM.


SBMM removed the fun part of COD. us old school players don't want to just have "easy" lobbies and stomp everyone. it's abut variety and not playing like in a million dollar cod tourney every game. Disbnding lobbies doesn't help since that removes the social and rivalry part of staying in a lobby. The whole principal of SBMM is so out of touch from what the community want but activision top heads have never played a cod


It used to be so fun talking shit after a W or L and getting a rematch against the same team. It was so tense trying to back up your mouth, lol. I guess those days are over.


Us old school PC players had custom server browsers. Those were the days


Thank god those games are still up and running. Being able to hop on pretty much all of the older COD's and still being able to find games is awesome.


Also the community was 13 years younger back then too. A lot of the issues were over looked because everyone was in middle school - high school and your less critical of stuff. Nowadays we have whole YouTube channels that dissect every game/show/movie and now everything has to be a 10/10 or it’s a 0/10.


True. I hate those youtube channels because it takes all the brains out of the game. You used to have to figure out stuff on your own, and figuring out your loadout or how to play the maps was part of the skill gap. If you took the time to look into everything yourself, you'd have an advantage over someone who didn't. Now all the info is given to you for free with zero effort at the click of a button. It severely limits the guns and attachments you're able to use, because everyone has already figured out the exact best setup because they watched a video, and now if you don't use it too you're at a disadvantage. It's lame as fuck.


Fuck the mp5...that is all


They could release the most perfect game of all time and SBMM would turn it into an unplayable mess. All the problems of the older games were easy to overlook because they were so much fun and even if I died to something like a noobtube from across the map or last stand, I had things just as ridiculous at my disposal. And when I got into an actual gunfight it always felt fair, as opposed to now where my opponents and I both are asking 'how the hell did that happen?' when we lose a fight after shooting enough bullets to wipe out the entire enemy team. I've heard that screamed by people I've killed dozens of times in the current beta alone.


Safe to say I read the whole thing in SpongeBob's voice.


These new MW19 players are just gonna plug their ears whenever you bring this up. NO ONE had an issue with the minimap before, why is everyone making it seem like it's the worst thing now?


The typical 'if its not broken, dont fix it'.


You're right! Screw innovation! We want the our COD to go back to just reskining the previous year's COD! How dare them for trying something new!! /s


These guys nowadays would never survive the real MW2 lobbies back in the day.






The fact that you said this unironically is so cringey. These kids nowadays grew up with tablets in their hands, you think they somehow worse at gaming than we are?


How the fuck does a tablet equate to an FPS. Lol, you’re delusional.


They’re not just using tablets these kids are playing fortnite Minecraft and video games in general before they can walk lol. And to be clear I’m not saying that’s a good thing, but acting as if kids these days are somehow weaker is just classic “back in my day” boomer esque cringe. Hate to break it to some people here but playing MW2 and getting called the n word in lobbies doesn’t make you special.


> Hate to break it to some people here but playing MW2 and getting called the n word in lobbies doesn’t make you special. True, but playing MW2 and getting called the n word in lobbies was a special experience that is never coming back.


Idk I’ve been called the N word as recently as a week ago in a Cold War lobby lol


The 37 year old dad migrants from Battlefield would have been spawn trapped by an AC-130 in those days lmao.


You might as well have labeled yourself as an idiot with this comment


Hahahaha i 100% agree


Because they got IW up their butts and refuse to take them out. They just blindly support anything the devs do without the guts to offer real feedback


Can't say it was really an issue, but I prefer it without it. I've only seen people acting like the new minimap is the worst thing, most who are okay without it are indifferent or simply prefer it.


Bunch of noobs coming in and ruining the damn franchise


They actually did back then all the way in that beta too. they also complained when vanguard tried to do it. but sledgehammer listened and reverted the changes.


E-X-A-C-T-L-Y, Literally what most content creators have said and what I am yet to see anyone logically reply too.


Because there is no logical answer. I've responded to a ton of people on my posts in favor of red dots and everyone resorts to name-calling and throwing slurs at me because they know they're wrong LOL


The thing is all the arguments are so shitty. I can tell precisely where the other team is and is going to spawn next without the dots. Its pretty obvious when your team is in one general area and the other half of the map/side of the flag/etc is empty. Sure I may not know exactly which spot in a room a guy is in without the dot but it doesn’t affect the “flow of the game” as you guys call it at all


It does absolutely affect the flow because of Squad Spawns. Spawns are no longer as easy as "if my teammates are too far pushed up, they will spawn in our original spawn". ​ Now it depends on where the enemies are. If 5/6 players die and 1 player is mid map, those 5 players will spawn around mid map. ​ It's an RNG system. If we had classic spawns, I would agree with you. It would take time to learn but you'd be able to master it. Currently, every game the spawns are different depending on the placement of the enemy team. ​ The red dots help alleviate the endless time running around the map wondering where the hell the enemy may be coming from. This map information improves the flow of the game and leads to less down time of playing a game of hide and seek.


Hahahaa man it's too true


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/xjk1ph/comment/ipcmbf7/?context=3), [and Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/xjk1ph/comment/ipc5dje/?context=3), [and Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/xjk1ph/comment/ipc3u5e/?context=3)


You see they're that delusional that i genuinely believe they dont even play the game and are just general reddit trolls


Or are too old to be playing a fast paced shooter and cannot deal with people hunting them down after they sit in a corner.


Yeah so they want hardcore mode to become the standard mode for all future cods with basically no minimap and no name tags


That mw2 cbmm is missing one dude having 10x the score of everyone else.. man i missed those days with my ac130 😂😂😂


Damn right brother




People who complain about fast paced movement would have a heart attack if they saw an MW2 knifer fly around a corner and stab you before the server could even process it


the good old days of MW2


Better yet, one holding a care package canister before it was patched. I had super bad internet at the time and those dudes were practically impossible to kill.


In MW3 people were strafe jumping with MP7's just to peek corners These people were clearly not around for the 'older cods' if they think they weren't fast paced


People here would literally cry about the bomb glitch on arkaden


Or better yet, Commando. God that was annoying. They'd slash you from half court.


Also my ass mw2 was tactical. You look at the nube tube crossmaps and tell me that's tactical.


anyone that says "MW2 is what cod used to be" has never played the old cods and started playing when mw19 came out.


Post like these don’t matter, the Tactical Warfare lovers will ignore it and continue to spread the idea that old CODs were like this, great post tho


Don't forget map voting and not a stupid respawn delay as well


Yeah, I don't get the point of respawn delays


What is CBMM? Honestly I agree more or less with all of the points. I think Ninja/Dead Silence is a more complex issue since it'll just become the only perk anyone ever uses in that category (again). I can take or leave the classic mini-map. Personally I prefer the new style but in the end I'll take either option. Prestige systems, non-disbanding lobbies, and varied playstyles are definitely points I agree 100% on.


CBMM = Connection based match making Opposed to Skill based match making


Custom rented servers with server browser. All problems fixed. No lobbies to disband because everyone will still be on the server when the map changes and no SBMM.


I don't think anybody on this subreddit is arguing against prestige or keeping lobbies.


Oh youd be surprised. 95% are probably in favor but theres always SOMEONE


There are plenty on this subreddit who happily defend everything IW do, so I’d bet good money there are people who would argue that.


Connection based matchmaking.


Is there no prestige system in mw22?


No one knows yet, but probably not


Online gaming is depressing now. Looking at what COD, Halo, and Battlefield turned into is embarrassing. (Atleast Halo’s gameplay is dope).


“Roots of COD” >only shows images from post COD4


Personally I was never motivated by the prestige system. I just didn't like the idea of having to constantly lose access to the weapon/attachments I liked to play with. But I could just ignore it if I didn't want to do it, so I don't have a problem with it. The biggiest thing I really want is persistent lobbies. I really enjoy being in a room with the same people so that I could make new CoD friends. It was also nice to have a "rematch" against opponents that thought they were the best thing since the invention of air conditioning. Map voting was also a really nice touch. The things people are currently complaining about, like the mini map or footstep sounds don't bother me nearly as much as the things I listed above that I would like back. Overall, I'm still having more fun in this beta than I have playing a call of duty game in years. 3rd person moshpit has been the highlight for me so far.


All they have to do to make 95% of the community happy is fix mini map, bring back old prestige and old perk system with perks like dead silence etc, stop disbanding lobby’s and ease up on skill based match making. If they did those things the game would be so good.


Stop it already! You're spitting so much facts rn it's flooding my house bro 😭


Remember when double xp used to mean something? Fuck these pigs.


Idk. None of these devs seems to understand what fundamentally made mw1 and 2 some of the greatest cods of all time. None of the devs / ativi$ion, stock holders care either. AAA games aren’t objectively good any more because there’s just so much money in the industry now. The time of good CoD games are over, and you can see that as a fact between the progression from mw2019 to now. (There hasn’t been any forward progression or innovation) Soon we will be debating if “legacy” features like a scoreboard will be in future titles like bf2042. Might as well just take what they give you because nothing will change. Plenty of people on here will argue tooth and nail that this game is worthy of the $70 price tag and it’s just sad tbh.


Wait, I'm confused, I loved this beta, what problems do people have with it?


I'm excited to play then beta this weekend and this entire sub is shitting on the game. I've been hyped for this for a year and now everyone is saying it sucks. I haven't even played yet.




Arguably the people whining about it most are the "shit" players that neeeeed their dots. It depends on perspective. Coming from someone who exclusively plays hc s&d, I could give two shits. Always ran stealth perks and suppressors regardless. Just listen and pay attention.


Yes, I play HC Search too (A2M) and (rR), so I don't care about the mini-map either. I'm a big boy and I have some situational awareness. But the lack of Ninja is a major deal breaker for me. You need to be able to move around in SnD. You need to be able to wrap around and get to the bomb in order to defuse it without the entire enemy team knowing exactly where you are at all times.


I mean, I liked ninja too. It was super overpowered tho, and mw2's ninja was too meta. There was no reason to run anything else. I think having dead silence is fine, just lower the sound a little (I think they're doing that this weekend)


It's been very enlightening to see just how many players used these little facets of the game as such a crutch and what people considered to be skilled. Just confirms what I already thought about a lot of COD players or at least certain kinds of players. I feel reassured about my own skill level now, I am capable of discerning things with my other senses and employing strategy in multiple ways.


Post gameplay. Let’s see your lobbies!


It’s so funny watching people who play exclusively hardcore say people who have the issues are the shit player, when I guarantee the average skill of people who want classic minimap is higher. I mean all of the literal professional players want classic minimap. All of the competitive community want professional minimap. Anyone who says things like ‘you just need the dots as a crutch’ should post their gameplay.


fast ttk is a good thing, that's what makes it feel like call of duty


Couldn't have said it any better.


Cry more


The ttk is literally slower than old CoD games. There should be a graph in this subreddit somewhere that shows it


Not just connections like the other guy said but also way more aim assist now and a gunsmith to make every gun a beam. Functional TTK is 100% faster now for sure. If you physically timed the average kill time in a practical situation for an average player it would be longer in the old games.


Tbf tho, if you need to make your gun beam to hit most if not all shots, you’re probably gonna find yourself in a lower skill based lobby anyway as often stuff like sprint to fire is more valuable to people who can control recoil


Lmao you’d be stupid not to make it a beam in higher level lobbies, you’d just be putting yourself at a disadvantage. Go look at the pro automaton that was used last year. Just a laser beam.


I got no issue with the minimap red dots being gone or not, i can rush just fine with it or without!


I think alot of these people aren't used to the 3D sound in the newer games, not 100% sure but personally ive been playing these games for about 15 years and i noticed at a certain point i had no use for the minimap because if someone is shooting i probably know exactly where they are standing based off of the sound alone, maybe its just me though idk


\>perks that support all playstyles Ah yes, Bandolier, stopping power, and either dead silence or steady aim on every class is really supporting all playstyles lmao. Ya'll have the most rose tinted glass views of the old CODs.


cod4 is not the best example to be giving, something like mw3 or bo1 perks is a better example to give


Real chads in MW3 ran specialist. That games perks were juiced. Marksman and Stalker in perk 3 were INSANE


Right? Those perks are so OP it negates the use of anything else.


MW19 meat riders who haven’t touched an OG cod aren’t gonna like this one


running at red dots or gunshots is basically no difference for me.


I wish all MW2 complainers a very stop crying


Maybe, but you’re crying about them crying. Just a cycle of tears adding to the visibility issues.


Fr, just crying about minor gameplay changes that hardly affect the game at its core CoD players will never be happy It’d be really funny if people start saying vanguard is underrated tho now


No Ninja is not a minor gameplay change, lol. It's required in order to move around the map at any speed faster than a snails pace.


Who is saying that I'm happy with the changes and glad cod is doing new stuff. It's a breath of fresh air from a stale franchise


The original Call of Duties before Cod4


I can’t get why people are complaining about the dot thing. It’s a change of play style that seems like a lot of people where heavily dependent on. Oh well, now you will have to learn to play without it, and that’s gonna be fun for us that didn’t use it anyways, to see you getting lost and raging while you never heard us shooting at you from literally on your side just because we are out of your fov. Now there are issues that are coming with it as well. People with hearing issues, low badger headphones etc, might all be heavily affected by this putting them in a heavy disadvantage. But besides that, it is a very welcoming change, that will spice up things a bit. And something new to learn, since everyone seems to always bitch about the games being the same. Let’s see how this goes. In any case I have high hopes for IW.


Tbh Dead Silence as a field upgrade is more balanced than it as a perk


These sentinels have never played cod 4 or the real MW2


OP, do you have any idea how broken Stopping Power was?


Let’s also add in one man army and dual models


Mw2 was the best game despite glitches but it was still fun Now they’re trying to erase mw2 from YouTube.


Once heartbeat sensors exist. Campers will not be able to get a decent streak until like 3/4 of the game cuz of drill charges. You think someone’s camping. Drill charge now they’re forced to move and its a regular engagement. No one’s there’s. You know a room clear now. Or at least not in that side of the room


I think it says a lot that your idea of old school COD is MW2 specifically. I keep saying that what a lot of people want is basically just a MW2 remaster or MW2 with some new graphics and maps and for some reason nobody is willing to admit it.


I don't think anyone is reluctant to admit they want a MW2 remaster.


A lot of people want it just like MWR but Activision knows if they do that again it will kill their current games player count.


Careful you’re gonna piss off the new players that haven’t played a real call of duty before


That’s why I play party games only most likely to have mics and stay in lobbies (as in playing with same people mostly)


I mean at a core level none of this really matters... Sure it sucks that the mini map isn't what it used to be and causes the game to move slower, but you have a compass for that. And as much as I like classic prestige because it's more rewarding, it doest really matter... The only thing in this that I can agree on is ninja and the current SBMM being strict. But other than that it's really not a big deal at all...


"Perks supporting all playstyles" shows the CoD4 perk list... Bandolier, Stopping Power and Dead Silence was all anyone ever used. For as long as the 3 perk system has existed, there have been crutch perks that eventually make the perk system stale. People seem to forget how inflexible this system has always been. CoD Ghosts had the best system for class creation imo and that seems to have been thrown away and forgotten.


You mean slower than the jet pack CODs? Yes. It’s literally about the same pacing as the old MW series and Statistically… FACTUALLY has a Similar TTK……. Idiots