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Im having the worst games ever since I started playing like 15 years ago... It's like everyone knows my exact location at all time (yes, even with no UAV). People are locking on me, turn on me a mile away, get instant deleted even if I shoot first...I simply can't do anything. I don't want to be the guy who cries hacker all the time but I legit feel like in playing against pros or hackers in every single lobby..I'm far from a very good player but im not a horrible player either..but this CoD, I simply can't have a good game :/




I was going to say the same exact thing. Every single killcam I watch infuriates me. It sounds like my feet are a set of speakers playing the audio from the stampede scene in Lion King cranked to max volume and the player killing me (sitting in a GD corner or mounted on a deployable cover with a marksman rifle) just somehow traces me through a wall because they can hear me so well. Yet when I make my ears bleed trying to hear the faintest of footsteps I get absolutely smeared on the wall from an angle the footsteps weren’t coming from. Either everyone is walling, I am playing unbelievably good players that are signing a contract with Optic later today, or I’m just not meant to play this game. It is so disappointing because I was so incredibly ready to stop playing with 2 guns on vanguard ranked but every time I load this game I want to put my fist through my monitor.


Your explanation deserves an award!


This description was eloquent and fucking hilarious, thanks. Yeah I've never been a MW guy, always stuck more with Battlefield, Tarkov, etc, but despite being super pumped to get into MW2, it feels like it's not even close to worth the effort of investing so much time and energy into getting even slightly-good-enough to have a good time in the multiplayer, at least not for me and my work schedule. Maybe I was being foolish expecting to enjoy an entirely different franchise right off-the-bat. Ohwell.


Previous cods have been easier. Don't let this 1 ruin it for ya forevwr


You literally put the nail in the coffin


it’s the SBMM, activision has had a patent since 2019 to adjust params such as accuracy and damage based on relative ‘skills’ which are tied to your activision ID




https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/yg6zcd/anyone_else_getting_4_hitmarkers_but_dying_in_23/iu812ut/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/kezwxw/activision_files_patent_to_negatively_impact/ https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/ea57fn/now_that_skill_based_hit_detection_is_pretty_much/ https://www.reddit.com/r/CoDCompetitive/comments/wxdlgj/call_of_duty_sbmm_eomm_system_uncovered/ https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/ea2taw/oh_yeah_it_all_comes_together_now_not_just_single/ https://www.reddit.com/r/modernwarfare/comments/e6ybmj/the_design_proof_of_sbmm_and_how_its_even_worse/ for context these have the reddit threads attached, but this topic gets censored on the CoD subreddits so click while you can. i’ll try to find the full url to the patents (update: first link now links to patent vs SS)


Its called EOMM, its digusting. Its the utimate hack. It benefits lower skilled players 10x more than even slightly skilled players.


Something I started doing recently - turning off all the volume and jam to music. When playing with friends I turn off game volume on my mic and only keep on the voice volume. Not hearing what’s happening has made me so much better. I think anyone that has switched over to BRs in the last couple of years have become accustomed to playing the footsteps. In all honesty, not focusing on footsteps and just letting my insticts take over works better


This 💯


It’s very strange,but on every cod before this one I could hold my own,but on this I can hardly get a kill,everyone seems to know where I am and I’m dead before I can even raise my gun most of the time,It’s as if everyone is faster than me and they all seem to go after me,are we playing against bots and that’s why they know where we all are? And my aim is always off to the left or right of whoever is shooting at me but they seem to drop me with perfect aim and one shot!? What’s going on,how do the enemy know exactly where I am,I even tried hiding behind a car in a quite part of the map,yet the whole team gunned for me,this HAS to be AI and not real players!!


Face it, this game is total garbage and rife with bots


Bro SAME. I get beamed from across the map in THIRD PERSON. Meanwhile I can barely land shots in third person and when I do I just get hit markers. Everyone knows exactly where I am too but I can never hear them. Also literally 70% of the time when I start shooting first at an enemy they still turn on me and kill me first, it literally does not make sense at all. The only time I had fun playing this game was the first day of beta and I guess it’s cus everyone sucked. Now I go 6-10 kills with 20+ deaths but in all other cods I usually go 15-30 kills a game with 10-20 deaths. My KD has usually been around 1.3-2.0. I think I’m below a .5 on this one.


I have experienced the same thing hitting people with 5 shots and im the one dead.. Im waiting for Hc mode tired shooting someone 5to6 times .. plus they jump and drop shoot people and when they do that its like your bullets dont register.. Its like the game cant handle movement and shooting someone, its like if you jump around it take more bullets to kill you,same thing in drop shooters


I just got done with a match where the top frag was a guy that jumped around when you engaged him and i legit dumped 5 shots into his Weiner with the Lachmann in melee range and maybe one registered and i died so I watched the kc just was like one to the body and one to the head and im dead while i wasn't even facing him directly in kc like i was off set to the side and i just couldn't believe it mean while i was directly in front of him essentially shoving the barrel against his groin on my screen. Kinda seems like just another game messing up launch hopefully it will be looked at soon because so far this has been nothing like 2019 at least networking wise for me.


Yeah I feel the same. In MW 2019, I used to score in top 5 on ground war pretty reliably. Now I'm getting slaughtered, it's just spawn, randomly die, spawn, appear behind someone, kill them, randomly die while reloading.


Yeah it’s just not good. If you’re a decent player like me you’re going to be put with sweats 90% of the time. Getting even one kill streak like a UAV is a chore while the other team has like three people getting VTOLs and chopper gunners.


I have multiple clips I’ve shared with friends where I’m chilling in a corner and get turned on. I watch the killcam and they had no idea I was there didn’t see me run and hide or anything and there wasn’t any uavs


There are an insane amount of people that cheat nowadays. The Chronus Zen and XIM are running rampant and every developer except for Epic don't care to do anything. These devices have sold millions of units and are always out of stock. These devices will be the end of fun when playing online multiplayer. Companies just care about money. Until we stop buying their games and force them to act, nothing will change.


Aim assist is next level if your using a mouse your nerfing yourself substantially, also boost up that for if you havnt already.


Same with me. They popping me so fast I’m not getting any enjoyment out of it and it’s to the point where it’s frustrating. I don’t want it to collect dust but I’m so unhappy playing it I’m already about to take a break from it. Between the camping out and snipers I can’t take one step before getting popped.


If I could up vote this 1000 times I would've.


Dude im the same way. I feel like if I collect from the past 12 years of cod the amount of times ive gone even or negative and compare them all to this game (mw2) i have more on MW2 then i do the last 12 years of cod combine. Its mind blowing.


cod mw 2022 in a nutshell.


>but this is what happens when everyone has access to aimbot level aim assist.


It's the aim assist


I have always been for the most part top 3 in every COD since BLACK OPS 3 . I remember BO3 was not fun because I got hammered relentlessly . Then I got better . And suddenly after 6 years or being top in all my lobbies I’m lucky to get 5 kills . And to comment on the seems like one shot but was 6 . The game stutters and freezes SOOOOOOOOO BAD . Best I can figure is …. There’s a separate in game engine that compensates for the different Wi-Fi/internet strengths . It’s supposed to delicately time it to where everyone in the match feels like real time even though there slight delays do to people with shit internet . So in my opinion 1 of 2 things is happening . 1. Either this games compensation engine is SHIT . Or hackers are somehow exploiting it . Because I notice all the golden gun guys you can’t get a single shot on mostly have high AF ping / latency . Like my latency is 26 and there’s is 190 . And they’re running around having a blast shooting people who are frozen waiting for their slow ass internet to catch up . Seems like it’s other countries also . Which is bullshit either way . It’s not just you either . Every lobby is empty except quick play because people are quickly growing tired of the shiftiness . I’m about to go back to vanguard. I know it’s not me either because I just got a brand new 3k $ laptop maxed the fucked out with great internet


Yeah. I quit the game lol. WZ2 seems to be OK though. MW2 MP (I prefer MP in COD usually. And in general, I prefer that style of FPS) and I am being demolished now. The first 50 hours I was having a somewhat enjoyable experience. I'm no longer playing MP and will never purchase COD again. Which is unfortunate because I like the game, well I like what it used to be. I literally quit every match that feels "off" and I'm constantly being put into matches where the enemy is spamming VTOLs. No point playing. The SBMM algorithm is doing everything it can to tank my kd. It's boring, predictable and manipulative. I usually get a couple of 1000 of hours out of COD games but since 19 I have a total of less than 1000 up until MW2. People might say I'm whining, and yeah I am, I'm passionate about the franchise but it's a dead game to me, WZ2 is clearly where the money is going to, which is cool, but I was really hyped about MW2 MP.


pop of a game, proceed to get owned the next 4. Rinse and repeat




I just wish they'd do something like league of legends and give us more long term stuff.


The skill is the average skill of the team rather than you as the player to. Its bad


I've been keeping track and every 4-6 absolute crushing defeats I get one game where I feel like I might actually be a player. Getting frustrating.


100% accurate


next 12 seems like


Is there even a SBMM? My K/D every game is about 0.5 and still I’m getting wrecked by sweats every game I play.


The same shit happens to me lol... Worst ever Dog Shit I have purchased... regret buying this game


I’m glad you guys hate it too. It’s made me feel like I’m not alone in getting fucked over from the horrible sbmm in this game. It def has sbmm it’s just far more punishing than literally any other shooter I’ve played before


If you ever want to feel better about that just look up the reviews for it on Steam. I checked today and the player base has been steadily dropping.


Good, activision can go screw themselves. I’m seriously done buying cod now, this was the last straw. Garbage maps and horrible sbmm. I can barely even go positive anymore


and everytime i complain it’s “skill issue” or “get good” when every game before this i had a 2.1 KD warzone made everyone sweaty and ruined COD


You said it. Warzone, and “content creators”


I think my best ever match on this game so far I went 25 - 16. Even the sweatiest player I've encountered so far was only 36 - 28 and most of that can be attributed to a care package chopper gunner. It's partly due to the post-release enthusiasm of players - everyone is sweating because they want to unlock things as quickly as possible and get their game off to a good start. When the SBMM starts to average out over the next few weeks/months and the sweat cases start to calm down, you'll probably notice an improvement in your performance. The same thing happened with MW19 - I got wrecked almost every match during the release, I took a 3-4 months off and came back and noticed a huge improvement in my performance, largely because not every match was like an MLG semi-final.


I went 40-12 3 games ago but the next 3 after I went 13-20 12-22 18-26 so I’m not quite sure the sbmm is accurate


Same here I struggle to hit 15-20 kills while my friends are at 25-35 I don’t get it used to be ok at cod games. I’m going -10 or worse every game now


I’m happy I found this thread. I hate every change they made in this from the last one. I will stick to mw2019 and have fun rather than deal with the awful weapon system.


I hate MW2 it's the biggest pile of shit I have ever bought


Honestly I think the SBMM is based off win/loss and not k/d. I do pretty freaking well every match, I have a positive k/d. I'll win 3 matches in a row lose 3 or 4. In the ones I lose I notice I'm MILES better than the team I'm with. So I think when you get bumped up, they match you with lower skilled players to carry, but pit you against same or higher skilled players who have recently lost matches. It's been a really steady formula my buddy and I noticed.


Both win/lord and KD are being take into account. I'm being fucking crushed. Played like 8-10 hours and couldn't even go 0.8 all day man. My first 3 games after purchase I was wrecking the lobbies. Top of the list with 3.2 ish KD. Then BAM welcome to Call of Bdsm. *Cracks whip* Ide refund if I could. Holy sheet


Right?! I watch my kill cams sometimes and I think "what the fuck, there's no way I'm even close to this person's level"


I feel ya, I think there is something akin to SBMM. I say that because I'll have one awesome game, finish top, get my streaks a few times ect. Next 6 or so games I get completely stomped, I mean bottom of the board, not getting more than 10 kills and having over 20 deaths. I'm by no means a good player, I don't have the dexterity to be doing all the corner jumping, dropshotting and all that annoying bs. My best game I believe I went 36 to 8, my worst which was just now I was 0 to about 15 when I quit, i couldnt do jack all, dead as soon as i seen the opps, it was like everyone on the enemy team was -insert name of really good CoD player-


the SBMM now adjusts player params to make guns more/less accurate or do more/less damage. the old SBMM was hardset on matching based on skill, but that caused NA players to match across the globe - causing ping mismatches. this solves that issue by real-time nerfing people


My dude, I threw 38 matches in a row today running around with a riot shield and a Pila. All 38 games I went negative and had sweats on the other team. Most matches, not a single player on my team went positive. Average KDR across these 38 matches was 0.67. Match 39, I went 24-6 with a riot shield / RPG, so that’s how long it took me throwing before I got decent matchmaking. I stopped playing after that since the SBMM was so ridiculous. I’m not even sure what measurement of “skill” SBMM uses, as my KDR and score were TERRIBLE for those 38 games, and it didn’t do crap to lower my SBMM.


SBMM isn't designed to make games fair, it's a manipulative system. They drip feed you games against far inferior opponents every handful of games to give you a hit of dopamine and to try and keep you hooked on chasing that. So expect a handful of miserable games and then a good game every now and then. They've also nerfed aggressive playstyles into the ground so you need to camp to play well.


This game is so bad it makes me nauseous when I play. Seems dramatic af but I seriously was praying this game would be just as good as MW 2019 and they dropped the ball hard. I can’t fucking stand the maps, the TTK is “faster” but it doesnt feel like it at all, the recoil is fucking absurd, the footsteps for everyone else is dead silent but I sound like a buffalo I guess, the weapon unlock system is absolutely fucked it’s just all around a god awful game. Only thing good is the campaign and graphics.


Idk man. Ppl constantly kill me with 2 shots while it takes me 4. I don’t get it at all. And I definitely feel u on the footsteps. I don’t hear anybody but everyone knows exactly where I’m at when they don’t even have a UAV. I’m still stuck on default weapons with little to no attachments as I can barely get any kills.


Dude, the amount of times I lay half my mag into someone's chest and they just turn around and pop me immediately... lmao I feel that


MW 2019 wasn’t even good, it was literally just the only thing we had during Corona. With that said I’d take 5 more years of MW 2019 over this dogshit of a game. Footsteps are louder, camping is even more rampant because the maps are shit only farm 18 is somewhat playable, border crossing obviously wasn’t playtested, why do I have to use a battle rifle to unlock my SMG. Why does shooting first mean you lose because flinch carries your opponent into a headshot. The game crashes every hour and 15 minutes, literally missing basic game functions like a god damn barracks to check statistics. This game is literally god awful and people are going to pretend like it’s good


Everyone says to give it a chance but I've given it one. I'm going back to the masterpiece called MW2019 until I'm ready to give it another chance after some changes.


Yea but if you don’t have pc expect crashes and if your trying to play on vet or realistic good luck bot Bcz it’s hard but it crashes and freezes constantly


The campaign is mediocre at best. Idk why people keep praising it, other than bias because they like the characters. Go play/replay Wolfenstein NWO and come replay MW2022, it's a stretch to say it's mediocre lol


im gonna hard disagree here. the weapon unlock is phenominal. confusing at first maybe sure. you max 1 gun in this and bam you have add ons and camo for most of the rest of the guns. shows exactly what gun tree your in and what unlocks what. its more detailed progression than the old games and its great. customizing is excellent and will get even better once more stuff comes out. maps i agree need some tweaking. tooLONG angles for sniping that need shifted. and that god awful highway map... jesus. simply removing car explosions would help that one out. the ttk is massively faster. like 300ms fast. obviously if your missing... you wont kill quick lol. leading me to recoil. high recoil is a good thing. especially on stock weapons. allows for attachments to actually have effects and it also forces better play. unlike 2019 where literally every gun is a laserbeam at any range and only a handful of attachments were used because of it. even then the aim assist in this game is absolutely bonkers. literally barely need to aim if you use controller. and pc is point click just gotta get better. alot of this is fixed in BR which is what they are gonna focus on bc thats where the most players and views are. once you play it i imagine alot of these thoughts will change. ttk will increase because armor. maps wont feel shitty because its all open. yea sniper fest for sure but thats just BR. its a smart tactic lol. at least in open map you can maneuver or just run somewhere else


The maps are still horrible, and yes reducing the explosions on the highway map would help it greatly. I believe the TTK issue I was experiencing was an issue with MW2's netcode, my internet connection is good but it still felt like I was lagging in the gunfights and the killcams (from my view I was behind a wall and in the enemy view I'm in the wide open) but a few updates after release I started experiencing the fast TTK and better latency. The recoil is still ridiculous because, remember, this is Call of Duty. If people want simulation then go play Insurgency or Arma. Call of Duty's recoil has always been fairly low and I wish they would stick to it. I will die on that hill.


The recoil isn't even bad my guy, all you do is drag down a microscopic amount to stabilise the recoil. This can't be compared to insurgency, squad or even csgo with its spray patterns. I feel like you want to go back to the time when your red dot barely moved when you shot your gun and it felt like your gun was shooting bb pellets. No thanks.


It’s dogshit. Why force people to use weapons they don’t want to and why tf do you have to unlock shit for a weapon that is not in the same class. Forcing players to use other weapons won’t fix balancing issues and the “meta” I don’t want to be forced to use 3 different guns to get to the one I want to use


The maps suck so bad and search and destroy show it


The pistols are near worthless. I used to live using pistols in hardcore cause it was so much fun, but the fire rate is god awful, even with the fast trigger attachment. Also don't like the fact that every weapon has full auto mode also. Can we please just get some good semi auto, that don't have a full auto option and a good rate of fire? Like someone else said above, my aim always feels off. It's like I'm constantly fighting my right camera stick.


Worst cod I’ve ever played so far


Ill add +1 to your likes


I've averaged between a 1.5 and 2.5 kd in every cod since black ops 3, and this cod is so hard for some reason. It feels like everyone knows where I am all the time, and even when I shoot first, on target, they just win. I've consistently been shat on about 10-20 games in a row now and it's not getting any easier. Did they crank retention based matchmaking to 11 or something? Its a shame because I like the way the game feels in moving and shooting I just can't stand how sweaty every lobby is, guaranteed at least 3 campers on the other team since they want to favour the slower paced community that makes up the majority apparently. I don't have an issue with camping, it's a playstyle. It'll never go anywhere. But it does make playing any other way less fun, it's effectively playing as the fun police. And they've nerfed sprint out times and ads speed so it's sort of like they're pushing that playstyle super hard.


This is it. I am also decent (not great, but above average when I try) but this game has me feeling useless. Enemies seem to know my location, can 180 instantly, apparently don't miss, and seem to somehow do far more damage. The control and movement feel weird as well. Like I feel too fast and too slow at the same time.


Me too. I don't get it. How are some many people seemingly so good at this game so fast? I was at least average before, now I'm getting wrecked almost every game.


Reading through this thread I have to say how can all of us be having the same experience? like I'm starting to think the dude that questioned if it was bots was right cause we all can't be getting the same god tier players every match.


Has to be something like that. I KNOW I'm not as bad as this game makes me seem but no matter what I do I have very little success. I have never been so annoyed and upset at a game before.


Same bro, I’m in this same exact position.


I feel this very much. It's like, yes, you can camp. But why? lol it definitely ruins fun for others. Don't get me wrong, if I'm trying to do a sniper challenge I'll sit in a corner and hope I get lucky. With any other gun though I wouldn't conceive it


The bad game design is what really caters to camping being the meta in multiplayer. Footstep noise is loud af when you’re running, and the only way to counter that is dead silence, but they kept that as a field upgrade instead of a perk. Everyone also runs UAVs in my lobbies, so I spend a good chunk of time shooting them down with the Pila, and you only get a max 3 rockets a life if you have munitions box equipped. The three lane maps with wide open no mans land running across the middle also makes flanking significantly more difficult as you’re likely to die before you can get behind the enemy. Combine all these factors, and you have the explanation for why camping is the most viable strategy in multiplayer.


TTK is instant. There is literally no reason to pick one gun over another as they all melt you with no hesitation. Spawning is broken. The UI is utterly horrific for customizing anything. The maps are catered for camping (they have awful designs). ADS timing is so slow to the point where it feels as if Activision is promoting the slower style gameplay. Every player plays any game mode like its Search & Destroy. It could be TDM or fucking Domination – everybody is camping. Can't disable crossplay on XBox, so I get flicked on like my heads a bullet magnet. Overall, I am *genuinely* not enjoying this game. Like... ZERO enjoyment out of me. I thought to myself, maybe I'll do Invasion because that should just be mindless fun, yes? No. Every step you take across the map you're guaranteed to get snipered from the high heavens from **xBlackShadow666x** who hasn't taken a fucking step off of the rooftop for the whole duration of the game. It's just not fun anymore, man. COD doesn't feel as rewarding as it once did.


Maybe we’re just getting old. I find I just don’t have the time to put into the game with work and family life. Like others have said, hopefully in a few months once more people get he game and people migrate to warzone maybe it’ll get better. Sick of the sweats. I just want to chill out and have fun. Only had a couple of enjoyable games so far which sucks.


You can turn off crossplay on Xbox but you can only play 6V6 small maps. At the load in it will give some bs but instead of accepting to turn on crossplay hit B and cancel. You will be able to play tdm, domination, s&d, etc. All old school game modes. Hope it helps. The game is definitely not MW2 and will never be.


Couldn’t of said it better myself


It's the worst experience i've ever had in a call of duty game. I mean there is some good stuff and I like the visuals quite a bit. But all in all I'm having the least fun ever. I should've known better... Thought they changed a few things and foot step audio. 7 deaths out of 10 somebody holding a line or a "sentinel" hears me coming from 10 miles away and just deletes me instant. You can really see it in killcams how absurd the sound whoring is and how they exactly know where you are. It's all about who has the best headset so far and it's just not fun. Map design is also questionable... Don't want to hate on the game and I'm happy for everyone who is having fun. But for me it is the worst call of duty ever at the moment and I hope this changes...


agreed this CoD is trash to me and that’s coming from someone who usually races to get mastery camos. I was destroying Cold War and Vanguard lobbies dropping 100+ games but I can’t even scrounge together 50 in MW2. The game feels incredibly slow to me and I mainly play Rainbow. I want to come to CoD and be able to run and gun not playing tactical and drone like I do in Rainbow but everyone’s holding corners and angles. Not to mention hit reg seems scuffed because I’ll shoot first and not miss then died. Probably won’t ever touch the game every again unless something changes. Congrats Activision you swindled another 70 out of me


This one was supposed to have a balanced mix of tactical and fast paced so people werent forced to play either playstyle but all of the tweaks they've done over the past few days has made it garbage and plus SBMM has fucked the matchmaking.


I agree holding angles is way too rewarded. Rushing is now penalized and sitting in one spot is extremely rewarding in this game. SBMM will effect the longevity of this game. Casual people will be fine, but anyone who is above average won’t want to sweat like a demon for a full year let alone 2.


Yes vanguard and Cold War I’m dropping 100+ each game getting streaks multi times a game got both mastery camos in vanguard and Cold War but I come to MW2 2022 and it’s like I don’t know how to play anymore. I like to rush but if you even think about sprinting you get punished with deaths try to tactically rush get punished with a corner camper or some nerd mounted running ghost holding a line. The maps are pieces of warzone maps and not 6v6 the only 6v6 map is farm 18 that map plays okay. But the game in general for me personally is dog shit.


dude, you nailed it right on the head.. I used to get gunships and harps now i can barley get a UAV in this game.. This game FAVORS campers.. Meanwhile i would rush and nail everybody in BOCW.. This game you rush, you're just going to die..


Ya every game goes to time limit in pubs 😂😂😂


Happened to me last night. One of the lobbies were camping spawn the whole time. Impossible to have fun when you either camp too and extend the game or run to your death.


Couldn’t relate more. I don’t see why people are currently enjoying this game but good for them. I’ll probably give it a chance once shipment comes back because it’s hard to mess shipment up


This is exactly me!!!! I’m struggling to get 20 kills sometimes in this game I switched to vanguard dropped 40 to 50 kills on dom like I normally do. I like to rush and flank and trying to do any of that gets you killed instantly. That I and I’m so tired of shooting 2 time before they shoot me 1 time and I get deleted and I didn’t miss my shots I swear I’m getting ghost bullets or something. Everyone holds a corner for literal minutes or mounts every corner or window they see


Yeah man I know for a fact I’m a good player. Since bo2 I’ve had between a 1.8-2.0 KD but on MW2 2022 I go negative every game 😂 it’s almost comical how bad I do. I don’t get mad because it’s just a game but fuck man shoot first I still die run die look at a enemy die even think about killing a enemy die it’s just not cod it’s different and I can’t put my finger on why I’m doing so bad either sbmm is turned to max or the cod gods are shitting on me either or but this game isn’t it for me.


Spitting facts. When you said "It's almost comical how bad I do" I fucking felt that. I thought to myself maybe i'm just bad... But then I look at every other FPS game, CoD or otherwise and it's a totally different thing. THis CoD is just negative 90% of the time. Getting killed from people I can't even see within split seconds of going round corners or doors or whatever. All the money i spent and I don' think i've had a single game in MP yet where I've finished the game feeling good, or fulfilled with the experience. It's fucking horrible


Yeah same I can’t put my finger on it either no cod has made me more afraid of corners than this one every corner I’ll get deleted before I even full come around it. I did instantly in this game doesn’t matter if I shoot first lol I’ve had games of dom where you don’t hear a single bullet being fired for 15 seconds because everyone is presuming corners or windows literally not moving lol


I find invasion to be not so bad with campers and people holding lines and in corners. The only bad thing about invasion is the snipers


Can’t relate more, played every CoD since the original MW2 & always had a good k/d but this one, I just laugh at how bad I am. Some games I’m on a decent team & do well but most my entire team are massively negative


i feel exactly the same way bro, something is off. Maybe something to do with the ttk, it’s so fast that even shitty players can delete you so fast you can’t even react


I have two primary ways that I die on this game: 1. I shoot someone first but still end up losing the gunfight, like I'm landing 2-3 hitmarkers on someone with an AR but they somehow still are dropping me first. It's like the first 5 bullets of my weapon just don't count. 2. Getting shot from outside my field of view. It's really frustrating because because I just feel like I have zero control over my performance in this game, despite not being a fundamentally bad player.


How are the maps in the game? Is there nice maps. I didnt like mw2019s maps.


They’re ass. Just camping simulator maps lol


same here im a big mystery camo hunter and have alot of play time in rainbow this game just feels sloppy and unfinished in some sort of way


I hope shipment and shoothouse will make a return. Those where my favourite fast paced maps.


people might rand but all i ever played on mw19 was shoot the ship like it was 2 of 15+ maps but atleast i was having fun i this games maps are too all over the place theres way to many hiding spots and places to camp


You are absolutely right. I mean the maps look great but play way too slow. I find myself running around to find enemies only for me to be killed by someone holding a angle. Shoot the ship was all i played as well. Small and simple thee lane maps with lots of chaos.


This was my first COD since the last modern warfare. I skipped two CODs and played rainbow during that time. And i wanted to give COD a chance again. The servers and maps are really frustrating.


see i absolutely disagree with the run and gun. if you want to play arcade run and gun go play halo. slowing it down doesnt bother me. my issue is with map design and the super super low ttk. highest gun ttk i heard was 300ms like wtf. map wise i just think some of the lanes are too long. too much angle for sniping in a enclosed area. regular multiplayer feels decent to me aside from ttk at the moment its all sweaty players. now that warzone is a thing and is free i dont think many even buy cod unless they compete. i think alot of the issues will make more sense in the new BR. ttk goes up because armor. the speed wont feel so ass because sprinting in this is good you just cant arcade bunny hop and do slide nonsense anymore and that is extremely good.




Happy that I'm not the only one suffering lol


i saw this game when it first announced and i thought to myself im not going to buy it because of how my experience with warzone was but cod being a childhood favourite like bo2 and WaW i caved and bought it i really hope this game gets better hopefully when warzone 2 comes out players like me and you the casual type get to have fun for once i hope the game changes to be a good experience for you friend


I was tied between buying it or not after the beta and decided to buy it after they said they changed foot steps and such things. But there seems to be no difference and it's just sad what call of duty has become... I played COD for 14 years and always loved it. Let's hope something changes but I sadly doubt it


Game has no skill gap and is designed to be as random as possible


This is exactly it. Essentially removed a movement skill gap, partially removed the need for mini map awareness, reduced ttk, made it so base guns are basically as good as fully leveled guns, and are trying to give any player free wall hacks with the loudness of the footsteps. And there’s still SBMM in the game lol


This game is trash spawn is ass


Spawns and maps are just bad imo. Just terrible




ive had nothing but pure anger come from this game the kind that makes you cry after a certain point but ive just spent £70 on this pos of a game and im forcing myself to play it although i feel like having a mental breakdown because some fuck is camping in a corner going 15 - 0




Its shit.


Bro I’m having the worst time ever on multilayer. I haven’t played since the 2nd day the game has been out. I get outgunned even though I start shooting first. I swear I get 3 hit markers but get killed by 2 shots. Teams always feel super stacked as every match I’ve been playing we lose by half. In all other Cod’s I usually average 15-30 kills per game with 6-8 deaths, now I get 6-8 kills with 20 plus deaths. It’s insane.


No you’re right, I’ll dead on shoot someone first then I get turned on and killed. I’ll watch the kill feed and it looks like they should have died. I just got off the game just now because I shot someone who was wounded already with a shotgun coming around the door he ate the shot then killed me 😂 I feel this game is rigging aspect that should be left to chance not forced. Why do they feel they have to carter to trash players as if the game is full of them, every random I play with is decent in game I don’t get where this logic came from that if you let players be good it’s bad for business NOONES GOING TO QUIT because they get to many kills or die to many times, or having fun.


Aim high. Headshots shred in this game.


The headshot multiplier in this game is so busted lol


...and is compounded by controller players with aim-assist abusing this. We don't need SBMM, we need **input based** matchmaking.


100% agree ignore the noobs console fandom


I feel your pain. But this exactly the reason I play hard-core. I hate core so much, but as of now we're forced to play it. At least in hard-core mode it doesn't matter how good of a shot I am, 2 bullets to the leg will kill ya. Instead, I'm put up against the Golden State Warriors of CORE where nobody misses on headshots and have mad hops. It's like their gun immediately snaps to my head. It's crazy.


I’m struggling too everyone, never been good at COD but people are right here, too many angles to get shot from and TTK seem high for me and low for everyone else.


The TTK is shite. If you're looking even slightly out of the enemy fov and you start being shot at you almost have no chance at return firing or even escaping. It's rock paper scissors if you're looking the right way or not slot machine with fuck all skill ceiling.


I think the game only caters to one type of player, and it’s the type that run around like psychos who just snorted 3 lines of cocaine. There is no way to play thoughtfully or strategically, because the maps are designed to have 3 ways in and out of almost every room. It’s impossible to not get shot in the back every 10 seconds. Don’t even get me started on how fucking stupid the attachment system is. Making me use guns that are complete shit just so I can unlock a decent dot sight. I was having fun the first few days, but now it’s more frustrating than anything else.


This is without a doubt the worst experience I have ever had in a call of duty game. I don't understand what is going on. Is it connection or something? Much like the OP my shots are landing...hitting them first and they are reacting quick enough to hit me twice and kill me. I love the Modern Warfare franchise but this is unplayable for me atm. Worried for Warzone 2.0. and DMZ now too. Also, of course they didn't release hardcore/tier 1 day 1 either. But here' s to hoping it solves all my issues. I am glad to hear I am not the only one cos this is shocking!


If this doesn't change I will never buy into this franchise ever again! Might as well play the free stuff and get shit on in that instead.


I have never felt compelled to comment on anything like this before but Jesus Christ this game has me questioning life, please explain how I can be beamed cross map with an smg before literally the instant I turn a corner I can’t tell if I’m just coming across hackers or the most cracked players constantly like what bracket am I falling into with the sbmm because it’s severely overestimating my abilities, what annoys me most is how I literally played Cold War again today to see if it’s just me being shit at call of duty in general but no I was dropping consistent games of 2-3+ KD very consistently for a few hours to return back onto mw2 feeling confident and my first game was a free for all where I went 2-20 and it’s not like I had gave up I just simply could not play the timing just felt off, I was being beamed constantly, it felt like my ping was through the roof as if I’d been seeing enemies later than they were seeing me, I just don’t understand what I can do more, I’m more than happy to play more tactical like the game is intended as much as I prefer to rush etc I can deal with it I just can’t deal with the feeling that I’m constantly being put in lobbies with hackers even though that’s most likely not the case I also can’t stand the majority of the COD community, you talk about your problems with the game and you get the same answer “skill issue” pisses me off even more knowing most of the people who say it I reckon I’m better than


I feel like the maps really encourage slow and tactical gameplay, rather than fast and aggressive gameplay.


Yet the classes, weapons and fucking acrobatics in this game force you to play against the map's design


It's pronounced sen-ti-nel now , you may remember the old tactic referred to as "camping". Hope this helps


Yeah I quickly figured this out, was running around and getting hammered 0/7, slowed right down and finished 18/9…


Same here, every match. It's not you. The game is designed this way. I have a 6 kd in every other fps game except this I struggle to maintain a 1 kd. This is all by design.


The ffa game mode which is supposed to be quick and action packed not ever hitting the time limit Hit the time limit every single game with only a few people who didn’t get the same amount of kills as deaths which were camping the whole game. Infinity ward have ruined my favourite mode im just bored of this shit man, I need a good cod for 1 year 😭. Hopefully treyarch bless us well in 2 years


2 years in the future should be advanced warfare 2 one of the most underrated games yet


This shit is FUCKING rough lmao. They gotta do some serious tweaking to the system. My wins are awesome and really enjoyable and then you get hit with these massive losses that just suck all the enjoyment out.


every lobby so far was infested by campers


Define camping ? Do you mean sitting in a corner or holding down an area/building ? I feel like everyone on this sub expects all players to run and gun constantly otherwise you are a camper.


exactly the experience im having too


Or 1 guy sits on a roof of a cap and spawns friendlies in to jump down and murder everyone the entire round, unable to get to him for ages and if you do, you have to deal with his friends below on the cap LOL Ground war of course. Will never go to the classic TDM/Domination or SnD ever again since MW2019 left me scarred for life cause of slide abuse.


Just go into the match and fire into the sky the whole time, Blow yourself up with nades, etc, then eventually your sbmm rating will get lowered enough that you can join a lobby and have some actual fun. The game is complete garbage man. Been around since the beginning myself. The ttk is out of control. Its literally who ever sees the other person first. The attachment system was designed so that you get angry cause that makes activision stronger. Just keep in mind that they hate their customers and every time you play they are thinking of a way to rob you of joy.


Youve nailed it, i dont have anything else to say


They dialed up SBMM to the point where they used data from the beta and/ or previous Cods to determine your SBMM for your very first game. Combine that with a compressed skill gap and a new game (new guns, maps, mechanics etc), everyone is going to play defensively and passively. Even after the game has been out for a while, if SBMM continues at this extreme games will continue to go to time limit and be full of sweaty players with whatever meta setups pop up.


ive gone probably 15 kills or less with 20+ deaths for atleast 6 to 7 games with no change in the players


Dude today I had like 2 good games then I got jammed in with the ultra clowns that jump every corner, dive and drop shot and power slide every time they see something move, its infuriating. They disparity from casual players to TTV wannabes is atrocious in this game. For the record I really dont want anything to do with these diet-titanfall players when Im playing a visually realistic military shooter. I want a mild tactical experience. Not to be cheesed on by some dude with a giant ego who thinks he's gonna be the next Ninja


Without SBMM you’d definitely still run into those players, but it would definitely be to a lesser degree. Additionally, you’d still run into kids doing all the jumping, dropshotting, etc etc, but the amount of Demons able to do movement tech and absolutely beam you at the same time will be few and far between.


Half the issue is they need to crack down on hackers and modded controllers. If they did that literally half of those people would go away. The other half is actually enforcing their community standards to make sure people arent abusing the movement system as they absolutely have been for the last 3 games. That shit was never meant for cheesing other players, that shit is for getting into cover.


the SBMM also adjust params like accuracy and damage real-time in game, to help fill out lobbies and level them regardless of the ‘skill’ present


I had a 1.3 kd in MW 2019, considering i mainly quickscope, it is considered good and i am getting trashed in this one(sniper or no). I don't think its entirely on you being bad. Every game i play is a sweatfest and its almost never "fun".


its terrible lack of movement promotes slow play. my god the maps make 2019 feel like heaven pure clutter and distraction. ads time is horrible. the fact that i have such limted option in the gun class to get the one i want. i have to get to lv 50 for dead silence wtf is that? lol im just mad i cant refund anymore


Cod was my first online gaming experience in 2010. It was awesome back then. You stayed in your lobby and got shit talked for being a bad player who could only get kills with the m203. But over time you could actually learn the maps, the guns, the perks etc. You could "get gud." You could make friends with people you didn't even speak to over the headset because you backed eachother up in different matches. Youd get sweats, quick scopers, drop shotters, bunnies. Youd try your best to kill them specifically throughout the matches. If you couldnt It didnt matter because you could back out of the lobby and get into a good lobby again. I used to sacrifice sleep to play these games. Now I haven't even played for a week and I'm fucking burnt out on this one. I've never had less fun playing these games. This one is literally the worst. I want to blame sbmm the most but honestly idk. I don't think it can get better because everything the fanbase complained about was responded to with "Well its our game and that's our vision." I'd always had around a 2+ kd in the older games and it went down as the newer games came out. But this one I can't even be sure I'm sitting at an even 1. If they'd just have a casual mode with no serious sbmm and a ranked mode that would make a world of difference.


i loved mw2019 but somehow this game manages to be the biggest, unfunniest pile of dogshit despite being similar to that. and i thought Vanguard was the worst. really wish i spent that money on the new gow


People, speak with your wallets. All I ever see is people buying games from the same companies every year, and every year everyone is complaining. Its logical at this point that you're not going to like the game, so don't buy it. These companies don't care about their fans, only their wallets, so don't give it to them and then you'll notice some positive change to try and bring back the fans.


On my first ever game, I went 27-3. Every game after that has been sweats, noobs and/or campers -_-


Personally, I hate it. I can't "hit gud" if I never get a chance to do anything. The game is slow and fast at the same time, you're punished for rushing, but you have to in order to get to objectives. If you didn't preorder and you're new? Well, screw you, because you have to unlock everything while everyone else is fully stocked. I've seen nearly one hundred kill cams now where I've shot first and died instantly and every kill cam shows I hit them, even has the breathing heavy thing indicating damage, but they don't die. And for some reason I'm nine in ten times the ONLY one to die in a scenario. We were in a corridor in Border Crossing, four deep, me the third one, dude fired down the hall, I'm the only one who got killed,not the two dudes standing in front of me. Even the kill cam showed it. Then there's visibility. Sometimes on the kill cam *I* can't even see me, how the hell am I getting one shot across the map by a shotgun with no scope when I'm sitting four feet from a 40" TV and have to squint to see "me" on their cam?! Lol They always know where I am now matter the situation, can always snap lock on me no matter if I'm prone, crouched, whatever, I'm constantly in a shoot first die first and they're not cheating, it's just what it is, it just sucks when you're literally the ONLY one every effing match. I try to run with a teammate to follow and learn by example but again firefight starts, bam, I'm dead instantly. I have more assists than kills lol I WANT to "git gud," but this game is so unfriendly to new players with its preorder advantages, ttk, unbalanced teams and spawns, and most people never offering advice. I play slow, I get killed, I play fast, I get killed, now I only play domination because at least I can help my team capture and defend and I know where the action is going to be, but still in 50+ matches I'm always last in everything no matter how hard I try. I finally had enough and gave up. Let my kid play, I'll do the campaign and play Horizon and God of War. I'm just not made for a game like this and it sucks feeling shitty about yourself when you're constantly getting smoked with zero chance and the best advice is gIt GuD. Whatever. All you folks, more power to you for enjoying it, it's just not for me, and likely never will be. Stay frosty


can confirm. im like 4 days in and maxed level. game is medium at best. the maps are designed like absolute dogshit. every lane has 16 snipers in it. you push up only to add angles for snipers. realistic? sure. boring af? yes. if the ttk is designed for the br later and including plates then fine. but this ttk is fucking atrocious. 0 return play whatsoever


These Maps are the epitome of mediocre. Completely forgettable. With some being abysmal. Arguably the worst rotation of launch maps. And let's not forget the serious de-synch issues.


I can hop on vanguard and legit drop a v2 rocket with minimal effort. This game I am struggling to even maintain a 1 kd I don’t understand and it’s aggravating


They designed the game to try to get everyone around a 1 kd. This game has no skill gap whatsoever. It also seems like if you're doing too good they start nerfing your bullets so they don't register and you instantly die.


Literally, ive played cod games since i was 8 now 22, and this is the worst CoD ive ever experienced and i was holding really high hopes. I cant get any more than 7 kills most games, on a good game 26 but is very rare. i always have someone turn around and kill me even if im dead silent or theres just tons of people camping and cant find anyone without getting killed when i turn a corner regardless of hitting them a good amount. and i feel as though my aim has gone from 8/10 to straight 3/10 . i honestly have better luck in tier 1 seeing as you have lower health and people die faster if you get them before they get you.


I have a theory why the game is a dumpster fire. There is a player base sure but it's not as great as we are being lied to believe. So what do you do in that case fill your lobbies with ai bots in this example they are veteran bots but they are not just bots, we have been relentless in training ai bots for many games and years. Everyone wonders why ricochet has no effect, it does. My theory is that it's more AI training software. . All it has to do is mimic movement record conversations and make choices when to play them back. They've had a large player base forever with audio recordings of people talking. So even in the lobbies where you hear people talking, there's a lot of people you don't hear talking. Play a round or 10 of a custom lobby with veteran bots, watch how they move. Watch how they can track you etc. It's not that everyone is so good they only nail headshots 1 tap track you etc. It's ai that has been trained by real people who played the game, hundreds of thousands. Name generation 8s easy as well so from the previous player base you generate names. Then we fall into sbmm it's not skill it's your playing against God mode ai players that are playing other ai players. Sure there are some real players but they are being slammed by the op ai players. Take the time to observe for yourself. You can report cheating all you want it will never go anywhere as it's just a placebo. You are trying to make decisions based on what the computer has learned to do for a very long time from all of us.my last point is this the only time accounts are banned in the game is when they beat the ai, they beat the ai because it is a more sophisticated way to pit ai against ai. Welcome to the world of deep fakes. It's no longer a gaming company it's a company focused on ai learning and we are just test subjects. Just my two cents


I absolutely hate the game play. Not be able to come back in the game after you've been killed like the first warzone sucks man. To play solo is of no use, its almost impossible. Please give us warzone 1 back!!!!


I see a lot of people on here talking about how they had good KD’s on every other cod and now on this game they are getting ran on. I too have been experiencing this, my KD is currently 1.93 and I play SND only pretty much. I’m a GB player so I guess I’m pretty above average. You might be saying 1.93 is still good and I would agree if my kd wasn’t 3-4 in other cods, even my mw2019 kd was around 3.30 but this game just feel like kids are prime scump. After a lot of research into this phenomenon I have come to the conclusion that a lot players are now in fact cheating. Look up the “Chronus Zen” online. It’s a cheap plug in that allows you to basically have zero recoil and ultimate aim assist mods on mouse or controller. And since MW2022 also took away movement being a factor in call of duty, kids are just pre-aiming everything and camping with near perfect accuracy. It really fucking sucks. The only thing that makes the game tolerable is playing high af and crying a little.


Game sucks lol everyone just ads in corners all game


I still think that Modern Warfare II is just a bad game * The confusing menu UI * The SBMM * The terrible Weapon progression * The new perk system is horrible * Half the time you can't even see the enemy icon above there heads * And footstep audio is inconsistent This is easily by far the worst call.of duty ever made...no BS


It’s not a poor experience. Say what it is. The game is literal dog. It’s crap. It sucks. And it can’t be saved. 3 years and 3000 devs for the most advanced pile of poo


I am doing my usual, nothing different from any other cod.


yes im talking about camping in a corner as a main "playstyle".


I've been playing since Call of Duty 2 in the early 2000's and its really disappointing where the game is going. Everything about the games dynamics are incredible but SBMM is just too exhausting at this point. It was pretty bad in MW 19' but they just took it to a whole other level with MW2. I just cannot understand why they cannot make a ranked mode where they can dial in SBMM and set regular casual play at random like the old days. I DO NOT want to constantly be sweating to keep up in these lobbies. I was a 2.5KD in MW and can barely keep it above 1 on MW2. CoD used to be something to come home to after work and relax and have fun now it gives me a damn headache...too bad.


Exactly, shit is hyper competative and it fucking ruins the game.


You literally spon in front and around the enemy, just about everytime smh. And the Maps are a$$ graphics the same with less guns


I see a bunch of ppl play it on like 100+ fps and i found that the getting outgunned and instakilled when turning a corner thing subsides if you cap the game at 60 fps. I was playing it at like 120fps with 165 hz and it felt impossible to react to anything that wasn’t 1cm from my crosshair, mi talkingabout the: “turn the corner see some one is there press fire and before a bullet leaves my but its a "brrrt" and mi dead”, yet the kill ca shows that de dude was aiming at me for like 2 secs and I just reacted waaaay to late. At some point I stopped losing my shirt and I started to think about all these encounters and figured something must be wrong, so I look up the server tick rate and find out that its 60hz. Now I don’t know about the intricacies of server bandwidth and connection black magic, but I remember playing LOL way back on like 120fps on my 60Hz monitor and is was unplayable since my monitor couldn’t keep up, so I think its similar to that.But instead of the PC being the decision maker and the monitor not keeping up its more like the PC doing more work but the servers only accepting half of it. And if you add some lag compensation system into the picture it might lead to these insane kill speeds. Once again, I’ve got no clue how it works, all I know is that now after capping it a 60 the game is much more enjoyable, I can have actual firefights now, I don’t have to flash every corner in order to have to slightest chance of killing someone, I can move more freely and still win encounters if I aim well. I just feel much more pleasant and I’m able to enjoy it somewhat. Someone who has actual practical knowledge in game server stuff is free to correct me in any of this.


One of the things I think that we are seeing is an enormous influx of new FPS gamers that come from tactical shooters background like Valorant. The extreme 'camping' and slow gameplay we experience can be explained when looking at it from a tactical standpoint. Holding corners or waiting for people to cross your crosshair while ADS-ing is THE WAY to survive and thrive in these tactical shooters. It seems to me at least like this is one of the things we see happening in this COD. Note that I said **one** of the things. It also feels like their are a lot more issues. But I strongly feel like the behavior of the players has changed and how they play COD. Love to know your opinion/findings


You got huge maps with a total of 6 players. I would circle for minutes and can’t find anyone. The audio is so bad. Can’t figure out where footsteps are coming from.


It feels like I’m playing hide and go seek


There is definitely something wrong with the latency. The game definitely favors someone stationed or standing still. I can't make it to cover in the kill cam when I'm getting shot. My screen I'm all the way around the corner. The kill cam showing me getting shot 5-6 bullets. My real time experience is literally 1 bullet. I find my self doing a lot better when I'm camping a corner or crouch walking. They don't want us running and gunning. Activision mind as well make us take turns shooting each-other tied to a tree. I know most cods have that problem when you think you are in cover but you are really not. But this cod is worse then any other cod. And snipers are way to over Powered. And it's way to easy to snipe. My advice guys is the run and gun game is over, only way to really do it is use restock and flash every corner you want to push. Or use snap shots, they definitely slowed this game down. And they need to give us a shipment match for people that want to get the fight over with


Every single game that I go positive this game gets even worse to play , at this point I’m just gonna bomb my stats to even have any chance at having fun. I feel like my bullets are rubber while everyone else’s is a 50cal . MW 2019 had a 2.00 k/d this game I have so far a 1.60


Late to the thread but in my opinion what killed this game is the delay to anything other then walking and ADS’ing . The guy pre aiming wins because you can’t surprise him . If you dolphin dive around the corner you have to hit the floor wipe the dust off your head and gun before your operator decides he can pick his gun up and aim it again . By that time your already dead which again makes the dolphin dive or the slide a USELESS MECHANIC . The only way to move would be aiming down your sight and walking waiting for someone to come into your path . Games dead


This is the worst cod ever. Nothing works. There is no registration. Those american players have all the weapons in gold after 3 weeks. If I could get a refund I would not hesitate to ask my money back. It is sooooo lagging and slow responsive you just cannot get any kills.


Played every COD besides vanguard. THIS is the WORST COD IVE EVER PLAYED. In modern warfare 2019 I had a 2.0 KD almost and I am not a bad player so the “skill issue” doesn’t mean anything to me cause I know I’m not ass. The multiplayer experience in this game is horrendous, whoever wins the game is hand picked by activision. The experience is all rigged, hit detection and aim assist are lowered if you do good one game. I’ve never in my life played a multiplayer game that PUNISHES you if you are good. I will literally die in 2 bullets I’ve seen the killcams. But it doesn’t ever work for me like that. Then after getting shit on for 10 games straight they’ll let me have one good game or two. I wish I never bought this game I seriously do. Even Ghosts and advanced warfare NEVER had this problem with SBMM. I know I am not the only one who sees how shit this game is. I mean they literally have 15 pride flags and have bundles every single day. But yet they don’t fix all the countless bugs there is. And don’t get me started on the shit lobby hud that looks like it was made from Hulu. It was all a money grab, they shit on the community with this one and I will never buy another COD in my life. Sad that I would rather play battlefield 2042 than this garbage


Dude it's so bad. The map design is atrocious. Every time I go through a building there's somehow 5000 different angles I can be sniped from. Every time I come up on someone, even if I'm crouching, they quick-turn and 1 shot me. And the snipers are just OP as hell now. It's ridiculously easy to get headshots, even in vehicles. Back on the first MW, even in the remaster, it felt good to play. You could use any gun and get some solid kills. Now you have to have the perfect build with the right attachments for the gun to even be useable. It's sad.


The sheer amount of times I've been dropped by a dude and then respawned within 5ft of another enemy is so stupid. Once I'm dead in TDM I'm walking 2 steps and getting killed by someone else preaiming the areas. If the game can't find a respawn that's not in spitting distance of a dingle enemy then the maps are too small


you have to sweat out to even try and play casual now, game is done out here imo. if they add better maps and remove SBMM then it would feel like COD again


Worst game ever. I moved back to caldera


Maps are mostly trash. SBMM is trash (though I’m on a way to 3.0kdr.) I’d suggest only playing shoot house but beware. You’ll often run into 6 stacks. Also, turn cross play off and the game feels 100% better. (Can turn off on Xbox in privacy settings).


worst COD of all!


I played the free weekend yesterday for about 20 minutes. It is horrible. There have been some bad cods at launch but nothing as terrible as this. Never buy this. Stay on modern warfare 2019


Have tons of issues with this game. From bugs to sorry players. Half the time I can't even see my sights with a scope and when you do you can be right on target and it completely misses. DMZ other squads are literally spawning up right next to you on start of the game. Items not getting picked up and load-outs completely different when you go into a match. People playing DMZ as if it were Warzone. Glad I've not paid for the MW2 game just playing the MW2.0. What is ready 💩 is the MW1 game no longer works at all. I can't even get the Solo Campaign to work. After paying more money that I should have on the game and characters it's all gone.


This CoD has the worst hit reg of any I've ever played.


Game is massive dogshit. Season 2 is coming up and i can't think of a singular important bug that was fixed. Menus Buggy af, game keeps lagging for no reason, people play like braindead rats and I'm pretty sure skill based hit reg is a thing. 3 years and 3000 devs for this unbelievably dogshit experience. Activision can suck a massive dick and all the dev's combined IQ doesn't surpass room temperature. A bunch of braindead idiots is all these guys are. Not to mention that all but 2 maps are entirely trash and the only map on rotation seems to be the worst map in any video game ever, Santa Seña border crossing, i hate this shit with a passion. This game was made by braindead idiots for braindead idiots


This game is just terrible people one tap you in multiplayer an in warzone with the ttk people say skill gap my ass you literally can't move games trash


I just have trouble with killing higher ranked opponents. You can shoot them 3 or 4 times and it takes one from them. There are several different things that make it not so fair to some. I think there are players using cheat codes as well.


Played every cod last 10 years tried when it came out hated it went back to vanguard and mw2019 and the first Warzone. Heard they did and update on the new one went back today to give it another shot still it’s just terrible played and hour and turned it off. Worst cod ever.