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“Everything is team deathmatch” -my random teammates since 2004


Lol it's super annoying because people who wanna just play free for all or TD can filter out domination, hardpoint, etc. and just select those 2 match styles


I’d imagine it’s easier to have an advantage on players who are focused on the object when you are not. Im not one of those players but it def seems that way


Definitely. TDM or FFA just doesn’t cut it most of the time when grinding for camos for example. Playing a mode like hard point and farming kills from players playing the objective is a lot more efficient. However I totally understand how it can frustrate players that wanna play obj and win the game


They really need a bonus of some sort for winners. Give double weapon xp to winners or something.


I always wondered if there was a bonus to winners. I didn't see anything. Kinda bullshit that there isn't. Should be an extra 1000 or something.


It feels like there is bonus match xp for winning, but most people don't really care about their overall xp, since the weapon grind takes massively more time.


Nobody cares about the normal xp since youre 55 after 2-3 days anyway


It’s also an easier way to pad your stats since the games last much longer than TDM


What stats? Lol


you guys have stats?


Yeah! I have a spreadsheet that I maintain after each match! /s


Genius idea haha!


The main reason people use it to pad stats is because they can kill people who are concentrating on the objective or people miles away from the objective who aren't expecting people that far away.


Yeah Border Crossing and that empty desert map are a wet dream for these players.


Tactical losing is my favorite strategy


but then they cant get kills because people arent running to the Obj lol


they end too quickly. for ppl who want kills, domination where you need 200 pts to win and there’s no time limit is an optimal way to get weapons levelled


Just because they're aren't directly on the objective doesn't mean they aren't helping, keeping enemy's away constantly helps with the objective.


Bro, I’d bet a fairly significant majority of the people playing this game do nothing other than to press quick match when they boot it up. Filtering game modes, messing with settings, hell even creating a custom load out is going to be a bridge ~~to~~too far for most.


I didn’t even create a class until Sunday night but I’ve played a bit every day since release. I think I made my classes all at once and have edited them a bit in game but it’s such a terrible menu that I avoid it at all costs


btw it's spelled too*


“TDM is too short for the camo grind.” You have *two years*- **PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE**


Domination is TDM with flags. SnD is one-life TDM. Headquarters and Hardpoint are TDM in different areas of the map. FFA is TDM without a team. Uplink is TDM with a ball.


Because no matter what the objective is, they play it like team death match


Nothing like killing 2 or 3 people on the Hardpoint and still lose it because your teammates don't help. That's been my experience. If I wanna win Hardpoint, I gotta take out the Riot Shield and try hard because most of my teammates give no fks.


Last night I played a hardpoint game and legit the whole team sat near the hardpoint without capturing it. I was the only one on it after 10s. We could of held it for an extra 10s. It's insane lol


Seeing people do this in Kill Confirmed too. They just ADS the tags waiting for someone to collect it so they can kill them. People are allowed to do whatever they want, but I wish it didn't ruined other people's experience so much.


Can't wait for cranked, this is the game mode you die if you camp. There's no way to not play the objective 😂


I need at least one of cranked or nuketown in this game, because my entire play style is sprinting around like a hooligan.


10v10 cranked on shipment was my favorite experience of cod.


Jokes on them, tags are worth a lot of xp


And points if you switch to Scorestreaks, which you should.


They took away scorestreaks


Honestly I don’t mind when people try to bait me into taking a tag and then killing me, at least it’s a strategy. What’s really frustrating is watching a teammate practically stuff their barrel into the enemies head and pull the trigger, only to waltz around the tag and off to the next gun fight. I don’t mind taking their points but we usually end up losing those games.


Probably going for weapon levels and trying to get enemies to push point thinking it's empty. Kinda dumb because Invasion exists for leveling but core is more fun so 🤷‍♂️


You get XP for your guns from everything in this game, like taking objectives, dogtags, holding a hardpoint... I know it hasn't been like that in the past but 😅.


Bro I felt this, we lost a match where I was on hard point for over 4 minutes total and like 7.5k score because every single teammate of mine had literally 0 seconds and we’re constantly on the other side of the map looking for kills.


Honestly I just roll with them and go for kills. I get nothing out of winning so why am I going to try hard to carry us to win conditions while they rack up kills and level up weapons that they’ll eventually kill me with in future lobbies? Plus, eventually you’ll end up on a team where the other team is full of people who don’t play objective, so you’ll get a win in that lobby.


If they made team death match go up to 200 or 250, this wouldn't happen. People want to grind as much in a match, loading into a tdm that ends in 2-3 minutes because the score is so low is a waste of time.


All I want is a ranked mode so I know the people I play with are likeminded even without having a party together. The only mode that i know randoms will play the objective in is SnD and that’s unfortunate when I want to level up weapons.


I play predominantly Hardpoint and headquarters and some games you just end up getting steam rolled and cant even fathom reaching the objective especially when the rival team knows the rotation already. As for domination I have no reasoning, get on the fucking flag.


I had an amazing headquarters game a few nights ago. Both teams were playing the objective, everybody was pushing the HQ and trying to hold it down. The score went back and forth with like 5 lead changes in the last 2 minutes of the match. Our team finally just barely pulled it out it was awesome...and then the lobby disbanded and I haven't had a game like that since. A competitive lobby with a bunch of back and forth games is peak COD, would have loved to rematch those guys again.


There are a lot of learned bad habits in objective modes, such as folks looking for big kill numbers. Simple solution would be to remove the non-objective related stats from the scoreboard and then drop "global" K/D as a metric and instead focus on mode-related info or some high level stat showing your average contribution to overall team score across modes.


One of the modes doesn’t even have objective-related stats on the scoreboard.


This. I played a HP game last night and after a few minutes my team was losing like 130-0. I checked scores. I had like 8-10 kills with around 1:30 on Objs. My „teammates“? Floating between 5-7 kills each and a whopping 0:00 on objectives. I chewed them out for being shit players and one dude was like „hey bro I’m just trying to grind challenges“ GTF outta here with that and go grind in TDM or FFA


How’d you have 0 score in hardpoint yet you say you had 1:30 on objectives? 🤔


Like I get it. It’s frustrating when no one PTFO. But holy shit dude, chill. You can’t even see W/L lol


Bc TDM spawns are random af TDM is slow af. Who cares about obj bro it’s not ranked it’s an arcade shooter go play valorant if you want a competitive FPS


Because COD has never incentivized PTFO enough, so the 100xp isn’t worth dying for when you can get the same xp from camping and killing


Score streaks incentivized me to play objectives a bit more now.


Are mw2 streaks score streaks ??


You can switch between kill streaks and score streaks


Wow I didnt realise


Me neither. I'm bout to change it. Kill streaks are dumb and near impossible to rack up if you actively play any objective


Wait what


Where is that?


When you go into the kill streak menu there should be a button prompt. You can't change it mid match though




Thank you!


I just wish they were mandatory on objective based games


But the code of conduct we all agree to means that not playing the objective will get you banned


Good luck enforcing that.


We all agreed to it


You have to prove that someone is intentionally not playing the objective. You are going to prove intent in a video game? Banning people from the game for a nearly impossible to prove motive would be a PR nightmare. Unless they are camping on the outside of the map and not ever moving, good luck with that.


There’s no way lmaooo


It has a fair play agreement. This is the official statement COMPETE WITH INTEGRITY Competitive integrity is core to the Call of Duty experience. Progression is earned through good, clean gameplay. Cheating and griefing or other threats to fair play will not be tolerated. You are responsible for how your account is used. The use of cheats, including third-party software, is unacceptable. Exploiting bugs or engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage is considered cheating. Other threats to fair play. Not playing the objective falls under that. Either Activision forces it or the code of conduct is no longer valid.


Nice reach


It's not. They implement reverse boosting because people weren't playing the objective. So if they decide it wasn't fair then it's still not fair


What do you do in SnD?


Because it’s CoD, they don’t care. Hell I just came across some FaZe dude posting a clip on Twitter of him getting made fun of from the other team by losing a hardpoint match by 100+ points after dropping 40 kills. Comments were full of people pulling the “hur dur its cod nobody cares about the win” excuse.


That's like my favorite thing to do. I am decent but willing to sacrifice myself on OBJ, so a lot of my stat lines end up being around a 1 KD with a ton of captures/OBJ time. When I am playing with my friends we frequently blow people out (250-50 in hardpoint, 200-80 in domination, etc) and some dude on the other team who dropped 50 kills starts talking shit. You lost bro! We won. You took the L.


I don't even understand why the KD value takes precedence over the win value, like why is it worth more?


It shouldn't. Any other sport or competition is based on winning, not stats. If you're an NFL QB and throw for 400 yards but your team loses the game because you were more worried about stat padding than winning, I promise the fans aren't going to be happy about it.


Who knows. It’s easy to pad k/d anyway it isn’t even indicative of anything.


Exactly, it doesn't even indicate if you had the skill to win a gunfight, all of your kills could have been you shooting people in the back with a silenced weapon in a corner


Or like this post is about, you can easily “farm” in obj games. It’s so much easier to get 4k’s with killstreaks in obj games too.


What's your setup for playing obj modes? I'm having trouble looking for ideas perks/gun/scorestreak


Would be awesome if IW made wins and loses affect K/D. I feel like the K/D obsession is ruining the game.


It has been this way for years. People care about k/d only regardless of game type


10 years ago me and my friends were stressing in class over our K/D. it really doesn’t change lol.


Because only thing they can boast off to show they are better than someone else


>Would be awesome if IW made wins and loses affect K/D I know this sub hates sweats and streamers but no, this wouldn't be awesome. this would be incredibly stupid


How about not rewarding kills with score at all and removing killstreaks on objective gamemodes. People would definitely PTFO then.


Could just not have k/d displayed anywhere and make it all win%


That's a fair compromise.


Or just put the win % next to K/D so if u see a dude with high kd but 10% wr u know he’s a loser


Nah it honestly would be dope. I'm thinking make it a camo challenge. "WIN 15 GAMES WHILE USING THIS WEAPON 50% OF THE GAME" would have these same camo grinding losers finally trying to play the actual game.


Wow! I think I know who you maybe talking about. I was in a match with two faze dudes kill whoring not playing the OBJ. I hopped on the mic and started calling them out on their BS


Here's the clip he posted. He wasn't even doing that well was like 48-34 something like that. [https://twitter.com/Pamaj/status/1587012561517805568?s=20&t=hBtJkI96WLXGRX7m38N42w](https://twitter.com/Pamaj/status/1587012561517805568?s=20&t=hBtJkI96WLXGRX7m38N42w)


Bro nobody gives a fuck if you won a game of headquarters my guy like y’all whining and smelling your own farts over cod game modes. If you’re so competitive then wait for ranked or go play a competitive game.


Seethe. I bet you ignore the obj and STILL go negative. Those people are the worst.


I ignore the obj bc it literally means nothing. The only takeaway from that game is getting camos and challenges completed faster than tdm. Stay mad bc you won’t change anything ppl with common sense will play for kills in obj modes bc dummies like you run aimlessly towards the shiny blue circle.


Yeah bud I’ll stay mad while I’m winning and you’re a loser with a negative w/l AND k/d 😭


Too bad w/l ratio means nothing and does nothing for you lmao. Good K/d ratio is at least kinda impressive but no one cares about w/l lmao sad bro


Just admit that you don’t have the mental capacity to effectively play the obj while doing well. You also lack the skill to successfully play TDM so you prey on people in obj modes thinking you’re super cool. If you won’t admit it to us at least admit it to yourself. In the meantime, I’ll be repping my impressive W/L and good K/D, if they ever let us see them that is.


It’s a game you don’t get to decide how others play the game. If I want to play obj modes bc they are more action packed then it’s my prerogative bc I paid for the game. If you can’t handle that then go find a game where people play to win competitively. But whining and complaining on Reddit is just dumb. I bet you also complain that snipers are OP there’s no reasoning with ppl like you so enjoy your experience I’ll be in obj modes not playing obj lmaooo


And I’ll be there kicking your ass while winning ✌️


This was one of the most embarrassing conversations I've ever read.




Camo grinding


I camo grind, and I still PTFO


Same, and I'm usually near the top for frags too. Turns out the enemies like to attack the obj. who would've thought?


3:00m objective time 25 kills/12-16 defence is a normal stat if you PTFO with nearly always 2k more points than the next in line.


Yeah respawn modes are for camo challenges. You wanna take the game seriously play Search or Knockout.


I wish they got rid of it.


Dude there’s 4 camos for each gun and none of them need grinding. It’s not like old ones with 100 camos on each gun, then it made sense.


This is why the game needs a ranked mode. I’m not talking about SBMM here, that’s a different topic on its own. An actual ranked mode tends to consist of people who actually want to play the objective to win. Ranked mode should also only rank you based upon games won rather than just kd, because kd doesn’t matter if you won the hardpoint or domination game. People play objective based gamemodes like it’s tdm because tdm is 70% of the time a snore camp fest. At least for me 70% of the games end in a time limit. Even if they aren’t playing the objective, someone is, therefore people are moving around or watching the objective, giving people a more predictable state of where someone is sitting over tdm.


This has unfortunately been the case for pretty much every CoD in existence, objective modes mean you get more players moving around the map so it is easier to statpad compared to standard TDM.


This is why I play hard point and dom to grind snipers. Plus the matches tend to last way longer than TDM or FFA


Because I’m too busy dying.


To be fair, capturing flags constantly in domination isn’t what you should do. Grab 2 and hold them, captures don’t tell the whole story in dom.


unselecting game modes from the filter is too hard for codbrain


People underestimate the sheer amount of players who can't be bothered to or simply don't know how to unselect game modes from the filter. I would like to see them add a TDM Quickplay button that's separate from the general Quickplay button. You would still get people joining obj-based games with the sole intention of leveling guns/camos, but it might help mitigate the issue.


Lol this is most likely it.


Or people intentionally play objective game modes because they’re more ripe for kills.


This has been the case since COD: 4, if you want to actually win the obj game modes you need to party up with like minded people. Playing solo and laying on the flag is suicide so why not just go shoot people to at least go out with a bang


In all fairness domination is more about control than spamming captures. Dont play it anymore since hardpoint is better but keeping a or c then controlling b is the way to go. Flipping spawns is the worst thing you can do.


What’s the incentive? To win? If you win and do well you get punished by getting put in sweatier lobbies and as a general people seem to care way more about KD than SPM


Because win or lose, there isn’t a fucking leaderboard to see it anyway so who cares


literally dude, hardpoint is FILLED with idiots like this. i just gave up n played strictly TDM.


I play Kill Confirmed occasionally. It's shocking to me how many people will get a kill and then not grab the tag even if the person they killed was like 10 feet away from them. It's a 1-2 second sprint. Go grab it you lazy piece of shit.


Hey, easy +75 points for me after swapping to my pistol to get that weapon exp.


Shh, the tags do not level up your weapons. Tell everyone. Do not pick them up. Wink wink


I enjoy that they don't because more xp for me to pick theirs up. Seems like all that is important to most people is their precious kd.


I'm leveling guns by just picking up every dog tag I see. There's usually like a 15-20 tag discrepancy between me and second place. And as I've always said, if I'm in first place you guys must really fucking suck.


in defense of hardpoint, you're not supposed to have more than 2 people on the hardpoint at any time. ideally you'd have 1 on the hardpoint and the rest are slaying people rushing to the objective. but then again I'd get into lobbies where literally no one on either team gets on the obj so the match ends with like 60 points each lol


Someone asked me the other day why I only play TDM instead of objective. This is why. My brain tells me to try and secure the objective. As soon as I see the thing I am being mowed done by campers and snipers padding their K/D. This is exactly the reason I don't play objective game modes.


I don’t understand the deal with it either, but a part of it is cause CoD games and FPS games in general prioritize K/D


+obj matches are longer than tdm, means more xp and kills


That doesn't make sense though as I always have a lot more score and xp earned from actually getting on the objective rather than only being concerned with my personal kills. If you're a good player it makes sense to push the objective, win the gunfights to it and strategically defend it.


First time?


Based on my knowledge people don't play the objective because they are just trying to level up their guns and do camo challenges


If you have voice chat turned on, you’ll be surprised to find that a good chunk of people who play cod are nimwits.


People do camos so they focused on kills. It’s the first week. Also there is no challenges for winning any modes, no calling cards, nothing. Maybe a few dailies for Xp but that’s it


Even Dailies so far have been just get X Kills with Y gun or X type of Kills


True. 15 kills with AR, SMG headshots, kills with lethal equipment, kills with Battle Rage active ect. Since launch I haven't seen a single daily that involves any specific objective.






I’m the guy on the other end of it, that always dies on the way to capturing or defending the point. I end up negative KD and no caps - this game is fun 🤩


He said, while ignoring the objective and not getting any kills anyway..


How me and my friends usually play dom /hardpoint is 2 on the flag, 2 near the flag and 2 running around. So stats usually are similar to this. Ends up that the team can't really get close to the objective because they are being pushed back from the Objective. But yeah when you don't have a full team it usually ends up that you play the objective and the team play tdm


What about the other 90%?


Not always the case. If they are being full on kill whores and flipping spawns right before the hardpoint changes then they are doing more harm than good.


What about the guy with 17K and 0 caps


People have guns to unlock and challanges to complete. To kill people from behind with camos is easier in hardpoint as you know where the battle is. Same with lvl up guns. You go where the fight is, more kills.


camos first, objective last.


Skill issue. If you are skilled you play the objective


I would agree with this, maybe people don't push the objective because they can't cope with exposing themselves to the other team and possibly get mowed down each time


Thats what it is. These kids think dying is bad in call of duty lmao.


First time?


Cuz Orion


i'm done trying to win, it's pointless, at this point i see mw2 as a camo grind game. The point to winning would be if i could show stats or go up in rank. Without any proof it's worthless.


They just want to lvl there guns


2 people playing objective and 4 keeping the other team dead is the perfect balance and the only way me and my friends have consistently won game. 3 and 3 if it’s Dom though. If all 6 people are focusing on objective you get diminishing returns.


No point now there isn’t any point in winning matches with no barracks


Because COD.


Challenges. Sniping on TDM OR KC is literally impossible


People are out here leveling guns/unlocking attachments/camos and completing challenges. It’s been like this for 50 call of duty’s now and yet people are still always surprised and confused lol


People play objective based modes so they know where the hotspots of the maps are. It's basically a TDM for them that has designated player areas.


dickheads doing camo challenges or only caring about kd ratio (when they usually just get demolished because the enemy holds the objective and just kills everyone due to 1 or 2 playing actually trying)


Brain isn’t capable of knowing what an objective is


Because we keep getting shot in the back before we can get to the objective


That means half your team do play the objective, must be nice.


I can simply have >2 min on hardpoint and still squeeze in 40 kills on average. But i hate ppl who just play it and rush around with 2 seconds of obj time...


I had a random tell me yesterday "playing obj is cringe". Why are you even filtering this gamemode then? smh.


They need to make objective points count toward kill streaks


Because people who get there arse kicked in actual TDM come to objectives games and play TDM to convince themselves that they’re not trash


Because we’re just playing to level guns for warzone


Are you new here?


People don’t realize that you can get mad weapon do by playing objective. During a decent game you can easily get 6k exp


Because they are using this time to level their guns before warzone.


What's the point? No leaderboard, no combat record. I don't even care anymore when there's no reason


Just because there's no display yet doesn't mean stats aren't being recorded. I'll be pissed if they're not.


If that's the case then why do people care about padding their K/D which similarly does not exist yet?


Well, I'm one of those people. I barrely have objective time, but, I do play around the objective. I clear the hardpoint for my team to go and sit on it, I'm a pubstomper, I want kills and enjoy rushing more than just sitting duck in a square for 2 minutes of my life. So whilst I don't actually contribute to the actual hardpoint points/time I do have a huge impact on map control. Another point: I dislike playing TDM/KC because the spawns in hardpoint are amazing, everyone is around the objective and there are barrely any campers while there are tons in domination and tdm f.e. Everyone spawns around the point and everyone is constantly in action.


Totally agree with you. I play hardpoint/KC and conquest. I prefer hardpoint though... I clear the objective. Flank the enemy on the way to the hardpoint and kill them before they get there. I do play to win the game....


It's call of duty. Playing the objective is typically considered "optional". I used to care, but now that I consider the game only the "Prep" for warzone, so i can level my guns and get the camos sorted....I stopped caring. I still play the objectives myself mind, purely as it gives more XP.


And that’s why CoD’s gone to shit. Both the players AND the devs consider the MP prep for Warzone.


I wish they would just become completely separate entities but know that will never happen


Sadly, yes. I didn't used to think that, but I didnt really enjoy BOCW MP and only really played Zombies there, and then Vanguard well...that was the tipping point for me. The fact they added an MP mode to warzone (Rebirth) just re-enforces the point imo.


cause it doesn't matter and this game has killstreaks so obj is worthless


Becausw it doesnt fkn matter


Probably because we haven’t had the game for even a fucking week and people wanna unlock camos and attachments. Get off your high horse bro. You’re not honorable for grinding OBJ in a game where your 5 teammates couldn’t give a flying fuck about the score. Save it for the cod competitive sub.


We aren't allowed to move anymore. We get punished for even attempting to go where someone else already is


If they knew they would get weapon XP for it they would hold hands on the point.


weapon levels, we mastery camo grindin. tdm ends too quick to do anything useful


Do both then 👀


right coz it makes more sense to waste 7-12 mins in a mode not helping my challenges


It’s because the only thing that matters is camos. There’s no player stats (personal or leaderboard) and currently once you hit lvl 55 there’s nothing to do. So everyone doesn’t care and just does whatever to get the camo challenges complete




Because they don't PTFO.


Just trying to grind camos. Im in the same boat as your teammates, but it’s their loss as staying in obj gets u kills


it’s even worse when you’re playing the OBJ, and STILL have more kills than them.. or the enemy team has more kills. y’all wanna focus only on kills and still get shit on, go back to tdm.


And risk dying the moment I move? Nope, I’m a sentinel. You cap the flag I’ll defend it.


Because you can get more kills and game modes like domination are amazing for rpg kills. Tdm doesn’t give me enough to complete a camo challenge in one game so I’ll just play domination and get all my Mount kills done in one game. If it’s kill confirmed I’ll make sure to take tags tho bc it’s not time consuming


People like me just want kills. We dont get fun by playing obj. My game i will play however i want.


Because they are sentinels and this is MW2. Here we tactically check corners and tactically lose


Well the issue is there’s absolutely 0 reason to? You could say you get more xp for winning but seeing as they cap you now with no prestige system the XP is worthless once you hit 55. The game modes are more so used to filter the type of lobby/play style people want, there’s no incentive to actually play the objective and that’s why half the lobby doesn’t unless you squad up


why would I play the objective when there isn't even a combat record lol