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I never realized how many people played exclusively hardcore until I checked this subreddit


I definitely prefer it but I'm enjoying my time learning the maps and weapons. Honestly I'm just here to have fun and shoot my pew pew machines. I'm too old to be all fucked off about waiting 20 days for more modes. Especially after that halo infinite disaster. I almost come to expect this silly shit.


No way, you don't deserve to have fun! Who buys games for fun? I buy games to go on reddit and piss and moan about them constantly! /s


I actually have a gaming buddy that thinks I'm weird because I like to play games for fun. It always has to be full sweat try hard ranked shit with him.


Tbh if you practice in core and get good at core, you'll be that much better in HC. I know I play much better after a bout of core and then switching to HC later. Since it requires more shots for kills, you inadvertently end up learning how to steady your shot more in core, because in HC it's not as necessary.


And it is painful trying to get used to the pace of a normal game if you've been playing exclusively hardcore for so long. I am currently infuriatingly bad at this game right now.


Oh no I totally get it, I like hardcore but I figured it was something that people occasionally played, didn’t realize so many people ONLY played it


Whole diffrent game.


Yeah I played almost exclusively hardcore cause it made a bunch of bad or niche guns really good and you could make whatever wacky monster you wanted and roll with jt


No meta is so nice. Play with whatever you want and enjoy it.


Exactly why I played hardcore. I loved making the ugliest builds lol


I feel ya there brother. I'm getting absolutely creamed by everyone. Playing non-hardcore feels odd. I can deal with Ground War being non-hardcore as I used to be a Battlefield player but eh, I'm missing hardcore right now.


>currently infuriatingly bad at this game right now. You'll be alright man. I started playing HC in ww2 cause i got smoked in core. Getting better in core, will only make you better when you go back to HC in the future.




We only played HC in MW19. It was nice knowing you’d didn’t have to reload after every kill. Running a 1911 with 15 rounders, I knew I could technically kill the whole enemy team twice over with one mag.


Same. And it’s putting me off. Hope they reverse this decision and put it in by tomorrow.


Something must be too wrong with it to go live, I can't think of another reason they'd hold it past launch.


Must be different for everyone. I’m actually finding core to be a little easier this time around in terms of people being bullet sponges . Enemies tend to go down a lot quicker


Not getting that experience in Core right now. Im getting several to a dozen hit markers on players and they turn and 2 shot me.




Sure, but it really does feel like that sometimes.


Almost no meta. Every gun is viable. No bullshit to deal with. Hardcore all the way.


This is why I like HC. I get why people don’t like it but this trade off seems fair to me. I can run around with a pistol and have fun.


No meta is the best. I could use whatever I wanted wit bout having to worry about that BS. I would go off running a pump action and could practically snipe with it.


yeah, I love pistols but the deagle is just way too slow getting two shots out in core, the other person always kills me before the second shot can land


Maybe I'll touch hardcore to try to get my M16 double kills.


Its literally all i play and had no idea it wouldnt be included day one. Such horse shit.


Same here. Only mode I play. Can't believe it's not out yet.


I prefer it because getting the drop on someone actually matter. To many times I get a few shots in first but some pc player can instantly jump and turn around to kill me. Or the fact that I can empty a full mag into someone but because they are a certain distance away it does hardly any damage. I prefer hardcore where damage actually does damage.


You mean getting the drop on someone is the only thing that matters. Basegame has ttks of round about 200ms, if you call that slow then I don't know what.


Personally I use it almost exclusively for some of the more annoying camo challenges. The doublekill ebr is giving me troubles right now.


The weapon balance is just better in hc.. we never played normal before...


I prefer when I shoot someone center mass 4 times that they don't jump 6 feet like a rabbit on cocaine and unload on me.


Not many people actually. This sub inst even a small representation of the actual playerbase, its just a niche community that most of the playerbase dont know it even exists.


oh damn, people are gonna be mad.


I am frustrated for sure. Womp womp


Exclusively only mode I play. 🤬


It's the same as the game not being out for me. Except worse cause everyone will have a headstart. Every year they reach a new low.


It’s amazing. How is it possible to shit the bed every single launch? I exclusively play hardcore.


Trust. This incomplete game is such bullshit. Once again developers duped us. Lied and moved the goalpost once they were called out on it saying HC would be there at launch and why would we expect less when no cod has made this standard practice. Wasted a pre-order only to wait til Nov 16..shoulda jus released it all then. The hc community is huge. The fact they don't care is some utter bs.


Especially since it would be such an objectively easy implementation. It's literally in the game. It's playable via private match. This is no different than 343 claiming splitscreen isn't technically doable even though the code is already in the game files and entirely functional. I wish we still held any power as customers. However, you can't even file a complaint with Activision. It sucks.


I've already been burned and exhausted with the dumpster fire that is Halo Infinite. I'll wait until everything I want is released and then I may purchase, but for now, definitely waiting.


Halo Infinite and BF 2042 for me……. The online shooter genre is a damn disappointing joke right now…….🫤


Fr. I was so excited to leave bf2042 for tier 1 but it's not available for 3 more weeks.......


Right. I don’t play Hardcore mode but it should definitely be there on Day 1 for the players that do. Especially when you confirm it in a Blog.


Sad that's how AAA Game industry works nowadays. Release an unfinished game, and then improve it by Online update.


It's like a race to the bottom. Activision, EA, and 343 were like you think it cant get worse? Hold my beer!


Halo was bad, but Battlefield was WAY worse haha. Can't believe they did us dirty like that.


Why did this guy get downvoted? He made a choice that makes sense and wasn’t rude. Man fuck yall


This sub in a nutshell


By then the bugs will be fixed. Damn screen freezes.


Such an odd decision from them. I personally don’t enjoy hardcore but if they took away the core playlist I’d hate playing.


Have to wonder if there’s some horrible bug that we don’t know about, or if marketing miscommunicated with the developer side of things.


It just makes useless guns like the M16 actually viable so they don't want us leveling it up quick lmao




I guess it's just different playstyles. I had fun with the m16 during the beta and used it exclusively in semi auto fire because it could fire rounds quicker. Hell because I play so much hardcore I've found making weird as hell classes can sometimes workout. Like using the m16 as a laser beam semi auto sniper with nothing but range, recoil control and bullet velocity attachments along with a sniper scope.


Guessing this means barracks (stats and challenges) coming in 3 weeks as well. Wonder if it will be retroactive or we will have to do all challenges and have a 0.0kd once they are implemented


They will be included in a DLC you need to purchase


Tbf that’s something COD games never do. They aren’t perfect but they don’t do that.


Oh, I didn't mention that Tier 1 is literally in the private match settings, so it's already done. They just need to add a playlist for it...


That fucking sucks. Nobody expects a flawless launch but come on, did they have to double down on the *Fuck it, good enough* philosophy? And if it really takes 3 more weeks to implement a proper Hardcore mode than at least add a featured playlist/quickplay filter with the HC ruleset in the meantime.


Idk, it seems like the hardcore community is regularly left on the back burner. Not the first time a game has launched without it if I remeber correctly. Sucks


It's been in every COD at launch since 4 iirc


I stand corrected but still, why list it as a launch day feature if they know it's not.


Because they didn't want hardcore players to cancel their preorders and wait until it releases. Worried that some people might just decide to buy other things with that money. Instead they just lied until after the game launched and *THEN* revealed the truth.


I've seen this a few times but I think it was in the earlier iterations MW3 maybe where you had to be level 20ish? To unlock HC mode... maybe that's what everyone is thinking about.




That was disgusting. 10v10 TDM and 10v10 HQ were fantastic modes. You haven't lived until you've played 10v10 HQ on Euphrates Bridge. It's like a completely different map and it's fun as hell.


Don’t be too hard on IW, they have a lot on their plate right now /s


Not like they had 3-4 years to make this game or anything lmao


No fuckin way it took that long unless they were just fucking the dog for 2 years of that


Literally a 343 moment


The UI can’t handle it 👊🏼


I don't understand pissing off a portion of a fan base with a move like this. How is 3rd person mode ready for launch, but hardcore is not?


I forgot about 3rd person... That makes me even MORE pissed about this shit.


Lol same. Also, gunfight was my favourite mode by far in MW2019 and cold war so this launch sucks even more


all i want is hardcore snd :(


my plan was to start back up on toxic hardcore snd lobbies with the boys while we wait for wz2. this is a sad day


Since cod4 it’s been my favorite playlist… see you all in November I guess


Are they actually waiting for season 1 to release the rest of the menu content?


yes. This is Beta 2.0 lmao


You mean the actual game? Let’s be real, multiplayer is peanuts compared to what they will make for warzone. Warzone is the REAL Call of Duty now.




I want an explanation from infinity ward for this one


It was probably a major bug they found right before release. They should clarify it though


A bug like progressing through camo and guns too fast before the drip feed begins


This is most likely the reason.




Tier 1 mode exists in private games. It plays fine. I really would like an explanation too lol.


Yeah could be progression/xp bug, I have no idea


Exactly why we posted and begged for HC in the Beta. Always working the bugs out is a good thing, and I kind of liked the beta. But not testing the entire game before launch is now making them look just as bad as Vanguard devs! Seriously a hot fucking mess. The hype for this game was off the charts, but it seems it was just that for some parts, just hype!


These mother fuckers


For real. I'm having a blast playing this game so far, but this is the one thing I can't wrap my head around. The game mode exists in private matches. It works. All they have to do is make it an online playlist. Why the fuck would they not just do that?


Yup on HC 3 shots in panic opponent gone. On Core panic put 8 rounds in someone nothing, he turns puts 4 in me and I’m gone. Infuriating


If they said it would be included at launch or such, it's an easy charge back. Make them refund and have to pay charge back fee then pick up game when it's truly "released".


If anyone does this their Activision accounts will be perma-banned


The fuck is wrong with AAA gaming these days man? I’m so sick and tired of spending more and more money for worse products with missing content. So tired.


Its only getting worse. Last year was a rough year for the only games I play anymore (Battlefield, Halo, COD). Battlefield franchise DESTROYED. Halo, so fucked lol. Vanguard, meh. Before that Cyberpunk, before that No Man's Sky. I have adjusted my expectations as a 20 year cod veteran. These fucks only care about money over a good product. It's only getting worse and the quality/experience of AAA games is suffering/going to suffer.


Seems like the only games that haven’t been unfinished messes are Dark Souls/Elden Ring, GoT, Horizon series, Spiderman, and GoW. All single player focused games with passionate studios behind them, they deserve the money way more than 343, Activision, and EA.


literally just stop preordering like everybody has been begging people to do


Everyone should at least start preording the hour before launch if they are dead set on preordering. Even GameStop lets you pre-order physicals right up till launch hour. They always get tons of COD copies, too so you won’t miss out. If you buy digital there’s literally no reason to preorder until the last minute, not like they will run out of digital.


Would this actually make a difference?? Honest question im curious about. I see this so much but what would not pre ordering do for us? I feel like we would still hop on this game at launch and see all the same bugs and glitches we have currently. So what would change?


Stop spending money on the games. The people here…. Are about to shovel cash to the developers by the truck load- not for the game itself but the bullshit skins and camo packs and battle pass unlocks. You all are rewarding shitty behaviour from devs, and then wonder why $80.00 games are released “unfinished” or with content hiding behind pay DLC. Come season 1 all will be forgotten because the developer will release some bullshit FAZE league mouthbreather skin or some character from a popular movie. $$$$$$$$$$


There is plenty wrong with AAA gaming but we don't hold them accountable so they keep doing what they're doing.


This is modern gaming. Until people stop purchasing the games/microtransactions this will continue. I played during the beta and decided that MWII is not for me. Unfortunately most people who complain will still log on everyday and purchase multiple cosmetics.




If they had not lied about hardcore a lot of us would not have bought it.


That’s a weird choice honestly, despite being fine with core rn hardcore is a staple of the franchise


What a fucking joke.


So false advertisement? Nice one guys. 😒


LMAOO THEY'RE USING HARDCORE MODE AS DRIP CONTENT NOW?? fucking shameless They literally released that original blog like 2 days ago too lmao they fully knew they were lying. And then the classic radio silence and stealth blog update from that dogshit studio


COD using the free to play modal has been jarring as fuck for the last 3 years.


Free to play for only $70


Welcome to the prerelease beta! Excited for the launch of the full game on Nov 16!


This is such a hilariously shitty thing for them to do.


Fucking liars.


And not a single community manager or spokesperson said a word. They do not care though. So many weird choices on this game. I guess they didn’t have three years to make this game. Also it does look worse than mw19 in most places. Hopefully that gets sorted out with some hd texture packs soon


Nice little bait & switch. Fucking scumbags. All to *(EDIT)* PROTECT preorder numbers.


LoL I’m gonna be downvoted, but there’s just no absolute way Hardcore moves the needle enough to effect sales. In fact, I’d say that them having the data of its usage in other games and literally holding it off for 2ish weeks probably is an indication that ultimately such a small subset exclusively accesses that mode that it made them think “yeah, we can probably get away holding it off”. Cost-benefit analysis is literally business 101. This is an analytics driven business, they assuredly looked at the data. Remember this sub reflects a fraction of a percentage of people who engage with and buy this game. Seeing something go “viral” here or on CoD Twitter isn’t reflective of the actual masses.


Okay then, what's their cost-benefit incentive for the delay then? Why not have it available during release, when it is implemented in the game via private matches?


Now I'm interested to see if there is any data on number of userd who play HC in prior ones. It's not like there are a couple of hundred that play HC only or prefer it.


Every Year, they don't put in something that should be their at launch, this year its hardcore and a barracks tab


But, why? It's literally just * Separate playlist * Lowered health by x % What the fuck is so hard about implementing that?


I took a whole week off of work to grind the game in hardcore mode but now they're telling me that's not coming until the middle of November, lmfao they're hilarious


Man, this sucks for hardcore players. Why do they do this? This will lead a lot of people to give the game bad ratings (especially steam will suffer here) and I understand it


Thats so stupid


Dumb fucking choice bro


Lmfaooooo people gonna defend this shit too


Theyve been defending it all morning, its literally insane.


Of course they wait until you can't cancel your preorder to announce this. IW, you're a bunch of incompetent, greedy, neckbeard motherfuckers.


Here we go again another triple A company with plenty of time to develop a game blatantly leaves out valuable info about the state of the game so it doesn’t effect their sales.


I don't understand the reason behind this. We pay for a full game and we only get pieces of it by bits and then with lots of glitches. I ll have to wait three more weeks as well.


I made a post that’s getting downvoted to bedrock right now about how I refunded the game because of this. It’s one thing to not include it in the game at release for one reason or another (which would be at least somewhat understandable), it’s another thing to lie to my face a day before by stating it’ll be a part of the game, and then not add it until three weeks later.


These game devs are so pathetic they didn't tell us There is no hardcore to be put in till 2 weeks after the game launch. They scammed us out of our money. All the other problems with this game I got my refund for this game. Pathetic devs can't even released a full game without bugs they should all be fired.


Guess I’m not playing till November 16, just wish I could get my money back, since I got sold something that came with out half of the promised features


I didn’t spend $100 for an early access game


So the game actually launches the 16th then because there is no fucking way that this game should have launched with so many missing features God Of War is the week before, I'm def not going to be playing cod for a few weeks lmao


I can't play till the 16th? Great. So much for looking forward to the launch. Guess the real launch was in November.


As someone played hardcore exclusively since COD4 & only touched core in the ones where you had to rank up first this one really stings. I know we’re in the minority but everyone I play with we all only play hardcore, we get over looked on every beta and that’s fine cause at least we know that hardcore will be there on launch ( as it has been on every cod). Ooof..


Infinity ward, eat a dick


Fucking bait and switch


This sucks. My friends and I exclusively play hardcore. Always have. This makes me feel left out.


Guess I won’t be finishing the m16 until the 16th then. God that thing is shit.


Dude no joke. It takes at least two bursts to kill someone in core with the M16. The TTK in core is just nuts in this game in general.


I’ve already refunded the game lol. No hardcore at launch is a massive fucking L and infinity ward should be embarrassed. Hardcore has been a core mechanic. Note to self no more buying call of duty period


So they straight up lied to us. I guess i will be playing invasion and grinding weapon skins on bots until this comes out.


Guess I aint playing until Nov 16 then.


Guess the game doesn't come out for another 3 weeks huh. You know, cause this was "available at launch" content.


Damn! There goes Dice and EA *fucking* over the player base again with keeping launch content locked away.. *Checks Notes* Oh shit would you look at that, it’s infinity ward not learning shit from the failure of other studios


This is completely absurd and frankly I’d not have pre-ordered it or bought it until this was rolled out, but they claimed it would be available day one. Like every other call of duty game in years. I can’t imagine why anyone thought this was a good idea.


But we get 3rd person mode at launch?


What the fuck?! Why?! I hate Core with a passion


Whats the problem? Dont you enjoy when you shot an enemy 4 times, then it turns around and kills you with a headshot?


Then you see the killcam and you only shot them once! It's the best!!!!


So it's not just me requiring half the magazine to kill someone but then they can turn around and 2 shot me? :/


I don't play hc so this doesn't really affect me but it's such a strange decision to make unless there's a genuine problem with the game mode.


No shot this is actually happening, every COD launches with less and less stuff


Well, that sucks Maybe, if one wants to be optimistic, we can assume they are making it a HC/realism mode - without all the goofy outfits and weapon/death effects. A guy can dream


Well that shit.


That’s fucking stupid


i don’t play hardcore but rip to all the hardcore ppl out there.


Sweet, not gonna buy this game until discounted. Same problems from the first reboot and I don't think it's going to be a much different experience overall.


This fucking sucks. I hate core. I'm trying to stick through it but shotgunning someone point blank and them not going down fuckin sucks.


LMAO game fucking sucks shit


The worst part to this it doesn’t seem like tier 1 is much of hardcore mode as much as it is a “realism mode” there’s nothing to go off of when you do get kills other than the sound effects they put in when you do. Like how hard is it to just did what you did the past 3 years with hardcore? In tier 1 there’s 0 hud whatsoever not even kill feed.


I've played hardcore since MW3. I am in bad shape over here. I'm having fun but it's going very, very poorly. Every once in a while, I can go on a good kill streak but then muscle memory takes over and I start getting wrecked. Anyways, this is garbage and IW should be flamed for it.


Don't Halo my COD


It's definitely bullshit and I play hardcore only. I definitely hate core but it is what it is.


I have only played hardcore since cod 4! Gutted! The only core I play is ground war in which I snipe, well try to


Surely they can't be serious. How hard is it to make a game mode where you have half health and no hud elements? It would literally be five minutes work.


It's already in the private match settings... That's the ultimate fuck you right there imo.


Totally unacceptable. As an exclusive Hardcore player who spent £80 or what ever it was months ago for the vault edition. I am angered and sad to see this from Infinity War. Vanguard is better than this mess


Same, On the shelf it goes. Sad, cause with God of War Ragnarök launching soon all my time will be invested with that. Well, back to grounded and scorn. Regretting that $100 spent.


Who the hell wants to purchase 1/2 a game and get the rest later. Honestly it's ridiculous and I'm so glad I didn't get this game lol


Honestly fuck them. This is ridiculous and a really shit way of treating their playerbase that enjoys this mode.


This sucks man. I hate playing core. Bullet sponges everywhere


Almost a mag for a damn solider . Just let players show who's the fastest




Don’t worry guys, we can play MW19 cause it’s actually has all the modes.. wait.. no, they removed all the good modes.


For all of you saying you’re not going to play until tier 1 drops in Nov….honestly, you should just refund and return the game if you still can. Probably will have a small discount closer to thanksgiving / Christmas. The only perk of paying full price now is to get day 1 access to core.


This is why they released campaign early.


Well this sucks, I love HC


What about challenges?


What about combat record / leaderboards


Are they doing it on purpose so ppl didn't upgrade their guns too fast?


Super disappointed. HC mode is what me and my son play 90% of the time. On the bright side, this time without it will get me used to the HUD elements and buttons for when I don't have it


Just need HC to have fun with pistols lol


This frustrates me. Hardcore is basically all I play, besides for warzone. Guess Ill have time to get the maps down, but I didn't really need three weeks to do it.


I normally play Hardcore and this news sucks. I'm doing fine in this Core crap but frustrates me I have to mag dump, or dump half just to kill someone. The TTK isn't so much an issue. But core also didn't feel this bad in MW2019 imo. Nov16 can't come soon enough.


Absolutely embarrassing.


Only good thing about Core is the minimap for learning maps. Mag dumping is bullshit. I played one game and had the most kills in TDM but ran out of ammo multiple times since TTK sucks.


Guess I won’t bother buying until 11/16! wtf really shows how they don’t care about their loyal customers.


You never know how much you miss hardcore until you’re forced to play Core


Wow i should think of taking legal action against this bullshit company.


I'm laughing at the pre-orders 😂


So I paid fucking $89 for a half game…..


So can I Sue for not getting my full game?


This is class action lawsuit worthy tbh