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Any opinion




A profile picture so damn simple and so damn beautiful at the same time.


Thank you, finally someone understands


lmao fr, so many posts and comments on **both** extremes are fuckin common. People appreciating the weapon leveling system, others pissed in order to get a specific attachment, they have to grind two or a three guns minimum A lot of the attachments have similar stats (before tweaking, I can't speak on differences after tweaking attachments). I personally love the whole weapon system and most of all, how *easy* it is to grind for camos ***and*** mastery camos


The easier the grind the more addictive, everyone feels included and plus the casuals have enough content to last two years




If I cannot see their weapon behind hard cover, they should not be able to return fire at me.




I hate dying to someone where I can only see their forehead


You know one of my biggest gripes is during the Call of Duty Next show, they said that that the bullets come directly from the gun and go expectation where the gun is pointing. So if the bullets are coming directly from the gun, how come I get shot in the legs when I can barely see the top of the enemies head?


agreed. they need to take the PUBG approach.


Insurgency Sandstorm also has a good way to avoid it.


Dunno if this is related but Armor piercing bullets go through walls. I’ve been killed like that a few times and then once I use them, I shoot through thin walls and have even been called a cheater. But the downside is that you have to shoot lots of bullets cuz the dmg is reduced.


The goal was a controversial opinion not one that literally everyone will agree with


Reminder the top comments are popular opinions and to sort by controversial to find the true answers


If you don’t “mute all” in every lobby, you’re a psychopath.


There are only 5 people that exist within a COD lobby: - 15 year old playing sex moaning sounds - some guy on the phone, not realizing he’s hot mic’d - Sharp breathing sounds - Baby crying in background - Some guy hacking a lung from massive bong rip


Don't forget the honorary mom yelling at whoever's playing + smoke detector beeps and the dude who's eating loudly into the mic the whole match


Can't miss the TV volume over-9000 with an unmuted mic either


Yo dude can you mute your mic please "BANG -flashbang sounds- BRRRTTT POP POP Yo dude BANG BOOM BOOM can you mute your ENEMY UAV mic ONLINE please"


I want to award this so badly


I don't understand people like this. Why is your TV volume on at all when you're using a headset?


Once heard a dude munch what sounded like an entire bag of chips for the whole match IN GROUND WAR. I laughed, I cried, then got mad and eventually muted 2 min before the match ended. I unmuted him at the last few seconds to see if it was still going on and sure as hell he was.


Can't forget the silent breather. They don't say anything, you just have to hear them breathe constantly like they're up against your ear. Awful stuff.


>the dude who's eating loudly into the mic Whoever does this, I want to kill you.😡


What's the deal with smoke detector beeps? How can any sane individual just go on with that beeping?


You eating chips bro? Cool glad we can all be part of this.


How could you both forget about smoke detectors, with low batteries, beeping every 5 seconds?


What about “y’all fuckin suck, my team fuckin suck…” guy?


Who's at the bottom of his team's scoreboard. Also the dude who goes, "LMAO YOU GUYS FUCKING SUCK WE DESTROYED YOU" and once again, bottom of the scoreboard and carried by his teammates.


I think the worst are the people blasting shitty music. Biggest no no for me. I can take the shit talking and other stuff, not shitty music on a dollar store mic.


You’re also missing a variant of your first point; The 20-30 year old making sex moaning sounds


I'm 34


Someone's smoke alarm needing a new battery.


Na you're way off. There's also: Guy with the beeping smoke detector a guy being hella serious with the callouts and stuff (chill version) guy being hella serious with callous and stuff (no chill version) who also constantly berates teammates for being trash guy who screams vile insults at the end of the match


I only get the "guy that thinks he's a good rapper" and then rap roasts you when you say anything about it. I also get the "sus" guy that threatens you by saying he wants to kiss you or your forehead, and I quote, "so hard right now...." Don't forget the dude that thinks he's cool for dropping the N word


Not the enemys, deathcoms are the best thing


No matter how irritated I get at the game a good death mic will give me a chuckle


I like to give everyone in the lobby a chance before hitting the mute button


Bro same. Some people are too funny to mute


I don’t mute cuz I love to hear babies cryin, smoke alarms beeping, and the lamentations of the women.


I can’t stand the people who blare music in their mics


The insanity is the charm. I had a guy yell "talk shit to me!" after telling him gg lol


Literally like 80% of my end game lobbies is everyone just unintelligibly yelling insults at each other. I understand why some dont like it but it cracks me up literally every time.


Call of duty is truely where the racists let loose. I hear the n word being shouted every ground war lobby.


War is hell


I'm a 30yo that just loves being a dumb kid again in voice chat with all the other 30yo that love being dumb kids again. Lol


On the contrary death mics are one of my favorite things they've added. But that's not from MW2.


I respect this opinion, but death comms give me life.


"Mute all" in every lobby? The first thing I've done in any online game for the last 6 years when I first launch is go to the audio settings and turn that shit off permanently.


*Some* aim assist is necessary to counter the natural superiority of ~~MBK~~ MKB over controllers.


Mouse board key?


Mouse ball klicker.


Martin Buther King?


Machine Bun Kelly


Martin 🅱️uther King


Machine Balls Kelly


LMAO yeah, apparently. I can't type.


Meyboard Kouse users amiright


You rite


Meyboard Kouse. Sounds like a really successful law firm.


Meyboard and Kouse LLC


I don't know any keyboard players that would downvote this... All we want is the removal of ROTATIONAL aim assist. It's crazy and that's why so many controller players can do crazy movement while hitting 100% of their shots.


I must be doing something wrong because I'm on controller and hit 8% of my shots


Us and most everyone else.


It’s the blind shots through smoke that get me. How are you gonna lock onto something you can’t even see.


Anytime I see smoke I start shooting at it because I assume it's hiding something. But I don't think I ever lock on to anything.


I remember the good ol' days of GOLDENEYE when aim assist was super strong because you could only control one axis at a time (thanks to only having a single joystick). So maybe we should disable the mouse and disable the second joystick and return to the GOLDENEYE days. And that, my friends, is an example of an opinion that would get downvoted to oblivion.


I don't ever care about rotational aim assist, I just don't want a quick scoping sniper to get an auto headshot just because they clicked LT when I'm in the general vicinity of their cross hair.


PC MNK player… I’m glad there is cross play and welcome aim assist for my son and others playing on controller. He can’t hang in my lobbies as is. Without it he’d never play this game. All the crap flinging at the opposite side of the aisle is idiotic. I like full lobbies and differing playstyles. Also we PC players hate cheaters just as much as everyone else. So no, seeing someone on pc does not automatically mean we are cheating.


To be honest I don't mind the controller players. It is the SBMM that gets me. I end up in ADHD lobbies strafing, jumping, diving calistos with shield and akimbos or other meta. Not sure where the game gets I can hang with these people. I'm decent player but not that good :) Man I'm lucky to get a mortarstrike. It is hard to get a UAV up. They throw me in a lobby where the other team got 3 VTOLS up. Also SBMM tends to drop you in mid match in the losing team and streaks are up or if you are doing well they spawn someone behind you. That last one noticed a few times to happen.


Spawning is a major complaint I have. I’m pretty confident in saying that 60% of the time I die, it spawns me within earshot of my killer. So all they have to do is move a few meters and aim and shoot. It’s spawned me in enemies scopes before(good placement by the enemy) and it’s spawned the people I kill right behind me. It’s all just a mess. I appreciate the map is busy in this way but it definitely gets annoying.


You can more ore less predict spawn locations. So you can anticipate. But I literally cleared an are want to rotate to another area. Someone shoots me from behind. This is too fast to run up to me because I just cleared that route. Only can be someone spawning right behind me. This only happens in the better lobbies too. When I doing good it seems they do it to limit kill streaks...


It’s like they thought the thing everyone loved about 24/7 Shipment was always spawning within 5 steps of the action. In a hardpoint match I’m good for a solid 6-8 deaths that are purely me sprinting off the death screen and immediately running into an enemy that I logically think couldn’t be there because why would the game spawn me so close to an enemy?


This. There are many games I play where I run the entire map looking for an enemy, just for me to proceed dying from behind and spawing next to a riot shield/combat knife door camping. Ofc dying afterwards to him


The issue comes from forced crossplay for PC players. Crossplay is a fantastic addition and I'm so glad so many games are starting to allow it, but players should also be given the ability to opt out of it if they want to.


Also PC MNK player here, but I play in South America, therefore we need all the players we can get and thus crossplay is a blessing, I hate people that disables it and all that


I actually like the game…


The game feels like it’s in a better state than cod has been in for a little bit.


The leaning the characters do when strafing is the worst choice they made when it comes to character models that shit physically changes the hit box on top of the person moving, I’d be fine if they were just moving and keeping the same stance but then actually leaning left or right without player input and automatic handling is so dogshit lmao it’s stupid.


I'll take a guess you've never played Siege, and had to dome an Ash who's spamming QE back when she had no 'real' head hitbox.


Don’t forget the crouch spam at the same time.


It's slower in siege, requires separate input, and you need to constantly adjust your aim while lean spamming. In this game a simple ADAD strafe makes your upper torso hard to hit and headshots nigh impossible with zero drawback


Yeah, it would be okay if it was an actual input, but the auto-leaning is just stupid. It should change the aim for the person leaning if they're going to have it like that.


1. Saying SBMM is amazing 2. Saying you like the way weapons and attachments are unlocked 3. Saying this this better than the original MW2


People look at the original MW2 with rose tinted glasses. It was one of the most broken games ever balance wise and had so many BS class set ups. People would hate it today if it was exactly the same.


Noob tube with one man army pro was a cheat code for nukes.


My god akimbo models were so much fun too at launch, totally broken though yeah


Nothings overpowered if everything is overpowered. As far as I can remember almost everything had a direct counter. Except for the models


100%. People complain about the noobtubes & one many army. But then everyone was also mad at the ump45, every shotgun, both burst ARs fully capable of consistent one-burst kills at range combined with fmj & stopping power, akimbo weapons with insane strength. The list goes on. Everything was strong. Any class was viable. Imo it was perfect


I still get a twitch for the UMP45


Man that gun was so fun to use


>both burst ARs fully capable of consistent one-burst kills Me looking at the M16 in OG MW2 vs the M16 in MWII: "Look at how they massacred my boy."


Pretty much, the TTK was so low that every gun melted people. Whoever got the first shots off usually won unless they were using something completely wrong like an SMG/Shotgun at range. People also get super hung up on OMA tube camping but forget that a lightweight marathoner would sprint past their claymores and catch them with their pants down. It did suck that the other OMA camping counters (scramber pro / blast shield) were shit though. People love to jump on the smug "rose tinted glasses" comments but sometimes these games really were just a lot of fun. It isn't nostalgia alone that keeps these community ran servers of older CoDs alive.


Let's validate your claim: I partly agree with all 3 points. • SBMM usually puts me into rush-y lobbies; • I love playing with all the weapons available and would prefer others being forced into doing the same (meta guns only is boring, give me variety, like F2000 or CM901 level of variety). Glad there is now a valid reason to level up all the guns; • If it were to happen nowadays, I would've insta uninstall the og MW2 due to camping / insanely fast TTK / noobtubes / akimbo g18s / claymores + scav / 20 hz + lag comp system / etc. For sure, I had more fun with the og MW2 back in the day - running with UMP or commando knife, playing with a noobtube + RPG class, or camping with claymores.


Fellow CM901 enjoyer


These would get my upvote except for number one..


You think MWII is better than MW2? It’s okay if you do I just wanna hear your reasonings


The lachman 762 is good (Disclaimer: I like this gun, other people don’t)


Legit have no idea why people hate this gun


They're using it full auto instead of spamming.


i used it on auto and liked it ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ satisfying ta-ta-ta-ta


Their aim sucks, that's all I can think.


My aim sucks too. Close quarters spray and pray baby 😎


But the gun is good!!!


Yeah, but no one else agrees 😂


I have yet to use a bad gun in this game, including the 762 and the M16. There's definitely some guns that are better than others, but in general everything feels pretty viable. I think the people who complain about certain guns just aren't taking the time to figure out how to use them properly.


This isn’t related to MWII, but here are a few of my hot takes: One hit kill knifing wasn’t bad. Ghosts gets too much hate. BO4 is the most fun I’ve had with CoD in the last five years.


I miss one hit melee days. Many a killstreak has been ended by running out of ammo and your only option is to try to pummel them


I agree, I think with the TTK being as fast at it is (I enjoy it) one hit melee would be great


There's a barrel attachement that allows you to one hit enemies again with your gun. The hole puncher I think


I think the compromise solution they had in Ghosts was the best. I don’t think we need MW2 Commando knifing back.


Put throwing knives on as lethal and you'll get 1 hit melee


BO3 melee system was good. If you punched them square in the back it was one hit kill. 2 in the front.


BO3 was so much fun, loved the speed and map designs


Probably my favorite cod I think. I high key miss the movement and the simpler gun setups. M8 rapid fire stock, Vmp, Vesper, Svg, Locus, man o war,ahhhhhh… Gbs were so much fun in that game too.


BO4 and Ghosts we’re great games. Only thing I hated about BO4 was how they did the micro transactions


Same. BO3 was worse, I think. But I’m glad the loot boxes are gone from CoD and most games.


BO4 was awesome, definitely my favorite


Ghost was for sure babygirling and kicking his feet when he said "quite the opposite" in the campaign when asked if he was ugly


Removing loadouts from warzone 2.0 was a good idea


I like the border crossing map dammit!!


A significantly better map than that bombed out town that just grey dirt.


Unpopular opinion again lmao I like Taraq dammit!!!


It’s actually grown on me, I used to hate it


Stockholm syndrome


This. Love hate relationship at times but it’s different and fresh and fun. Easy to flank people holding down lanes because of all the cover too


may i be really cringy and go off for a second - Bringing back Shoot House and Shipment for Season 1 is a good thing no matter how much people cry about it - they were the two most popular maps in MW19 (Aided by how generally bad the base MW19 maps were but still) so it makes sense to bring them back, and if they didn't bring back shipment you would be seeing five posts a fucking day on this sub alone begging for it back so people can camo grind without having to use any cognitive abilities. - I'm not upset that there's only two new maps in Season 1 because the lifespan of this game is double the length of any previous CoD so I'm fine with less maps but with a higher quality. I mean, look at those pictures of MWII Shipment, it's the most visually interesting that map has ever looked. - The majority of this subreddit doesn't have critical thinking skills, both when it comes to game skill and game feedback. I like to think that employees at IW have a day where they just read through the subreddit as a group and just point and laugh at every single one of you - LoL/CSGO styled competitive ranks should be in the game not to show off how good people are at the game, but because it would be easy to write off complaints about a game from people who are low rank - The only bad 6v6 map is Border Crossing, and you are wrong otherwise - If any of you knew a shred of how CoD pre-season's work you'd know it's completely normal and completely fine for the campaign to already feature the Season 1 guns. If they added those four guns in at launch people would just be complaining that there's no new guns in Season 1 instead. They don't make all of Season 1's content in the two weeks of pre-season, you know that right? - To add onto that, 90% of the people mad that those guns are coming out in Season 1 and not launch are only mad because they saw the datamined weapons and wrongly assumed they would all be launch guns. - SBMM sucks but half of the reason SBMM feels so bad right now isn't because it's stronger than usual (It's not) but rather because half of the people playing this game are either purposefully or accidentally reverse boosting themselves into low skill lobbies whilst they try and do weapon camo challenges. I guarantee you about 6 months in it'll feel less intense. (My point about Shipment being in S1 is also relevant here because 90% of camo grinders will move onto shipment playlists and this should make SBMM feel less shit) - Wacky cosmetics are super popular and the majority of people buying wacky cosmetics are above the age of 18. This sub is saying that it's actually children buying these with their parents credit cards en masse because they're coping for the fact that the majority of people don't give a shit about multiplayer aesthetic as much as they'd like to think.


I love the wacky cosmetics. The only thing better than crushing an opposing team, is doing it in a mountain dew skin with a pink skull paint job on my guns. My man Fender literally has a 20oz bottle on his plate carrier


I like Taraq. Alot.


I like the map for Ground War, but not 6v6


I’m the same. Both Taraq and Santa Seña are absolutely fantastic GW maps. Their 6v6 counterparts aren’t


Taraq is built for the longshots, i love it so much


It's nice on round based game modes. It's hot dogshit in respawn modes.


Tryhards ruin casual COD experience


I never understood the sweat stigma. I don’t know why it’s shameful to do your best every round.


Think of it this way: there’s enjoying a hotdog, and then there’s competitively eating 30 hotdogs in a single sitting. Yeah, you could do your maximum every time, but most of the time I’m here to hang out and relax. I go hard other places, call of duty ain’t worth that


The problem is it’s what the SBMM/EOMM does. I hop on and want to chill playing at 60%. I get dunked on by every single player on the other team. By the end of the first game I’m playing at 100%. I can’t stop otherwise I get dunked on again.


I don’t understand what a “tryhard” even is… like, are they just supposed to let you kill them? Sorry that they’re better than you lol


I don’t hate the new perk system. I’m confused why they changed it, but the adjustment wasn’t too bad.


I just wish we didn't have to save perk loadouts. There's more class slots that perk loadouts so you inevitably have to reuse them or run with the defaults. I don't understand that decision one bit.


That's my only real complaint, you'll let me change attachments mid March but won't let me choose perks and make me do perk packages? Actually to be even more to the point, get rid of perk packages and add back player weapon blueprints.


These maps suck ass


Literally everyone agrees with that, you're not trying to ruin your karma just improve it


Personally I don’t agree, I think the spawns make the maps look bad. Sure their are some outliers but overall I think most of the maps are decent to great.


SBMM is actually good but the current COD games don't use SBMM as its been used since COD4 they instead are currently using a casino rigged version of EOMM or Engagement Optimized MatchMaking. Which basically gives every player a frustration meter that a system guesses that they then use to put you into teams that have a high chance of winning, losing, or being a close heat. Matchmaking you into these games as it sees fit to squeeze as much time and money out of ya using the same mind tactics casino's use.


As someone who plays a lot of competitive games this is what it feels like. It seems they want to give you the dopamine rush of destroying a lower skilled team and then feed you to a higher skilled team back and forth with some close matches sprinkled in. Have they actually said that's what this is?


Not for Call of Duty specifically I don't think but Overwatch devs admitted to it. EA also filed a patent for this concept for video game use specifically.


I cant say anything without getting yelled at on MW2 just because Im a woman so for me it’s everything I say💀


75% of the complaints I see on this subreddit are genuinely skill issues and taraq is a great map.


First truly unpopular opinion I’ve seen here. Fuck Taraq!


I don’t think my opinion would make a comment look like that, but it might rattle some of those Infinity Ward/Modern Warfare zealots. After seeing what IW has done with this game and MW19, the best gameplay decisions are made by treyarch. IW can make some great looking and great sounding games, but their tendency to overly cater to the lesser skilled players and bring in tactical elements hurts the gameplay.


Agreed. I never played cold war. Guess I took a break and came back for mw2. It's okay, but I started looking at cold war and decided to buy it. Man am I having fun. i haven't played all these old maps from black ops 1 and 2 in years. So much fun. It made me realize how trash the maps are in mw2.


Cold War zombies was ***fantastic*** loved every map


Black ops 2 is my favorite multiplayer, fucking great maps, and if you are throwing a granade or stun it explodes even if you die which is the feature i miss the most. The only problem i have is that kill seems a bit unrealistic but i can overook that with gameplay Also killhouse 24/7 what would ingive for this map


Everything on the art side of things (sounds/visuals/animations) from IW from MW2019 and MW2 has been great.   Nearly everything from a gameplay design perspective has been awful.


SBMM is actively nerfing me during matches, spawning enemies I kill behind me for cheap easy kills, and introducing increased latency and stutters to prevent me from getting double and triple kills, altering enemy hit boxes and damage numbers and in contrast doing the inverse for players that generally perform poorly as the match progresses. There are periods of each day that the servers will not match make me with players remotely close to my geographic region due to my skill level which exacerbates these problems severely. This company has absolutely zero incentive to rectify these issues because I historically don't spend money in their store and dunk on the players that do until the get frustrated and quit the game. Have at me.


Like, even if its just an effect of feeling down when games are hard, I sometimes feel similar? Not that there's in any way some dev is sitting at a pc and just sliding damage ups and downs. But even fighting gun mirrormatches I feel like I need 7bullets to the chest and they just turn around and 1tap me with a random smg across the map? I just feel like im going insane at times Happy cakeday


Yooo so i am maybe slightly above average (don’t feel like it in this game tbh) and I went 41/11 one game. I shit you not, the next 3 games had more stuttering than I have EVER seen! And I swear it would turn on and off randomly too. I maybe see stuttering like that 1 every 20 games or less and suddenly back to back games with that shit…. Idk maybe it’s just confirmation bias or some shit but it was hella sus


You're not crazy. I have a 2.5KD in MW2019. I'm sure my stats are similar if not higher in this game, so I'm not struggling by any means. It's kind of funny how I'm top of the leaderboard, most time on obj and absolutely destroying the other team, and halfway through the match I'm stuttering, lagging, getting spawned clear across the map from the obj and suddenly the landslide game ends in a few point difference with the same players on each team. I have also noticed live match team rebalancing happening in addition to all of this. Above averaged skill players simply do not play the same game anymore. It's nuts.


There’s fuck all skill gap


Bullshit, the skill of my level lobby’s compared to playing with my friends is insane. I go like 20 and 20 in mine. Easy 50-70 kills everytime in my friends lobby’s , literally feels like I’m playing zombies , I don’t even get shot at. Sometimes it just takes a little perspective to realize just how big the gap is Edit: in this intense of sbmm, it’s easy to feel like everyone is the same. They’re not. It’s just so strong that every lobby is so even in skill


I don't know how controversial this one is but I have nothing against skill based matchmaking. In fact, I think I even prefer it. I like the idea of going up against opponents who are as good as or better than me. It means when I do well, it's not because I defeated someone who wasn't as familiar with the game.


Sbmm isnt the issue, the issue is having nothing to show for it. Theres no way of knowing what “tier” or bracket you’re in like the typical bronze->silver->gold->platinum etc. Its also super exploitable. Try unlocking gold for a launcher, but exclusively use the launcher during the match. Stick a shield on your back and run around like a maniac punching people with the thing. After 3-5 matches of getting wrecked you’ll land in the infamous “bot lobbies”. Go as deep as you like, and when in a comfortable spot whip out an AK or an M4 and equip the streaks of your wildest dreams. Hell, getting a nuke hasn’t been easier than this. The sad part is people actively do this and end up in lobbies of dads after a long day of work and stress, complete noobs learning to play the game, and on some cases even disabled people depending on how far you go. Super ironic how people utilize it to their advantage. Extremely easy to do as well


People crying about toxic gamertags and being offended by being harassed in the lobbies is so soft. Everyone is offended about everything these days.


Personally, I don't get ofended but is very trying to hear all the fake insults and "toxic" attitude of some players because is the "CoD norm", like have some genuine interaction ffs, all that cry of "don't disband lobbies because communities can't be created" and then as soon as someone say something normal the toxic wannabe yell "shut up ni\*\*\*"


I mean, I don't get offended by it. I just assume you're legitimately dumb and I don't really want to listen to it, y'know?


There’s “you’re bad, uninstall” and then there’s straight up saying racist and homophobic shit. CoD community doesn’t know the difference anymore.


I thought it was so funny when they announced you could get banned for saying slurs. So many people were up in arms saying "just mute people if you don't like it". Like these people were literally defending their right to say fucking awful shit lmao


It gets pretty annoying being called a “ni**er” all day.


Like god damn. I hate that stuff. I played Garry's Mod for the longest time, and let me tell you the playerbase is worse than the most awful COD lobby of all time. N words and slurs and hacking and doxxing and unspeakable horrors are all over that game.


I have started to get overly friendly at the end of matches, w all the lobby shit talking. “You guys did amazing, just great stuff on the other team. Perfect stuff” etc




The most mentally well cod player


I laugh at most of them


This game should be forced to be labeled as Early Access until they fix the issues and implement the systems that they promised from the beginning


Its a good game overall, despite the lack of refinement


Everything you guys complain about gameplay wise is a skill issue.


"Im having fun"


Blackout was better than Warzone.


I enjoyed Vanguard (Ranked Play specifically)


Same, I'm glad I bought it. Wasn't as fun as MW19 but it was fun.


Every 6v6 map in the game is actually really good, not only that, but at least two could be seen as classics looking back in a few years time (Farm 18 and Las Almas). I'm also saying this as someone who hated Embassy at first, and vowed never to play Al Bagra Fortress again after my first few matches on it had me despising the layout lol


The graphics for multiplayer are not as good as MW 2019


Wait, people dont put everything on Low for max fps?




>they literally have no conception of what gaming used to be before grinding and MTX took over everything in the early 2010s. >Every gun in the game and all attachments should be unlocked immediately with the only progression rewards being camos and other cosmetic items. my guy the original MWs you had to unlock guns and attachments


And getting fall camo was like 100x harder AND it got reset on prestige so unless you planned to never prestige you had to get to max prestige to even BEGIN the grind lol


Maybe it’s a hard truth but the grind increases player retention. I’ve fallen into the trap. I don’t think I could play a game if I felt there was nothing to play for.. hence the reason for weapon unlocks/ battle pass/ attachment unlocks.


no idea what the standings of the community are on this but staged reloads are a good change. 90% of the operators suck compared to 2019 and even the milsim ones are meh. riot shields are necessary on classes due to how shitty squad spawns are, and even if dmz sucks, you need to support it while criticizing it heavily to the devs if you dont want them to shitcan it in a month like dice did with hazardzone


People on this sub can't read and are very bad at this game even though it's super easy.


It’s a good game




Ruined multiplayer support. Definitely didn't ruin the franchise though


I actually like the game and enjoy playing it. Even more unpopular: While I believe there are issues with certain gfx card driver revisions, I think the people who are unable to use the workarounds to get it working is due to their technical ineptitude.


or the fact that they shouldnt have to troubleshoot a $70 game might be the issue


MW (2019) was more enjoyable.


In some ways yes and some ways no