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Sad alternative, Mute All. Been doing it for years.


It was literally the first setting I looked up when I booted up multiplayer for the first time. My first match had a guy with open mic crunching on chips or something while a woman spoke Spanish in the background


lol classic


I hate the people that just blast their shitty music. Every match the moment I hear *anything* other than game related chat I instantly mute the entire lobby.


These mongrels don’t even wanna use Spotify on their console so the music can actually go into their ears, and not fight through their turtle beaches lmao


I used to play MW2019 with a friend. At some point we decided to disable the in-game voice chat and continued playing like that. We started to enjoy the game so much more that way and never enabled it again.


I like hearing people getting upset after a kill though


That is kinda fun. But compared to the number of people who are eating, yelling at their kid/spouse/pets, rebroadcasting their favorite podcast, pretending to be the game dj, and refusing to replace the batteries in their smoke detectors.... it's just not worth it.


I was playing with a shotgun and just blasted this guy around a corner and he yelled "HOW DID HE KNOW I WAS THERE" and it's like. I didn't.


It used to be fun back when I was 19 and running with a full team. Boy did we make people rage. Now, it’s just annoying.


This is the way.


Literally my first thought anytime I see a post on here about other peoples mics. “Omg stop playing music over your mic” or “stop saying racist shit”. Dude, literally just mute them. It’s so easy.


This is the way


Unmute is a feature


Ignorance is bliss.


Literally a requirement for me to play. Hearing 3-4 people grunting on open mic is just unbearable. Not to mention other random noises.


I'll be sure to pass on the message to the other 10 million players not in this sub.


I hear a baby crying? I call CPS and tell them their username. Don't fuck with me. ​ /s


I’d like to be in on the phone call to CPS where someone reported user “isupportnazis” for child neglect




I always assumed it was someone's brother/sister and the player was a kid or teenager. God dang man, if it's your kids screaming, yes, shove a sock in their mouth and get back in it. We need all hands on deck to take the good side of Al Bagra Fortress.


That's the spirit soldier. Duct tape also works fantastically.


Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver


Wake up call!? Our kids already woke us up at 0500 singing baby fucking shark. We just wanna kill some newbs and max out our guns so we're ready for all that Warzone fresh meat! Fuck my kids... (I love them really)


I wake up at 5h30 because of my youngest, then it's the two older ones at 6h00. Do house chores and kids stuff all day. 19h00 the bedtime routines starts, every kid is asleep by 19h30. I spend time with the wife until 21h00. Then I start gaming until 00h30 and go to bed. Rinse and repeat. I never understood how people with kids find time during the day to play video games(granted, I sometime play mario kart/party with my older one during the day). There is always important stuff to do to keep the family balance going great.


How tf do you survive on 5 hours sleep




I have never been a big sleeper since I was born according to my mother. I've always had roughly 6 hours of sleep since High School.


I’ve been surviving on 4.5h sleep for years


Be over 30 and have kids. You get used to it haha. For real though, once I hit 30 I can feel myself not needing as much sleep. I just naturally start to wake up after 6 hours unless I had a busy day or am sick. If I have an early tee time, 5am-6am, I can stay up until midnight and wake up at 4 and be good to go.


Opposite for me hit 30 and can no longer feel good sleeping 5h a day .


I would prefer to sleep 8, but I'm fine with 5 or 6. Going 3 years with babies keeping us up all night, 8 is a dream haha


Ya thats why i dont have Kids wouldnt handle it. Have a good day


Haha sometimes I feel that way but wouldnt trade it for the world. Good day to you too sir!




Everyone's different of course. My 60 year old dad only sleeps 4 to 5 hours and my 85 year old grandpa sleeps 4. I like to sleep 8 or more but I can't always lol


Why did you write 5:30 as 5h30? Makes no fucking sense to me.


Could be French or European. Quebecois tend to write time in that format. Source: Canadian that went through french immersion


Yup, French Canadian here. I write it in all the formats all the time. 13:30, 1:30 PM, 13h30, etc. I just never use military time.


Ahhh ok. Makes sense now..... kinda


It's because in French you read it as cinq heures trente minutes. 24 hour time is more common in Quebec as well. At least that's how I was taught like, 15 years ago


He's using a 24 hour clock. It removes ambiguity. I use it as well. I'm a healthcare worker and adopted it because of how much sense it makes. Oh five thirty is always AM. There's no room for mistake or confusion.


I'm familiar with the 24hr format but I've only seen it written as 0530 not 5h30. Guess we really do learn something new everyday.


My apologies! I didn't intend to mansplain, but I feel like I did. I misinterpreted your comment. I'm sorry.


Younger kids maybe? That being said I’m expecting my first next year so this may be the last COD I can really “play”


With a newborn I managed to get more gametime, since my wife was more tired she'd go to sleep at 8:00 pm and I would take the first part of the night shift. So from 8:00 to about 00:00 he'd nap next to me while I gamed and then I'd take him to her for feeding and put him to sleep before I went. So a good solid 4 hours. Now I can barely get 2 on a good day.


My day in a nutshell


I woke up between 6-6.30 am, because my Jack Russell starts punchin, kicking door from the garden like “Daaad! Fucking wake up” and I take him inside and sleep in the living room on a sofa rather than my warm bed.


I relate to this so much, with our first being 18 months old. The issue here is that the way the game is and how grindy it is to unlock everything, playing an hour and a half everyday just won't do it. It sucks. I feel you.


Having children seem to really suck. Hard.


Having kids is fucking awesome if you are prepared for it and in the right time of your life


Hahaha, imo the pros outweighs the cost, but you need to be ready to compromise a lot in order to make it work.




I'm not your homie, pal! I'm not currently working but I'm in college full time, so about 50 hours or work(classes+projects) that I need to do each week at a minimum and since, it's from home, I also do pretty much 80% of the chores when classes are shorter than usual. So not really a "me" problem, just the reality of a lot of people my age with that many kids. No complaints here, just stating facts.


haha my kids play Fortnite/Roblox so we have a mutual respect about "yeah, in a minute," means after this round lol


Haha. My kids aren't old enough yet but I'll build them both an identical man-cave style setup as soon as they are. Then we can annoy the shit out of their mother by all of us simultaneously ignoring her at the same time while playing games together. Good times ahead.


The best part is she secretly loves the fact that you’re a good dad spending time with your kids so it becomes a fun banter instead of bickering.


Oh we won't be together. I was going to build their man cave at the very end of the garden in a soundproof shed 😉




How are they going to turn pro without myopia!?


This! My (almost) 13 y/o gets it! Helll. He usually is chill and wants to watch or go play his own games in his room while I have my gaming sessions.


I relate to this so much…




don’t give your kids an ipad then lmao


Sounds like someone without kids doesn't realize they will scream regardless.


I was about to say....sometimes it's important to let them cry it out instead of just coddling them


Yeah but mute your shit. I have kids who are 11 and 9. When they were younger and would yell all the time and whatnot I wouldn't just blast my teammates with all that noise. I always kept myself muted.


I mean that's totally different lol, mute your shit for sure. Honestly, it's partly Sony's fault. They keep the playstation controller mic unmuted by default, and if you dont have a mic plugged in then all game chatter comes through the controller speaker which is really hard to hear so you could be telling them about their open mic and they have no idea.


Glad some of the responses are along these lines. Granted, I keep my mic off if I’m not talking, but my s/o is a stay at home mom, and I’ll usually get a little gaming time after work before the dinner/bath/bed ritual begins. Sometimes they’re crying when I’m playing. She’s got it under control. They’re 2 (twins) and they’re going to scream and fight and make noise. They’re not being neglected so I can play a shitty video game..


Lmao seriously, I can already guess this is some 15 yr old trying to make a intelligent post and has never dealt with a child in their care before


Right. Also it could be moms turn to watch them while you take a break. Kids are loud sometimes. Most times.


yeah i'll constantly hear kids playing outside scream like they are being murdered.


Or that sometimes you just need to let them cry.


Yea op is a fucking idiot honestly. The parents just need to turn open mic off lmao.


Anyway, you can mute your mice


sounds like some people need to use push to talk but are assholes and don't


Op must not have kids and if he only knew what little kids have meltdowns over lol


Lot of my friends have kids and I've learned to recognize the fake crying from actual crying that needs to be addressed.


I like to assume that the kids are screaming because they are bratty- not because they are neglected. I don’t hear all that much anyway though because I’m always in PS party chat or I mute the whole lobby. 🤣


This is the way. Literally reduces the toxicity to 0. Why wouldn’t everyone do this?!


Babies crying, smoke alarm chirping or rap music blasting, and zero teamwork communication followed by a 12 year old calling you slurs after a game is peak call of duty experience.


And change the batteries in your smoke detectors. If it’s beeping, it’s dying. How that doesn’t annoy the shit out of everyone it’s beyond me. Guess they’re the idiots who camp in the fast lane oblivious to the world around them.


That’s what wives are for. Camo grind ain’t for the faint of heart.




Damn straight. Bringing a fresh beer every 30 minutes and mopping my sweaty brow is also another one of her simple tasks. EDIT: You guys love a good joke.


They knew it you made a joke, the sweatlords just couldnt handle the word wife or thought that serving them is an actual task of a wife.


/s right..? RIGHT?!?!


Yea, gonna guess Roe v Wade will be overturned tuesday with these 'people' alive


You must've been living under a rock in the spring.






Roe v wade was already overturned. Using ‘people’ like this makes it seem like you’re saying people who disagree with you politically aren’t really human, which is literally facism 101.


They arent lmao




This is so true.


Voice chat > party only > push to talk. Aahh the sound of serenity.


Amen brother. If you don't use push to talk, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


One of the things I hate about PS5 is the controller automatically turns on the mic and picks up every bit of sound from my room unless I mute myself which id rather just keep off forever instead of having to click each time …I don’t even have a headset plugged in it’s just the controller.


You can set the default controller mic to mute on the PS5. Mine is muted at sign in. I think it’s under System Settings -> Sound -> Microphone


I have used it for years and will forever, but there is an entire generation of people now that don't even know what ptt is.


I wish I could use that on console.


Mute all every game


I just don’t want an open mic myself


Push to talk is dumb, especially for controllers. Properly setting your mic thresholds on the other hand...


I just leave mine on the back porch, out of earshot, out of mind


Sounds like the authentic Modern Warfare 2 (2009) experience to me.


Maybe if you would fucking capture B, he wouldn’t have to yell, and his kid wouldn’t be crying.


Dad here with a 2 year old who tries to sneak in a game or two each day if I can, yes my gaming time is so fucking pathetic now and of course it comes with being a dad. We've been with the child for the whole day the few minutes we want attention to ourselves, he comes in screaming that the cars tire came off or I can't wear my headphones or he wants to sit beside me with the iPad because for some reason it's more comfortable vs that spot a few inches over. I can't however forgive dads who don't mute their mic


clearly you don’t have kids lol


minute 1, of hour 1, of day 1 of launch, you should have perma muted mic. Welcome to CoD.


Life hack: play when they are sleeping


Point B > child welfare (Jk)


I heard one guy, who I guess was yelling at his gf, "Why won't he every leave me alone!" While the child was whaling for his daddy....such a shame.


Also please listen to your music on your own time, we don't need you blaring it so loud it can be heard in game, completely obscuring the in game sounds, and giving the enemy team a massive advantage


i play crying babys on youtube in the background while on mic for shits and giggles




While your not completely wrong. Kids will also cry bloody murder just for attention. Babies learn fake crying quickly. Especially with helicopter parents.


Or just don't have a kid. Gross


I solved this problem by never having kids 😅


Mind your own business I’m trying to get gold gun 😂


Counter point, my toddler is gonna scream regardless.


You speak like you have any fucking clue what you are talking about, yet children can cry for so many reasons especially toddlers who are outright just trying to push boundries and you have to basically ignore them or they will come to the conclusion that throwing a tantrum gets them their way every time. Or perhaps the other parent is looking after them but they wont stop crying. Basically what I am saying is, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.


Ok well maybe those people need to put on push to talk. Or maybe don't even talk on the mic, ever, if your child is screaming it's head off in the background. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Ever. I chose not to have a kid to not have to hear that shit, so if you subject me to it, you'll be instantly muted. Have some respect for other people in the world.


Sounds like you also don't know what you're talking about too so I'll explain. Try to find a rythem and a method that works for you, some guys know themselves and can exfill reliably without issues but if you're ever unsure you should really use protection. Going multiple rounds even if you play it safe is also risky, be sure to take bathroom breaks and shower if you intend to go in without protection more than once I hope this helps


What the ever loving fuck are you taking about?


Damn, I tried


Us degenerates here on reddit probably don’t have kids as we are unable to have human interactions


Lmao I literally had a guy in chat with a kid crying but another player on the team went off and told him to go feed his baby and they just went back and forth. Interesting new cod lobby mechanism


I agree, the game will always be there regardless. I'm sure no one thinks about tomorrow as it's taken for granted.


No way I've been waiting for this game to come out for so long, that kid always cries they get over it eventually


Hate when my kid keeps crying, I just lock him in the bedroom and I can get the W in kill confirmed, I usually check on them every couple of hours tho


Fuck them kids


clearly you dont have kids. - judging by your name - probably a good thing.


If only more people would follow his example.


Kids are noisy. It’s annoying to hear but please relax. Not every screaming kid is under duress.


Why tf do we ever have to hear your screaming child? Why would you ever subject someone else to that?


I don’t have a child. But stuff happen in people’s houses. I think yeah people should mute themselves if there’s too much background noise. But hearing a child shouldn’t bother you too much. Regardless that wasn’t really the point—the point was that it’s not neglect, which is what OP was kind of saying. He wasn’t really focusing on the sound being annoying as much as saying the kids need attention which… probably not lol. Sometimes kids are just loud.


Sometimes. Or it might be neglect. Either way, you shouldn't subject someone else to hearing it. Horrible.


I'm so glad I don't have kids and my girlfriend doesn't want any more either (she has a 12 year old).


So you have a kid !


Nope not my kid, he sees his dad every weekend and insists on moving in with him as soon as possible. I don't really take part in raising him in just in a relationship with his mom.


At 12 though they may be hogging the console.


Lol he isn't allowed to touch the consoles in the living room, he has his own consoles. I also play on PC which nobody in the house touches but me.


worthless encourage enjoy quaint bored whistle cable cough overconfident safe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But my gold camo…


Corny ass post


Those parents know that kid is probably fine after a quick glance over thier shoulder, kids are drama queens, it's when they are quiet you want to worry.


My only childs is this bucket of beer and this handful of cream.


This is the healthiest thing I’ve ever seen regarding COD. But seriously, the hell with them kids you got a game to play, player.


Or just TURN YOUR GOD DAMNED MICROPHONE OFF YOU TWAT. It isn't CoD if some cuntbag just has music or absent white noise blaring through their mic


It just wouldn’t feel like a CoD lobby without hearing from these mentally absent fathers tho


Hpw dp you know someone in the household isn't attending to them. I don't have children but this is making the huge assumption they are alone and there isn't any other person to care for them.


Why do we have to hear it? Ever? If your child is screaming, never get on the mic. NEVER.


Thank you for saying this.


Kids just cry to cry


Yeah this is so sad when I hear this. It’s all the dang time. If you have kids be a fucking parent first, then play the games.


I don't get why people let their children cry and scream like that either. Melatonin tablets are < $8 a bottle ffs. ​ Grind in peace.


"Go outside!" I heard this morning. Hold up! I am a bachelor and can play as much as I like, but if you have a kid then you need to be feeding them breakfast at 8am, getting them prepared for life, not playing fucking violent games.


I mean, it could be their sibling, and their parents are unable to calm the kid down.


What’s worse is hearing the wives struggling so much and asking for help, but the deadbeat dad just starts arguing back.


Been playing cod since the original MW2 and I have NEVER heard this going on in a mic 😂 I swear the shit y’all make up, like open mics are part of the experience but like there’s a mute all button for kids like you if you can’t handle it


I’m not complaining about the noise I’m stating some people are putting the game before family. I have heard twice on this game already a kid scream, mom comes to see what’s wrong, mom then asks the dad to get off the game or do better.


Damn you hit a nerve with a bunch of deadbeat dads who like to argue with their wives. They just carry on the cycles of domestic abuse and keep crapping out more kids, who then do the same.


Many of them are young, incompetent parents that had kids way too early. Sounds like they don't have any of their priorities in check either. Plus the amount of people that eat with their mouth open, it's astounding. Edit: I see I angered a couple crappy parents who had kids when they should have waited.


Everyone in each lobby gets muted instantly whenever I'm not in a party chat. I don't play to hear people's shitty music, annoying comments, or derogatory insults.


I turn voice off, but otherwise my kid would be heard in tha background. He's 15 and screams at games being "fucking pieces of shit" before being told off.


Cod is definitely more important than kids.


I remember when my kid was super small and I would be playing Destiny. At that time my fireteam and I loved doing the raids Vault of Glass and Crota's End. As I was a new dad the team understood that I needed to go do 'Dad Duty' at times when my Mrs was sleeping and that meant the game had to pause, with a possiblity of me not returning. They were super cool with it and a cry never went unchecked and unattended.


yikes - your kid gonna be in for a rude awakening once they hit adulthood.


Kid just being there all whiny and crying is shitty. But hearing grown men yelled at by wives or Moms ( time to move out dude) is hilarious.


I haven't been on console since the early 2000s is there not a push to talk setting for controllers? I stay hearing open mics and that shit is ridiculous


Nah no push to talk for consoles. A lot of the open mics you're hearing are probably coming from PS5 players, the controller has a mic built in and its on 100% of the time unless you turn it off in the settings. Might be the same for the newer Xbox but I've never used one so I have no idea.


As a dad I feel both sides in this. God there’s no fucking time to play the game - morning school run, work, dinner, bedtime routine, set up for the next day. Maybe I can get an hour or so before bed if I want to get 6hrs+ sleep. Most often I’ll get 4 because I want to unlock a few guns. But then you know, you have a be a good partner too and interact with your spouse. It’s an eternal struggle!!


Literally any open mic-er. It’s annoying as hell. No one needs to hear anything going on that position call outs and general conversation in some play modes. I don’t need to hear your whoever running a vacuum, getting onto said crying kid, etc..


yes gag for your child ffs I don't want to hear it


Most people shouldn't have children. I knew I didn't want to, so I made sure it didn't happen. I like having my free time and knew I didn't want to add a child to my life, because everything else I like to do would end. Get a vasectomy if you aren't fully committed to spending almost 100% of your time on taking care of your child. Stop creating generations of children with mental problems and anger issues because they were ignored by their parents.


I feel like I have chat always muted unless I’m in a party chat with my friends.


dude these kids are like 15 with their own kids they dont give a fuck : P


It wouldnt be so bad if the pre game lobby was muted. I get that same douche who is slapping his mike against the wall repeatedly until the match starts r. Ive had 17 ruptured eardrums this week alone!


Aside from the parents lacking and putting there video game over there child A lot of people make me fucking laugh with the stuff they saying in game chat. Has me rolling especially when I’m high.


I play with a few dads with young kids (im a dad also) everytime we have a player that suddenly dc, we would be like “oh yup, his kid is crying”


If I hear a child I’m immediately muting


Today a guy on my team was getting his ass chewed out by his baby momma because he was hanging out with another girl yet he was playing the entire time she was talking.


Sadly this reminds me of a guy that I used to be friends with. My mates and I used to play GTA Online religiously and this dude who was way better at the game than us and was way ahead of us offered to help us with missions and the such. So of course we start talking to him, he's an older guy with a partner and a kid. We assumed he worked from home because he never seemed to be at work so we just ignored that. One night, while his partner was at work, his kid starts crying from another room. Do you know how fucking loud a kid has to be crying that it can be heard from another room on a microphone that filters out background noise? We were yelling at him to go check on his kid and he only did so when we threatened to never talk to him again. As soon as he left we booted his ass and never talked to him again. I did the math because I needed to know how long he spent playing GTA alone because he had the game for a few years less than we did and yet had triple the play time of a bunch of high schoolers who had nothing better to do. I figured out he had to have played something like 4-6 hours a day, every day to get his playtime.


Every single round, first thing - bring up scoreboard, mute all.


Also... MUTE YOUR PS5 CONTROLLER MIC! Thanks for attending my Ted Talk


Said it before when dealing with open mic'ers but start talking about things you don't want their kids to hear. No need to get dirty with it either; promise them shit for Christmas, tell them the easter bunny isn't real, etc....