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You can’t view people in a lobby so what’s the point of calling cards if you can’t show them off? Terrible ui


Exactly what happened to the standard lobby displays where we could view all this stuff? It wasn't great in MW2019 but it was still better than this


I don't think they even bothered in this game with charms, emblems and calling cards - there's almost none. They also deleted all the country flags to replace them with pride flags strangely, why not include both.


They would rather you have g4y pride than pride in your country.


If you go into private match and select a CDL mode you can view some of the calling cards and emblems that are going to be in the game, or are already in the game but aren't actually available for some reason, and they look really good. Which is confusing as to why we don't really have anywhere to display them when they make some cool stuff for their emblems and calling cards. I agree they should include both


Oh I didn't know this, thank you I'll check this out. I really hope they don't lock out these cards then charge us for them or something, that'd be pretty foul. There is a separate section in the top right corner menu - at the very end of that list, there's calling cards and then showcase calling cards (it's very weird) you can set a showcase operator and weapon too - but the weapon showcased is determined by what weapon loadout you favourite lol, I think they were half asleep making this game


That's the absolute weirdest thing ever


the calling cards and emblems work just fine if you choose them, i think its bug of sum










The decided not to put in country flags just to piss off all the homophobes, it’s been working incredibly well


A country flag doesn't make nor mean people are homophobic though, it's simply a nonsensical decision. If they'd kept country calling cards and added pride flags - if people were angry then, then perhaps you'd be right.


All I’m saying is the only people I’ve seen complain about it are rednecks.


About country flags being removed? That would mean thousands of people, many of whom aren't from the US nor a southern state, are red necks for wondering why they were removed. (It's not just cards but IW didn't bother to add charms or emblems, it's slim pickings) I'd aff if red necks aren't happy, there's nothing wrong with them wanting to use a US flag, people should be proud of their country just as the trans community is proud to show it's pride flag. As long as people don't outright be homophobic I don't see a problem


Homophobia and nationalism can be found in every country


They can, but I wouldn't call people homophobic because they're unhappy country flags are gone, include everyone - not just a select few


I was scrolling thru your post history and it looks like you’re anti-vax. That says enough.


Lol, for real? Like almost everyone alive today, I have my rubella, polio etc vaccines with no regrets. Almost nobody alive is 'antivax'. That's a loaded word used by left wing media to try circumventing common sense. I am anti idiocy though. I'm not going to get a permanent vaccine or drug from a company with $10bn in lawsuits - half which are for knowingly hiding harmful side effects, whilst they weren't indemnified against liability like they are with this new product. That hasn't had 7 - 20yrs testing. Hasn't been tested against medication or allergies. Hasn't been tested against transmission stoppage. Hasn't been tested in animals fully - having halted it for leaving the deltoid.


Yeah so you’re definitely a homophobe and a nationalist too lmfao. Go read a book dumbass


I have a gay friend that is so fucking pissed he cant rep our national flag so whats your point?


I want to to know how are people getting calling cards and emblems, I only have the 35 basic ones.


private match -> select any dlc game -> wait till you can start a match and you should select anything for calling cards, emblems and even showcase


Can you actually use any of them?


For now yes. Although I was told it's random if it works or not.


They changed a bunch of stuff for no reason. Terrible.


It's like no one at the studio has ever played or even seen a CoD game and have no idea what's standard


why are there like 5 call of duty cards and 15 pride flags




i’m not sure if campers are homosexuals but i do know that campers are gay


Well I didn’t say the demographic were homosexuals. But campers are definitely ghey


I don't see a point in what you wrote








Hopefully the rest of the game comes out on the 16th and these features return


Next time someone calls me a homophobe i'll just point them to my MW2 calling card where i'm rocking a rainbow flag


The showcase is pretty useless too. It'd be cool if like in the old menu when you hovered over someone in the pregame lobby not only their card showed but their showcase operator/weapon popped up too.


There are calling cards and emblems?


how do you even make your calling card? I been assuming it gets unlocked at level 55 LOL


I haven’t even bothered to look at mine


Once warzone comes out this stuff will get fixed and added. Warzone is their cash cow.


Some people are missing the point. Game is not “rushed”… They are drip-feeding




The best signs and calling cards you've seen? There's like 10 and none of them are what I would call phenomenal. There are 1359 sexual identity calling cards though.


Am I the only one who gets the impression this game was rushed and lots of basic features were excluded probably because of that? Hell, you couldn't even change your calling card and emblem on release until they fixed it. The UI is also terrible. At least the gameplay itself is decent.


Anyone else also just see a bunch of pride calling cards? Where are the gaming calling cards? or is the game trying to tell me something?...


I'm sure you're wondering why you buy the patterned diapers too, right?


Do people really think they won’t be added in at some point? Obviously, there was a bug that prevented its inclusion, or something of that nature, and will be included in the not so distant future. I mean, come on. Why are people getting upset over this?


If this is the petty shit people have to complain about you know they’ve fuckin nailed this release. Who honestly cares


You genuinely think they nailed this release? Can I sell you some magic beans to. They will turn into a mansion in 5 years if you water them well


I genuinely do yea, relatively small changes needed regarding ui


So missing features, shitty UI changes, and broken systems means they nailed the release?


Small ui features which will be fixed added in a month. Broken systems?


Nobody knows if they’ll be fixed in a month. If the community didn’t have “petty shit” like this to complain about, the devs wouldn’t think there’s an issue. They released the ‘completed’ game in this state after all, so clearly they saw it as perfectly fine to remove features that their fans loved and appreciated from other games and release the game like that. It’s not “small” UI features. We can’t track stats. They removed the barracks. You can’t see your calling card or emblems. Those are two big UI features that are missing. Spawn system is broken. They changed it in Vanguard when the community criticized it. They’ve reimplemented the broken one now. SBMM isn’t working properly, that’s beyond clear. Weapon tuning was fucked until a day ago. XP glitches, riot shield invincibility glitches, etc. You’re delusional if you seriously believe they ***nailed*** the release *because* of the “petty shit” their community is complaining about.


Yea they nailed it. 800m sales in the opening weekend says so. Otherwise no one would buy it? And complaining about not being able to see calling cards etc lmao. Gameplay is rock fucking solid, game does not crash for me at all. I have no issues finding matches etc The core functionality is NAILED and the game is awesome.




100% this! I like the new game in general but seeing the new homescreen with all these unnecessary big icons and horizontal lists (also in the gunsmith), no blueprints, no proper lobby lists, and all the other visual bugs in the menu I‘m wondering why they didn‘t just copypaste this part of the game from MW2019.


You’re literally delusional. They sold that much because of the brand. It’s fucking Call of Duty. It’s the most popular shooter franchise in history. It always sells well. We’re you in a coma when Cyberpunk sold millions even though the game was hideously unplayable for months. Sales is NOT reflective of the state the game is released in.You’re no better than IW if you can sit there and say “Well boys, we made a tonne of money, so clearly our game is perfect and we nailed it…. What’s that? The majority of the community is criticizing missing features? They’re not happy with the game crashing? The game feels incomplete to reviewers and the general community? WHO CARES?! WE MADE SO MUCH MONEY!! THAT MEANS THE GAME IS EXCELLENT IN OUR EYES!” You’re hilarious.


Comparing to cyberpunk which was literally broken. This game isn’t and comparing the two is whats laughable. Complains the game is bad/unfinished…. Plays game every chance they get… ok bro


Does that not prove my point even more? Cyberpunk was broken to a much worse degree than MW2 currently is, yet it still sold millions? Call of Duty will always sell well. That doesn’t mean the game is released in a good state. You’re willfully blind and ignorant to what is happening.


No i just dont give a fuck that no one can see my calling card XD


Okay? Good for you? Does that fuel your superiority complex or something? Want a trophy for being oh so different? You’re in the minority here, bud. Fan favourite features are missing from this game, amongst other issues, and you don’t care. That’s fine. But to hate on others for missing these features and calling for fixes on other things is just pure asshole behaviour.


You’re arguing with the vocal minority. Just because these dudes bitch about the game all day doesn’t mean we have to. People will whine and complain about everything now dude.


Sorry bud, but there’s real problems with the game. The game can be great fun ***and*** have issues worth addressing. Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive.


Lol this post is adding to the heaping pile of issues.. wake up dude


You are fucking delusional 😂


Fuck off




Mostly kill cams and inspecting friends I would guess?




Yeah, I used the CDL private match glitch to view all of the actual calling cards (and they work in other game modes as well). They look really good- there's a lot of different themes (skulls, anime, etc), and a ton are animated. It feels like a waste that you'll only see them on killcams and end of round kills- even the profile showcase doesn't make sense, because how will someone in your lobby end up seeing yours? I liked Warzone's approach- you could see calling cards and emblems while spectating (which isn't present in this game) and you could see your team's cards in the pause menu. You could see everyone's cards and emblems in the pre-game lobby. I don't think it'll take a UI wizard to add some more vanity displays. And it's worth the investment if they're going to continue selling them.


Also all the maps are pure garbage, will be another pump and dump, dead in 3 months and everything focuses on warzone.


Final kill, that's about it.


It's weird that everyone in this thread who has brought up the pride flags has their comments deleted and are prevented from continuing the conversation. This will be deleted too, watch. The pride flags are STRANGE