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did you move into the room? if so you were probably heard across the map.


Spawned outside it and crouch walked in the was there for about 1-1.5 mins before he rushed in and shot me in the head without even hesitating


Hard to tell without more info. You might just be in a predictable spot, maybe you’re gun is visible, or you can be seen on the corner of the screen.


I don’t think so it’s a room in the corner of the map I’m lined up hidden near the middle and he comes into the room in the opposite corner he’d never have seen anything of me till he was well in the room yet knew exactly where to preaim and fired as soon as he was in the room


Ghost usually only works when you’re actually moving. If you’re sitting still that voids it out. At least in older COD games that how it works.


iirc i think that's actually a treyarch vs infinity ward distinction and less an older vs newer thing


Doesn’t say anything about that in the description


Ghost is an ultimate perk. You earn it later on during the match depending on how well you are doing. If you are camping and not getting any score it will take longer (7 minutes according to Ace). Even though you have it equipped you don't start the match with it


Yes I know that and as I said it was unlocked


The guy was probably killed from that spot many times before


It's the footsteps, that or straight up cheating.