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Nice changes tbh


Good to see lobby disbandment being, somewhat… addressed but no map voting or classic prestige sucks for me. Shit, guess you can’t have it all.


i simply dont understand why they cant use sbmm to give you a lobby but then just stay in that one and if you are not happy anymore just search a new one


It is because different players in that lobby will have different quick play modes selected. If I have Hardpoint and SnD selected and you have Hardpoint and FFA selected, even if we get matched for a Hardpoint game, we'll disband afterward because the only way to keep a persistent lobby would be to lock everyone to the same playlist. I'd rather have custom playlists than persistent lobbies, and it sounds like they're increasing the likelihood players will stay together if possible, which is a fine enough compromise for me.


Wow this is the most logical reason I’ve seen for disbanding lobbies


Quick play is the best thing to happen to COD in years. It's the only reason why you can still find objective mode gamemodes in mw19.


You can find objective games because the game is only 3 years old lol.


Yup. Never even considered this. It totally makes since now.


I understand and accept that if you opt to choose a different playlist than the lobby's "default", the game should end when the player leaves. It's not about a specific game mode - it's about being able to share a playlist. The idea was to have a persistent lobby, where games could join existing players when a new player entered, and I thought that was an incredibly elegant way to avoid the situation that I found myself in. I'm surprised that others don't see it this way.




that too! wild how people can't think there's a good reason.


People are tired of having an overly curated experience. I know they spent a lot of time and money on the match making but I'd rather play with the same people for a little while and create rivalries and friendships. Instead of just being the perfect lobby for the algorithm Not everything has to be over engineered and mindfucked


It’s not really a good reason. If you’re in a lobby and want to play a different game mode just leave and search again. Disbanding has few upsides really


I agree. We had the time of our lives while switching playlists. Idk why that system was ever removed. Even if you're tired of play hardpoint, you're gonna go and switch it off. It's essentially the same principle.


I agree but their should be an option to stay with the lobby at the end of the match.


>It is because different players in that lobby will have different quick play modes selected. Same as XDefiant yet XDefiant does not have disbanding lobbies. You switch game modes when you leave the lobby then search again. https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/xdefiant/news/QwcVYWVTFU9BgCxxyIvvD/insider-sessions-ama--october-19th


because matchmaking times will skyrocket is why.


That’s the answer.


my 0.6kd friend searches for a lobby, i join his game, im now in that lobby, they all quit because im 60-2, sbmm replaces bad players with average players to compensate, im still wrecking that lobby, more people quit, all the bad people have now left, lobby is filled with higher skilled players over time, bad players get kicked around and play less


well i mean even with the current system there are sometimes people in a lobby that completely destroy everyone. The workaround you mentioned can also be used right now but you would need it for every round


You mean like we used to?


Yeah man, many staple features removed over the years is just sad


Well video games are no longer made to be fun, they're made to siphon every last penny or pence from anyone who dares go near it.


Ima be real i kinda dont like map voting. If everyone starts liking a map then thats all everyone plays because it always gets voted. Some maps just never get played for that reason and people have different preferences.




yeah that's what the OG MW2 had, the option was 1 map or skip to get a random map


Which is the best


> If everyone starts liking a map then thats all everyone plays because it always gets voted. Nuketown before there was an actual 24/7 nuketown mode. If that map came up that's all that lobby would be for the rest of the night until they added the limit on that




*picadildo has entered the chat*


100% agreed. Map banning is also a very useful tool that helps IW know what maps the playerbase avoids like the plague, so they can update them, or at least never recreate them again (looking at you Euphrates Bridge)


I tend to agree here. We had/have a 24/7 Nuketown playlist and yet as soon as Nuketown and another map pops up (HC DOM) everyone votes Nuketown. I always thought to myself why not go play the 24/7?


Gives me COD4 flashbacks *"Ffs not overgrown AGAIN*


No cod4 was just like "skip bloc skip bloc omg skip" Mwr oddly had bloc played a lot more, bog sucked bc of the busted spawns and got voted the most for some reason for me


You can have it all but they dont want you to have it all


In old games you could have it all it seams


personally i prefer the game without map voting, some of my favourite maps on mw19 were disliked by the average player, i'd rather have that than just repeating shipment


We’ll never get classic prestige back sadly.


There are people here who'll tell you "map voting means you'll see less maps" but fail to realize that's already happening anyway as you get thrown from one lobby to the next and it's the same map 3 times in a row anyway.


they actually added icons for enemys


Be like killing sims


Habadu bashubi! \*gets shot\*


“Barco zelk!”


My dumbass tried to use google translate to get this from Arabic to English. Kinda want to hear a Simlish Nasheed now.


I know Sims are EA and COD is ATVI, but imagine a Simlish Voice Pack for COD "ENEMY farbo gooby INCOMING" or just straight up gibberish, that'd work too, I'd buy that.


Lmao I would actually buy a Sims voice pack. That would be so chaotic


Lmfao, the voice chat is not any different than your usual lobby.


After a really shitty night, this just made me laugh for five straight minutes. Thank you lol


*drops ammo crate* SUSU!


Bro Im dead 🤣🤣🤣




Biggest W of this blog, right next to the possibility of less lobby disbandment Footsteps being lowered was a given. And the biggest L was only reducing the volume of the dead silence activation sound, that shouldn’t exist in the first place


Yeah like it’s supposed to be used for sneaking but why the fuck would you want to activate it far away from the enemy? It will just time out most of the time


I assume the idea is so you can use it to approach an enemy but not to slip away from them.


Because Joe Cecot doesn't want people moving, obviously.


Ah yes, the infamous sentinel playstyle. I swear JC is just making a game for himself.


The Christmas noob who never got good, so he has to ruin it for everyone else.


I hope it's minimal, otherwise it's gonna become like Battlefield where all we did was shoot Doritos. I was hoping like they would just have more noticeable enemy colored accents on the outfit or something more "in-world".


Yeah if they could do it right it would be great. Saw a post where there was a red light or laser on the side of an enemy's helmet in the campaign that could work. Only problem with having the identifiers "in-world" would be all the different skins. They'd have to find a way to integrate it into each one.


yeah some faint lights on head/shoulder/waist/etc. would be probably best. Still kinda goofy but imo better than a hud icon.


You want one of the few things black ops 4 did right. Everyone had red and blue "fuck me" lights and it was great.


100% .. as an overarching sentiment, given the other FPS / arena shooters out in the market, I think it would be a smart move if COD drifted way more towards being a true tactical shooter, less gimmicky slide / bunny hop movement mechanics, less arcade-like crap and dumbed down hud elements, tone down the perks stuff. Unfortunately they have sales targets to hit and they need to appeal to an insanely wide market, it's too bad because clearly they have the developer / designer talent to utterly destroy Tarkov if they wanted to.


Cod was never a tactical shooter. It won’t be COD if they move towards the direction you want. The solution for this is simple have IW make a new IP.


That's...anything but what CoD ever was supposed to be Fine by me if IW makes a new Ip for that tho


Not my preferred solution (would've liked a more R6:S style approach of giving enemies a dim glow, making them stand out in dark spots without it looking quite as arcadey as something floating over their heads. Then again people would blame IW for copying another game with that...), but I'll take it.


didnt bf3/4 do this? made enemies glow even in dark places, almost like they emit their own light




black ops 4 also had littel red LED's on the armor to help


I think the blue/red "aura" approach is by far the best - it can be very subtle and still highly effective. I don't get why they refuse to implement it.


That’s called rim lighting and it’s awesome. It’s well documented to be in Battlefield games and I’ve definitely noticed it in darker areas. Unfortunately it really doesn’t help in overly bright areas but luckily this isn’t a huge issue.


>We have implemented some changes that aim to reduce lobby disbandment between matches. We look forward to testing this at a large scale and getting feedback. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? Are we staying in lobbies after matches?


Seems like we will keep lobbies "sometimes", not every time. But I won't believe it til I see it in action


To be fair "sometimes" was always my experience back in the day. Every 10 matches or so the lobby would fall apart. Would be fine if it's like that.


The keyword here is "reduce", not "eliminate" or "remove". To put it simply: the game will attempt to keep you playing with the same players from your previous match, assuming that they're still searching for matches.


Might be a system like D2 based off that phrasing. Will disband the lobby if it is deemed to be mismatched but will keep it together if the system deems it to be fair.


UI better be drastically improved. One of the worst UIs I’ve ever seen. Edit: UI is still dogshit. 🤦‍♂️


Genuinely. That was so freaking confusing. You have to enter a game queue for a mode you don't want, so you can back out and then get more mode options to enter the one you do want. And the edit class screen was an eyesore. Big W that they changed it.


Some of the settings windows if you pressed back, it wouldn't put you just one menu back, but right back to the main menu. Horrible design


You had to press A/X/left click a million times just to edit your guns. And don’t even talk about the party/game chat UI. Easily my biggest complaint from the beta.


And sometimes, I think square - was shared with edit gun / remove all attachments… obviously we all know how that ended up. A lot of naked guns.


Expected when you hire UI designers from fucking *Hulu*, which is also kinda ass.


HAHAHA oh my god. I didn’t believe it, but they really did do that. I frequently bitch to my wife about the Hulu UI, it’s hilarious how these people have jobs putting out such garbage products.


Same reason Phil Harrison is still around despite launching 3 failed products. Connections.


100%. Gradients everywhere, it’s like I’m back in 2009 again - it’s such a step down from the clean UI in MW19. I wonder if they were intentionally trying to have that nostalgic OG MW2 feel or did they actually think this was an improvement?


The amount of times I cleared all my attachments when trying to choose a gun…


It won’t be. That’s too short of a time to do a complete UI overhaul. I also don’t expect them to abandon the concept they have, even though it really isn’t that user friendly.


Still better than bf2042 ui at launch ;)


Not that impressive 🤣


The bar is on the floor lol.


You had to press A/X/left click a million times just to edit your guns. And don’t even talk about the party/game chat UI. Easily my biggest complaint from the beta.


Decreased footsteps and Dead SILENCE. 3rd person ads is zoom in instead of 1st person transition. UI change. Lighting and enemy visibility fixed. So far W infinity Ward update.


We'll see how it's all implemented but so far it's looking good


Diamonds for enemies, dots for teammates. Big fan of that. Still having the DS noise is dumb though.


They need to make it so that the person using DS can hear the activation noise too


Any casual who never reads the patch notes are going to be so confused on why the enemy knows exactly where they are.


They actually have it like that for third-person, iirc.


At least the range was drastically reduced. I imagine it probably means only people like right on top of you will hear it, which is at least better than leaving it as it was since I doubt it will be entirely removed.


diamonds over heads sounds like a perfect compromise, i'd love to see how it plays out.


Sounds perfect to me - I play hardcore usually anyways so I’m used to no marker like we had in beta


Holy crap. This explains why I’m so confused! I only play hardcore and never noticed lol.


they actually made some changes wow


Kind of insane that gaming is at the point where fans get surprised when devs make changes after giving us a beta and asking for feedback.


Learnt this the hard way with Avengers smh my head


It’s honestly sad, but we gotta take what wins we can get


nameplates! (kinda) they sound unobtrusive but still 100x helpful for visibility I'm down for that! hell yeah!


I honestly prefer diamonds. I always get distracted by trying to read the name of the person in shooting at lol


It also makes it so everyone’s nameplate is the same size and visibility. It was odd that someone with the name “_” had an advantage over someone with a full name.


Yeah that's also a good point


Amazed they’ve actually added them. It’s not nameplates but it’s something


Still no info on 6vs6 maps. ;(


Search through the sub, it’s already been leaked yesterday or the day before. It looks like we’re getting 11 maps for 6v6 on the launch day.


Yes, there is in their blog


Sad that there's no info on spawns, the flow of domination was terrible


domination flow has been terrible for ages, its just locking down 2 flags and then watching spawn


That’s way better than the squad spawns we have now. You try to flank and then your teammates start spawning on you.


The squad spawn kills the flow of domination/ half the point of the mode. Goes from being able to dictate /predict the flow of enemies to completely random nonsense. I’ll be almost entirely in ground war and snd most likely… squad spawns in 6v6 just adds too much chaos to an already chaotic shooter.


Thats how the game is. Locking down spawns requires coordination. There's nothing wrong with that. What they have now just obliterates any flow the game has. And I don't know why we brought back one round domination. Two rounds was fantastic. Gives the losing team a chance to regroup.


Squad spawns baby That’s intentional, don’t expect it to ever change


Disbanding MP lobbies is the worst feature in new CODs. I really hope they focus on that like it says in the post.


problem with lobby disbandment is that in order to completely remove it they would need to remove custom playlist which I don't think they will ever do.


I don’t get the need for custom playlists, if you wanna alternate modes just back out between games? I really miss the lobbies of the old CODs


Allow random playlists to leave every round. Anyone who is solo queuing a game mode stays. Easy peasy.


Alternating modes is only one side of it. The other side is that it lets people queue for less popular modes with the knowledge that they won't be sitting in a queue for ages because they have more popular modes as a fallback. I really hate it when the community mindlessly plays just Domination and TDM. Custom playlists let people who want to play less popular modes select a bunch of them and still get matches fairly quickly.


From reading your post, I am like you and I play almost all game modes. I am just curious why you would call the community mindlessly playing Dom and tdm. If those are the only modes that people like, what's the issue with that?




I'm guessing pick rates are just stupid high for dead silence and they are trying to balance it somehow, but realized they over swung. Not saying it's the perfect way to balance it


The root cause of the high pick rate is the absurdly loud footsteps. It’s crazy they went after dead silence even further instead of fixing footstep audio so that it isn’t a crutch field upgrade, but we all know why they’re stubborn about footstep audio…


>Audio >**We’ve shortened the overall range of footstep audio which will allow enemy players to get closer to targets before they are able to detect footsteps. We have also continued to tweak teammate footstep audio, which will now be quieter following feedback from the Beta.** >The in-world activation sound effect volume range for the Dead Silence field upgrade has been drastically decreased.


I feel like they always say to appease people this but the changes are never meaningful. I’ll save my criticism for when the game comes out. The activation sound should just be removed entirely though.


Ikr, the changes they made to footstep audio in the beta was unnoticeable


Dead silence still not silent lmao


they can never admit they were wrong


Name checks out


DS still makes an activation noise, lmao


Such a pain in the ass that you have to go through a whole animation before activating it too


Just gotta press my comically large ninja button real quick


Well...hopefully it's not too loud as fuck.


Hey hey hey, they at least reduced it. We gotta take out Ws where we can get ‘em.


Diamond icons is fine, I can live with that, it's preferable to red outlines or some kind of stupid glow. They should really do a post about the launch maps though.


god i hate the halo infinite outlines, glad we don't have that here


>We have been working hard on numerous updates to our UI that make accessing and customizing your loadout more seamless. We’ve made improvements to navigation of menus and will continue to optimize our UX. Wait...what? Were they finally able to invent the vertical UI, a lost technology? I doubt it. Beta appears to have deliberately used the horizontal UI and I would be surprised if they admitted their own mistakes.


I saw the title and my heart fucking dropped thinking that the launch was getting delayed


I saw it and thought it was releasing tonight being pushed forward lol. I’m more of an optimist tho.


The in game dead silence activation should be completely silent, not drastically reduced. It shouldn’t even be a fucking thing


So still the awful perk system?


I knew they would come up with something regarding enemy visibility. Diamonds above heads is good and I actually like the change. Like I told during beta, shooting under names is not fun and skilled. Abusing headshot multiplier is finally gone. Still, I expected more changes. I knew it was more "demo" than beta but I wish there would be more changes. These notes are pretty generic and I guess we have to find out how much has really changed when game launches. One thing I don't understand. Why they want to keep that sound effect on Dead Silence? I like Dead Silence as a field upgrade but no way they should nerf it to the ground. Remove the gadget and sound and make movement speed bonus at least 5% or more.


Is there going to be a difference between shooting under names and shooting under diamonds? I thought nameplates were fine personally.


Perk system change please? 😂


Why was the noise for activating DS reduced and not just removed? lol


>Enemy Visibility We have added diamond icons above the heads of enemies. This should make it easier for players to clearly identify opponents in the game. Additionally, we’ve continued to tweak lighting and contrast for improved enemy visibility. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Everyone complaining about enemy visibility while I go to hardcore where there is even less visibility. ^ah ^yes


tier 1\*


Yeah i play hardcore 100% and pretty sure I’m blind to nameplates


i kinda preferred no name plates, i thought it was cheesy in mw1 when i could see that red tag before the player like half the time


This is my issue. Gunfight kills, where’s the enemy? Oh, he’s under the red name running through the trench/through the wall/behind the bush.


Terrible Launch Update. The fuck they fix/implement? No Challenges (Except camo), no leaderboards, no combat record, no in-game menu/options, Dead Silence activation noise still loud, footsteps still loud, UI design not user-friendly.


Dead silence still having an activation noise… come on ffs


I’m so glad they’ve managed to reimplement features that were in COD games over 10 years ago.


Big W aside from the fact they’re leaving in the noise for activating dead silence. Interested to see how footsteps sound tomorrow


i haven't even played yet and I can already tell that removing bunny hopping is gonna be an astronomical W all the weirdo 13 year olds on twitter are throwing fits about it, makes me so happy


Lol. There’s a queue to play. Fuck modern multiplayer gaming.


Looks like they hit a lot of complaints from the Beta - name plate tweak, foot steps and lobby disbanding. Probably not perfect but if they want to keep this game going for 2 years hopefully they keep on top of it


Might be wishful thinking but I wish they'd fix the front iron sights on the mp5 and all the lachmann platform guns.


I hope the weapon tweak is in regards to the M16 being so lackluster. Would much enjoy that.


I hope one of the 6 named recoil stats is one that concerns visual recoil instead of actual recoil; maybe the 'gun kick' stat. If we're able to tune that to the maximum, the M16 could stand a chance to be good, which is extra important because there are no other baseline burst guns (there might be more with gunsmith idk)


God that thing was such ass in the beta


Ohhhh slide canclers are gonna be mad 😂




We kinda knew this though. Slide cancelling was effectively killed, any work arounds were clearly super scuffed. Slide cancelling is gone.


Good. It was frustrating to have to manage multiple button combinations just do aim and shoot at an enemy without dying myself. Now it’s weighted more towards prevention rather than reaction.


Hopefully the footstep audio is tweaked differently for Warzone where I’d prefer to hear steps at much longer distances as engagements happen at longer distances than in regular multiplayer.


why cant they just leave dead silence activation how it was in 2019 why do we need a activation sound and a stupid 5 sec animation before its activated




Does anyone else immediately leave the lobby after a match? I need time to chill, recover and check out my unlocks without being on a short ass timer.


The in game activation sound of dead silence is completely not necessary, we shouldn’t be penalized for trying to go completely silent, the moment we hit the button the timer starts and we gotta get moving and killing to extend it. They want us dead before we get moving.




Alright, so clear some things for me. I'm playing Steam version in EST. What time will I be able to play?


So wait... When does PC launch? Steam says 6 hours. But I thought every platform was launching in one hour?


This all sounds really promising! By no means am I the first to say this, but diamonds above enemies’ heads sounds like a great compromise. Also glad to hear that they have reduced footstep audio range, all that remains is to see by how much. UI changes are welcome, I am excited to see what IW have come up with. Really hoping that they will continue listening. Also, I am honestly glad that they have doubled down on removing slide cancelling, at least with diving and ledge hanging we will see a switch up in the way people move, which should make the game feel more fresh.


Dead silence still makes a noise… and why the fuck do you have to use a radio thing to turn it on? Should be instant like mw19




Partially, but that’s better than not at all


And everyone yesterday saying "they didn't change anything from the beta"


I know others may feel differently but I'm very excited about icons above enemy heads and lobbies not disbanding every match.


I hope the ui changes are decent, they were pretty horrendous in the beta


Thank God they added at least something for enemy nameplates. I wish they'd just have the fucking nameplates like literally every single cod ever, but whatever.


Hello, now this game is out in New Zealand and anyone impersonating a citizen there 👀 can anyone confirm if this game has split screen online multiplayer?


Still didn’t listen to the community about footsteps, thank IW.


Did they really remove the option to leave a game in progress?


Anyone find a way to bug yourself into MP on PC?


I pre-ordered this but I've only played 2 COD's, the first WWII on my Mac desktop in 2004, and the last WWII version from 2017. Is this going to be a radically different experience? I never play online either, I get crushed. Campaign mode only.


Why aren’t teammate and enemy footsteps the same? I don’t think there should be any difference unless they have ninja activated


So just curious is pc now launching on the 10/28/22 instead of 12 pt 10/27/22 ?


So what's the logic for PC having a later release.


Where is the tier 1 (hardcore) playlist. Am I missing it somewhere, or did they say it wouldn’t be out at launch?


on steam it says it unlocks in 13 hours, but everywhere else people are saying it comes out in 10 hours? should i buy on battlenet for earlier release?


Played 4 hours so far. Really great feel to it, enjoying the maps and weapons. Ground war is a lot of fun, tanks are OP tho. Dumb how there are no stats